Dutertes and word salad

The ampersand, or &, is a logogram representing the conjunction 'and'. It originated as a ligature of the letters e and t, from the Latin word 'et', meaning 'and'. In mathematics, it is sometimes used to denote the logical conjunction, or "and" operation. Vývoj ampersandu. Původně se jedná o ligaturu malých písmen e a t, tedy latinské spojky „ et “ téhož významu. Tento vývoj, který začíná už ve starověkých latinských rukopisech, nejlépe přiblíží obrázek vpravo.. Anglický název „ampersand“ vznikl zkomolením označení „and per se and“, což je anglicko-latinské vyjádření funkce znaku & a do češtiny ... Jak napsat znak & (and) na klávesnici – ampersand klávesová zkratka - Windows, MAC. Kombinace kláves, mapa znaků. And symbol – &, který správně nazýváme et (převzato z latiny), či ampersand (převzato z angličtiny) zastupuje v psaném textu spojku a, v jistých případech pak také matematické znaménko plus +.Jeho užívání je časté především v angličtině, respektive v anglosaských zemích, ale setkat se s ním můžeme i u nás, a to hlavně v případech pojmenovávání firem ... Ženské jméno Irini pochází z řeckého slova eirinis, které se vykládá jako mír. Kdy slaví Irini svátek?Irini slaví, podle českého občanského kalendáře, svátek 16. dubna (16.4.).Mužská obdoba jménaMužská obdoba jména je Ireneus či Irenej.Domácí podoby jména IriniIruška,Irka,Ira,Irinka,Renka,Irenka,Eira,Irča Irini a statistikaKolik žije v ČR IriniK 11. Znak & se vyslovuje buďto latinsky jako et nebo anglicky ampersand. V českém jazyce jej užíváme jako zástupný symbol pro spojku „a“ a můžeme se s ním - Ampersand & Vzniklo zkomolením slovního spojení latinských a anglických slov "and per se and" s významem „znak & samotný a…“.Znak & byl odvozen z římské ligatury, zkratky slova et, zaznamenané již v nástěnných nápisech v Pompejích.Slovo ampersand je v angličtině poprvé zaznamenáno k roku 1837. Vznik ampersandu. Ampersand vznikol ligatúrou – zlúčením písmen – E a T (et je latinsky spojka a).Umožňoval rýchlejšie písanie a neskôr tlačenie tohto často používaného slova. V podobe, ktorá sa používa dnes, už v ňom tieto písmená takmer nemožno rozoznať. Copy and paste And Symbol (&). This symbol, also known as ampersand, is often used as a replacement to Ampersand, často označovaný také po anglicku „and“, původně vznikl spojením písmen ve slově „et“, které v latině reprezentuje souřadící spojku „a“.Samotný název označuje zkomoleninu výrazu „and per se and“, který by do češtiny šel přeložit jako „(znak) a, sám o sobě (znamenající) a“.Jeho použití je běžné v literatuře (zejména v odborné ...

2024.11.25 23:51 TheJuliaAugusta Dutertes and word salad

I was listening to Sara Duterte and Rodrigo Duterte, and I couldn't help but think that they're experts at serving up a "word salad." They tend to answer a question with a bunch of unrelated topics that leave you confused and wondering what just happened. By the time you know it, the question was left unanswered and they're onto the next question.
The Dutertes are also very good at using emotional manipulation to get their point across. They're super good at firing simple, direct to the point, and emotional statements that resonate well with some of the Filipino people who are not very priveleged. We may be laughing at it how absurd it is but the Duterte tactic works.
Add that to the Duterte's tendency of using ad hominem attacks (How dare you to question me when you yourself is corrupt. Remember when you had an issue about so and so?) By doing so, Dutertes lessen the credibility of the person who's asking them question. If the person is not credible anymore (because "ay, kurakot din pala"), hindi na bilib ang mg DDS sa kanila. In the eyes of the DDS, they're just another hypocrite.
Now, how do you get people like the dutertes to finally admit accountability? They won't. You'll just end up frustrated because they play dirty politics very well.
submitted by TheJuliaAugusta to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 CourageNowhereGaming What do you see? 🤔

submitted by CourageNowhereGaming to teareading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Sudden-Champion6308 M18

submitted by Sudden-Champion6308 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 AVALQN Need some help making spaceships

Hello, I am wondering if and how I should approach using photogammetry to create a 3d model from a 2d animation. I've tried Meshroom, Zephyr, and poly.cam to no quick success. Is this sort of thing possible? Thanks in advance.
submitted by AVALQN to photogrammetry [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 rlum27 What if the new autobots in the movie where upgraded forms

What if the new autobots in the movie where upgraded forms I kind of wonder the reaction if instead of killinv off autobots if instead they where given new forms like the decpticons. Possibly have cybertron/primus give them new forms. The most obvious one is make optimus prime ultra magnus. Another one would make bluestreak blur. hot rod would be sideswipe and springer would be sunstreaker. Arcee could be elita-one though neither character had a toy so that might not happen. Kup could be ironhide and whellie bumblebee. My basic though is there might not be as much backlash if at least optimus didn't die. Wondering who people think each upgraded bot would be.
submitted by rlum27 to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 TheKeyToLosingAnts End carpet where? Carpeted stairs leading to tile flooring in hallway. I am DIY-ing the vinyl tile, which replaces carpet. Should I end the carpet at the top of the final riser or a different spot preferred? After I tile, I will hire someone to replace the carpet on the stairs. Thank you.

submitted by TheKeyToLosingAnts to carpet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Girlypop2409 Update on my eye color journey

Update on my eye color journey Update since my last post . I’ve made more progress. Does it look like green is starting to show in my eyes ? Or would you guys say this is more yellow?
submitted by Girlypop2409 to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 ftmama2024 Formula recommendations for 6 month old baby who still drinks breastmilk?

I go back to work soon and I’d like to formula feed during the day. I’m going to buy some formula in our groceries this week to start weaning, but I have no idea what to buy. Is there one that’s best for previous ebf babies? Thanks heaps in advance !!
submitted by ftmama2024 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Ok-Internet-6881 This Seems Out of Character of Aqua

This Seems Out of Character of Aqua Think she will just call him a pervert neet, not stomp the crap out of him.
submitted by Ok-Internet-6881 to Konosuba [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Numerous-Milk-4819 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Numerous-Milk-4819 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 superairshark Volunteer's for a Horror Game Non-Profit

i need someone to Volunteer to make a horror game that will put there time into it i need a modeler and a scripter to make a horror game Non-Profit, im making it for fun so i can actually enjoy my own game my self mostly and maybe people that want to play it. please add me in discord: superairshark
submitted by superairshark to RobloxDevelopers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Upbeat-Artichoke3442 Hospital bed full electric

Full electric hospital bed The Head and the foot and the height all operated by remote includes mattress remote and rails I'm in Central Phoenix I can deliver one more information hit me up
submitted by Upbeat-Artichoke3442 to PHXList [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 maaloufylou Any Informational Podcasts with Similar Sense of Humor?

Ive listened to podcasts that are interesting but not as funny and then ones that are funny but not interesting.
I follow Maintenance Phase, 5-4, and You’re Wrong About as well.
submitted by maaloufylou to IfBooksCouldKill [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 onlybloke Help with 7600x undervolting

Help with 7600x undervolting Hello OverClockers,
I would like to have your opinion on this 7600x undervolt. I got the multi-core cinebench score of 14534 pts, but I've come across few posts/comments that they got this processor to below 60 degrees and get better cinebench score.
Can you also confirm if the minimum temperature on these setting are ok? I'm bit worried on this because I've seen the temps were around 30 degrees during idle on default settings.
CO: Negative 30 PPT: 85W Thermal Throttle Limit: 85
Cinebench Score and HWiNFO64
submitted by onlybloke to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Senior-Job3807 Dose anyone know how to get filpnote studio on delta?

I been trying to get it a week now and no success if do it
submitted by Senior-Job3807 to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 MoviesR4Ever [Amazon eBook Deals] People of the Whale; Linda Hogan; (Kindle; $2.99)

submitted by MoviesR4Ever to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 NullOfficer Understanding the logic of radii changing on scaled circles?

I'm mathematically illiterate, but I try to understand and am fascinated by it.
I have a pretty complex question involving the area of two equally sized overlapping circles that even mathematicians I've contacted have said it's a very hard problem, but I digress, because that's not what I'm asking here.
I'm told that the equation would change depending on the size of the circles, but why? If I show you a large circle and zoom way out (or a small one and zoom way in), the circle appears to change size, but the radius would remain the same right?
I don't understand why the radius would change as the circle scales up or down.
Sorry if this is profoundly stupid but this is part of why I struggle with math.
submitted by NullOfficer to 3Blue1Brown [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Zewen_Senpai "At the place where we fled" by ばなこ武丸

submitted by Zewen_Senpai to ImaginarySliceOfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 JazzyJukebox69420 Bro why?? 💀

Bro why?? 💀 He still tipped $15.19, why would he remove $3?? Bruh. He was nice to me too.
submitted by JazzyJukebox69420 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 guava392 Racism?

I’ve been applying for jobs for like 6 months and I’ve been getting interviews but they always without exception just ghost me. I am from a middle eastern country and did my bachelor’s there with high gpa and my cv has good work experience compared to the jobs I apply for, I’m so tired of this and also tired of wondering what’s going on, is it that I don’t have the qualifications? Or people just don’t want to hire me for who I am and my looks? And what’s up with the ghosting, not even a no
submitted by guava392 to houstonjobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 bogdangeless1 Is there a way to automatically Invest on XTB? Id like it to take automatically a sum from my debit and buy the amount i select

submitted by bogdangeless1 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 iamthatguytoo Best charity to give to this Christmas

Got a $100 family KK every year.
I’m not a huge Christmas person and feel a bit weird getting gifts. I’m pretty picky with what I actually want, and after having kids, I’d rather have them receive more.
Even better, I thought this year I might just get my KK to give to a charity that could benefit other kids less fortunate.
What is the best charities to give to that aren’t aligned with a religion, and are less corporate with minimal overheads so as the money goes more directly to someone?
Cheers for the help.
submitted by iamthatguytoo to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Jypso Returning players can not use auction house, trade, or send mail.

Returning players can not use auction house, trade, or send mail. submitted by Jypso to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 the_manofsteel How can I know if uncommon item’s actually sell?

I’m talking about items that most people doesn’t care about
If I look on undermine exchange it only shows the price but it doesn’t actually show if someone buys it?
submitted by the_manofsteel to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 ThanosIsGhey yo chat is this a W investment? 😎😎💪🏿

yo chat is this a W investment? 😎😎💪🏿 submitted by ThanosIsGhey to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]
