所以"A penny for your thoughts"是一句比较轻松的俏皮话,好像是别人在想事情、神游的时候用的。 个人认为翻成“你在想啥呢”就够了。 不过这个翻译还不够俏皮,可能最好结合上下文语境选择一个合适的翻译。 钉钉知识库、Teambition的Thoughts和语雀都是非常不错的知识管理产品。 选择哪个产品要根据企业的实际需求和预算来进行考虑。 钉钉知识库:钉钉作为国内领先的企业通信与协作平台,其知识库功能与其他钉钉应用集成紧密。 All opinions are thoughts. But not all thoughts are opinions. Humans need food to survive. Is a thought. But it's not an opinion. It's a fact. Because if people don't eat, they will die. On a lighter note. I think Pepsi is better than Coke. Is an opinion. Also, Sharknado is bad. Is an opinion. These examples all contain my thoughts on the matter. 【ネイティブが回答】「thought you might 」ってどういう意味?質問に2件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。 Thoughts Memo 信息技术行业 算法工程师 泻药,人在清远,刚开电脑,大四期间发表一篇 ACM KDD 顶会论文 [1],一篇 CCF T1 中文期刊论文[2],一篇 IEEE TKDE 顶刊论文[3]。 【ネイティブが回答】「you are in my thoughts.」ってどういう意味?質問に8件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。 今年,Third Thoughts已经有了中译本,我们在此刊发“Keeping an Eye on the Present – Whig History of Science”(《关注当下——科学的辉格史》)一文,与《返朴》诸友共读共思. 撰文丨斯蒂芬·温伯格(Steven Weinberg) 翻译丨秦麦、孙正凡 【ネイティブ回答】「thoughts」と「thought」はどう違うの?質問に3件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。 不可以,thinking名词不可数,而thought可数 我是叶峻峣,英文名是 Jarrett Ye本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学深圳校区计算机系目前在墨墨背单词工作,负责研发记忆算法对优化间隔重复算法和建模人类记忆有浓厚的兴趣代表作品A Stochastic Shortest Path Algorithm for Optimizing Spaced Repetition Scheduling | Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data ...
2024.11.26 00:52 Traditional-Camel344 Thoughts on lipoma injections?
I have a very small lipoma that feels pretty deep in my skin. Do you think injection would be a good option? Also, does normal fat sometimes feel like lipomas?
submitted by Traditional-Camel344 to Lipoma [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 SgtMayhem13 What If....
What if I take Dick Grayson and turn him into Mark Grayson?? submitted by SgtMayhem13 to McFarlaneFigures [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 testicular_cancer_fr What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by testicular_cancer_fr to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Gahro Magisches Auge Adventskalender Code (täglich aktualisiert)
In meinem Kommentar unten werde ich jeden Tag die Codes im Spoiler posten und aktualisieren.
Falls ihr Tipps fürs selber lösen braucht: Bild im Querformat anschauen (das kleine Bild im Hochformat ist für viele zu klein, wer in der App ist, am besten gesondert im Browser speichern), dann sozusagen "durch" das Bild gucken (unscharf). Stellt euch vor ihr guckt auf die Wand hinter dem Handy/Bildschirm, obwohl das Bild vor eurer Nase ist. Dann sollte nach einiger Zeit eine Art 3D Hologramm-Effekt entstehen, der die Buchstaben optisch hervorhebt.
submitted by Gahro to PlaystationDE [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 wheredig Building a subfloor with cement board in-between layers of plywood
We're building a 350 sf addition to our house that will be a large playroom for our three rowdy sons. I want the floor to be SOLID and quiet but unfortunately a slab floor is not an option for us and it will be built on a crawlspace. Finished floor will be nailed-down 3/4" oak flooring.
We're already overbuilding by spacing joists 12". I had an idea that to make a super stiff subfloor that would dampen the energy of our kids' body-slams I could lay 3/4" tongue and groove plywood, then thinset and screw down (1/2"? 1/4"?) concrete board, then thinset and screw down another layer of 3/4" t&g plywood. Or I thought about omitting the top layer of plywood and then both gluing and nailing my oak on top of the concrete board.
What do you think? It would work, right? Cost would be under $1500 in materials if I went with a 3-layer subfloor plus our labor.
Please be nice, I'm already stressed about this project. :)
submitted by wheredig to Homebuilding [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 EricDai123456 Inspired by Champagne
submitted by EricDai123456 to painting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Diminished_glutez Blurry pic, can anyone figure this out?
submitted by Diminished_glutez to whatisthiscar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 TopCombination8500 Dialga raid 2 locals irl(lvl44 and 37 with descent counters) adding up to 10 players start in 5mins 700249959966 NOTE (you can leave lobby if less than 5 players and 20 secs left from countdown, I'll try to re-invite again) goodluck
submitted by TopCombination8500 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 UnknownGoblin892 Spouse "can't" find work
Throw away for obvious reasons.
My (31f) husband (36m) quit truck driving almost a year ago. He said he wanted to start a business and was miserable trucking so I told him to go for it. Its been almost a year and he's worked on maybe 4 jobs since then. He sits around our house claiming he's trying but hasn't done any advertising for the business, doesn't call people back and has lacked serious motivation.
Over the past 6 months I've begged him to get at least a part time job. I understand these things can take time to get off the ground but he doesn't seem to be trying at all. I make enough money to cover our expenses but that's it. We aren't saving and can't afford to do anything. I've cried to him so many times that I need help. I still do the majority of the housework on top of working full time. I've also considered getting another part time job to try to build some savings.
He says he feels bad, and has even broke down in tears because he "feels like a failure" but isn't making an effort to improve things. I'm near my breaking point with my workload.
What would you do in my situation? I really need some advice.
submitted by UnknownGoblin892 to Marriage [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 tattooedhottie55 Such a good Puppy🥵
This one made me 💦💦 submitted by tattooedhottie55 to findommes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Desperate_Pin_3609 5 star gold for regular 5 star
Will send super-visor for doctor strange submitted by Desperate_Pin_3609 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Outrageous_Sector544 How do you think soldier boy would've reacted to finding out America had a black president?
submitted by Outrageous_Sector544 to TheBoys [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 SlithlyToves nothing but the truth
https://preview.redd.it/t4zf1mov853e1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=e71a4b244381c83c70192cc0667917deb3da8b3e submitted by SlithlyToves to BrokenArrowTheGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Honest_Permit8385 So what the hate against korathoses
I can't be a korathos for more than five second without someone targeting me and I don't understand why I'm just trying to walk by them and they kill me, kinda dumb.
submitted by Honest_Permit8385 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Biscuitsss71 How can I improve my deck
Sorry about the bad photos I don't know how else to show the entire deck submitted by Biscuitsss71 to PokemonPocket [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Strict_Ambassador_59 Does FF7 get less stale?
I'm at the part where jessie dies in chapter 12 but the whole game feels really stale. I did come into the game with some things spoiled so maybe thats why. I know that aerith gets killed by sephiroth, sephiroth and cloud are like war buddies or something, aerith likes cloud because cloud is acting like zach and I know that he gets killed in the prequel at the end. I know that sephiroth is cloned or something? This one I can't remember much because I only saw a part of the spoiler. But even without all of that the entire game feels stale story wise. Theres no real goal I feel like im working towards and that every chapter is happening because of some bs. I went into the game expecting a really strong story but it feels like all its been is, "avalanche bombs reactor one, get resources for next bomb, bomb reactor 5," and the rest just feels like cloud trying to come back to avalanche. Im enjoying it but im forcing myself to get past chapter 12 because maybe the last 4 chapters have been a really shitty part of the game besides from aerith.
The gameplay isn't really there either I've gotten past most fights without any real difficulty or honestly any reason to swap characters besides to heal or use aerith's spells because cloud just does it all. One boss I really enjoyed was Hellhouse because of just how creative the fight, design, and gimmicks were, but besides him and the SOLDIER fights nothing has been a lot of fun. Overall the combat loop gets really stale.
By stale I mean theres no big climax or goal to the game like other story games: MGS, Ghost of Tsushima, Zelda, God of War etc. The characters are kinda boring besides barrett and aerith and I barely get to interact with one of them. Cloud is getting his character development but tifa Does the game ever get to a point where there is a goal, and a climax to it? Because how the story is progressing right now I don't feel like continuing it.
The music and villains are amazing though. Reno and Rude are really cool, of course Sephiroth is dope but you barely get to see him. Roche was really cool even though he wasn't in the story much but his 2 appearances were amazing.
PS: I've never played a FF game, and my usual type of story game are like the ones I listed. Also this is my first traditional JRPG.
submitted by Strict_Ambassador_59 to FinalFantasyVII [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 bellac25 is he a cat or a raindeer?
submitted by bellac25 to Animal [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 United-Trainer7931 Is the scoreboard bugged, or are my teammates consistently getting 0 kills in plunder EVERY match?
I play a good amount of plunder, and I am extremely lucky if a single one of my teammates gets 5 kills. The rest consistently get 0 kills and just do scavenger bounties. Is the scoreboard bugged or is this actually how people play?
submitted by United-Trainer7931 to Warzone [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Sea_Bag8251 best duo?
submitted by Sea_Bag8251 to vscosloots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Asleep_Cattle_6457 Serene cute ☺️
submitted by Asleep_Cattle_6457 to HesriGirls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Any-Evening3041 Ist meine Freundin eifersüchtig auf die Aufmerksamkeit, die ich bekomme?
Hallo. Ich habe vor einigen jahren jemanden aus discord kennengelernt, freundschaftlich, sind beide weiblich und wir sind dann online besties geworden. wir haben die gleiche energie und verstehen uns auch sehr gut. Mir ist nur etwas aufgefallen, wo ich so dachte, dass sie oft eifersüchtig auf mich ist wenn ich mehr aufmerksamkeit bekomme als sie.
Jedesmal wenn ich in dem server mehr aufmerksamkeit im chat bekomme macht sie fragwürdige kommentare wie: „Ganze aufmerksamkeit auf dir keiner beachtet mich“. Sie lacht dabei und belustigt es, um vielleicht ihre innere eifersucht zu verstecken. Der admin von dem server hat mir auch nitro geschenkt (das ist sowas wie nen abo mit geld womit man mehr optionen hat) und er ist mir dann auch gefolgt. aufeinmal hat sie ihn auch zugespammed und getagged und wollte auch aufmerksamkeit von ihm. eine andere person hat auch aus spaß mit mir geflirtet und sie schrieb mir vor einigen tagen „er hat auch mir geschrieben er flirtet irgendwie mit mir, er betrügt dich haha“. sie folgt auch einem guten freund von mir auf insta und hat ihn auch vollgespammed mit „wir sind jetzt besties ich bin genau so wie mein name aber nur in besser“ - er ist generell ein schlechter texter und hat sie auch ignoriert. bis heute folgt er ihr nicht mal zurück. ich finde das folgen auch tatsächlich etwas komisch, weil sie NULL bezug zu meinem freund hat und er sie nicht mal kennt. ich habe dann daraus geschlossen, dass sie eifersüchtig ist, wenn ich mehr aufmerksamkeit bekomme als sie. würdet ihr auch so denken wie ich?
natürlich heule ich mich jetzt nicht nur auf reddit aus sondern habe ihr in einer langen sprachnachricht all diese ganzen dinge erwähnt, schauen wir mal was sie antwortet. wie würdet ihr damit umgehen, wenn sie es zugibt? ich würde mich tatsächlich etwas komisch und distanziert fühlen. klar eifersucht ist ein normales gefühl, jeder ist mal eifersüchtig auf etwas, aber es bei einer guten freundin so auszuleben und es ihr schließlich nicht zu gönnen ist komisch.
bitte sagt nix zu meiner schreibart ich schreibe halt gerne klein und setze viele kommata ein. 😂
submitted by Any-Evening3041 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Extreme_Disk_1483 2 years and I still miss him
So it’s been two years since we broke up. He was my high school sweetheart, we were together for almost 6 years but after getting into our 2nd year of uni I told him that I needed a break to think about our relationship.
I was in a not so happy place and wanted some space to rethink my decisions. He was kind and so loving, but I felt like I couldn’t give him what he deserved. I have been always insecure of my body and this affected our intimate life considerably. It also brought us a bunch of dumb fights, which was the reason I thought I wasn’t good enough and that he could be happier with another person.
We agreed on having a break of one month to think and to talk again on October 10th, 2022. After I did a bunch of thinking, I realized I really loved him and that I wanted to put all the effort to spend the rest of my life with him. So when the time came, he picked me up at school and we went to a cafe.
On the cafe we talked, and I told him I wanted to be with him. But then, he told me that after thinking a lot, he felt that we shouldn’t be together, at least not at the moment. He told me that he still loved and desired me, but that he felt that he was not able to give me what I deserved. It’s true that he was very busy and we lived like half an hour by car from one another (not that much, but neither of us had a car and in my city bus is no really an option). He wanted to give me more, but at the moment, he couldn’t.
I cried a lot and told him I just needed him, nothing more. But he told me he wouldn’t be happy by giving me the bare minimum. In the end (and to not make things any longer) we broke up. A month later, after I went to therapy, we talked a bit more calmly about everything and ended up as friends.
However, sometimes he still messaged me and sent me TikTok and stuff. We flirted a bit, he sometimes told me he wanted to kiss me by message, etc. This went on until May 7th, 2023, my birthday. That day he was a bit off, and I noticed because we had a reunion with our friends to celebrate the occasion. At the end of the day, he sent me a message that he thought I was not interested in him, but I told him I just wanted to get over him (it’s true that I had been a bit apathetic for that exact reason).
Our interactions stopped until later in the October 30th 2023, over a year from our break up. I went to a Halloween party and he was there. We both got a bit drunk and ended up kissing. We didn’t talk about it, and acted as if nothing happened, until December 26th 2023, on our Christmas reunion with some friends. We got drunk again, but just talked about how we thought a lot about that kiss and that we still shared that special connection from high school.
On February 2024 he was still flirting with me during friend reunions and we had a trip planned with those same friends on March that same year. I was excited, because I really liked him, and spending all day with him seemed like a dream. But the trip came and we almost didn’t even talked. He didn’t look to see me and almost ignored me. I was so heartbroken, but on May found out he had a girlfriend. Everything made sense. I blocked him everywhere and erased all our photos.
Later, on July, I saw him and his girlfriend all lovey dovey on a friend’s party. This broke my heart again, but made me realize we had no future together anymore. But then, on August I made a reunion because I was going abroad to Spain in about 10 days. That was the first time we really talked in a while and he asked me a bunch of things about my life, and I did as well. He told me he was feeling unsuccessful, but I told him the truth, that he was the most amazing man in the whole world and that anything he wanted to do, he could. I believed in him. He thanked me that night and (I don’t know if purposefully or not) hugged me a bunch of times and kissed me on the cheek twice.
I was so confused. Now that I’m abroad I miss him terribly. Idk if he’s still with his girlfriend, but even if I’m on the wrong, I yearn for him a lot. He was my best friend and my greatest love, and after 2 years of breakup, I really don’t know how to let go.
Sorry if this was long, just needed to let this go. Please give me some tips or your opinion on this, I’d really appreciate it to learn from anyone else to get over this, thanks 💗
submitted by Extreme_Disk_1483 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Tooma8_ Yes
submitted by Tooma8_ to Chaggie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:52 Madao893 Dragon Quest IX DS real ?
submitted by Madao893 to gameverifying [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:52 Mel_Morty Best Dating Apps for Sabahans
For genuine long-term relationship, not FWB or Scamming for money
Ada sesiapa buli suggest, yg mimang ada good success rate %
Yg kita2 Sabahans pernah pakai, based on own experiences atau kwn2 punya cerita dpt cari pasangan.
Utk kusai cari sumandak & vice versa, sumandak cari kusai.
Utk potential long-term relationship and partnership,
bukan utk FWB
atau yg sumandak pura2 mo jd gf pdhal utk scam dpt kena belanja & kna bg duit coz ada sdh sumandak2 Sabah mcm tu, sad but true.
Suggest2 lh ah, utk kwn2 yg msh mencari pasangan, coz bkn senang skrg dpt jumpa & chat2 d public, most ppl skrg just stare into their electronic devices sj.
submitted by Mel_Morty to Sabah [link] [comments]