What album do you consider their magnum opus?

2024.11.25 22:30 Openupthegoodblood What album do you consider their magnum opus?

I wanna hear y'all's thoughts
submitted by Openupthegoodblood to avengedsevenfold [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 lilacmelissa How do I fix my skill imbalance?

TLDR: I read too many books and I don't know how to get my other areas up to the same level.
Hey all, so I have been learning Norwegian for about 4 years now and I have a bit of a weird issue. I have always been a firm believer that you should make learning fun and focus on the things you like to do and then it won't even feel like you're learning. So for me, that has been reading. I started reading an intro book (Mystery of Nils) and then moved to the next book in the series (Mysteriet om Nils) which is still pretty intro. Then I moved to some graded readers (NELS: Naiv. Super and Jernvognen). After that I just started consuming novels targetted at natives, but they were just books I wanted to read in my native language anyways. It was pretty slow going at first and I spent a lot of time looking up words and phrases I didn't understand. But I never entered anything into a flash card or srs app.
So now, I have read about 100 books from start to finish and I am very comfortable reading almost anything and can almost read at the same pace as my native language. I rarely have to look up a word (unless I am reading sci fi) and I just read for pleasure and it doesn't feel like a chore at all. But this is where the challenge comes in. All my other skills, speaking, listening, and writing are pretty non-existent. I was living in a city that had a group intro class and I took it which helped me with some of the basics of speaking and listening but I have since moved and don't have access.
So how do I go about fixing this imbalance? For listening I could probably try to do the same thing where I just listen to audiobooks/tv/movies/youtube until I brute force my way into understanding. Writing and speaking are quite different though and I can't really get practice without having another participant. I spend significant time reading Norwegian forums (not about the language but forums native speakers use) so I guess I could just start writing and participating in them too? Would it be beneficial to book a 1-on-1 session with a professional tutor to help me go through grammar concepts? I'm not against just grinding out practice but I feel like my reading skill is a crutch I lean on every time. For example in the intro class we would watch videos and I would just read the subtitles.
For more context, I go to Norway a few weeks every year since I have some extended family there and since I have EU citizenship I want to eventually move to Norway but that's probably a few years away. My family lives in a farm house quite far away from everything so when I am visiting I don't have tons of opportunities to speak with anyone. Plus my family is really not the talkative type at all. They're always out fishing or with the farm animals. So I just end up reading even more when I am there.
submitted by lilacmelissa to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Confident_Seesaw_702 They’re suppressing the truth

They’re suppressing the truth submitted by Confident_Seesaw_702 to CartiCulture [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Rude_Vanilla_1053 Looking for blackout spike

submitted by Rude_Vanilla_1053 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 lss_web_1444 Text post title 27

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 pilotime Does anyone know how to quiet the exhaust on this guy???

submitted by pilotime to Generator [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Economy_Farmer_104 Helping people get off with my tributes 05a427f2b12aea8bf054478a2c7af71c34f5a59a112e169563ec18dff30414df6b

submitted by Economy_Farmer_104 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 lookingforrental17 $1,000 OFF your Tesla purchase [2024 Edition]

Tesla is offering 0% APR on Model 3 and Model Y. And when you use my referral link, you can get up to $1,000 off as well
Hope you enjoy your new Tesla and your savings! :)
submitted by lookingforrental17 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 SessionDomMother F27

submitted by SessionDomMother to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 dennis_blum32 Mistery team

Like the title says which team is the mistery team for the boost objective? Thanks a lot
submitted by dennis_blum32 to fut [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 JustGeneric75 Las chicas valen uno.

Las chicas valen uno. Toad está traficando niñas.
submitted by JustGeneric75 to superjueves [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 SocialDemocracies Oxfam America's Nabil Ahmed: Inequality Will Explode in Trump's Second Term

Oxfam America's Nabil Ahmed: Inequality Will Explode in Trump's Second Term submitted by SocialDemocracies to uspolitics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Intricate1779 Caibarien in November 2024. Look at that "street". Pure mud and potholes. A total disaster. Public services are non-existent.

Caibarien in November 2024. Look at that submitted by Intricate1779 to cuba [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Folsom8k R50 Merchandise, Vignettes Tee ID help

Hi Everyone,
I tried searching for this and did not see an answer. Regardless of your feelings on the R50 merchandise, I'd like some help with IDing some of the vignettes on this t-shirt. The ad copy text says: "Glimpses of imagery from some great albums."
My guesses from L to R and Top to Bottom,
Row 1, "Roll the Bones", "Signals", "Clockwork Angels (I think) Or is it Time Stand Still? Not an album though),
Row 2, "Test for Echo", Fly by Night", (I don't know...Spirit of the Radio? but that's not an album)
Row 3, "Snakes and Arrows", (I don't know), "Counterparts"
If any of you are smarter, more clever than me, I'd love to see what you think. I'm stumped. Thanks!
submitted by Folsom8k to rush [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Nolynwasever drew violent j as a joker card

drew violent j as a joker card submitted by Nolynwasever to juggalo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 AutomaticPerformer55 Saw this at a Texas Roadhouse last night

Saw this on my way out after dinner
submitted by AutomaticPerformer55 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Zestyclose-Rain5795 What to buy

hii! I'm a regressor and ive never really been able to buy things for agere, but now that I have the money and such, I dont really know what to get, any suggestions?
submitted by Zestyclose-Rain5795 to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Kid_with_problem My notes from my last physics lesson ever

My notes from my last physics lesson ever i wonder what goes through my head sometimes
submitted by Kid_with_problem to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Puzzleheaded_Sign116 Yu Yu Hakusho on CRT

Rewatching the Spirit Detective Saga on VHS
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Sign116 to CRTAnime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 firemn317 AFFF

This is just for your information. I am a stage 4 bladder cancer survivor. initially the docs were puzzled as to my cancer but eventually realized that it could have been caused by afff. i was an engineer for 20 years and used tons of it. after talking with another retired engineer i checked out the lawsuit site. i applied and was accepted in the suit but earlier this year the judge in charge took all of us who didn't have thyroid problems out of the suit. just the ad again. the law firm was very good about informing me and if somehow we're re-included they'll inform me, but they didn't hold out much hope. you can apply but this is what's going on. i never expected anything in my lifetime but hoped for my grandkids. i hope everyone is careful.
submitted by firemn317 to Firefighting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Argent_silva What if my Mc just never bow to the king or anyone

Guys my MC is just super proud like insane levels of pride anyone seen Escanor form seven deadly sins that level of pride
He's the first son of Vis T and Queen Alicent Hightower rider of Virmithor and married to the daughter of Jason Lannister and just a massively prideful man think Cersei on steroids
Can I make it so he doesn't kneel to Vis T ever do you think VISERYES would let it slide or would it devolve into something bigger
I know the political implications it would send mc basically not acknowledging the king's authority but do you think he could get away with it
submitted by Argent_silva to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Ok-Barnacle-3697 when did Dennis Rodman join the tank?

when did Dennis Rodman join the tank? https://preview.redd.it/ytgf1hsij43e1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=d399fa197404118072d9d73163bdbfc24aa62fb3
submitted by Ok-Barnacle-3697 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 d00fus666 What's the deal with that house on the corner of Maple and Chestnut?

You know the one with a few dozen no trespassing signs all over it and stumps blocking the driveway? Noticed they recently added spotlights shining OUT the windows. Is it just mental illness or some property dispute?
submitted by d00fus666 to murfreesboro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 Mrstubbs91 Wtf is up with the wwe network?

It’s so slow all of a sudden. The layout has changed and it takes forever just to scroll down to find an old episode of raw. Not only that but when you play the episode it constantly freezes. I’m using an Xbox one by the way
Anyone else having issues?
submitted by Mrstubbs91 to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:30 -Mr-Mrs-V- 👁️

submitted by -Mr-Mrs-V- to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]
