vivid sulfur 4s hit

如果怕麻烦,你也可以花钱找4s店代办理。 以上这些按顺序办下来,新车的手续基本就算办理完成了。 轮谷在这里提醒大家, 新车没上牌之前,不要进行任何车外观装饰,太阳膜也是不能贴的,更不能改装。 买车是在直营店还是4s店,就看你自己怎么选了。 如果直营店是4S店自己的,就跟在4S店买一样,没什么差别。 如果是合作或者挂靠的,就跟4S店有一点点区别了,因为这样卖车的话送的精品以及贴的膜都是和4S店没有什么关系了,仅仅车是从4S店拿的。 4s店还有套路是4s店工作人员跟外面的贴膜店互相勾连,推荐你到那家店去贴膜,还说可以给予优惠。表面上在帮你找到一家实惠的贴膜店,避免入4s店的坑,而实际上已经掉进了另外一个坑。当你在贴膜店贴膜成功后,这名工作人员会拿到相应的报酬。 某些时间段,4s店为了车险业务量,给到的价格与服务会更有吸引力,通过4s店购买反而比直接到保险公司续保更优惠。直接在保险公司续保,也要看你是那个渠道,电销、网销、业务人员,每个渠道的价格情况也不一定一样的。 因为4s的销售说的那些话都是经过培训的,会夸大优点尽量避免缺点,你买车的目的第一是这车的优点是你需要的,第二是这车的缺点是你能接受的,你才会买这车,如果只听4s的,那结果我们有个通俗的说法:被忽悠了。 4S店是一种汽车销售服务经营模式,是从欧美发展起来的,这种模式包括汽车销售(Sale)、备件供应(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)和信息反馈(Survey),因为每项都是英文字母S开头,简称4S店。 中国第一家4S店,一般认为是1999年广汽本田建立的特约销售服务站。 综上所述,iPhone 4S已经被第一个标准淘汰,iPhone 4S已经被淘汰,但是到现在仍然能勉强用个几年(再战几年)。但是相信很多人会忍受不了这么慢的速度的,且相比于去年发布的iPhone 4相比,已经是很幸运的了。 要不要在现在用iPhone 4S,就只能让你见仁见智了。 常聽大陸民眾講4S店, 原來所謂4S店是指結合了整車銷售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售後服務(Service)以及信息反饋(Survey)這四項服務的汽車特許經營模式!!請問台灣哪些店算是所謂的4S店?(汽車消費經驗分享 第1頁) 一,4s店是品牌代理商,而综合店是4s店的分销商. 它们之间的关系从某种意义上来说,是互惠共生但又相爱相杀,互为竞争又互相依存。4s店把综合店当夜壶,急用(销量不好)的时候是个宝,不用(销量好)的时候嫌臭恨不得一脚踹走。 因为4S店卖车已经不太赚钱了…4S店现在的主要盈利模式其实是修车和保养。车的售卖价格一直降的很低,所以他就需要从其他地方找补,于是就选择了保险。羊毛出在羊身上,4s店可以保险卖的贵是因为两方面,一是你不在我这里买保险,提车就很慢。

2024.11.26 00:50 Glazedxmc vivid sulfur 4s hit

second hit today 🙌🙌
submitted by Glazedxmc to Goatapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 IndependentStable518 Workout Plan Help

So i just started working and im a 13 year old basketball athlete with a stomach. I wanna do this beginner plan 50 push ups 50 crunches and 50 squats each day or 2 rest days. If ypu guys have any other better workout plans i can follow please recommend.
submitted by IndependentStable518 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 niknaks7 Remove myself from a buisness page without the password. They already have a different admin

I was added as a moderato helper on a fb buisness page. I want to remove myself from that page but it’s asking me for the password to that buisness profile- which I don’t have. How do I remove myself without the password? They won’t remove me, I’ve asked. And I don’t want to be in there anymore. My notifications are always full because they are all from that page.
submitted by niknaks7 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 sweetestkittyy meow! dumb kitty looking for sugar daddies to spoil me rotten >w< 19F

meow! dumb kitty looking for sugar daddies to spoil me rotten >w< 19F submitted by sweetestkittyy to Meet_SugarDaddy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 cporter202 ChatGPT Chatbots: Transforming Customer Support and Elevating Consumer Relations

In the realm of customer support, ChatGPT chatbots are rapidly becoming game changers. By leveraging advanced natural language processing and machine learning, these chatbots can simulate near-human conversations, providing real-time support to customers across various platforms. The most significant advantage? Availability. These AI-driven systems are accessible 24/7, ensuring that customer inquiries are addressed promptly, without the need to wait for business hours or human operators.
The result is a more streamlined and efficient customer service experience. Forget about the endless hold music or the frustration of navigating through an endless tree of automated phone options. ChatGPT chatbots can quickly understand and respond to customer questions, reducing the time it takes to resolve issues. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also frees up human customer support agents to handle more complex queries that require a personal touch.
Another key benefit is the consistency of service. Human interactions can vary widely, but a well-trained chatbot can offer a consistently positive experience, reflecting the company's brand and values with every interaction. Beyond handling complaints and queries, these chatbots can also guide customers through purchases, recommend products, and even provide personalized advice, fostering a deeper connection between the consumer and the company.
Moreover, with each interaction, ChatGPT chatbots become smarter. They learn from the vast array of conversations they have, enabling them to offer more accurate and helpful responses over time. This continuous learning process ensures that the service quality improves day by day, effectively elevating consumer relations to new heights.
The integration of ChatGPT into customer support is not just a trend but a forward leap into more advanced and amiable customer-business interactions. As these technologies evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications that will set new standards for customer service excellence.
submitted by cporter202 to ChatGPTautomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 Glass_Ad_6356 Looking for a drarry time travel fan fic

I don't remember what was the fanfic was called it was wattpad and it like harry mess up his and draco potion and it sends them in the future, they got into their future self body and I think they were married also I think the fanfic it was mentioned that harry doesn't haven't ridden a broom in a long time also harry future job is a writer idk what Draco future job was.
submitted by Glass_Ad_6356 to DrarryFicReviews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 StevenStudebaker Help me understand.

Im in a dynasty league and I’m an SEC team. I’m 6-2 so far this season. How is possible that a computer controlled 1-7 team can go up 5 TDs on me almost within the 1st quarter? This is an away game, but theres something else going on with the systems in this game, it just doesn’t add up. Do they try to encourage computer benefitted upset? How are corners able to get across the entire width of the field in the time it takes for my QB to throw a 30 yard pass? On my RPOs it’s like the computer switches as soon as I make the decision down to the millisecond and then swoops in for a pick or a tackle for loss. I user to my corner by accident and they snap the ball immediately and before I’m able to adjust the WR is already 10 yards away before I can motion back the other way. Now I’m chipping away at a 5 TD lead the whole Fn game and I can’t make a single mistake if I wanna have any chance at competing by the last 2 minute warning of the game. It just feels like the computers on some spiteful ex girlfriend shit sometimes. This isn’t real college ball. I’m just really mad and venting. I hate you EA, I hate you.
submitted by StevenStudebaker to NCAAFootball25 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 Voodoocat-99 Season 2 promising
submitted by Voodoocat-99 to ManOnTheInsideTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 TransitionSuperb4974 My daughters want me to uninvite their brother to Thanksgiving because he's single and not a "vetted man". I don't really get what that means and I don't understand why it matters.

This started a week ago when we started trying to get a real head count for Thanksgiving. Both of our daughters asked if their brother was seeing anyone and then immediately demanded that he be uninvited when I said that he single to the best of my knowledge.
The gist of their argument is that as a single man he can't be trusted. If he were in a relationship then they would know he was safe to be around because a fellow woman would have "vetted" him. I don't understand what difference it makes one way or the other. He's their brother and should be welcome. My wife agrees and basically told them to put up with it.
A week later and the argument continues. Their brother has offered not to come, being that it'd the two of them vs him. I don't think he really cares, he's never been one for big family gatherings and only comes because his mother and I like seeing him. My wife and I would really prefer that the whole family be there though.
I don't really know where I'm going this post. Just needed to get it out of my head I guess.
submitted by TransitionSuperb4974 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 RobbbStark Didn't know this was possible. That family augment is bonkers.

Didn't know this was possible. That family augment is bonkers.
Getting Violet at 4 stars has been common. Powder 4 is crazy. But Vander 4 stars is just out of this world!
submitted by RobbbStark to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 gourmand_best_boi QoL mod recommendations

I'm completely new to Terraria modding (I've been playing on mobile for several years). I need some recommendations for QoL mods.
submitted by gourmand_best_boi to terrariamods [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 Bradbitzer D3 Armor Line

I was on the All-Clad Canada site for the first time, and it has D3 Armor. I’ve never seen this before, anyone know about it?
submitted by Bradbitzer to AllClad [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 Jolly-Stock-2434 Driving

Hi was wondering if anyone can help I passed my driving test today and got pulled over by police saying that I was caught on cctv driving without a license a few months ago ( that was there reason for pulling me over ) now I have a license can they get me done for it ???
submitted by Jolly-Stock-2434 to CarTalkUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 Some-Description711 I can't figure out the critical thunderbolt firmware update

I went on the Lenovo website and went to the one I had, t480s. I installed firmware, n22th11w.exe I went into the file and it went to setup - intel thunderbolt firmware update. It said extract all or install and I tapped install. Is that it? In thunderbolt control centre the nvm firmware version was 17.0 and I restarted and it still said 17.0. I'm so lost right now, this update is supposed to be critical and I have no fucking clue what in doing. I tried reading the text file beside the file I installed on lenovo website and it was jiberish to me, I tried to follow but I was seeing different things on my screen. People are saying to install old versions of firmware and Lenovo says to not? If you can help me out please do I'm so stupid I can't figure this out
submitted by Some-Description711 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 Jealous-Credit-5598 Question about purpose of PET Scan

Hello, I’m writing this about my dad for whom I am a caretaker. He is 70 M Caucasian
We’ve been getting him evaluated for dementia/parkinson’s and I’ve been trying to get the right diagnosis for years. The following symptoms have been increasing (chronologically) over the last two years and symptoms have sped up since this past summer. We live in Arizona
History of Stage 4 non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. In remission 11 years
My dad had an incident where he fell from the back of a box truck onto his face Summer of 22, we were told he was dehydrated, he had. cat, and the ER also suspected a TMI.
Later in 2022-2023 my father was having delusions that women he met on Chinese dating sites who were supposedly 22 were going to marry him and make him rich with bit coin, we talked to him and tried to convince him this was a scam. He said he agreed with us and then the bottom fell out. He came to my husband and told him he lost tens of thousands of dollars on this romance scam. We tried to fix things with what money he had left, but he was fixated in his delusions that these women were real and in love with him and he became the victim of 2 more pig-butchering scams to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The second time we found out argued and he walked out into the desert in July in Arizona with two bad knees and almost died. This becomes relevant now, the final scammer we found out about and confronted him and he completely went out of his mind. He and I argued and he went to bed. The next morning I woke up to a s$$$ide note that stated no one ever believed him that these women loved him and were going to make him rich and the last woman scammer would call me and explain everything. I contacted the police and they had to medivac him out of the desert for the second time in a few months. He was taken to a psychiatric hospital and diagnosed with BPD, c-ptsd, anxiety and depression. He had a third psychiatric visit. He got on some medications and things had been better, but I noticed what I considered quite noticeable changes in his memory and cognition.
This year I was finally able to to get him to the right ortho surgeon, he had knee surgery in July and September. Recovery from the first surgery was going very well. He was walking independently and then suddenly Labor Day weekend he was intensely fatigued, couldn’t walk straight, was falling had intense weakness, needed to use furniture to get around, speech was slurred. I took him to the ER and he was evaluated for stroke, blood clots the works, we were told of a prior stroke that was never mentioned before, but nothing else was found. He was insistent he wanted the second surgery on Sept 12th, the hospital and surgeon approved and we went through with it. He seems to be unable to regain his strength. He’s been having falls, constipatuon, urinary incontinence , bowel incontinence, tremors, weakening of the voice, there are days his cognition seems OK and then many days he can’t follow conversation
submitted by Jealous-Credit-5598 to askneurology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 Warm-Mortgage4746 Newest pickup!

Newest pickup! LGS had these for sale, figured I’d scoop a pair. First pair of G3s!
submitted by Warm-Mortgage4746 to QualityTacticalGear [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 TheShotGunProdigy Time to get sweaty on #CallOfDuty Black Ops 6, I’m not even supposed to be streaming this today but this is the first AND last time I’m taking requests for streams (Also I’m doing a F4F for my stream.)

Time to get sweaty on #CallOfDuty Black Ops 6, I’m not even supposed to be streaming this today but this is the first AND last time I’m taking requests for streams (Also I’m doing a F4F for my stream.) submitted by TheShotGunProdigy to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 frevueltas Trump anuncia aranceles de 25% para México y Canadá desde su primer día de gobierno | Aristegui Noticias

Trump anuncia aranceles de 25% para México y Canadá desde su primer día de gobierno | Aristegui Noticias submitted by frevueltas to POLACA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 acetrickz_05121 Small Blind... sure...

Small Blind... sure... The boss blind went from 1,250,000 to this btw 😭
submitted by acetrickz_05121 to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 luckytecture What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by luckytecture to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 kalel0201 Angel

Angel submitted by kalel0201 to customactionfigures [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 According_Charge3434 Bipolar meds $14, repay Friday, cash app/venmo

I only have 72 cents until Friday but need my meds. If anyone can help with these please let my know. Thanks.
submitted by According_Charge3434 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 BathroomUnable6398 Stroking my c0ck on video. Milk me

05a82d4807cb562588c06ed3422177263b271f6522e1320a4f5e5f76a95d0c0107 or Z779S9RBM
submitted by BathroomUnable6398 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 MurphyCoDinoWrangler Time to jump on the bandwagon: I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and... I like to kiss my own butt.

Time to jump on the bandwagon: I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and... I like to kiss my own butt. submitted by MurphyCoDinoWrangler to simpsonsshitposting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:50 irlsouthtributezzz Insta VC adikan undo?

Insta VC adikan undo? submitted by irlsouthtributezzz to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]