Don’t let me stop your flow brother.

2024.11.25 22:50 LatterSupermarket196 Don’t let me stop your flow brother.

Don’t let me stop your flow brother. I believe this was when breakdancing was invented.
submitted by LatterSupermarket196 to HellLetLoose [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 AzureCrimsonBlue Trading both sides!! (Please check the body text to know my preferences and the trades I'm looking for ^^)

Trading both sides!! (Please check the body text to know my preferences and the trades I'm looking for ^^) MLF TRADES: • ME --> YOU --> FR TURTLE • NFR KANGAROO --> 2 FR TURTLES • FR CROW --> 4 FR TURTLES
DM WITH YOUR OFFER ‼️ submitted by AzureCrimsonBlue to adoptmeroblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 GuyBannister1 This fine gentleman is just part of the working class

submitted by GuyBannister1 to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Head-Guard8807 iPhone 11 audio issue

I have a iPhone 11 and no sound is coming out of the left side not only that but whenever I connect to a headphone sound plays only on the right side,and i looked for this specific problem and didn’t find anything about it
submitted by Head-Guard8807 to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 lesbianexistence Cat exhibits involuntary muscle contractions/clawing when held post-severe infection

* Species: Cat * Age: 4 * Sex/Neuter status: Neutered * Breed: DSH * Body weight: 10 lb * History: cerebellar hypoplasia, bilateral kidney dysplasia, and 1.5 years ago, he had a severe subcutaneous bacterial infection along his spine and was in the ICU for 3 days but made a full recovery * Clinical signs: Absolutely nothing other than what I explain below * Duration: Intermittently (every other month or so) for around a year or a year and a half, unsure * Your general location: U.S.
This is so bizarre and I can't find ANYTHING about it on Google. My cat has always loved to be held like a baby (back down, legs and head up, against my chest). In the last 1-1.5 years, he has occasionally done something very strange when being held like that. It's like all of the muscles in his body contract at once, he scrunches up his body and extends his claws into whatever is there. It comes absolutely out of nowhere (he will be purring and then he'll suddenly go into this state) and lasts about 5 full seconds before he relaxes and acts like nothing happened, going back to slow blinking at me. I've gotten some gnarly scratches from this. This time, he punctured the skin in my neck and it scared me.
I cannot stress to you enough how much I know this is not conscious aggression. I'm worried it may be a seizure or something, but I'm not sure if that would be positional. Has anyone ever seen anything like this?
I'm obviously not going to hold him like that anymore, I just want to make sure I'm not ignoring a symptom.
Thanks so much in advance.
submitted by lesbianexistence to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 HeadChefKronk First Guitar! How’d I do?

submitted by HeadChefKronk to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 _withoutacause Wormhole Console RNG Help

I've tried using the fidget method as well as the method outlined by cappy and am getting wildly inconsistent delays while trying to get an Entei using Pcalc.
I just tried using cappy rng's method outlined here that doesn't factor in the fidget and im unable to close the menu without unpausing the frames which makes it near impossible to hit. Any tips?
submitted by _withoutacause to pokemonrng [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Brttneyann What’s the best platform for findom ?

I mainly use Twitter (X) …. Lately it’s been constant drama and dry findom related content .
I’d like to start expanding on other platforms
submitted by Brttneyann to findomtalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 lss_web_1444 Link post title 158

Link post title 158 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 ProfessionalAd8996 why do you need 6 seats to yourself?

I asked someone if i can sit at their table because they had 5 seats available. They said "mmm, no, my friend is coming," I said "ok, no worries" and find a seat at an awkwardly narrow couch. An hour passes an no friend shows up. I can't know for certain if they actually had a friend coming, but even if they was a friend, they still would have had 4 extra seats. The cherry on top was that they were on their phone the entire time, hogging a table for 5-6. To that person, I hope your morning coffee burns your tongue, I hope the snow makes you late to school, and I hope your hydroflask falls in your lecture hall and everyone looks at you in annoyance.
submitted by ProfessionalAd8996 to UCalgary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 National-Owl8522 I don’t like overthinking

Sometimes it is really hard to get out of my own head and remember how to function. I am trying really hard, but I’m grappling with this need of perfection. When things are not perfect, I feel vulnerable and out of control, and then I want to obsess over things until I feel better. But it does not make me feel better. And the reality is that life isn’t perfect, the world isn’t perfect, and I am not perfect.
I am doing the best I can to heal myself and it’s devastating that it doesn’t feel enough like how it used to. it’s terrifying and it’s not perfect. And that’s the way it is and all I can do is try.
submitted by National-Owl8522 to I_DONT_LIKE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Pietro_is_here Little bro just unlocked a new skill 😍

submitted by Pietro_is_here to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 PPunktA Giving Away Game Key

Would rather have someone get some use out of the additional beta key I got, so you know the drill: get your referrals in and I'll randomly pick someone out of the first ten. Just make sure to post your name on there in here so I know who to send the code afterwards:
submitted by PPunktA to TheBazaar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Glad-Wonder3200 promessa caso campeão

se o botafogo for campeão da libertadores e/ou do brasileirão vou caminhar da minha casa(bento ribeiro) até a sede em general severiano.
submitted by Glad-Wonder3200 to botafogo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 ScoutmasterDemi I want to keep making videos while traveling to different furnished homes. What's the best setup?

Items I own:
Sony ZV-E10 Camera + Elgato Cam Link + Ringlight Shure SM7B mic + Dynamite Cloudlifter + Focusrite Audio Interface Stream Deck Desktop PC + Monitor + Mouse + Keyboard Asus ROG Zephyr Gaming Laptop (2022 model with 3070 GPU)
Next year I plan on moving from state to state, living in furnished houses. Top priority is portability, then it's quality. I'm happy to work with any budget! Upgrades are no problem.
I figure it's too hard to move a PC + all the setup, so I'll be relying on my laptop + mouse. I think mine is plenty strong, but I'm not opposed to an upgrade if there's anything huge with newer laptops.
I'm curious if USB mics have gotten better in the year 2024? I love my Shure but it's tough to take that + an interface. I'm also looking into the Stream Deck Plus with an XLR cable support to keep my Shure.
I don't know if taking my camera is worth it for streaming. Truthfully I just keep it in place, maybe there's a high quality & portable webcam that can function in its place?
Looking for any and all suggestions!
submitted by ScoutmasterDemi to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 josheetee Any low star trades? 😊

Any low star trades? 😊 submitted by josheetee to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 user01938381819 I'm 23

Hey everyone I hope anyone who's suffering from this cancer get healed soon,I think alot and and I have anxiety I have been thinking about nothing more than Colon cancer since 3 days now,I started getting the symptoms I have loose liquid, mushy, thin stool and sometimes hard to pass, happening since 2 weeks, and sometimes little abdominal pain, and I'm gassy since 1 week I fart alot, and foul smell,I haven't had any blood on my stool or sevear pain and no weight loss.and stomach sounds after I eat and I hope it's not cancer, I'm so scared and don't know how am i supposed to tell my parents about my situation, I wonder what stage im in if I have the cancer, or am I just thinking alot? And I hope it's not expensive to get checked I'm so feared please someone advice me, is there any other symptoms for colon cancer? If there are other symptoms please tell me, I'm freaked out i don't know what to do
submitted by user01938381819 to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Pollitoanimation Soy un chico de 12 años hagan sus preguntas ?

submitted by Pollitoanimation to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 nametage دردشة

مين جاي ندردش شوية
submitted by nametage to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 REEHANHAXSN Where are my people? Gamers

Show support on my Channel you will not regret I try to deliver the best out there even if it means risking my accounts or Rig 😂🤟🏻
submitted by REEHANHAXSN to advertiseyoutube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 fcukitstargirl I almost failed penmanship in the 3rd grade

The first picture is writing that was done somewhat quickly, to get thoughts or of my head.
The second picture is taking a little more time, but not like writing slow for pretty handwriting. Just not rushing to word vomit my thoughts out. This is what my work notes and brainstorming jornalling typically looks like.
Pic 1) writing I probably won't read again Pic 2) writing I expect to read again
I would LOVE to read your thoughts as indepth or not as you like. I'm fascinated by this idea!
submitted by fcukitstargirl to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 AffectionateAsk7414 H: caps / leaders W: 100 sugar & 100 vodka

submitted by AffectionateAsk7414 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Still_Ad4428 No plan?

Im tryna see how much my plan is but this is all it shows
submitted by Still_Ad4428 to Adobe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 blackbutterflywingz How did life get so horrible?

I’ve always been a depressive and sad person but damn. I’m really at my lowest. I am financially okay. Not the best but I’m okay. I’m just beyond hopeless at this point. I do not have a close relationship with anyone. My family is narcissistic and I don’t have friends. There is nothing to do, everything is expensive, people are so selfish these days. I don’t enjoy anything and I’m not going to go on dating apps or social media sites for dopamine hits. I’m just rotting away.
submitted by blackbutterflywingz to Life [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 OneFineBoi If I had to do a Make-A-Wish, then I would ask for _____

submitted by OneFineBoi to AskOuija [link] [comments]