Sveitsissä hyväksyttiin Euroviisujen rahoitus kansanäänestyksessä

2024.11.26 03:29 xatfi Sveitsissä hyväksyttiin Euroviisujen rahoitus kansanäänestyksessä

Sveitsissä hyväksyttiin Euroviisujen rahoitus kansanäänestyksessä submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Christopherrupert1 What my maps say about me?

What my maps say about me? Excuse the fact I took a picture of my computer screen 😂
submitted by Christopherrupert1 to TravelMaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 DarkHold444 Hey everyone! Use this link to get up to $2,000 off your USD/Euro (or equivalent in your country). Take advantage of great year-end deals, including 0% financing, free supercharging, and full self-driving for 3 months. Free FSD and supercharging ends 12/31

Customers who take delivery of a new Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y or Cybertruck by December 31, 2024 are eligible for three months of free Full Self-Driving (Supervised) and Supercharging. Offer cannot be postponed to a later time or transferred to any other account or vehicle. An alternative option will not be made available to those who purchase Full Self-Driving (Supervised). Used vehicles and business orders are excluded from this promotion.
submitted by DarkHold444 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Xblocus EVE.

submitted by Xblocus to stellarblade [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 theperchij PC build for my twin boys for shooters

Hey all. Was a proud computer nerd and built PCs as a kid but that was the 90s.
The deets. Need your help with a new build with no existing parts. Primarily for gaming, shooters. I can see how they get into video or music editing in due time maybe. We are in NY and 30 minutes to a microcenter. I have a two 4k monitors and they will pick their own keyboard and mice. Budget is 1000-1200 per build basically for the towers and all the contents. WiFi connection will be used. Prob some lighting will be good and lower noise levels. Does that include OS?
I think building will be a great experience for us to have together. But if you think there is an off the shelf option that makes sense, would consider too.
Thanks so much for reading. -Boomer dad that has lost touch with this space.
New build or upgrade? New
• ⁠Existing parts/monitors to reuse? (List with models/links) I have monitor, mouse, keyboard • ⁠PC purpose? (Gaming, editing, etc. List apps/games). Gaming, potentially editing • ⁠Purchase country? Near Micro Center? (If not US, list local vendors) NY near a MC • ⁠Monitors needed? (Number, size, resolution, refresh rate) 1 4k • ⁠Budget range? (Include tax considerations)1-1.2k per tower • ⁠WiFi or wired connection? Wi-Fi • ⁠Size/noise constraints? No size constraints but prefer quiet side • ⁠Cololighting preferences? Lights preferred • ⁠Any other specific needs? None
submitted by theperchij to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 alpscurtopia Help me find "How to Live A Healthy Life : A Common-sense Treatise On Diet by Daniel Augustus Simmons (1936)"

I am down to tip if anyone can find.
submitted by alpscurtopia to pdfbooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 dcdub87 If Jesus is "a god" according to John 1:1, doesn't that make Jehovah's Witnesses polytheistic?

submitted by dcdub87 to JehovahsWitnesses [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 RonBerindro All Alex B’s are annoying arrogant yappers. Confirmed.

submitted by RonBerindro to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Yankee-10 Rete pozitif

submitted by Yankee-10 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 amax769 Same Company, which job should I pick

Hopefully I don’t make this too confusing. I worked for a hospital system for 5 years full time and I eventually stepped down to per diem status (as needed), because I felt I wasn’t getting a fair shake from management. As this per diem status, I was able to branch out and work within one of the other hospitals. I eventually got tired of not having the full time status because of schedule inconsistency and lack of benefits. I agreed to go back to the original hospital for full time weekends 3 12s, Friday-Sunday. Well now the other hospital campus didn’t want to lose me and made an offer for me to work Tuesday-Friday 4 10s. This is honestly more appealing to me. Even though 3 12s is nice, working every weekend the rest of my life doesn’t have much curb appeal. O don’t want my social life to suffer. Here’s the conundrum: in my head I already committed to the original hospital and I’m a man of my word. It feels wrong to even consider the other offer. I know I should do what’s best for me but it’s hard. The other hospital campus that is Tuesday-Friday is closer to my house too. And the original hospital’s management burned me so many times!!! Even though I committed to them, part of me is screaming inside: “you don’t owe them anything!” I also built a good relationship with my team from the original hospital, and not accepting the offer negatively affects them. Just venting but looking for opinions. Someone slap some sense into me and tell me I should do what best benefits me best.
TLDR: I committed to a job offer in a hospital system. Now another hospital in the same system made me an offer that I like better. Is it wrong to take the new offer?
submitted by amax769 to Career [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 SirSlappySlaps [MONITOR] Samsung Odyssey G9 49" OLED 144Hz DQHD Curved Gaming Monitor G91SD + 2TB 990 PRO SSD (800 w/edu) - $900

[MONITOR] Samsung Odyssey G9 49 submitted by SirSlappySlaps to buildapcsales [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 bapers556 Group BBQ grinding D7CV9F

submitted by bapers556 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 sashafierce525 Crib - what age did you move?

My first moved to her crib at 5 months, but our 2nd who is now 4 weeks is sleeping in his crib. We all know the SIDS risks and how to reduce them, so I plan on just sleeping in the nursery. I don’t want to do that though for the next 4-5 months.
Anyone move their baby in the first 3 months to their crib?
Note- All other SIDS risks are checked off (safe sleep, breastfeeding, full term baby, gaining weight, room temp etc).
submitted by sashafierce525 to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Odd_Independent_2052 Rate my team, new account made 5 days ago

I made a new account for legends fest cuz my main is shit and I can barely get any cc from it(I always make other accounts to get new units) but this is by far the luckiest I’ve gotten, used about 25k cc and my team looks like this, might actually keep this account
submitted by Odd_Independent_2052 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Ok-Fall-8665 need advice

looking for a cam with an sd card slot that preferably has similar vid quality to a hi8 - i’m a rookie so let me know
submitted by Ok-Fall-8665 to camcorders [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 d00mscrOllin Trade Review

16 team H2H cat. Darvish and Castellanos for Colt Emerson. Which side wins?
submitted by d00mscrOllin to DynastyBaseball [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 bad9life Suggestions for Karaoke party

Birthday coming up eventually(sadly) looking to embarrass myself. I used to go to Sparkys for that. Seems they close early now?
Where is a decent pub/barestaurant which has karaoke late into the evening, or you can book an event like that? I’ve been out of the scene long enough I don’t know what’s hip anymore.
submitted by bad9life to regina [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Zealousideal-Metal57 2009 RX8 R3

2009 RX8 R3 Looking at this mint RX8 for sale. Thinking of sniping it. What do you think?
submitted by Zealousideal-Metal57 to RX8 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Hellozaysauras CeraVe 50ml at ₹379 on Amazon

CeraVe 50ml at ₹379 on Amazon submitted by Hellozaysauras to IndianBeautyDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Alternative_Air_9464 Hi, so I need to vent and ask for some advice from some Christians.

*TW: mention of suicidal thoughts*
(Sorry that this is a long, personal post, I just need to get everything off my chest.)
I'm a teenage Irish Traveller girl who grew up in a big Catholic family and was an extremely bubbly, expressive child growing up, very bright and smart in school. Then after I left primary school to head into high-school everything started going downhill, I started being emotionally bullied, not over me being a Traveller but because of my personality and the way I acted, people found me strange (mainly the 'popular girls') and would taunt me condescendingly on a daily basis, causing me to stop showing up at school. I became depressed over it and also because of personal family problems. I ended up dropping out in year 8, which is fine since I wasn't planning on doing my GCSE's anyway over me being a Traveller and our culture leaning towards the men getting jobs and providing for the family while the girls grow up to be housewives, which is completely fine and exactly what I want and I long for it, but I'm not sure if I'm in the right environment for it. I struggle with severe depression and anxiety over some other traumatic and shameful events that have happened to me throughout the years (especially this year), straining my relationship with my family. They treat me like I'm not a normal person since I'm always self-isolating in my room bed-rotting. I don't know how to cook, clean or do anything for myself and whenever I try I become physically and mentally exhausted and don't feel good enough.
Back in 2022, I started seeing a lot of Christian videos on my fyp on TikTok and that's when I began to question if Catholicism is the right path, I don't think it's bad but there's things I don't agree with like praying to Mary or Saints. I know they think we're not worshipping them but we technically are since we're praying to them instead of God and it's made me question myself. I feel completely worthless and confused. I want to turn to Christianity and to God but I feel so ashamed and hopeless bcs my family and relatives don't agree with Christians and talk down on them. I once had a debate with my cousin over it after I sent her a Christian video and she said I shouldn't do that when we're Catholics. She then said her mom told her 'since Christians don't do the rosary or pray to Saints for their intercession that it doesn't have any meaning' which makes me feel so uneasy and heartbroken because they genuinely love Jesus so much and don't realise how bad of a mentality that is, basically saying praying to God isn't enough. I'm still torn between everything and want to convert to Christianity and give my life to Jesus fully but I don't know what to do and my life is a mess. I have social anxiety and everyone treats me weirdly because of it, I'm awkward with people I don't know and quiet when sitting with groups of other people. My family and basically every Traveller I know is super lukewarm and usually just pray and go to church on Sunday without having a proper relationship with Jesus. They curse on the daily and always drink, which breaks my heart bcs they genuinely don't realise what they're doing is wrong. I have no hope on how I'm gonna get out of this since there's no way for me to meet new people who aren't Travellers because it would be seen as scandalous and disgraceful in our community so I'm basically trapped with no way out. I am practically on the verge of suicide, I'm just so tired of my life. I don't expect any of you to fully understand my situation, but can you please pray for me and give me some advice if you can?
Thanks and take care. I apologise again for the very long vent.
submitted by Alternative_Air_9464 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 dank_brad 2003 crv with 50k miles....10k too much?

Looking at purchasing a relatively clean CRV with just over 50k miles. Its been owned by an older lady, only owner. The car definitely looks and feels like it was driven by a grandma for the past 22 years.
Seems like a good deal being a Honda and low mileage but am I crazy paying roughly $10k for a 22 year old vehicle?
submitted by dank_brad to crv [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Separate_Awareness_7 Custom Made Van Cleef Arpels Vintage Alhambra Bracelet 18K Yellow Gold Malachite Stone

Custom Made Van Cleef Arpels Vintage Alhambra Bracelet 18K Yellow Gold Malachite Stone submitted by Separate_Awareness_7 to luxury_jewelry_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 j3sterjames Snowflakes

Snowflakes submitted by j3sterjames to metalworking [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Ready-Skirt4152 Cc won't go away or load after deleted help me please

Cc won't go away or load after deleted help me please
submitted by Ready-Skirt4152 to sims4cc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:29 Skyffal Okolie Žilina, Považská Bystrica,Púchov nájde sa dievča na niečo nezávezné?

submitted by Skyffal to RealZoznamka [link] [comments]