2024.11.25 23:40 dr3tha CRCST Exam

I take my provisional certification exam for sterile processing very soon and I was wondering how worried I should be about the questions and if I should be confident, I can pass because I have been studying and looking over the information for over three months. I understand that I can take it again if I don’t pass, but how much studying should I cram in these last two weeks?
submitted by dr3tha to sterileprocessing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 xAugie MSTR insane opp from last week

MSTR insane opp from last week Hh
submitted by xAugie to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 youngfreud7 Do you girls ever feel like

Do you ever feel like man I just want to bang a dude?
Once I met a pretty small blonde girl, wasn’t particularly smart but I liked her a lot, she was down to earth, had the vibe of chicks who grew up with multiple brothers. She sad “Well it’s been a long time, I needed a man.” and I knew what she ment.
submitted by youngfreud7 to rs_x [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Achselis The gang

The gang submitted by Achselis to DestinyFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 OkPaleontologist4952 Dr Sarah Jensen

Does Dr Sarah Jensen still work at Queanbeyan Hospital or NSW Health? She is a GP OBGYN
submitted by OkPaleontologist4952 to canberra [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 SupermarketNo2298 [GA][SFH][TH] We're frustrated about our HOA's lack of transparency, oversight and maintenance

Hello, I am a resident in a single-family home and townhouse community, and we are becoming increasingly frustrated with our HOA.

Is there anything that we, the residents, can do?
submitted by SupermarketNo2298 to HOA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Old_Acanthisitta_425 Luau in Maui

Any recommendations for the best Luau in Maui? We’re headed there in February. Ideally less commercial, but just excited for the experience. Four adults. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Old_Acanthisitta_425 to VisitingHawaii [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 fantasyaid1 Yeah.... I don't have a life.

Yeah.... I don't have a life. submitted by fantasyaid1 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Khae1_ [LFA] Half-Elf Alchemist/Herbolist, Son of an elf and a werewolf

Here is my mood board:
I'm looking for a face portrait of my character, here is a quick overview:

This is an idea of what he should look like, I imagine his ears to be a little pointer and his nose to be large and square but smushed on his face.
I like the idea of him having long-hair but am not convinced it looks better on him.
Here are all the images on the mood board:
I tried to avoid AI images, but I believe the top right one on the mood board is AI.
submitted by Khae1_ to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 TRT_HD Gabriel PEC tá voando nos Estados Unidos

Gabriel PEC tá voando nos Estados Unidos submitted by TRT_HD to Canarinho [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Un4giv3n-madmonk PSA: You cannot be friendly the rule literally tells you not to

PSA: You cannot be friendly the rule literally tells you not to This is a response to the other homies thread stating you can be friendly:
First sentence of the red text:
"Friendly encounters are prohibited"
But you know what I get it, I really do partly because there is a history of different communication around what this means and what exactly defines "friendly", the developers making different conflicting comments in discord and even the fact that the rule itself is utterly unenforceable.
And all of this is a huge part of why the game is losing near 20% of its player base month to month.
Everyone has their own cope on what the developers need to "do" but honestly the only thing they really need to do is get way better at communicating.
Any comms that aren't :
  • Presented in game
  • Intuitive and not open to interpretation
are comms that are actively detrimental to the community, player base and longevity of the game.
The fact that there's still discussion on what you're actually allowed to do in a game mode relating to a change that's months old is actually batshit insane. Ambiguity in game systems is healthy, however there's a line and Metal blundeon has gone so far past that line it's insane.
submitted by Un4giv3n-madmonk to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Spudmeister20 Cure

Not sure if this question has already been asked but does anyone think there will ever be a cure for Colitis?
submitted by Spudmeister20 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 CharmingBozoBee What does everyone think about this interesting possibility of Cream showing up in the third Sonic movie based on the Funko Pop figures for the third movie? Any speculation how they'll integrate Cream in the third movie and who they'd get to voice her?

What does everyone think about this interesting possibility of Cream showing up in the third Sonic movie based on the Funko Pop figures for the third movie? Any speculation how they'll integrate Cream in the third movie and who they'd get to voice her? submitted by CharmingBozoBee to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Giverson209 Is this artisan real?

Is this artisan real? This dude selling an artisan zero with 2 months worth of use. What do you think? Doesnt have the box and it was bought in amazon. Last pic is the base
submitted by Giverson209 to MousepadReview [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 PoolInteresting7857 27f Give me some tips plz

27f Give me some tips plz submitted by PoolInteresting7857 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 nk1603 Latest Podcast Episode Recap

Latest Podcast Episode Recap She starts off by talking about the history of, saying that she created this website all the way back in 2010 before yoga girl existed.
In 2015 she launched a Kickstarter for 108 which was the biggest yoga kickstarter in history! (Humble brag much?) She had a business partner at that time who was a really good friend that she had a falling out with. The platform blew up overnight and it grew and grew and that’s when the issues began. Rachel says that while she had “so much integrity” when it came to who she wanted to invite into their group, her business partner saw things differently. She didn’t want it to become inauthentic and commercialized, and They ended up in a dispute and she had to fight to keep the platform, which she eventually turned into
Then as the pandemic happened and she moved to sweden and yoga became less prominent in her daily life she decided to rename the podcast and slowly realized that she wanted to revive She even says “I didn’t feel like yoga girl anymore” UMMMM then why are you still holding on to the IG handle?? And why are you still running a brand called Yoga Girl? 🤦🏻‍♀️
A year ago She hires a web designer to revamp the website for her and when she asked Rachel what the website was foabout she couldn’t answer the question. 😆 and she says it took 6 months to create it. What on earth could have taken so long? It’s such a simple website! 🤔 but Finally when it was done she couldn’t announce it. And even Dennis was confused. He said, after all the money & time you spent working on this why are you not telling anyone about it? And she says that it’s become she has nothing to offer and her work doesn’t have value. She doesn’t even know who she is. WELL WELL WELL! Finally an ounce of self awareness from miss Ancestral! 👏🏻
She goes on to say that for a while now she has really struggled with low self esteem and self worth. She l also says that “just being a mom” is not enough for her anymore. isn’t it interesting that for the longest time she was preaching all about “ancestral motherhood”, and just wanting to focus on her children and being at home? now she’s turning things around and saying that that is not enough for her.
So she ended up NOT announcing the website for a whole year and is now only doing it because of her retreat launch. And apparently the website announcement kept getting delayed for 3 days in a row, and it ended up aligning perfectly with the first day of her “moon” 🙄 and also the first day of the Age of Aquarius! (WTAF?? She’s calling herself an Astrologer and wants to charge for readings but she really just said “Age of Aquarius” instead of Pluto in Aquarius! What an idiotn🤦🏻‍♀️) Anywayyyy she insists she didn’t plan this at all! S Y N C H R O N I C I T I E S… sure Jan! Then she starts gushing about how her website crashed immediately after her announcement. “You guys broke my internet! And I’m not trying to humble brag here guys…” 🙄 YEAH RIGHT! Because you NEVER humble brag, right Rachel? So apparently her developer calls her and says “what did you do? I work with really big companies and we NEVER have to power on all the servers. You had 10,000 people visit the website in the first minute and our servers couldn’t handle it and it crashed. I’ve never seen traffic like this ever!” 😒
She is overwhelmed with joy at the thought of sharing something of value and it being received in such a positive way. “And it’s not about people on the internet giving me a sense of confirmation and validation (yeah right!) but in a way it felt like you were all giving me permission to be myself And you’re cheering me on, saying this is beautiful and telling me I’m doing a good job.” Sooooo basically you DO need validation from strangers online! 🤦🏻‍♀️ And then she makes it a point to mention Olivia and Mikaela and their incredible support and encouragement in making this happen. Funny how we pointed out the fact that nobody from her family or friend circle said anything or shared the announcement on their accounts, and now she just HAD to mention that her 2 besties were super involved in this process 🤔🤣 She is also officially out of her burnout phase. She is back at work and back in business! She is so fired up to teach, and to share. But What exactly is she teaching? And what is she “sharing”? And what makes her think she is qualified to do any of these things? 🤔 Then she starts blabbing on about her retreat. She says that when she officially launches the retreat we will all go WHAT THE FUCK because it’s so insane! 🤪 So the retreat will take place over 5 days in the far north of Sweden at the ice hotel. It’s a 14 hour drive from Stockholm or it’s also accessible by night train, which she highly recommends and will encourage her attendees to do because it’s cheaper and better for the environment. But I guess Miss Ancestral herself is too good for the night train because she flew there on her recent visit! And the ice hotel is made from ORGANIC ice guys, did you know this? The ice is organic! 😆 And guess what the retreat is called? “HOME….A return to ourselves. A journey through the elements back to who you really are” Every day is dedicated to one of the 4 elements. Its going to be a mix of yoga, herbalism, astrology, and nature. During the retreat you will rewild yourself and return to the most primal part of yourself where you feel connected to nature.” She’s going to facilitate sacred and ancient sauna rituals. There will also be a northern lights safari.. and 3 other bucket list activities that most people want to check off in their lifetime. She’s really trying to create FOMO to get people to sign up.
Also, Lea will be there. She just HAD to mention that! Dennis and Finn most likely won’t be. Of course her favorite golden guru moon child must make an appearance and be paraded in front of a bunch of strangers. She’s definitely using Lea as a selling point. So gross! But poor Finn doesn’t make the cut. He’s just too wild and out of control I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also she wants to teach her attendees all about the Sami people and their culture, and we can best support them and not exploit it 🤮 Behold, Rakel Schoneveld - the most qualified person to teach us about the Sami people! She is not at all known for exploiting or appropriating other cultures! 😒
And if you can’t join this time around, don’t freak out, don’t panic guys! She will be offering more things 😜
submitted by nk1603 to rachelbrathensnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 MoreMotivation Speaking of overpriced designs with little value...

Speaking of overpriced designs with little value... submitted by MoreMotivation to CyberStuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Neither-Turnover6775 Rate my gas station blaster packs pull.

Rate my gas station blaster packs pull. submitted by Neither-Turnover6775 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Distinct_Country5415 Resources to learn Tai language

Hey I’m curious where everyone learned their Tai language from, especially reading and writing. Been trying to relearn it mostly through YouTube videos. Thought something like Duolingo or a digital dictionary (ENG - TAI) and vice-versa would be good, but they don’t seem to be any or perhaps I haven’t searched well enough.
submitted by Distinct_Country5415 to Shanland [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 FayeWang_627 First day in reddit

Hope to improve my English writing skills and find some interesting things.
submitted by FayeWang_627 to Diary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 MrKrispyKreem Currently $600, any red flags?

Currently $600, any red flags? submitted by MrKrispyKreem to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 nowyoudontsay Tips for income insecure folks?

I'm in grad school, living on student loans and coupons, and some social security for one of my two kids. I know a lot of prepping involves buying a lot ahead, but I just don't have the capability this month. I am planning on spending my January and February on some extras, but by then I fear that it will be too late. Please give some reassurance to those of us who aren't able to buy a freezer right now. What's the best to focus on?
submitted by nowyoudontsay to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 PhantomKitten73 STRIKING RESCUE | Official Trailer | Starring Tony Jaa | In Theaters December 6

STRIKING RESCUE | Official Trailer | Starring Tony Jaa | In Theaters December 6 submitted by PhantomKitten73 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 Justemmaxx That afternoon sun just hits different

That afternoon sun just hits different submitted by Justemmaxx to Sfw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:40 ogreatgames Ninja Gaiden Black: Outstanding Hack-And-Slash Adventure Game - Xbox Game

Ninja Gaiden Black: Outstanding Hack-And-Slash Adventure Game - Xbox Game
![video](n1btoug99r191 " Players can take control of the exceptional ninja Ryu, who performs acrobatic feats and slashes through enemies. Visit to buy these item(s) & more while supplies last! -- ")
#xbox #hackandslash #adventure --
Ninja Gaiden Black For Microsoft Original Xbox. Get ready to face a bunch of enemies in this hack-and-slash adventure game. Take the role of a ninja with extraordinary skills named Ryu Hayabusa. The game is divided into outstanding story chapters too. Throughout the game, Ryu can jump off walls, collect dangerous weapons such as Vigoorian Flails. and climb to reach his objectives. Solve puzzles, fight against enemies, and upgrade several vicious weapons - these are just some of the features to experience while playing Ninja Gaiden Black. --
Hey check out similar videos here:
submitted by ogreatgames to Ogreatgames [link] [comments]