OCE servers have been offline for days with no communication from Activision.

2024.11.26 00:48 KBE952 OCE servers have been offline for days with no communication from Activision.

OCE players have been unable to connect to servers for over two days now, being forced to play on SEA servers with 120ms.
This wouldn't be happening/going unaddressed if we were a bigger region like NA or EU.
If you're from another region please help us get some traction on this with Activision/Treyarch.
submitted by KBE952 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 chrondotcom Texas Right to Life wants men to sue anyone helping women get abortions

Texas Right to Life wants men to sue anyone helping women get abortions submitted by chrondotcom to TexasPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 bored_fate Proof of my friend scamming me this is an update

Proof of my friend scamming me this is an update submitted by bored_fate to adoptmeroblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 ieatglass NAD injections?

Does anyone have any recommendations for places that do NAD infusions?
submitted by ieatglass to DCBitches [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 Consistent_Pen_6466 South Carolina?

GPA 3.85 LSAT 15mid. Do I have a chance?? Also, for those of you applying did you write all 3 optional essays?
I have a compelling person statement in my opinion.
Please don’t comment and tell me to retake the LSAT.
submitted by Consistent_Pen_6466 to OutsideT14lawschools [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 jindidnothingwrong DESTROY Mean Reds

DESTROY Mean Reds submitted by jindidnothingwrong to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 Ordinary-Fig-2266 Que acontecimento da sua infância/adolescência mais te marcou negativamente?

No meu caso sem sombra de dúvidas foi lidar com a homossexualidade em uma família evangélica. Eu era uma criança bem extrovertida, piadista, fazia as pessoas rirem e me enturmava muito bem com as outras crianças.
Mas a partir da 4ª série mais ou menos, comecei a ser reprimido de todas as formas e sofrer muito bullying.
Eu fui me fechando de tal forma, que parei de me expressar e desenvolvi uma fobia social. Hoje tenho dificuldade de fazer amigos, ir a encontros, sair sozinho mesmo que seja pro mercado. Essas situações me causam muito desconforto e fico muito ansioso.
Simplesmente não consigo parar de pensar no que as pessoas estão pensando sobre mim, fico fazendo essa leitura o tempo todo e tenho a tendência em acreditar que o pensamento das pessoas sobre mim são negativos.
Hoje meu maior desejo é viver de maneira mais autêntica, parar de me preocupar tanto e finalmente me libertar.
submitted by Ordinary-Fig-2266 to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 gabbyisepic Positive IGG and IGM antibodies almost a year after reactivation

I first had IGG antibodies come back positive in June 2022. Then, last November, I tested positive for mono after getting a flu shot and was very sick for several months. I went to a specialist in August who did blood tests and I had my follow up appointment today and she said that I had IGG and IGM antibodies positive and I have been having a ton of weird autoimmune symptoms in recent months. Does this sound like CAEBV??
submitted by gabbyisepic to EBV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 Danksouls55 Discount

I got my discount code in the mail for 15% off and im assuming others might soon too. They didnt send them until after we worked the days last year, so im hoping i can just use it and itll work. Can anybody confirm any info on this?
submitted by Danksouls55 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 Numerous-Gur-9008 All three are cuties ♥️

All three are cuties ♥️ submitted by Numerous-Gur-9008 to 100nyanojo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 bwrobel12 New pick up today

New pick up today submitted by bwrobel12 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 The_Critical_Cynic OutKast - Hey Ya! (In the style of Alice In Chains) feat. ‪@stevewelsh__‬

OutKast - Hey Ya! (In the style of Alice In Chains) feat. ‪@stevewelsh__‬ submitted by The_Critical_Cynic to videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 happyAndy12 Ayuda, no se que pasa con mi relación

Sé que el éxito de toda relación es la comunicación, y no se cómo decirlo sin sentirme raro, pero no se que está pasando comigo (o con ella). Siempre se burla de mí, yo me aguanto, pero cuando le digo que no me gusta que lo haga lo deja de hacer un tiempo, y después lo hace de nuevo; se quea rutina de piel es importante, pero no me deja ni tocarla un poco pq rápidamente se aparta y me dice que mis manos estan sucias (aunque recién me las haya lavado), siempre soy yo el que paga todo, y cuando le digo que acomolete, o que me compré un dulce me lo reprocha. Hace como 2 meses estábamos en la café de la escuela, yo había olvidado mi cartera, y ella me dijo que me invitaba mi desayuno, comimos y todo parecía ir bien pero cuando llegamos al salón me cobró el desayuno (no dije nada y solo le pagué) pero me sentí mal porque yo nunca le he cobrado lo que ella pide (aunque lleve poco dinero o yo ni siquiera fuere a comprar algo). Digamos que mi novia es de mostrar poco afecto en público y hasta cierto punto le entiendo, pero últimamente (este semestre) la siento muy distante de mí, hay días es que ni siquiera me da un beso, ni un pico, hemos tenido muy poca intimidad (lo que más coraje me da es que se la pasa insinuandome, y cuando le digo que lo hagamos cambia de la nada y dice que no tiene ganas, la última vez que tuvimos intimidad (hace 3 semanas) yo intentaba buscar sus labios para poder besarla, pero ella simplemente giraba la cabeza para no hacer contacto con mis labios. Pasó el tiempo y a pesar de que no le he dicho nada que me siento así porque no me besa, ella sabe que me gustan mucho los besos, y siempre me está pidiendo besos en la frente, pero cuando yo le pido alguno se nota el desagrado por darme uno, tal vez le soy asco? No lo sé. Alguien me podría ayudaaconsejar? Por favor.
submitted by happyAndy12 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 ghostrider_mc Fumetti portati a casa dal Brasile (Immagini purtroppo in disordine)

Fumetti portati a casa dal Brasile (Immagini purtroppo in disordine) submitted by ghostrider_mc to ComicsUniverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 NoMistake2707 GURL????

GURL???? submitted by NoMistake2707 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 yittittie Oh Yeah Baby

Oh Yeah Baby submitted by yittittie to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 bang_bros_r_us Contrarian view here: this is actually my IDEAL body type

Contrarian view here: this is actually my IDEAL body type submitted by bang_bros_r_us to Tinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 JBLCenaFan4Life What's your favourite wrestling meme? Mine is Stevie Richards replacing Chris Benoit in history.

What's your favourite wrestling meme? Mine is Stevie Richards replacing Chris Benoit in history. I just find it funny. Even after all these years.
submitted by JBLCenaFan4Life to professionalwrestling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 AndyB1486 Favorite Tractors in 22? For A Poll

Favorite Tractors in 22? For A Poll What are yalls favorite FS 22 base game tractors? I’m gonna make a poll of the most popular ones.
Give me your favorite Small, Medium, and Large tractor. BASEGAME ONLY
Mine: Small: Case IH Maxxum Series Medium: Massey Ferguson 3670 Large: Versatile 620
submitted by AndyB1486 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 hotdogwatergirl-420 New to 401k and I need help

New to 401k and I need help Hi I(23f) just graduated college and got a full time job paying 65k salary. I was wanting help figuring out my 401k stuff. I come from a family who get upset at you if you ask questions so I’m wanting to do this on my own. I was raised with parents who were drowning in debt and that’s my biggest fear now. I live in Florida and my company states “currently $0.50 per each $1.00 you contribute on the first 6% of your annual gross wages up to a maximum annual matching contribution of $3,000 for the year. You are fully vested in 401K matching contributions made on your behalf after completing four years of service.” I have no idea what that means! I put that I’m contributing $125 a paycheck, is that maxing it? They also gave me a list of where I want my money to go? I always thought a 401k was just a savings account with high interest. I’m looking to retire by 65 so I saw people recommend the American Funds 2065 Target Date Fund R4 but I’m not sure. I still feel like a kid and this seems like a big decision. If I put 100% or my 401k into that would I be able to change it in the future? I’m attaching a list of the options they gave me for funds. Please be nice I’m very anxious about my future and want to make sure I’m doing it right.
submitted by hotdogwatergirl-420 to MiddleClassFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 N0t_r3ally_s0ciabl3 Looking to unmake neons!

Looking to unmake neons! Not taking offers!! Only looking to unmake
submitted by N0t_r3ally_s0ciabl3 to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 Leather_Primary7156 Anyone who had similar experience?

When I meditate, I often feel as though I’m about to enter a hole or a portal. Inside, I see an infinite expanse of white, as if there’s no end. It’s a space where there is no need, no urgency—just a profound sense of peace. This reminds me of descriptions I’ve read in books by people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). They often recount seeing a similar infinite white space or light, which they describe as boundless and filled with tranquility. Could this be the same kind of visual I encounter in my meditation?
It’s like I’m going to enter but I can’t. Anyone with similar experienced before?
submitted by Leather_Primary7156 to Meditation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 TsernoberG_ Need help with sunlight covenent ps5

Can someone summon me to kill bosses in DSR to reduce the faith required to join sunlight covenent
submitted by TsernoberG_ to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 MultiKl "Vermin... All of them vermin..."

submitted by MultiKl to SurrounDead [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:48 Andre0001 Question about the lost temple contention period

I’m a little bit unclear how it works. I know there is an 8 hour window every 7 days for any alliance to take the LT. But do they need to hold the LT for the full 8 hours? Does an 8h timer start every time they take the LT? Or can they come in at the last 10 minutes of the timer and secure LT for the next week?
submitted by Andre0001 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]
