2024.11.26 04:13 Pretty_Boy_Shrooms Lf trashy unwanted highland cows for tiering
Paying 50 saps for unleveled ones. I'd love any free ones if anybody really doesnt want them ^ ^ willing to pay more, just lf under 100 saps :)
The ones on explorer are too expensive and not exactly sacrificing material because they're cute, so I don't wanna buy them ðŸ˜
submitted by Pretty_Boy_Shrooms to AnimalJam [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 boobiedoobiecake M27
submitted by boobiedoobiecake to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 Parking-Coast-1385 Modernes Männerbild und Stoff, Dating und Instagram
Der Titel beschreibt es eigentlich schon ziemlich gut. Wie meint ihr hat sich das Bild vom Mann in der heutigen Zeit durch die Kombination von Social Media und Steroide verändert? Und vor allem welche Auswirkungen auf die Dating Welt hat so ein Gesellschaftliches Bild, dass immer mehr von Fakenattys bestimmt wird? Bekommt man als Mann mehr Druck von der Außenwelt a la "Wenn du nicht so aussiehst wie Fitness Influencer XYZ machst du den Sport nicht richtig"? Oder "Ich date nur Männer, die nur so aussehen wie Typ XYZ [irgendein Fakenatty Influencer]"? Meine btw sowohl Hetero- als auch Homosexuelle Männer damit. Finde jetzt auf die schnelle den Artikel nicht mehr an, aber meine mal gelesen zu haben, dass in den USA der Steroide Konsum innerhalb der Schwulen Community fast schon eine Pandemie ist.
submitted by Parking-Coast-1385 to FitnessDE [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 bradygilg This is advertising
submitted by bradygilg to HailCorporate [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 Least-Implement7864 Deja vu movie
now it was a rlly good movie and YES I KNOW ITS NOT CANON BUT AT THE SAME TIME U CAN CONSIDER IT CANON, what were yall thoughts on the movie and how it connected to the series?
submitted by Least-Implement7864 to steinsgate [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 Vegathron Can someone explain to me how robber raccoon works?
Does it simply grab items in the aoe you send it to? How many items? Can it steal items from players? Can it steal items from sealed vaults? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Vegathron to supervive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 gregermore i called 011
submitted by gregermore to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 CameraOpposite3124 The Cuirass Exoskeleton doesn't allow the player to run, and doesn't increase carry weight.
You can run Bulat armor, costs 50,000 Coupons, install the carry weight upgrade, same affect as the exoskeleton, I checked every upgrade for the Cuirass Exo, none of them allow the player to run, wtf? why would anyone use this?
Whoever made this Exo needs a slap.
submitted by CameraOpposite3124 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:13 Ok_Librarian9176 I’m just a bad person
I live a terrible double life. On one hand I’m a really put together active member of society, on the other I’m a cheating, drug abusing narcissist. I’ve got so many issues but I’m just able to balance everything perfectly.
I’ll use cocaine once or twice a week, but maintain a good relationship with my family and gf. All the while entertaining other women. Plus a healthy social life, gym routine and holding down a decent job.
I just can’t break free from the constant dopamine chase. But I wanna be better. Idk what to do really
submitted by Ok_Librarian9176 to confessions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 No-Character2290 What's a snack that you love as a kid and still love now?
submitted by No-Character2290 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 Glittering_South9201 Trading
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/GiN7DKP7-_A Galactus plz submitted by Glittering_South9201 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 04:12 Impressive_Spot6236 King julien made me miss 11:11
submitted by Impressive_Spot6236 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 Ill-Garage-3238 Looking for shiny background groudon and palkia, offering the following
Forgot to mention necrozma also has background submitted by Ill-Garage-3238 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 04:12 Iamdispensable Kitchen Seen in Mexico
Love [this](hhttps://imgur.com/a/u5Xjt57) kitchen design I saw in Mexico. I find the open lower "cabinets" are beautiful. I wonder how they were built...maybe with concrete?
submitted by Iamdispensable to KitchenDesigns [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 Due_Thanks3750 36'ers Club Statement
TL:DR - They are accepting the suspensions as is.
submitted by Due_Thanks3750 to nbl [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 ir0k_mamoth Engraving
Got my name engraved on janata submitted by ir0k_mamoth to hmtwatches [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 04:12 Indubitabily769 How did you decide on a career, and did you ever perform a career switch? What would you do in my shoes?
Hello, I'm currently a 28 year old. Trying to put my nose to the grindstone and figure my life out. Plus side is in the past year, I've graduated with a associate's in computer systems and network technology, got a helpdesk position at my dream company, and bought a car, and have 0 debt, and have few responsibilities so not much is holding me back. Even did a bit of volunteer EMS to see if I enjoy the medical field and I loved it! Downside is I'm 28 and I feel like I'm running out of time, live with my parents, and questioning my career path to network engineering and considering switching fields to paramedic or nursing.
Thing is I can't decide and my head hurts from stressing too much. I've mapped out in my head hopefully multiple paths to success, but I need advice because I'm what you'd probably call in a state of analysis paralysis. I have already decided to go back to get a bachelor. The only question is which one? Either I stick with my career field with the goal of Network Engineering (which I do semi-enjoy still) or do I switch to paramedic/nursing related field which I have more initial interest in atm?
-(4 Years)My first option is the safer path which is get a bachelors in Comp Sci or Comp Engy to strengthen my computer networking career. A bachelor's always looks good on resumes and I don't doubt this would help me with more advanced knowledge and a great look resume. Additionally, this would work well in my 30s in accelerated programs if I ever did decide to switch careers later. I'd probably just volunteer as EMS to scratch that itch on the side.
-(3-5 Years) My second option is a bit riskier and involves a career switch, which is going straight for an associates of nursing degree which is a 2 year program for ADN which I can later complete the bachelor's once I'm actually working in the field. I haven't shadowed anyone in a hospital yet, so I'd need to do that to decide. I hear once you have a couple years' experience as a nurse, your never out of a job which is a big plus to me. Plus, I'm sure my technical background will help in more technical roles in nursing field.
(6 Years) My third option is the longest and that's doing a major in Comp Sci or Comp Engy and a minor in either paramedic or nursing. Downside is I worry if I focus on both careers that I won't be good at either of them, and I want to complete my college sometime in my early 30's
How did you decide on a career, and did you ever perform a career switch? What would you do in my shoes?
submitted by Indubitabily769 to careerguidance [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 Tight_Possible2745 Since Mario vs Sonic 3 is being brought up more, if it happens, what would you want brought up for both
For sonic I'd want the fact that super can last at minimum 999 seconds with frontiers or days with sonic advance For mario I'd just want cappy included submitted by Tight_Possible2745 to deathbattle [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 04:12 Key-Time5734 Who do you think will be the next characters for part 2 of legends fest
submitted by Key-Time5734 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 04:12 ProfessionalTime93 please take my girl and expose her here and erome tele tkdtkd69 05f7ed8b64693af0664b9563147263f7f16b8c7c6f354a9106304b2ac8dd56401d
submitted by ProfessionalTime93 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 PlantNugit What do i do in this position (im chatgpt)
submitted by PlantNugit to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 barkleykraken What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by barkleykraken to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 Aggravating-Way0 can’t wait till the morning to brutality raiden this tower gave me hell
submitted by Aggravating-Way0 to mkxmobile [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 Jessay25 Opinions on PAT Dogs Australia?
Based in Australia
So I am not a handler (though am myself disabled and have considered an assistance dog for myself in the past, ultimately deciding it wasnt the right treatment option for me) but I am a general dog trainer. I do wish to train assistance dogs at some point in the future. I have recently been contacted by someone from PAT Dogs Australia asking if I wish to become a trainer with them. I have never heard of this organisation before and have not been able fo find anyone with a dog that they trained through them to see if they are reputable.
For those in Australia is there anyone here with a PAT Dogs trained dog or know much about the organisation? Are they any good? I know of Mind Dogs Australia and have seen how a lot of those dogs aren't great at PA, is the same found with PAT Dogs?
submitted by Jessay25 to service_dogs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 04:12 Jolly-Clock-8664 Day 8 💯
Sober 8 days now Had surgery on Friday almost relapsed today due to pain but I took a walk popped some excedrin and got some new books So happy I’m learning to self soothe again 🥰
submitted by Jolly-Clock-8664 to leaves [link] [comments]