For Those Wanting to Excel in Prelims 2025

2024.11.26 01:59 MusicMetalStory For Those Wanting to Excel in Prelims 2025

I have consistently scored 15+ marks above the UPSC Prelims GS Cutoff for the past 3 years, and my experience tells that apart from a very good command over static books and current affairs, prelims require the development of a substantial amount of risk-taking appetite. No matter how much or how well you study, there will always be questions where you'll have to take a leap of faith and mark the answer based on your instincts. The broader is your knowledge base, the better your first instinct becomes,
In this context, I've started sharing UPSC-CSE Like Quizzes that involve two types of questions 1. First 5 based on the key current affairs or basic static topics. 2. Next 5 would be intentionally from sources/topics one generally doesn't read much about. You're required to attempt those questions anyway after some thought and use them to develop your risk-taking appetite by identifying patterns and trends. In the longer run, it'll help in building a sound aptitude for tricky Prelims questions.
Also 1) you'll have a response of your answers emailed to you along with your score 2) answers along with explanations will be available right after you submit the quiz. 3) Quiz will go live every day at 9:30 pm.
Currently, skipping questions is not allowed in the Quiz in order to boost your risk-taking appetite, and make it comfortable for you to err. Once we've practiced this for enough days, we'll move on to improve question selection skills, where we'll learn when and how to skip questions.
Link for the first 3 Quizzes shared below: November 23, 2024 - [Cutoff- 6/10] November 24, 2024- [Cutoff-7/10] November 25, 2024- [Cutoff- To Be Declared Tonight at 9:30pm]
You can also join the WhatsApp group which I manage where many aspirants are regularly attempting the Quizzes and competing for improvement. WhatsApp Group:
Lastly, do share your feedback and/or suggestions to make the Quizzes even more helpful for you.
Thank you.
submitted by MusicMetalStory to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 wendysfrostyie is drinking bad for growing,

im lowkeeye drunk as im typing this but i just need to know caude if so ill stop
submitted by wendysfrostyie to BoysAskDads [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Axolotl_Enthusiast11 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Axolotl_Enthusiast11 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Kitchen_Entertainer9 What time do you usually start your day?

Anyone start after 7 am?
submitted by Kitchen_Entertainer9 to FritoLay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Debonair_demon Working on a term paper based on better call Saul

My research question is How does Better Call Saul portray the ethical dilemmas and conflicts between personal ambition and professional integrity in the American legal field?
What are some good episodes to look at to understand Saul,chuck or Kim better
submitted by Debonair_demon to betterCallSaul [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 PEPE_DEFAULT I just entered a contest to win 1BTC. If I win I’m buying 50k worth of PEPE and will post proof.

Long live PEPE
submitted by PEPE_DEFAULT to PEPE_COIN [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Tight_Ad3069 Oncoplastic breast surgery laws?

For some context: I’m 22F and am getting a 2cm lump removed from my left breast that contains atypical cells in the next few months.
My doctors will not provide me a breast reduction in the right breast as the mass is too small for there to be a noticeable difference.
My issue is that my right boob is already visibly larger than my left in a bra. Even though the mass isn’t that big at the moment that difference is most definitely going to be noticeable through tight clothing after surgery.
I’m very insecure about my breasts already when I’m naked since one hangs down further and I don’t want it this insecurity to be intensified for the rest of my life.
Are there any laws or rules in Canada where it’s my right to have oncoplastic breast surgery?
Also please no responses about how the mass is too small for anyone to notice, I will be able to notice.
submitted by Tight_Ad3069 to doihavebreastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 BlueGrayDiamond I have a few days off, what should I do?

Pretty depressed
submitted by BlueGrayDiamond to Tucson [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 anonymous-0-_ Horror film survey

Hello! I am a film student and I need people to fill out a survey about horror films to help with my research for my project.
The target demographic is for people who are 15-25 years old. It would be greatly appreciated if people could fill this out!!
submitted by anonymous-0-_ to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 dancampbelldj [PS2] [Possibly 2000-2005] An adventure/rpg game where you play a boy/man with a stick

I believe it was once on a demo disk, I remember being what seemed like an adventure game where the character you play is a boy who has a stick and he can use it to get around/jump between ledges. The area I remember the character being in was a large ruined church-like building of some description. I think the character’s name started with an ‘N’, it could have maybe been the same name as the game also.
Can you help?
submitted by dancampbelldj to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Sad_Bend7386 Methotrexate question

I had a methotrexate injection on Thursday 11/21, my hcg that day was 828 and today it was 1102. Is it normal to go up? I also have a weekend cruise this Friday idk if I should still go or not.
*this is an ivf pregnancy and I’ve had multiple ultrasounds and they can’t see anything in the uterus or tubes so it’s a pregnancy of unknown location
submitted by Sad_Bend7386 to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Comparison_Obvious i can’t stop thinking about this woman

So i recently move in this city because of my university and everything was new to me. One day i decided to take a walk around my neighbourhood and it was night time. As i was walking there was 2 girls. One of them directly looked at me and we made a very deep eye contact. After she passed me i couldn’t stop thinking about her the whole night. That was the first time i saw her. Months passed by and i didn’t really get the chance to see her anywhere. And i was going out quite a lot at the time. Then i just gave up i thought that was just some random “moment” with a stranger, but 2 or maybe 3 weeks passed by and i just couldn’t stop thinking about her. And then one night i was coming home it was around 20:30 at the time it was cold and nobody was outsite. I was walking just about to cross the street and then i saw a girl infront of me…It was her. My heart dropped and i looked down 💀 when i got closer i looked in her eyes, we made that deep eye contact yet again. Ever since then i saw her like 2-3 more times. I just can’t stop thinking about her. The next time i see her im surely going to talk to her.
submitted by Comparison_Obvious to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 gg2351 LF any of these 5⭐️

LF any of these 5⭐️ Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
Ign: Miranda
submitted by gg2351 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Excellent_Cow_3278 What is happening??

What is happening?? Not sure if anyone is watching but N is worse than ever. He definitely needs more intense help than what the place in question has to offer. It feels as though they’re using him for more clout.
submitted by Excellent_Cow_3278 to nickfromthegymsnarkk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Sweaty-Scheme4975 MASSAGE

Hello, asa nndot mag pa massage kanang within the city lang unta
submitted by Sweaty-Scheme4975 to casualgensan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Professional_Site672 It's a bit rough. But it's cool...

It's a bit rough. But it's cool... submitted by Professional_Site672 to CoolSerialNumbers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 ink_the_storyteller Is there too much in her cage?

Is there too much in her cage? Yes I am aware the cage is absolutely filthy. The lady I got my new sun conure from said she only cleans the cage once a month and that hadn't come up yet.
The cage is going to be cleaned immediately tomorrow morning when petsmart opens and I can buy more of my usual bird poop cleaner.
But when I was trying to put her to bed after cleaning as much as I could, she kept flying into the cage that my budgies sleep in.
Is it just because their cage is cleaner? Or did she have too much in here? I cleaned the cage up from the picture but left all the toys
submitted by ink_the_storyteller to Conures [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 CatfishBassAndTrout I was playing Phasmophobia and the ghost's name was quite shocking!

I was playing Phasmophobia and the ghost's name was quite shocking! submitted by CatfishBassAndTrout to Presidents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 test_block_4 To report 2024-11-26 01:57:24

submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Erm_CanWeKillThisGuy Found some pretty art on TikTok

submitted by Erm_CanWeKillThisGuy to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 JThunder95 Sonic

Sonic submitted by JThunder95 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 JellyWeta Dredd vs Unemployment

Dredd vs Unemployment submitted by JellyWeta to outofcontextcomics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 LostIntheFire- Je cherche un épisode spécifique d'Un souper presque parfait

En vrai un énorme thumb's up a la personne qui trouvera l'épisode!
C'était celui où un gars dans la vingtaine (j'estime) donnait des 10 à tout le monde en disant des trucs du genre: wow il a pris la peine de faire un repas complet je ne peux pas lui donner en bas de 10! Peu importe les repas, il a donné un 10 à ses 4 compétiteurs.
Lors de son repas, je me souviens qu'il avait servi des genres de sandwichs grilled cheese un peu trop brûlé et il avait eu une note horrible, mais il avait été super content de participer.
Il m'avait tellement fait rire pendant la semaine, j'aimerais retrouver les épisodes où il apparaissait.
Ça date d'il y a plusieurs années, pas dans les 2-3 dernières saisons certainement.
Bonne semaine à tous!
submitted by LostIntheFire- to causerie [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 DavidinOz87 Vinyl Tile Cleaning

Vinyl Tile Cleaning Can anyone recommend anything to scrub with * ie brush etc * and also something to scrub into it ? Years worth of black needs to come out.
submitted by DavidinOz87 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:59 Phantasma00 Há 10 atrás, quem você era e o que pensava que seria hoje?

Há 10 anos atrás eu tinha 10 anos, lembro de ter ficado por último na sala de aula, terminando de anotar uma tarefa e pensando como seria meu futuro eu. Não aconteceu nada do que imaginava... hahaha. E você? Onde estava 10 atrás e como se imaginava hoje? Alguma coisa que desejava ou sonhava se realizou? Você ao menos lutou por isso?
submitted by Phantasma00 to conversas [link] [comments]