Spot the difference - Base Building! How many differences can you find?

2024.11.26 01:53 StrawDeath Spot the difference - Base Building! How many differences can you find?

Spot the difference - Base Building! How many differences can you find? There are 25 differences between these images, not including lighting. How many can you find, and which ones?
submitted by StrawDeath to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 wunuwsmi Civil war

Civil war submitted by wunuwsmi to pinoy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Adept_Studio_9247 Question for current med students

I'm a current first year med student in the uk and just wanted to ask a question about studying. I go to the lecture, annotate the lecture slides on one note and then attempting to make my own flashcards from the lecture on quizlet. However, it takes SO much time to create my own flashcards and I am wondering if it's better to use premade flash card decks from upper years. My only concern is I don't truly grasp the concepts as well as I do when making my own, not to mention I question the quality of the pre made flashcards and if they contain all the info I need to know. I'm just parnoid about getting every detail. However with the amount of time it's taking me to create my own I find I'm falling a bit behind on lectures as I end up feeling really tired and taking so much time after creating flash card decks for just 1 or 2 lectures. Any advice?? Do I tough it out and create my own or try to get upper years pre made flashcards and combine them with my annotated slides on one note to study?
submitted by Adept_Studio_9247 to UCAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Deckname_B Aufblasbare Weihnachtskugel abdichten

Aufblasbare Weihnachtskugel abdichten Hallo. Wir haben letztes Jahr aufblasbare Weihnachtskugeln gekauft und draußen festgebunden. Durch den Wind hatten die aber genug Bewegung um undicht zu werden. Nun meine Frage: wie bekomme ich die dauerhaft dicht - also nicht nur flicken des aktuellen Lochs, sondern auch sicherstellen dass kein neues mehr entsteht. Ich habe über Reifendichtmittel nachgedacht, da ich dann aber jede Menge benötige (Kugel hat einen Durchmesser von ca 60cm), würde das zu teuer werden. Neukauf in China liegt aktuell bei 5€. Freue mich auf eure Antwort / Meinung. Danke
submitted by Deckname_B to selbermachen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Traditional-Ad-3149 archer queen getting kicked out of townhall 9 is wild

it's crazy like what the fuck the demon prince is UGLYYYY aq literally defined the color scheme and skulls of th 9
submitted by Traditional-Ad-3149 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Sons_of_Maccabees After getting away with collaborating with the Hamas and Hezbollah

After getting away with collaborating with the Hamas and Hezbollah submitted by Sons_of_Maccabees to Palestinian_Violence [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 tkdzart Squelch (acrylic, oil, marker)

Squelch (acrylic, oil, marker) submitted by tkdzart to tkdzart [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Pharinx Josh promotes his favorite cryptocurrency

submitted by Pharinx to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]


GETOUTOFMYHEADGETOUTOFMYHEADGETOUTOFMYHEADGETOUTOFMYHEAD submitted by Realistic_Papaya_203 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 halloweenkittymatcha colleges that dont require official transcripts for applying

the cost of sending transcripts (from 5 diff colleges) (high school) is so expensive and turns me off from applying to other schools besides the UC’s. does anyone else have this stupid problem because im an idiot for not considering it when using
submitted by halloweenkittymatcha to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 AnonymousLurker718 Good monitor to pair with and complement a Dell G2724D for productivity + gaming.

I'm looking for a 2nd monitor to pair with my Dell G2724D for productivity but which will also complement its weaknesses/shortcomings when it comes to gaming.

So basically, it's a choice between good contrast and HDR vs 4k. Again, this monitor will also be used for productivity so OLED is not an option. What would you get?
submitted by AnonymousLurker718 to buildapcmonitors [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 reddit_lss_1 Test Title 2024-11-26 01:52:52

Test Title 2024-11-26 01:52:52 Test body 2024-11-26 01:52:52
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Dj_JustB In this gripping horror game, John visits his grandmother Emma after the passing of his grandfather, Clark, only to discover an eerie silence in her home. With Emma locked away in her room, John senses something is off. What happens when he finally breaks the silence and opens the door?

In this gripping horror game, John visits his grandmother Emma after the passing of his grandfather, Clark, only to discover an eerie silence in her home. With Emma locked away in her room, John senses something is off. What happens when he finally breaks the silence and opens the door? submitted by Dj_JustB to YoutubeSelfPromotion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 WahtDaHellLibra Are Libra very serious people? I feel like my bf rarely laugh

submitted by WahtDaHellLibra to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Z3M0G Portal 4.0 microstutter tests with Control. VS some older videos showing microstutter with other games.

In response to DF saying Control on Portal still had microstutter.
Control Cloud Gaming -
Control Remote Play -
(Be sure to set video max settings, they may need little more time to process)
Past videos I recorded that show stutter:
submitted by Z3M0G to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Putrid-March6608 Saxenda as a 20 year old-Week 2

Hey! I hope everyone is doing well!
I wanted to do a Week 2 check in and update on my Saxenda journey and also give some more information on what my plan is for the next few months.
•I am following the suggested schedule of Saxenda prescription which is increasing the doses every week until reaching the full dosage by week 5. I will be doing my best to follow this strictly and not do things like half doses in order to make sure I get the most accurate results. •I inject at 8pm using a 4mm needle. I do not change the needle after each injection and rather change once in 3 days or just after a week and this has been working fine for me.
Results and Thoughts
-Starting weight: 75kgs (with clothes) -Current weight : 72kgs
I was extremely happy to see I lost about 2.5-3kgs in 2 weeks! As a note from my previous post, i didn’t measure my weight after week 1 due to being on my period which would skew the results, so I’m not too sure how much of the weight loss occurred in week 1 vs week 2.
Week 2 also went very well for me. I definitely felt the appetite suppression being much higher compared to last week. I thankfully didn’t have any side effects aside from mild constipation which was not bad.
I definitely upped my exercise during these 2 weeks (I increased from 30 minutes to about 40-45 minutes per day). Due to my pcos these workouts were mostly weight training with some days of core training without weights.
One interesting thing is that I maybe didn’t fully experience the appetite suppression like I’ve seen many people experience it. I definitely still wanted meals and didn’t need to force myself to eat them. I still mostly ate my normal portions of food which always had a protein and vegetables. But my main issue of snacking was greatly reduced! I had a lot less snacks though out the day until I got to only about 1 snack a day. I also made sure to weigh out and portion my snacks to help with portion control. I was thinking that the Saxenda allowed me to still eat my meals which were always healthy, but gave me a crutch to help curve my vice of snacking.
I will say there were some days where the appetite suppression was stronger than the others. I am currently on 1.2 mg and the switch from 0.6 to this wasn’t too bad for me. Only one night/early morning on day 2 of 1.2 I had almost like a sugar low or hypo. My blood sugar dropped to 4.8 which isn’t too low nut low for me normally. Other than this everything was good.
Please let me know if you have any questions or advice! Thank you in advance and all the best on your journey!!
submitted by Putrid-March6608 to liraglutide [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 bbi4life What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by bbi4life to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 KindPisces Anybody else’s pup obsessed with bottles??

Anybody else’s pup obsessed with bottles?? He has all and any kind of toys and yet he goes crazy for a bottle I don’t understand
submitted by KindPisces to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Bestow5000 FEEDBACK: Comp population is abysmal. It's time to remove the 3 matches per week limit to farm comp weapons and let loose

As it stands, the 3 matches per week concept is incredibly dated and with the competitive population on a steep decline, only to spike for the first few days after reset is not something that should stay in the game at all.
Remove the limits, let people play matches and farm for it. Make it to so it has a 50% drop after a win at least. Let us farm for any competitive weapons. If you want, keep drop weighing a thing. For example, this season it's Deadlock shotgun so it has a higher drop chance than the rest but other older comp weapons still drop. Make the 3 matches per week a requirement first before you can farm for the weapons and give a guaranteed drop of the seasonal comp weapon.
You have no idea how many people you'll bring to engage with the game mode again even if matchmaking might be bad to some degree. At least you'll have a somewhat better player population and retention to farm for their God rolls.
Mercules is here so I hope he and the team sees this feedback and not be afraid or stingy of giving out loot anymore.
submitted by Bestow5000 to CrucibleGuidebook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Ravindu_6 What is the dragon ball version of this

What is the dragon ball version of this submitted by Ravindu_6 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 AllAStudent FAFSA Twins

Hello, I've been redirected here from this post
Basically, my twin sister and I have been accepted into a couple of colleges recently and we're thinking about starting the FAFSA forms soon. However, I've heard from my mom that when a parent makes an account, they have to fill out info for the student and she's confused if she has to put only one of us or both of our info in that section. I'm greatly confused and both me and my sister have friends who aren't twins so we don't have anyone to help with our situation. Any ideas about this would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by AllAStudent to FAFSA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Bootiluvr You can remember anyone’s name the first time

You have to hear or see their name first
submitted by Bootiluvr to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 oli39 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by oli39 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 TheonewhoseesMUDA Limited time: Free handpicked cofounder recommendations!

I've been a long-time lurker on this sub and wanted to contribute, so here's what you came here for!
I'm one of the cofounders of FindMyCofounder (, a service where we do all the hard work for you when it comes to finding a cofounder. Finding a cofounder is tough and takes a long time, but we make it fast and easy. Based on your answers to our questionnaire, we handpick the best potential cofounder recommendations for you, saving you valuable time and effort to work on your startup! We take into consideration your desired skills, location, age, commitment, and more in a cofounder and find the best options for your unique situation.
Each recommendation comes with a comprehensive profile report, containing crucial information such as the potential cofounder's past experience, current goals, skillsets, and why they were selected as a cofounder recommendation for you.
For a limited time only, we are giving out free Basic and Pro plans (up to 100 free cofounder recommendations). Only the first 500 people to participate can get a free plan, so hurry up to not miss out!
Basic: Make one social media post (Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.) about FindMyCofounder that mentions this limited-time free promotion, includes the website url ( and tags #findmycofounder
Pro: Post one video about FindMyCofounder on a social media platform, mentioning this limited-time free promotion and tagging #findmycofounder. The video must get at least 2,000 views/impressions
After you complete the above requirements for the corresponding plan, DM this Reddit account or email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with the link to your social media post/video along with proof that you own the social media account, and we will give you a 100% discount code for the corresponding plan!
submitted by TheonewhoseesMUDA to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 HighwayTurbulent4188 Perhaps the lack of a certified third stage of the New Glenn contributed to its not being chosen, but Vulcan was another eligible supplier, it seems that NASA went for the cheaper option

Perhaps the lack of a certified third stage of the New Glenn contributed to its not being chosen, but Vulcan was another eligible supplier, it seems that NASA went for the cheaper option submitted by HighwayTurbulent4188 to BlueOrigin [link] [comments]