2024.11.26 00:52 Strict_Ambassador_59 Does FF7 get less stale?
I'm at the part where jessie dies in chapter 12 but the whole game feels really stale. I did come into the game with some things spoiled so maybe thats why. I know that aerith gets killed by sephiroth, sephiroth and cloud are like war buddies or something, aerith likes cloud because cloud is acting like zach and I know that he gets killed in the prequel at the end. I know that sephiroth is cloned or something? This one I can't remember much because I only saw a part of the spoiler. But even without all of that the entire game feels stale story wise. Theres no real goal I feel like im working towards and that every chapter is happening because of some bs. I went into the game expecting a really strong story but it feels like all its been is, "avalanche bombs reactor one, get resources for next bomb, bomb reactor 5," and the rest just feels like cloud trying to come back to avalanche. Im enjoying it but im forcing myself to get past chapter 12 because maybe the last 4 chapters have been a really shitty part of the game besides from aerith.
The gameplay isn't really there either I've gotten past most fights without any real difficulty or honestly any reason to swap characters besides to heal or use aerith's spells because cloud just does it all. One boss I really enjoyed was Hellhouse because of just how creative the fight, design, and gimmicks were, but besides him and the SOLDIER fights nothing has been a lot of fun. Overall the combat loop gets really stale.
By stale I mean theres no big climax or goal to the game like other story games: MGS, Ghost of Tsushima, Zelda, God of War etc. The characters are kinda boring besides barrett and aerith and I barely get to interact with one of them. Cloud is getting his character development but tifa Does the game ever get to a point where there is a goal, and a climax to it? Because how the story is progressing right now I don't feel like continuing it.
The music and villains are amazing though. Reno and Rude are really cool, of course Sephiroth is dope but you barely get to see him. Roche was really cool even though he wasn't in the story much but his 2 appearances were amazing.
PS: I've never played a FF game, and my usual type of story game are like the ones I listed. Also this is my first traditional JRPG.
submitted by Strict_Ambassador_59 to FinalFantasyVII [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 United-Trainer7931 Is the scoreboard bugged, or are my teammates consistently getting 0 kills in plunder EVERY match?
I play a good amount of plunder, and I am extremely lucky if a single one of my teammates gets 5 kills. The rest consistently get 0 kills and just do scavenger bounties. Is the scoreboard bugged or is this actually how people play?
submitted by United-Trainer7931 to Warzone [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Sea_Bag8251 best duo?
submitted by Sea_Bag8251 to vscosloots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Asleep_Cattle_6457 Serene cute ☺️
submitted by Asleep_Cattle_6457 to HesriGirls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Any-Evening3041 Ist meine Freundin eifersüchtig auf die Aufmerksamkeit, die ich bekomme?
Hallo. Ich habe vor einigen jahren jemanden aus discord kennengelernt, freundschaftlich, sind beide weiblich und wir sind dann online besties geworden. wir haben die gleiche energie und verstehen uns auch sehr gut. Mir ist nur etwas aufgefallen, wo ich so dachte, dass sie oft eifersüchtig auf mich ist wenn ich mehr aufmerksamkeit bekomme als sie.
Jedesmal wenn ich in dem server mehr aufmerksamkeit im chat bekomme macht sie fragwürdige kommentare wie: „Ganze aufmerksamkeit auf dir keiner beachtet mich“. Sie lacht dabei und belustigt es, um vielleicht ihre innere eifersucht zu verstecken. Der admin von dem server hat mir auch nitro geschenkt (das ist sowas wie nen abo mit geld womit man mehr optionen hat) und er ist mir dann auch gefolgt. aufeinmal hat sie ihn auch zugespammed und getagged und wollte auch aufmerksamkeit von ihm. eine andere person hat auch aus spaß mit mir geflirtet und sie schrieb mir vor einigen tagen „er hat auch mir geschrieben er flirtet irgendwie mit mir, er betrügt dich haha“. sie folgt auch einem guten freund von mir auf insta und hat ihn auch vollgespammed mit „wir sind jetzt besties ich bin genau so wie mein name aber nur in besser“ - er ist generell ein schlechter texter und hat sie auch ignoriert. bis heute folgt er ihr nicht mal zurück. ich finde das folgen auch tatsächlich etwas komisch, weil sie NULL bezug zu meinem freund hat und er sie nicht mal kennt. ich habe dann daraus geschlossen, dass sie eifersüchtig ist, wenn ich mehr aufmerksamkeit bekomme als sie. würdet ihr auch so denken wie ich?
natürlich heule ich mich jetzt nicht nur auf reddit aus sondern habe ihr in einer langen sprachnachricht all diese ganzen dinge erwähnt, schauen wir mal was sie antwortet. wie würdet ihr damit umgehen, wenn sie es zugibt? ich würde mich tatsächlich etwas komisch und distanziert fühlen. klar eifersucht ist ein normales gefühl, jeder ist mal eifersüchtig auf etwas, aber es bei einer guten freundin so auszuleben und es ihr schließlich nicht zu gönnen ist komisch.
bitte sagt nix zu meiner schreibart ich schreibe halt gerne klein und setze viele kommata ein. 😂
submitted by Any-Evening3041 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Extreme_Disk_1483 2 years and I still miss him
So it’s been two years since we broke up. He was my high school sweetheart, we were together for almost 6 years but after getting into our 2nd year of uni I told him that I needed a break to think about our relationship.
I was in a not so happy place and wanted some space to rethink my decisions. He was kind and so loving, but I felt like I couldn’t give him what he deserved. I have been always insecure of my body and this affected our intimate life considerably. It also brought us a bunch of dumb fights, which was the reason I thought I wasn’t good enough and that he could be happier with another person.
We agreed on having a break of one month to think and to talk again on October 10th, 2022. After I did a bunch of thinking, I realized I really loved him and that I wanted to put all the effort to spend the rest of my life with him. So when the time came, he picked me up at school and we went to a cafe.
On the cafe we talked, and I told him I wanted to be with him. But then, he told me that after thinking a lot, he felt that we shouldn’t be together, at least not at the moment. He told me that he still loved and desired me, but that he felt that he was not able to give me what I deserved. It’s true that he was very busy and we lived like half an hour by car from one another (not that much, but neither of us had a car and in my city bus is no really an option). He wanted to give me more, but at the moment, he couldn’t.
I cried a lot and told him I just needed him, nothing more. But he told me he wouldn’t be happy by giving me the bare minimum. In the end (and to not make things any longer) we broke up. A month later, after I went to therapy, we talked a bit more calmly about everything and ended up as friends.
However, sometimes he still messaged me and sent me TikTok and stuff. We flirted a bit, he sometimes told me he wanted to kiss me by message, etc. This went on until May 7th, 2023, my birthday. That day he was a bit off, and I noticed because we had a reunion with our friends to celebrate the occasion. At the end of the day, he sent me a message that he thought I was not interested in him, but I told him I just wanted to get over him (it’s true that I had been a bit apathetic for that exact reason).
Our interactions stopped until later in the October 30th 2023, over a year from our break up. I went to a Halloween party and he was there. We both got a bit drunk and ended up kissing. We didn’t talk about it, and acted as if nothing happened, until December 26th 2023, on our Christmas reunion with some friends. We got drunk again, but just talked about how we thought a lot about that kiss and that we still shared that special connection from high school.
On February 2024 he was still flirting with me during friend reunions and we had a trip planned with those same friends on March that same year. I was excited, because I really liked him, and spending all day with him seemed like a dream. But the trip came and we almost didn’t even talked. He didn’t look to see me and almost ignored me. I was so heartbroken, but on May found out he had a girlfriend. Everything made sense. I blocked him everywhere and erased all our photos.
Later, on July, I saw him and his girlfriend all lovey dovey on a friend’s party. This broke my heart again, but made me realize we had no future together anymore. But then, on August I made a reunion because I was going abroad to Spain in about 10 days. That was the first time we really talked in a while and he asked me a bunch of things about my life, and I did as well. He told me he was feeling unsuccessful, but I told him the truth, that he was the most amazing man in the whole world and that anything he wanted to do, he could. I believed in him. He thanked me that night and (I don’t know if purposefully or not) hugged me a bunch of times and kissed me on the cheek twice.
I was so confused. Now that I’m abroad I miss him terribly. Idk if he’s still with his girlfriend, but even if I’m on the wrong, I yearn for him a lot. He was my best friend and my greatest love, and after 2 years of breakup, I really don’t know how to let go.
Sorry if this was long, just needed to let this go. Please give me some tips or your opinion on this, I’d really appreciate it to learn from anyone else to get over this, thanks 💗
submitted by Extreme_Disk_1483 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Tooma8_ Yes
submitted by Tooma8_ to Chaggie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Madao893 Dragon Quest IX DS real ?
submitted by Madao893 to gameverifying [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Mel_Morty Best Dating Apps for Sabahans
For genuine long-term relationship, not FWB or Scamming for money
Ada sesiapa buli suggest, yg mimang ada good success rate %
Yg kita2 Sabahans pernah pakai, based on own experiences atau kwn2 punya cerita dpt cari pasangan.
Utk kusai cari sumandak & vice versa, sumandak cari kusai.
Utk potential long-term relationship and partnership,
bukan utk FWB
atau yg sumandak pura2 mo jd gf pdhal utk scam dpt kena belanja & kna bg duit coz ada sdh sumandak2 Sabah mcm tu, sad but true.
Suggest2 lh ah, utk kwn2 yg msh mencari pasangan, coz bkn senang skrg dpt jumpa & chat2 d public, most ppl skrg just stare into their electronic devices sj.
submitted by Mel_Morty to Sabah [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Critical-Weakness-46 Purchasing
I just put a deposit on this girl, her mom is on the smaller side should I be worried? Her dad is huge though. She does come with CFA registration submitted by Critical-Weakness-46 to mainecoons [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 DoomAndGloomSince85 Worst place to work for.
Management is an absolute disaster. Very poorly trained. The higher Management holds the regular staff to a higher accountability than the current leadership they have who run their stores. Lack of proper training of management leads to improper training of staff. Leaving many associates confused and uncertain of what their actual job entails. Very little direction from keyholders. There is no actual store manager either. This location in regards to staff and management needs a complete overhaul. The company as a whole doesn't value good employees. To them you are replaceable. Well I hate to break it you sometimes that's not always true. Going forward I would make damn sure that when you let a regular associate go for an innocent offense that you also hold Management accountable for the same mistake as well. Otherwise your hypocrisy alone doesn't resolve the error in your processes. You're only putting a bandaid on the bigger issue. Your leadership isn't trained well enough to understand when they've fucked up and it costs someone their fucking job. Real genuine compassion here is an absolute lie. Yet that's something they tell you they embrace. Don't bother wasting your time here.
submitted by DoomAndGloomSince85 to FLMedicalTrees [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Rubix_Official63940 Balloonerism Senior Quote
Try to limit the references to drugs or swears, my school’s lame. I have so far picked out “If I can just pay my rent by Tuesday, I bet I’ll be rich by April Fools day” “Did no one ever teach you how to dance?… well everyone knows how to dance. There’s only so much time” and “Can you feel it? Vibrations”
submitted by Rubix_Official63940 to MacMiller [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Failorrichpc cursor Elevation and line snapping issues
Ive been having issues with making lines snap to trails in caltopo. It seems that some maps I create I can snap lines no problem and some maps created I cannot get the lines to snap. This is also the case with the cursor elevation feature in the top right of the screen. Seems random but I am sure I'm missing a setting. Any help would be awesome thanks!
submitted by Failorrichpc to CalTopo [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Strongbow85 Cops being trained on how to spot Tren de Aragua as they traffic 'pink cocaine'
submitted by Strongbow85 to Counternarcotics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Top-Intention-7598 How to make Detroit beats like enrgy beats?
I was wondering if anyone here is familiar with Detroit beat making and knew how to make a beat like enrgy. Here’s his YT if anyone doesn’t know him: https://youtube.com/@enrgybeats?si=sAivKy7NN_UpakP9
For some reason, his beats sound really raw and dirty, and his 808s are insanely hard. I’ve been trying to get that sound but can’t get my beats sounding dirty like that. Does anyone here have some sauce and know how to make my beats sound like his and is willing to share? Thank you so much!
submitted by Top-Intention-7598 to musicproduction [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 EsteMiau Qué película es su Gladiador?
Cual es la película que si encuentran en la tele se detienen a verla? La mía es "Into the Spider-Verse" y "El gigante de hierro"
submitted by EsteMiau to chilegames [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 imperfikt_illusion www.weedtree.fyi
https://preview.redd.it/nx0iyfle853e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c1e0e8b4aa9fc7451a2aca02ae407e8a2cd6dc5 A while back I shared a chart I had drawn up of the lineage of cannabis strains. I got carried away and now I’ve built an interactive version showing the lineage of all the prescribable strains we have here in NZ, and some others. You can click on strains to highlight their family and I’ve found it fascinating comparing the strains that I like and how they vary. Check it out, the weedtree.fyi submitted by imperfikt_illusion to MedicalCannabisNZ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 TheMobMaster2006 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by TheMobMaster2006 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Old-isa224 We're 5 girls you rate us from most to least fuckable. Least rated gets punished, most rated rewarded.
Punishment is getting tied up with a dildo up her ass without lube, hot sauce on her clit and clamps on her nipples and then get slapped by everyone.
Reward is getting your boobs sucked and pussy eaten out by the others.
submitted by Old-isa224 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 No_Manner_8187 Concert
I will be going to The Story So Far’s concert with Superheaven in Atlanta. Does anyone know if superheaven is the opener or the closer (and possibly a set list)?
submitted by No_Manner_8187 to superheaven [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 TransparentMastering Isn’t the whole point of the distracted boyfriend meme that it’s the same girl?
I feel like 99% if use cases are missing the point. But maybe it’s me…adding the point?
submitted by TransparentMastering to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 espersooty South Goulburn Island Indigenous community concerned after more illegal boat arrivals in Arnhem Land waters
submitted by espersooty to australian [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 markotza Overabundance of resources everywhere
I'm playing on Stalker difficulty and there is just so many health/vodka/ammo/food/whatever pickups that managing resources is effectively a non-issue. Everything's in vast abundance just about everywhere you go, and all you really need to spend money on are repairs. Anything you need at any given moment is waiting for you at the next compound, and then some.
I want to struggle and yet I'm showered with items I should be struggling with.
Is Veteran any different?
submitted by markotza to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 pretzel_bedazzel Was it too extreme to ask to stop texting?
I (23F) have been dating this guy (24M) who's in his 4th year of med school for 2 months. In the first month, we met around twice a week. But the past month has been hectic, he was busy with school and moving houses, I had exams, and we both got sick consecutively. We only managed to meet once in 3 weeks. And the day after that meeting, he flew back to his home country for a month to spend time with his family during the holidays.
Before he left, I suggested we take a break and reconnect when he returns. He mentioned that he’s not ready for a relationship right now because of how busy and stressed he is, and I thought the break would give us both space to focus on ourselves. However, even after agreeing on the break, we ended up texting a little after he left. The messages were spaced hours apart, which triggered my anxious attachment and left me feeling unsettled and overthinking things.
I recently got out of a relationship about 5 months ago. While I’ve moved on from my ex, I think I just need some space to focus on myself for a bit. So, I asked him to stop texting until he gets back, thinking it would be better for both of us. But now I’m wondering if that was too extreme?
submitted by pretzel_bedazzel to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 cisaaca Mewwy Cwistmas - The vibes at Tokyo Tower through the lighting design.
submitted by cisaaca to japanpics [link] [comments] |