Overwhelmed and intimidated by the choice of guides and study material

2024.11.25 22:20 SwissTurkNerd Overwhelmed and intimidated by the choice of guides and study material

I was wondering what material I should use to prepare for the GRE at a test center.
I stumbled upon Magoosh which I have been using for a week and used it mainly for the vocabulary so far. Unfortunately my voucher code for the GRE mentor prep course is faulty and it takes forever for support to provide me access to that one...
Being rusty but fairly confident in the quant section, lacking in verbal but also being a good analytical writer...
What study material would you recommend? To what should I stick from start to finish?
Should I swap to gregmat? I used the Magoosh website for free and I now mull over subscribing to premium...
Also, what official ETS documents are really worth it? I heard the general prep course isnt so good after all.
I really need some confidence on what I use is really gonna give me the results I need. Help is greatly appriciated!
submitted by SwissTurkNerd to GRE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 SkiME80 Thank you Sam!

There have been so many recipes I use of yours and it has helped develop my cooking confidence
submitted by SkiME80 to samthecookingguy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 mak766 My cats chin got really big

I have multiple cats and this has never happened before and IDK what to do. her chin got really big and it was never like this before she could have been smacked by one of the other cats but I didn't see anything. Idk what to do should I take her to the vet or does it go away on its own?
submitted by mak766 to vet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 ArtisticEffective153 Why does jack feel entitled?

I understand he's just a terrible character (at least where I am) so there's no explanation. Why does he feel entitled to Bass Industries? Isn't Chuck's family new money? Isn't bart a self made billionaire? It's not like bass industries had been in the family forever and Jack was the second son.
Spoilers allowed. I seen it all before and in the middle of season 3 for my rewatch. I do remember jack being at the criminal on the run wedding but I don't remember how he redeems himself to get a spot there.
submitted by ArtisticEffective153 to GossipGirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 VariousScenes Getting my first ultrawide, any recommendations?

Hi everyone,
so I have been using a dual monitor setup for a while now, recently I really started to like the idea of having a single ultrawide monitor due to multiple problems I'm having with the current setup that I won't get into.
I would like to hear some recommendations you guys have, my wishes below:

  1. I would like it to be curved
  2. I do play games (no need for anything over 144hz), but I would mostly use it for work, I need 2 separate windows open at all times, but preferably I would want to be able to have 3
  3. I would like it to not be huge, for example like that LG 49" gaming ultrawide one for 1200 euros that everyone always talks about
  4. My target price is around 400-700 euros
Thank you all in advance
submitted by VariousScenes to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Bush_Mm We are still waiting

We are still waiting When do you think he will be released?
submitted by Bush_Mm to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 goodbyesindisguise Calendar Suggestions - December 2024

It’s been such a great year for pop music, and there is lots to anticipate in 2025… but first let’s see what projects are rounding out the year!
I will post the dates for each Friday of the month, and underneath you can comment the name of the artist and the name of the project that is being released that week.
Please feel free to include artists both big and small that you think the community would be interested in. While they may not all make the calendar, this is a great resource to discover some new artists!
submitted by goodbyesindisguise to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 velvetarianna Her eyes are what I love the most

Her eyes are what I love the most submitted by velvetarianna to DisneyEyes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 tedroper Seems as if this belongs here!

Seems as if this belongs here! submitted by tedroper to HeyRiddleRiddle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 blacksheeptrp8 Couch Cover/Recliner Cover

I need essentially a mattress cover but for a couch and recliner. To keep bed bugs away & let them Starve.
submitted by blacksheeptrp8 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Frannles 1:1 trade for Gold Stickers

1:1 trade for Gold Stickers submitted by Frannles to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 FathersFolly Cyberverse wins! Coming SOON™ to Ronin Network

submitted by FathersFolly to ergonauts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Important-Yam-9149 I didn’t know pikachu is flying Pokémon

I didn’t know pikachu is flying Pokémon submitted by Important-Yam-9149 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 pennyroyal_in_bloom Boyfriend won’t stop doing the thing triggering my OCD

Hey so I’m very newly diagnosed with OCD. I don’t know what type I have yet and I’m starting intensive therapy very soon so please forgive me if I don’t know all of the terminology yet, I’m still learning lol. So my biggest thing is weed. I’m terrified of it and most of my compulsions revolve around weed and the fear of accidentally getting high. My boyfriend is a very heavy smoker. We’ve been together for 5 years and he’s smoked the whole time and it never bothered me until my compulsions started a few months ago. I’ve been very open with him about everything and he knows how intensely this whole thing impacts me. However, he still smokes around me, is high around me, brings it into my room (we live together at my parents house), and just seems to genuinely not care. I feel bad asking him to stop smoking because I’ve never had an issue with it before now so it feels unfair to him. But I genuinely can’t function many days because I’m worried everything around me is contaminated in some way. I’m not really sure what to do. We’ve had conversations unrelated to OCD in the past and he made it very clear he would never stop smoking if I asked him to. I’m just at a loss and have no idea what to do or how to cope with being around my trigger constantly.
submitted by pennyroyal_in_bloom to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Little_Indication805 STAR-BTN6-6DNX for 5,000 UEC

https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-BTN6-6DNX enlist now.
Thank You for using my code :)
submitted by Little_Indication805 to StarCitizenFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 BuffaloesFill $PEPE being canonized into Robinhood. What a glorious day that was. 🐸🚀

$PEPE being canonized into Robinhood. What a glorious day that was. 🐸🚀 submitted by BuffaloesFill to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 WaleyT 19M looking for someone to talk w

Hey so to know a few things Abt me, I'm french Moroccan, I'm from France.
What r my hobbies ? Well it's kinda hard to say lmaoo, I'm the kind of person who never really knew much Abt their hobbies. But I'm into a few things : music, I love RnB, pop, especially from the 2000s, I'm into working out, but nothing really serious I'm still a twink lmao, drawing but it depends of phase I'm going through, a lot of shows, especially when it's dramatic.
I'm not looking for someone who necessarily has the same hobbies as me, I'm just looking for someone to vibe w, I'm a good listener so don't hesitate.
submitted by WaleyT to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Livid_Panda1030 Ranking the Songs on Kendrick Lamar's Newest Album 'GNX'

Ranking the Songs on Kendrick Lamar's Newest Album 'GNX' submitted by Livid_Panda1030 to MusicNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Riendum121 My first ever backboard pass!

My first ever backboard pass! No problem.
submitted by Riendum121 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 One-Tie9007 Tiny screen in sink faucet - what’s it called?

This came out of the nozzle of my Delta gooseneck/hose faucet. I want to try replacing it, to increase flow rate. What is it called? Thank you.
submitted by One-Tie9007 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 AngryTXA_ How do you guys figure out about stocks that are about to take off?

New trader here
submitted by AngryTXA_ to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 gandalfmarston Você sai ou já saiu com acompanhante/GP?

Eu estava em uma relação a 5 anos que acabou do dia pra noite, provavelmente o Ricardão da academia conquistou ela.
Nossa vida sexual era muito ativa e muito boa e de certa forma isso me fez ficar viciado em sexo, porém, o nosso término foi há 1 mês e meio e sinceramente estou conseguindo não sentir vontade de praticar o ato do coito, estou indo bem até, focando em mim, no trabalho etc.
Mas, conversando com um amigo que é solteiro desde que me conheço por gente, ele vive saindo com acompanhante.
Eu nunca tive coragem, acho estranho transar por transar, ao mesmo tempo tenho curiosidade e medo de me arrepender.
Vocês já saíram ou costumam sair? É realmente bom ou você se sente um merda depois
submitted by gandalfmarston to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Accomplished-Back659 The pump imminent, patience will pay !!!

submitted by Accomplished-Back659 to MiLadymemecoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 yoooooomyslimeeeee Can someone explain duvys case

Hes one of my favourite rappers im not from canada so idk. Did he actually catch that M on his friend?
submitted by yoooooomyslimeeeee to Torontology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 RHA1989 Maybe not even a fungus? Does anyone have any ideas?

submitted by RHA1989 to whatisthismushroom [link] [comments]
