35 female married looking for friends

2024.11.26 01:29 Jay_Bean 35 female married looking for friends

Looking for New Friends - Goth, metal, Macabre, Emo, AI Nerd, and More!
Hi everyone! I’m looking to connect with like-minded people who share my love for all things dark, mysterious, and maybe even a little nerdy. I’m into goth and emo aesthetics, spooky things, and exploring the macabre side of life. But there’s also a techie side to me that’s all about the future and the unknown, thanks to my passion for artificial intelligence.
A little about me: • I’m currently working in tech as an Atlassian admin and about to start my master’s degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence. I’m excited to dive into the world of AI and explore how it connects with everything from human psychology to cybersecurity. So, if you’re into tech, AI, or love imagining how machines will shape our future, we’ll have plenty to talk about! • When I’m not geeking out over AI, I’m all about the dark and brooding side of life. From music and fashion to art and spooky movies, I’ve always loved the goth and emo scene. Bonus points if you want to swap playlists or talk about favorite bands. • I’m also a mountain lover. Colorado is my dream spot, and I’d love to connect with people who appreciate awe-inspiring landscapes or have the same obsession with the outdoors (even if it’s from behind a computer screen). • I have a pack of adorable, chaotic dogs that keep life interesting, and I’m always up for swapping pet stories.
If you’re into deep conversations, spooky aesthetics, nerdy tech topics, or just want to share memes and laugh at the absurdity of life, reach out! Let’s chat about the dark and mysterious, geek out over AI, or just connect over random fun.
Looking forward to meeting some new friends!
Does this feel more like you? Let me know if there’s anything else you want to add!
submitted by Jay_Bean to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 lanapie Looking for these and can offer the bottom. I live in Texas and can’t fly.

Looking for these and can offer the bottom. I live in Texas and can’t fly. submitted by lanapie to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 orangeZ80s Community Challenge

Community Challenge …needs color; ripped up my first attempt. Zebra 0.7mm
submitted by orangeZ80s to urbansketchers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 Downtown_Cup_8626 How to Make My Wix Portfolio Responsive on Desktop?

During an interview, the hiring manager resized their browser window and pointed out that my portfolio wasn’t mobile-friendly. I had already enabled Wix’s mobile-friendly option and set all stripes to stretch to fit the window. However, the site still doesn’t adjust properly when the browser is resized—it requires horizontal scrolling instead of dynamically resizing to fit the screen at certain point.
Any tips on ensuring my Wix site is fully responsive to desktop browser resizing?
submitted by Downtown_Cup_8626 to WixHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 Siren-Fan Found in a 2010 Video

Found in a 2010 Video submitted by Siren-Fan to AirRaidSirens [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 Interesting_Math_199 Trump Endorses Staunchly 'Anti-Muslim Florida Lawmaker' For A Run In US Congress

Trump Endorses Staunchly 'Anti-Muslim Florida Lawmaker' For A Run In US Congress submitted by Interesting_Math_199 to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 bradythediabetic2008 Ngl I'm doing pretty good so far

Ngl I'm doing pretty good so far submitted by bradythediabetic2008 to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 lss_str_01 New gallery post 1125172817

New gallery post 1125172817 submitted by lss_str_01 to ImageAutomatedTest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 OldFaithlessness5107 Show off ypur gf/wife to me and let's stroke to her kik tcman24

submitted by OldFaithlessness5107 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 pescadoamado Imperial Triumphant - Hotel Sphinx

Imperial Triumphant - Hotel Sphinx I love the colors and complexity of this immense NYC avant-garde extreme metal band. The outro reminds me of A Clockwork Orange soundtrack. Glad to see them chugging, jazzing and sounding fresh as ever. Maybe outside of the realm of typical technical styles but I can't play this.
submitted by pescadoamado to TechnicalDeathMetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 jrmdotcom IKEA Sektion and Range Hood

For those who have installed under cabinet mount range hoods on the IKEA 15” depth cabinet, which brand did you use and did you use a 3” filler plate?
We found Hauslane makes a ~15” depth range hood (UC-PS60) but it isn’t as functional as their 12” cabinet depth trademark model, UC-PS18, i.e. catch pan, replaceable LED bulbs, and mult-variable fan speeds.
Adding a 3” filler plate to the 22” full depth UC-PS18 would put the range hood 25” from the wall, entirely over the range. I can see this being a problem for people cooking and hitting their head on the range hood. This problem exists for most brands as they share similar dimensions.
The next brand we looked at was Zephyr but the two 15” depth models they made came with mesh filter baffles only. We like the ability to throw the SS baffles into the dishwasher to clean them. We have the mesh filter baffle on our current Broan and it is not the easiest to clean.
What was your experience when choosing your range hood?
My situation: 30”-wide, under cabinet, rear-ducted range hood for electric stove top install under a 15” depth cabinet.
Price range: $200-$500
submitted by jrmdotcom to IKEA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 expertsillygoose I want a man that puts up and takes down Christmas lights

Could I do it as a strong independent woman sure do I want to no
submitted by expertsillygoose to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 RedEARTHConcealment I couldn’t help myself - new EDC

I couldn’t help myself - new EDC submitted by RedEARTHConcealment to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:29 Raul345__ Maes, a qué edad tuvieron su primera intimidad?

Yo empiezo, cuando tenía aproximadamente unos 10 años y ya tenía el poderoso acceso a internet solía ver cosas un tanto extravagantes por curiosidad(Nopor en Youtube😔)... No era algo que hiciera seguido, para nada Pero si lo hacía muy de vez en cuando pues estaba demasiado chico y me daba miedo que me descubrieran mis padres, pues el caso que un día quise ir más haya y le comenté sobre todo esto a mi prima, ella es 1 año menor que yo y debido a la curiosidad de los 2 ella accedió. Y ahí estaba yo, presumiendole lo ocurrido a mis compañeros de 5º año de primaria en ese entonces. Una experiencia nueva para un chamaquillo como yo pero por lo tanto inolvidable. A día de hoy sigo teniendo contacto con dicha prima y siempre solemos hacer bromas con eso. Esto sucedió hace bastantes años Pero no sé olvida, como ya dije, algo inolvidable.
submitted by Raul345__ to Ticos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 _ItzLorenzo Still in queue for the paranorman’s?

Been a while still says I’m in the queue. If I don’t get results by the time the af1 low eyes drop starts I’m taking a L 😭
submitted by _ItzLorenzo to Goatapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 PickingMidnightRoses trading things for party doubles, bowties, forests, and also interested in a rare white bowtie!

trading things for party doubles, bowties, forests, and also interested in a rare white bowtie! Can provide closeups
submitted by PickingMidnightRoses to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 Eliazar28 Feeling luckyyy

Feeling luckyyy submitted by Eliazar28 to Eli_Monopoly_crib [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 Sudden_Pin_7590 ¿Qué puedo hacer? ¿Soy muy argel?

Aviso texto largo. Contexto, hace un mes que entré a trabajar en un lugar donde el setenta porciento de sus empleados son mujeres y treinta porciento son hombres, algo que según yo no tenia nada de malo hasta que conviví con ese ambiente y de verdad a mí me tocó LO PEOR. Minas que se pelean por los hombres, se comen entre ellos, etc. Desde hace dos semanas un man parece que piensa que soy la misma onda que mis compañeras, yo soy de verdad muy muy selectiva con la gente, sobre todo con amigos que son hombres porque lastimosamente aprendí a las malas que no todos los hombres quieren ser tu amigo y ya. Algo que me di cuenta en este tipo desde el principio que no quería agradarme nomás. Desde el principio fue re espanta minas mostrándome su foto semi desnudo y preguntandome si me gustaba, obvio que reaccioné mal, ni siquiera le conozco y apenas tiene la oportunidad de hablarme me muestra eso, y después se hace otra vez el indignado diciendo "yo no quiero nada contigo, no confundas las cosas" MAN YO SÉ QUÉ INTENTAS pensé. Y sí, ahora me cae re mal el intenta molestarme como si fuéramos amigos, no somos amigos, él es solamente mi compañero de trabajo y fuera de mi trabajo no le conozco, y me sigue cuando salgo a almorzar. Más que agradarme me molesta mucho y quiero decirle a mi gerente que me siento acosada por el tipo éste. Hago bien? Me va a hacer piko caso mi gerente considerando que está mucho más tiempo que yo? Estoy siendo muy argel? Tengo mi novio que está al tanto de casi todo, no le dije que me siguió porque sé que va a venir a mandarle a la chota, y si se merece el infeliz pero realmente no quiero armar escándalo por algo que puedo resolver de forma tranquila por ahora. Y no gente, no quiero perder el trabajo, necesito y me pagan bien.
PD: Le dejé muy en claro varias veces que no quiero que se acerque a mí, me quiere pegar gua'u pero a mí no me gusta que me toquen si no es necesario tipo por chocarnos del apuro en el trabajo, le dije e igual hace. Ayuda
submitted by Sudden_Pin_7590 to Paraguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 Such_Ring9933 Do we fw the building area?

Do we fw the building area? submitted by Such_Ring9933 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 Becausebot04 I Need Help Finding A Documentary

So I recently heard of this documentary called "Twice Bombed: The Legacy of Yamaguchi Tsutomu" I can't find it anywhere and I've searched for a little bit now and I really want to watch it. Any help would be much appreciated.
submitted by Becausebot04 to japan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 remarkr85 My family loves to vacation in Mexico, will the possible 25% tariffs affect the cost of the vacations we’ve booked in February 2025?

submitted by remarkr85 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 TC_Buckeye DEVICE NOT CONNECTED Error

DEVICE NOT CONNECTED Error Trying to rip Boyhood Criterion Blu Ray. Was 99% done before erroring on first try (my external storage drive went to sleep at the end for some reason). So I started again and now keep getting this error. Have ripped two other movies fine between trying but this disc keeps giving this same error every time. Any advice? Weird that it did fine the first time but isn’t anymore. Have tried unplugging, restarting, and cleaning the disc. New disc drive purchased end of last week.
submitted by TC_Buckeye to makemkv [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 Ok_Kangaroo_7566 Dear Petunia

I miss arranging the mess on my floor so that it would suit you as a bed to nestle yourself in.
I miss you, my girl.
I want to learn to be in my body. It is so hard without you. Being in my body means pain. Lots of it. I know that you would not want me to keep abandoning myself. I love you so much. I miss your fluffy belly and your sweet smell. I miss our cuddles. I miss your soothing rumbling purrs and your sweet adorable face. I miss your warmth and your sweet calm gentle presence.
It is still so hard to believe that you are gone. Missing you is the hardest part of all of this. I just want more of those wonderful times with you. I think I was ready to let go of caring for you in your illness. I thought maybe I'd miss giving you your pills and your insulin injections. I'm not sure I do. I miss the healthy Petunia you once were and I suppose that makes this years of cumulative grief, not weeks. Years of grief that I did not want to feel, because you were still here with me and I did not want to spoil that. Or accept that the end really was near. I hoped you'd get better but at the same time I knew that hope was futile, I knew that it would simply be more months, more years of injections and dreading the progression of it all, dreading the drawn out suffering for both of us.
I wanted to be better for you. On some level, I knew you were absorbing my pain just like the psychic said. I felt guilty. I feel guilty. I did not want my sickness to make you sick. And as you got sicker, I dissociated more and more. I did not want to do this, but the liminality of it all made it hard to emotionally commit myself in any direction. I wanted to enjoy every moment with you, not be wallowing in sadness and fear. Ultimately I could not commit to doing either. Pulled in opposing directions I began checking out of my body even more. And so did you.
I am so sorry I did not know how to break down the wall that was building between us. I'm so sorry for the lies I told myself that kept me from seeing you and deepening my connection with you. I'm sorry if i made you suffer longer than you had to because of my denial and dissociation. I promise I loved you, and I always will. I'm sorry I wasn't braver. I'm sorry I didn't try to be better for you, I'm sorry I didn't do more to heal myself in a way that might have healed you too.
You were the most magnificent and sweet cat I have ever known. Gentle, beautiful, sweet, perfect. Thank you so much for being my cat for 13 years. I will never stop loving you. I hope you're running through endless meadows, chasing butterflies, completely free of pain, living your wildest kitty dreams in total freedom and bliss. I love you, Petunia.
submitted by Ok_Kangaroo_7566 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 Equal_Independence_5 NEED ONE PERSON TO DO MY CODE 🙏 41555352

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below! 41555352
submitted by Equal_Independence_5 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:28 downloadCSsource Le title

Le title submitted by downloadCSsource to NewVegasMemes [link] [comments]
