Să începem lupta pe câmpul de luptă Tik Tok

2024.11.25 22:41 CastraveciorMurat Să începem lupta pe câmpul de luptă Tik Tok

Frați și surori, fiice și fii al acestor pământuri străbune! Ne aflăm la răscrucea istoriei, într-un moment în care destinul nostru se aseamănă cu o furtună ce amenință să ne înghită. Un monstru, întunecat și fără chip, ne-a otrăvit mințile și ne-a insidiat sufletele. Cu viclenie și cruzime, a semănat discordie printre noi, transformându-ne pe unii dintre noi în umbre ale a ceea ce am fost cândva. Însă, în mijlocul acestui întuneric, încă mai pâlpâie o scânteie de speranță, o flacără care refuză să se stingă. Suntem noi, cei adunați aici, cei care am ales să rămânem fideli propriei conștiințe, cei care am refuzat să ne îngenunchem în fața tiraniei, cea care folosește dreptul nostru la libera gândire și exprimare ca pe o armă.
Am văzut cum unii dintre ai noștri au căzut pradă otrăvurilor monstrului. Am văzut cum frați s-au întors unii împotriva altora, iar vecini și-au înfipt cuțitele în spate. Dar durerea acestei trădări nu ne poate îndepărta de calea noastră. Dimpotrivă, ne întărește hotărârea de a lupta pentru o lume mai bună, o lume în care valorile noastre să triumfe.
Îmi amintesc de cuvintele lui Winston Churchill, atunci când țara sa era la un pas de prăpastie: „Vom lupta pe plaje, vom lupta pe terenurile de aterizare, vom lupta pe câmpuri și în munți; ne vom apăra cu toată puterea și cu toată ura pe care o putem mobiliza împotriva barbăriei brutale, care a revenit peste mai puțin de un secol.”
Și noi, la rândul nostru, vom lupta! Vom lupta pentru libertatea noastră, pentru demnitatea noastră, pentru viitorul copiilor noștri. Această luptă nu este doar pentru supraviețuire, ci pentru renaștere. Este o luptă pentru a ne recâștiga identitatea și pentru a construi o societate mai bună, mai dreaptă și mai umană. Așadar, ridicați-vă, frați și surori! Strângeți-vă pumnul și uniți-vă vocile! Lăsați istoria să-și amintească de noi ca fiind cei care au stat în fața întunericului și au adus lumina.
Join armataneagra
submitted by CastraveciorMurat to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 SadConstant649 Please make me cum on my sister and my friends, censor or edit them or just talk about them 0553b7fdc826f3f3e645d2af87fef93fa8b92d6f492a9e8ecdfdad3a16d25cc517

submitted by SadConstant649 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Admirable-Buy-7313 After lot of rejection got an offer but still not sure about it :(

Hi everyone, I recently received an offer from Oracle CSS GSC for the position of Associate Consultant/Cloud Analyst (ERP). CTC: 9.34 LPA
I have a few doubts that I’d like to get clarified:

  1. Will I be working only on cloud-related tasks, / is it more of a support/call-based job?
  2. By any chance I would be doing dev work in this role
  3. How difficult is it to switch from a consultant role to an SDE/SWE role in the future?
  4. Many of my friends got both an internship + full-time offer, but I directly got a full-time offer. Should I be concerned about this?
I hope someone reply and clear my doubts.
submitted by Admirable-Buy-7313 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 GloomyExtension2873 Task Scheduler for Windows 10: When in running status the command works, when in ready status it does not

Why does it change from running to ready then not work?
I am trying to run a task after I wake the computer from sleep, the script I added works fine at first when changing to running. But after a day or two it will change back to ready, which for some reason it does not work. How do I keep it working from now on?
submitted by GloomyExtension2873 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 DreamPirates Kriti Sanon Indian Actress #KritiSanon

Kriti Sanon Indian Actress #KritiSanon submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 wibdyk Almost 2 months in of Job Search, I’ve applied to 100+ jobs and have had 7 interviews over this time. Waiting to hear back from 2. Is this good? How do I increase my chances?

submitted by wibdyk to GetEmployed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Atzastro My FPS is fluctuating

It happened suddenly and I don't know what to do
submitted by Atzastro to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 TheRaiderSmoke MF is recommending like 3300cal for me, but I'm trying to lose weight...

So, MF is recommending I intake 3,300calories, but I'm trying to lose weight. I'm actually even on Tirzepatide, so I'm definitely eating a lot less than that. Should I still use the app? I'm way out of my depth here.
submitted by TheRaiderSmoke to MacroFactor [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Agusstinsito need help with stuttering :(

im having problems with gta 4 complete edition, it stutters like crazy it doesnt matter if i have my settings in low or in high it still stutters, i think it is something about how the game renders because when i walk in a straight lane it doesnt stutter at all.
i installed dxvk to see if it could fix it but it didnt, also tried some things i saw in youtube but nothing seems to fix that problem.
can anyone help me?
submitted by Agusstinsito to GTAIV [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」noogenesisの意味について

哲学noogenesisは、「 (ピエール・テイヤール・ド・シャルダンの思想において) 進化の第 4 段階で、内省的思考 (ノウアスフィア) が人間と共に世界に入る」が定義されています」が定義されています。 読み方はˌnəʊəʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs です。豊富..
詳細はこちらへアクセスしてください: https://eigo-bunpou.com/noogenesis/
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 danib_127 Tiffani Thiessen, 50

submitted by danib_127 to PrettyOlderWomen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Effective-Rain-2598 I (29 F) have a very strong physical attraction to my coworker (51 M)

I’ve been working at the same company for a little over three years now. I have a coworker who is really attractive. A good amount of my coworkers feel the same way. He mainly spends time with me when he’s in the office, and we chat back-and-forth through teams when he’s working from home. He has driven me home multiple times after work events, and sometimes medical emergencies that I’ve had. Recently, I had a very explicit dream about him, and I’m not sure if I should even tell him. We have a very open friendship, and we are very close. However, he is married, and I don’t want to be one of those people that comes between two other people. I also don’t want to ruin our friendship because we are both still very important to each other as friends. Should I just keep this to myself?
submitted by Effective-Rain-2598 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 goddess_peytony Who is eager to please me today?

Who is eager to please me today? Come over here and show me how weak and dumb you are for my perfect huge milkers
submitted by goddess_peytony to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Gyxis (Forgot to post this last week) Reached #1 US on Charlie!!

(Forgot to post this last week) Reached #1 US on Charlie!! submitted by Gyxis to CharlieSimps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Biggestboi47 What are some of YOUR update ideas??

One of mine is neon toys, pet wear, stickers, wings, and vehicles. It would add more value to the game and you wouldn't need to age them, just try to get them or trade for them. Like, imagine having a neon ssbd backpack or a mega neon animated bat dragon sticker or a mega neon rainbow rattle.
submitted by Biggestboi47 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Sufficient_Ad_2422 X-15 lab key

Does anyone know where or how to get the key to unlock the supple room door at the end of the lab facility with the exo suit inside of it
submitted by Sufficient_Ad_2422 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 rockstock7 Is my home treated 2nd degree (maybe 3rd?) wound healing well? Do I need to go to the hospital for a skin graft, or is my method of treatment sufficient to heal?

Hello docs,
I got a 2nd (maybe 3rd) degree burn on my hand due to a grease fire about 2 weeks ago. Didn't go to the hospital and decided to treat it at home unless it gets any worse. I'm a male, 30, 135lbs, no meds/smoking/medical history.
When I first got burned, I ran it under tap water for about 15 min, then immediately put aloe gel over it, covered with a non-adhesive pads, and wrapped with stretch gauze wrap. I'd wash my hands with non scented bar soap and change the dressing, aloe cream, and wrap once a day.
I'm currently in my 2nd week of healing and I noticed that the burned skin was very loose, which tore on its own. I've since debrided the rest of the skin using sanitized forceps and scissors. Now that the raw skin is exposed, I put neosporin burn cream on it, topped off with petroleum jelly, and covered with antibacterial non stick pads (change dressing 1x a day).
I don't think it is at risk for infection given how well I've been taking care of it, however I am now wondering if I need a skin graft or something to heal (read online somewhere--it just got in my head). Or, if how I've been treating it is fine as is. Please let me know and thank you!
Day 0: https://imgur.com/a/soUVfCQ
Day 7: https://imgur.com/a/9EszI1M
Day 14: https://imgur.com/a/79JTzqD
submitted by rockstock7 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Regular-Election-205 Need/Have

submitted by Regular-Election-205 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 lingobinch1 Work life balance? Social sciences/humanities specific

I'm applying to political science and related programs for a PhD and I'm just curious to see how many hours a week I could expect to dedicate to studies/research/teaching and all PhD lifestyle related work. Is it comparable to the average 40 work week?
submitted by lingobinch1 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Moistmeatmoaf Dagger stabbing a gnoll @ California electric tattoo by Thad ritchy

Dagger stabbing a gnoll @ California electric tattoo by Thad ritchy submitted by Moistmeatmoaf to traditionaltattoos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 kiwithread Scared i ruined my social life.

i'm a senior in high school and i cut off basically all my friends. i was tired of constantly being disrespected and being treated badly. where should i go from here? i feel like the rest of my year will be lonely, although im a social person i doubt ill find real friends to hang out with outside of school for a while. at lunch i just go to a teachers classroom. should i go back and just tolerate them for the rest of the year? i don't know anymore :( maybe this period of lonliness will turn into growth
submitted by kiwithread to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Hedgehoglover136 hey guys you reached the no post

if yoU need help and ask I'll say no what did you expect
submitted by Hedgehoglover136 to no [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 HedgehogNamedSonic [Amazon] Camera Obscura - Look to the East, Look to the West - $12.39 (after $6.20 coupon)

Camera Obscura - Look to the East, Look to the West - $12.39 (after $6.20 coupon) | Direct
submitted by HedgehogNamedSonic to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Fantastic-Garage-181 Do you think my semen is unusual?

I’m concerned about it’s thickness it seems watery and transparent in a place and white in another place do you think i need to be concerned?
submitted by Fantastic-Garage-181 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 yoshi_pa Blackwater in Minecraft

Blackwater in Minecraft submitted by yoshi_pa to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]
