2024.11.26 00:30 ScentAdvice BLACK FRIDAY DEALS

submitted by ScentAdvice to newfragrances [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 Ok-Progress-9971 ??

submitted by Ok-Progress-9971 to nattyorjuice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 FishingNexus 52.5” Minnesota Musky choked to death on a muskrat! 😵

submitted by FishingNexus to muskiefishing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 Panikin__ Hope this isn't real

Hope this isn't real submitted by Panikin__ to clevercomebacks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 putaristo How to license Adobe Font without Creative Cloud

I paid someone to build a web-site for me. They are using an Adobe Font. When I asked them if I would have to get a license for the font they said probably yes. Unfortunately, I did not get any further info.
After some research I am pretty confused. Google says I need Adobe Cloud for properly licensing the font. The chat lady said the cheapest option would be $55 per month. I really can't believe this to be true
Is there a way to purchase a license that does not require a creative cloud subscription? I am an accountant, not a designer for crying out loud...
Thanks for any pointers!
submitted by putaristo to Design [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 World-Tight Collapse of Earth's ocean circulation system is already happening

Collapse of Earth's ocean circulation system is already happening submitted by World-Tight to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 517SHOOTER ASICS Men's Gel-Game 9 Tennis Shoes on sale for $62.97 (30% off, retail $90.00)

submitted by 517SHOOTER to midsoledeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 creamybiscuit73 Horny for taqdees dm

submitted by creamybiscuit73 to TaqdeesYasinGoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 VegetablesTruth Concerning Tap Water Contaminants??

Hey all,
This report says that Corvallis water has 10 possible cancerous contaminants... Wondering if anyone else is worried about this.
submitted by VegetablesTruth to corvallis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 qwerty_143 Looking for Golden Tortoise Beetles (5) I don't offer!

Looking for Golden Tortoise Beetles (5) I don't offer! submitted by qwerty_143 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 JunesDepartmentStore [Seravalli on Sportsnet 650] "It seems like a David Jiricek move is a relative imminent transaction... Something that could be processed tonight...

[Seravalli on Sportsnet 650] submitted by JunesDepartmentStore to BlueJackets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 kuiper0451 [PC] Assist with Dragonlord Placidusax

First run of the game. Just got to this guy - would appreciate an assist... password: Cheese#1
submitted by kuiper0451 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 Fantastic_Permit_525 They need a bit of color but

Let's redo the 90s dolls we have no asian doll in the historical dolls at the moment, and right now the 90s twins missed the mark. I mean come on y2k? Let's do the ADA have 2 asian twins one of them being disabled. I myself am disabled. So I would love some more disabilities representation! Actually both being disabled one could have a invisible disability like autism and the other could have cp.
submitted by Fantastic_Permit_525 to americangirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 upgrade911 Anyone know the alternate title for this drama?
i can't found this drama even though it has a title on it. anyone know or can send the full video of this?
thank you
submitted by upgrade911 to ChineseDramas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 FlNutz Lf offers

Lf offers Im trading those and id do multiple for shiny mithicals or mithicals. What im really looking to is shiny genesect, shaymin/ shiny shaymin, shiny deoxys, shiny mew, hoopa, marshadow, volcanion, pecharunt and diancie/ shiny diancie. If you want make offers
submitted by FlNutz to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 According-Fun-2718 Looking for a 50 off 150

PM me and we can work something out
submitted by According-Fun-2718 to UrbanOutfitters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 shathecomedian IT engineer looking to get into the tech sales field, a couple of questions

Ive been in the IT industry for the last 10 or so years and before that I was in customer service with some sales experience. I've realized that I'm better at the soft skills than I am at the technical side. I've also grown somewhat dull with IT as I've felt I've hit a plateau with the declining job market and would like to try something a little different. Seeing how I can transfer my IT knowledge and customer service experience to excel at tech sales, not sure the best way to start with a decent position but I'm willing to work my way up
Is there anything I should for in my job search for someone in my position, Would IT experience be valuable in this field, so much so that I would allow me to say get up to a sales engineeror tech consultant role even though I don't have too much sales experience? And also, is there specific technologies I should try to familiarize myself with that could help get me hired outside of CRM
submitted by shathecomedian to techsales [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 18SCOOTA Cashing Like A Casino!!🎰 Need 2-4Mans??Link In Bio Or Dm/Comment For 3Day Free Trial🔥

Cashing Like A Casino!!🎰 Need 2-4Mans??Link In Bio Or Dm/Comment For 3Day Free Trial🔥 submitted by 18SCOOTA to PrizePicksDaily [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 quick7question Gay in Brazil for Carnaval

Hi! Will be in Brazil for Carnaval, have tickets for for 5 days in the Sambodrome and really looking forward to it. Being a gay, I know there's a big acceptance of being gay in Brazil (well from looking online). What are the best LGBT spaces and clubs?
I'm a black gay and would say I'm attractive, is there any phrases to pay attention to that people may use if they flirt? I'm starting to learn Portuguese and hope to be ok by the time I get there. Just excited and looking forward to what's to come :)
submitted by quick7question to Brazil [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 AdKlutzy9200 Having an array of issues with a hp pavilion g6

submitted by AdKlutzy9200 to HPLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 Dramat3ch Be quiet light wings fan work strange with msi b550 tomahawk max motherboard

Be quiet light wings fan work strange with msi b550 tomahawk max motherboard Recently i changed motherboard because of BSOD, i had asus prime and rgb worked well, but with new msi one it looks really bad (it doesnt have perfect cycle effect, i don't know how to describe), has anyone had same issue?
submitted by Dramat3ch to MSI_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 younging82 Well thats interesting on how many days

Seen this on the app I use to track my tv shows. Weird the number of days remaining till it's back
submitted by younging82 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 CrystalAsynja LF high tech set 16

LF high tech set 16 submitted by CrystalAsynja to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 lifeguardsleeping VERY new to fragrances, ended up not really liking a perfume i thought i would love, suggest some for me pls- bright, citrus, clean, tea

so im someone whos always just used random b&bw and victorias secret body mists but ive become really sick of them. i love the smell of citrus and tea, and especially matcha, so after considering a few i decided to get a travel bottle of un ete by obvious. i LOVE it at first, and then after only 1-2 minutes i start to dislike it. the matcha disappears virtually immediately and it turns too like… dark and dusty for me. idk how to describe it very well lol. i do not like floral, and i also think i dislike overly musky (i could be wrong though. my dad had a perfume making phase and i disliked whenever he put musk in anything.) i want something more bright, clean and fresh than un ete and preferably way more projection. i also prefer unisex but feminine fragrance is fine as well. i considered armani the yulong but decided against it because i worried it would smell too much like the vera wang green tea which my mom has and i hate, because they were often described the same way in reviews. i also considered nishane wulong cha but worried it would be TOO much citrus like i saw a few reviews say. i also considered memo winter palace but felt like it might be too masculine, idk.
submitted by lifeguardsleeping to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 wallyopd Getting Rid of Junk Portals?

A couple dozen completely junk portals have popped up in my area in the last day or so. Lots of generic "playground" or "soccer goal" portals that are mostly in people's backyards and which use literally the same exact picture.
I reported some of them for being invalid/private residential but I've had lackluster results in the past when doing that. Usually I get a follow-up in a few days saying my report was rejected and they're staying in the game.
Is there a better method for getting rid of obviously bullshit portals?
submitted by wallyopd to Ingress [link] [comments]