33bicuckforblackmailer session

2024.11.25 22:30 ithurtsbutilikeit 33bicuckforblackmailer session

submitted by ithurtsbutilikeit to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Claraaaaa24 who are the most well known people in this subreddit?

submitted by Claraaaaa24 to AlanBecker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 DrTropex09 Ti mennyi saját tőkével melyik opciót választanátok?

Lakás vásárlás előtt állunk párommal. Két dolog miatt vacillálunk nagyon és mindketten teljesen bizonytalanságba estünk. (Jelenleg albérletben lakunk 140e +rezsi) Megyeszékhelyen lakunk és egyszer majd kertes házban szeretnénk lakni viszont vagy brutális áron van jó helyen lelakott ház. Vagy amit meg tudnánk finanszírozni (természetesen lelakva), oda pedig nem költöznénk szívesen a környék miatt. Tehát egyenlőre marad a lakás. Jöjjenek a bizonytalanságok.

  1. Vásárlásnál mennyi tőkét tegyünk az ingatlanba? Jelenleg úgy állunk, hogy az utolsó forintunkat is össze szedve 18M forintunk van kp-ban. Mindenképpen kell hitel. Az egyik lakás 23M a másik 26M mindkettő alkuképes. Jelenleg is lakhatóak, de nyilván kell rájuk költeni. Ha az összes tőkénket beletesszük semmi tartalékunk nem marad. Nem tudjuk mi a racionális arány.
  2. A két ingatlan közül melyiket választanátok. A, Totál a városközpontban van 3 szobás földszinti. Buszpályaudvar közvetlen szomszédságban, pláza, bolt, óvoda, bölcsőde, orvosi rendelő, fogászat, patika konkrétan 2-300 méteren belül. Természetesen ez a drágább. Viszont az ennyire központ hátrány is. Konkrétan a bejárattal szemben ahova két szoba ablaka is néz van egy kerítés a ház előtt lévő járda túloldalán. Sajnos a buszpályáról ide járna könnyíteni magukon az emberek, mert bent fizetős ugye. Ez eléggé undorító, hogy felhúzza az ember a redőnyt és 10-20 méterre az ablaktól valaki kicsapta családi ékszert és öntözi a kerítést. Valamilyen szinten a szemét is több az utcán mert nagy a forgalom illetve parkolni sem egyszerű mert aki jön boltba, plázába, buszpályára mindenki ott áll meg.
     B, Ez a lakás is földszintes városközpontban van, de a vasútállomás van közelebb. Nem szomszédos azért, de gyalog elérhető távolságban. Szomszédságban nagy szupermarket ami egyben a lakók parkolójaként is szolgál, mert egy főbb úton van az épület. Iskola, óvoda itt is közelben. 
Nekem az “A” lakás tetszik jobban, a páromnak a “B”. Itt csak maga a lakásról van szó. Egyébként hatalmas különbség nincs a lakások között. 3 szoba 70nm. A helyben amiket leírtam pro és kontra ott van mindkettőnk fejében. Talán annyi még az előnye az “A” lakásnak hogy jelenleg 100 méteren belül lakunk ismerjük a környéket. (A jelenlegi egy szerencsés albérlet itt van belső parkoló ami védett helyen van. Sajnos ebben az épületben nincs eladó lakás, bár itt csak kis lakások vannak illetve a környéken sehol nincs belső udvar sajnos.)
Minden vélemény és tapasztalat érdekel minket. Földszintit nézünk jobban azért, mert nekem rossz a térdem illetve ha lesz pici akkor egyszerűbb babakocsi cuccokkal a földszinten becuccolni mint felmenni akármelyik emeletre lift nélkül. Illetve anyagilag sem mind1 milyen környéken veszünk. Ami most központi részen van azért valamilyen szinten biztos jobban tartja az értékét később is főleg mivel modernizálunk rajta. Ha már a betett értéket vissza kapjuk is jobban állunk mintha továbbra is albérletben maradunk. Illetve kicsit erőltetettnek érezzük azt is, hogy lakást vegyünk mert mindenki azzal riogat MOST VEGYETEK, mert jövőre DRÁGÁBB LESZ!!!
Párkapcsolati tanácsok nem érdekelnek! Ne vegyetek közösen jól gondoljátok meg együtt akartok-e lenni stb. A kérdésem nem erre irányul. Köszönöm a megértést és a segítő tanácsokat illetve az építő jellegű kritikákat is.
submitted by DrTropex09 to kiszamolo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 murshid_akram 5 Best Glute Strengthening Dumbbell Exercises - The Fitness Phantom

5 Best Glute Strengthening Dumbbell Exercises - The Fitness Phantom submitted by murshid_akram to TheFitnessPhantom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 No_Caterpillar2029 Unknown used less?

Unknown used less? I have realized that I have seen less unkown in the past week or 2 and apparently the usage rate for the unknown has almost halved since last month (at least on NightLight). Do people just not like him? I'm kinda curious about trying him out ngl
submitted by No_Caterpillar2029 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 AMIASM16 i drew ESPS

i drew ESPS submitted by AMIASM16 to Object_Unicode [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Taha1021 When did it go wrong? " Intro"

Of course, I messed up at some point, but when? That is the question.
Well, let’s go back to the time when things were actually decent. No drama, no responsibilities, no overthinking, no illnesses, no school stress or at least not as much. The time when I was dying to get to where I am right now; a time when I didn’t realize how silly my dreams were.
A 14-year-old boy; a smart, fun, energetic and loved one who’s about to start his high school life. My ambitions were skyrocketing after seeing my grades and being aware of what I can achieve. “Oh boy! This about to be lit” said the 14 years old me.
The year started great. I will be taking classes with my friends from the hood; what could be better than this? Fortunately, there was a thing, a heavy laptop that my dear father bought me. “ here is to help you with your studies little fella” said my father. Unfortunately, that wasn’t fortunate. I like to believe that that was the start of it all.
As that year was going by, my uncle was getting married. “My youngest uncle is finally getting married ” was the constant phrase wandering in my mind the day he told us. He got married to a lovely woman who later converted to Islam and took the name Zainab for herself. Zainab spoke English most of the time and that was everything I wanted to be able to do at the time; speak English. “ wait! I have a laptop, and I can afford some internet?” I asked myself. Let’s learn some.
Like every boy with or without a computer back in the day, I created a Facebook account and put my finest pictures on there. Day after day I became more knowledgeable about what is going on on the internet. My English was improving, no doubt, but I needed interactions with natives. “What do I do?” I started asking as if it was the end of the world if I couldn’t figure out a way.
submitted by Taha1021 to Tahatells [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 thejfather Mage's Gambit Orb Glitch?

Mage's Gambit Orb Glitch? Hello I am trying to upgrade the mages Gambit but it's looking like I may be screwed out of getting it max leveled due to the lighthouse. Somehow the lighthouse portal is opened that leads to the upper level of the library when I haven't even used the wisp that appears between the statues. The paper that tells you to look in between the statues is floating in mid-air in front of the portal
This is making it so the next altar where you put the wisp isn't appearing where it should as the game still thinks I haven't opened the lower level portal yet which basically is completely locking me out of obtaining the two chests in the lighthouse
Is there a possible way to fully upgrade the major's Gambit now because I have no idea how many hours back I have to look it honestly might be close to 20 so going back is out of the question I might just not be able to use that orb fully upgraded
submitted by thejfather to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 SAL__________ What is this?

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submitted by SAL__________ to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Affectionate_Ear8294 Redesign my pon and win 2x giant tortoises

I got my first hybrid this week and was looking to give her a makeover. The winner will get 2x Giant Tortoises!
You may use any of the following apps and up to 4x removers, but nothing else, please! I like natural browns, yellows and grays, but since I only have 4x marking removers, a space theme may be the easiest route.
Forum link: https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429561192
submitted by Affectionate_Ear8294 to lioden [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 AlfsterSandvich accurate

accurate submitted by AlfsterSandvich to tylerthecreator [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Sudden-Order2271 Looking for all kinds of friends

Hey im a 20m and I’m looking for some friends! Ofc I like long term friendships really no one likes small talk and then bye. I’m usually very open to everyone but this post is targeting specific kinds of friends I want! Ofc still open to all kinds so DM if you’re interested anyway. But today I’m looking for emos, punks, goths, alts as friends! I realized I don’t really have any friends who are any form of alt so I wanna make more. If you’re 18+ and one of the types I mentioned hmu! Or hmu anyway I’m open to everyone!
submitted by Sudden-Order2271 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 CollegeSerious5378 LF super-vision

LF super-vision submitted by CollegeSerious5378 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 fujiapplesupremacy early pacing questions - rush to act 3 or not?

I am about 2 months or 8 sessions into ROTFM (we are just about done with act 1 I would say). My players are using 2024 characters so they are a bit stronger than what I'd assume the book is prepped for, so I have been mindful to balance encounters as we go.
As any good dungeon master would do, I am trying to understand the various factions at play in Icewind Dale. My players are about to get their first taste of the Duergar subplot in Caer-Konig and I am wondering if it would be feasible to just speed up the whole destruction of tentowns subplot. As I understand, the Duregar invasion doesn't have any ramifications in act 5 and beyond and is pretty much just a glorified & inflated act 2 mission.
So my idea is this: finish up act 1 with 'The Unseen' sending my players to level 4 and then hit them with the reality of the incoming dragon, thus sending them running to Easthaven to find the other Duergar prince and then hitting them with acts 3 and 4 before they have a chance to hit any of the plot threads for act 2.
This gives me another idea: is it feasible to swap acts 3 and 4? Perhaps loose plans of the dragon's attack are in the boat in Easthaven with just enough time to send envoys to the rest of tentowns and prepare for the impending assault. This solves the act 3->4 pacing problem of the dragon attack, gives my players a real shot to defend tentowns, and turns the assault on Sunblight from a preemptive strike to a revenge story.
This has the potential to leave me with a very clean act 2 -> act 5 since I will be able to wipe my hands of the Duergar and allow myself to focus on the druids, the swords, and the arcane brotherhood who are all more thematically important to rime of the frostmaiden IMO.
This is all to ask- am I overlooking anything? do you think this would have worked at your table? So far I have been forced to buff up almost every encounter to keep up with the raw power of 5 2024 phb characters so I think they'd have a good shot against the dragon as it stands.
submitted by fujiapplesupremacy to rimeofthefrostmaiden [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 KOCYK745 What is this?

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submitted by KOCYK745 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 One_Record3555 [November 25, 1924] The American jazz saxophonist Paul Desmond is born.

submitted by One_Record3555 to 100yearsago [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 bil-sabab City Hunter busts a movie - Predator 2 (1990)

submitted by bil-sabab to predator [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 j30qjvj0 F24

submitted by j30qjvj0 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 vag-rent Alienware m16 r2 vs Dell 16G

Alienware m16 r2 vs Dell 16G Hello everyone, looking at getting a new gaming laptop and it' between these 2 machines:
The reason I don't just jump on the Dell is I'm buying 3 of them and at Best Buy I can get 0% finance for 18 months but if there is a valid reason to not get one or the other please let me know.
I currently have an Alienware m16 that I bought in 2019 and has been fantastic.
I play Fallout 4, Cyperpunk 2077, Witch, etc...
Kids play similar stye games.
submitted by vag-rent to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 SonRaetsel Völkerrecht bricht Staatsrecht

"Bereits der sprachliche Widerspruch zwischen dem deutschen »Völkerrecht«, dem ansonsten weltweit gebräuchlichen »international law« und dem »Menschenrecht« verweist auf das von Scheit in den Mittelpunkt gestellte Dilemma. Für wen sollen diese Rechte gelten? Für Staaten, so genannte Völker oder für Individuen? Und welche Instanz, welcher Souverän garantiert und exekutiert die Durchsetzung dieser überstaatlichen Rechte? Einzelne Staaten selbst, die UNO, ein internationaler Gerichtshof oder eine angestrebte Weltregierung? [...] Der Wahn vom Weltsouverän zerstört den Souverän und ist zugleich das Gegenteil einer Befreiung vom Staat. Also das Gegenteil jener versöhnten Vielfalt, die allein ein menschenwürdiger Zustand wäre – die freie Assoziation der Individuen.
Die heutige Gesellschaft kann sich einen »Weltsouverän« nur konsequent vormachen, wenn sie einen gemeinsamen Feind halluziniert, der bereits heimlich die Welt beherrscht: das Weltjudentum, fokussiert im Staat Israel, der sich der Untergrabung seines Selbstverteidigungsrechtes unter dem Banner des Weltfriedens widersetzt. So beseitigen viele Linke und Linksliberale den letzten Rest jener politischen Vernunft, die Gewalt und Recht aufeinander zu beziehen weiß. Gänzlich vergessen wird von ihnen die Erkenntnis von Hobbes: Entweder es gibt Staaten, dann kann es keinen Staat über ihnen geben, oder es gibt keinen Staat, dann aber auch keinen Weltsouverän – und die Menschen leben in Frieden ohne Unterwerfung. Tertium non datur".
"'Die Bundesregierung hält sich an Recht und Gesetz, weil niemand über dem Gesetz steht', sagte Baerbock am Rande eines Treffens der G7-Außenminister im italienischen Fiuggi."
submitted by SonRaetsel to Antideutsche [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Quirky-Ingenuity6429 Non-stereotypical civil engineer? Documentary wants to interview you! - Hi! I am a casting assistant looking for white collar professionals, such as engineer, who don't match the stereotype. Look at flyer below and message me or email [email protected] if you're interested or know someone who is!

submitted by Quirky-Ingenuity6429 to civilengineering [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 AutoModerator Discussão da Jornada

Thread para discutir os acontecimentos da última jornada que agora termina. Golos, lances, táticas e até lances polémicos.
submitted by AutoModerator to AdeptosDePrimeira [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 HighVibrationStation Shaman Rattles: Choosing, Using, and Understanding Their Sacred Power - High Vibration Station

submitted by HighVibrationStation to HighVibrationStation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Whatfayz Could there be a scavenger type class that have resources that rely on their items they can obtain throughout their adventure? and what would u call it?

Their theme is that they rely on items to use for offense, defense and utility. sorta like an excorcist that uses different holy items to banish a ghost or a monster hunter that has items for any monster they come across that are weak to things I reckon this class would be a martial support class and they could use certain items, especially ones that are consumable to potentially salvage it and use it an extra time.
submitted by Whatfayz to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 ogreatgames Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons Of Liberty: Stealth Action Game - PS2 Game

Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons Of Liberty: Stealth Action Game - PS2 Game
![video](qiq5ragumq191 " Embark on a mission of destroying multiple enemies stealthily in high octane adrenaline adventure! Visit https://ogreatgames.com/products/metal-gear-solid-2-sons-of-liberty to buy these item(s) & more while supplies last! -- ")
#playstation2 #stealth #action --
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons Of Liberty For Sony PlayStation 2. Time to dive into a deep story brought by Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons Of Liberty. Players will take the role of an iconic character named Snake. In this game, players will face tons of enemies like terrorists. Do whatever it takes to complete the mission before it's too late. Aim to stop the Dead Cell, a wicked organization, from carrying out evil and dreadful plans using stealth tactical espionage action. --
Hey check out similar videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05uKspxQ89s&list=PLVduyMnVQjzNYPljUBqwgAXdMPQ9CEKWY
submitted by ogreatgames to Ogreatgames [link] [comments]
