Audiobook Request: Boys of Tommen Series by Chloe Walsh

2024.11.26 05:40 Internal-Chest2408 Audiobook Request: Boys of Tommen Series by Chloe Walsh

submitted by Internal-Chest2408 to MsFreeBooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Jessicreep ttdeye quality consistency is nonexistent

So I got the “ice pink” contacts in 2021 and I thought they were so cool and vibrant. I don’t wear prescription contacts so my only prior experience with contacts were some cheap smoke shop Halloween contacts, obviously these were a million times better. Well recently I saw a sale they were doing and bought the same pair and wow, it’s like a COMPLETELY different product. I feel like I got catfished lol.
I googled “ttdeye Reddit” and saw some warning posts on this subreddit, I don’t have a big social media presence/platform or anything but wanted to throw these pics out there somewhere so anyone considering/researching that company can see for themselves.
submitted by Jessicreep to contacts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Momin2001 Immigration Lawyer/ Consultants

Looking for recommendations for a good Immigration Lawyer or Consultant in Saskatoon. Has anyone had good experience?
submitted by Momin2001 to saskatoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 mal138 Need both golds!

Need both golds! Here are all of my extra 4* and 5*.
submitted by mal138 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Dr_Soup4Brains Am I being obsessive or is this optic on an upward slant and wrong?

Am I being obsessive or is this optic on an upward slant and wrong? First time using CH plates RMSC to RMR… I’ve been at this so long I can’t tell if I need to dial the dot down from the optic or if the house is slanted due to poor installation which is causing the dot to ride high.
submitted by Dr_Soup4Brains to CZFirearms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 OLLydoinsocial Concerned about hair growth

Concerned about hair growth Just noticed that the right side of my head has areas that aren’t growing hair as fast as my left side. I feel like I’ve seen this a few times before but not to this degree. Is this an actual problem with a solution or am I missing something? I’m 19 btw. (First image: left side, second and third images: right side)
submitted by OLLydoinsocial to BlackHair [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Extreme_Asparagus770 Fail

I feel like I could drink all the water in the land but my thirst would not be quenched
I feel as if I could shower all day and night but my sweat would still be drenched
I feel as if I try everyday but my efforts are to no avail
At the end of the day all I am is just one large fail
I feel as if I could sleep for decades but still be tired and drowsy
I feel like I could be the best if everything but still feel unimportant and lousy
submitted by Extreme_Asparagus770 to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 GlamorousFinn Hair

My body hair grows back in like 12 hours i spend hours shaving it for it to come back quickly please is there a way i can demolish my testosterone balance and raise my estrogen to a girl like or a near girl like percentage???
submitted by GlamorousFinn to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Sensitive-Rough-6581 Looking for serious daily check in’s for g**n recovery

Hey everyone, I am a 28yo male and have been battling this addiction for over a decade which has ruined my mental health. I am constantly going between relapse and g**ning and I need a serious accountability buddy to keep each other on track with daily FaceTimes. Please be serious and let’s help each other!
submitted by Sensitive-Rough-6581 to GoonerRecovering [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Sharp_Double_2658 Ena ban fam envi dm dans quatres bornes nu kav fr seki zot envi any age dm me.......................

submitted by Sharp_Double_2658 to mauritius_dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 BroMandi [Amazon] [S&S] FREE: 6-Oz Shameless Pets Soft-Baked Dog Treats (Bananas for Bacon) at Amazon [Deal: $0.00, Actual: $8.99]

[Amazon] [S&S] FREE: 6-Oz Shameless Pets Soft-Baked Dog Treats (Bananas for Bacon) at Amazon [Deal: $0.00, Actual: $8.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 VictoriousWheel What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by VictoriousWheel to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 2000ravens2012 Alright who did this

Alright who did this submitted by 2000ravens2012 to okbuddymotherfucker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 vegazgravity The excitement doesn’t end there—selected Magic flagship models will be rolling out Magic 0S 9.0 in mid-December!

The excitement doesn’t end there—selected Magic flagship models will be rolling out Magic 0S 9.0 in mid-December! submitted by vegazgravity to Honor [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 JusticeForGrogu First secret!!!!

First secret!!!! submitted by JusticeForGrogu to smiskis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Grizzly_CF76 House Shattered dreams

I only have about 3 or 4 of the same nightmares if you will. The one I got a question about is my house being destroyed. It's always the same. It's never a fire or explosion. The dream is always the walls and floor collapsing and me falling through. The other is the roof of the house is blown off during a storm and I'm stucked out of the house.
Background I've always had these dreams but they have increased after taking over the house from my mom in 2022. She died last year in 2023. It's a four story 2 family brownstone. I've lived here with my mom since 1998. My wife and kids since 2005 and 2009-11. I own the house with my aunt.
I also have dreams about the house flooding as well. The other dream involving the house is there is a wild animal chasing me in the house. They range from lions, tigers or bears (no pun). I also notice that the house itself is sometimes meger with another brownstone in which my mom and I use to live in. For me the first half of my life from 1976 to 1998.
Why do I keep having these dreams which for me is a nightmare which I can usually recognize and wake myself. Also note my house is 100 years old.
submitted by Grizzly_CF76 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 EZ_Inspiration Tapering off Sertraline 25mg

Hi everybody, I'm 29 and have been taking sertraline 25mg for about 2 months. I'm looking to stop taking sertraline for a few reasons: I feel like I've lost my edge with focus and energy, I'm starting to notice sexual symptoms like taking longer to climax, and mild emotional blunting. My symptoms are pretty mild but I'm worried about the adverse effects worsening. How would you taper off this considering the dosage and the amount of time I've been on it? I'm relatively healthy and active in case that's a factor.
Appreciate all the help and opinions
submitted by EZ_Inspiration to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 bluecollarbearbby 38. Frenchie dad. Just fell off the skateboard in the second pic ( without the doggo) 🚑🤕

38. Frenchie dad. Just fell off the skateboard in the second pic ( without the doggo) 🚑🤕 submitted by bluecollarbearbby to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 reddit_lss_25 No Avatar Comment UI Test for 26/11/2024 05:39:05

submitted by reddit_lss_25 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 mumm-ra3000 Contract/rota change Scotland - forced to leave job?

I’ve worked part time (about 19hrs wk) for a fairly large uk-wide retail company for around 20 years. I basically work 2 days a week, and my entire department, both FT and PT staff have been asked to “re-submit” their availability, with regards to hours they can work. (Same amount of hours - just what times and days people are available to work), to make sure that people’s hours and roles “align with the needs of the business”.
After submitting my availability, which is basically the same as what I’m working for them currently, I had a short meeting with my manager where I discussed my second job, and my freelance work, and the days and times that I do them. I work both of these second and third jobs around the schedule for my job at this retail company, so that it doesn’t interfere with that rota.
My manager has now come back with my new rota which includes the times and days which we discussed that I was not available, and apparently if I don’t agree to change, then my role “no longer meets the needs of the business” and I would be let go. So I would have to leave my second job, and not make enough working PT for this company. Would this class as wrongful dismissal if I don’t agree? Is there any flaw in the legality of this?
The “needs of the business” bit just doesn’t hold any weight the way I see it, because there is no essential reason to move my rota - they will just have to put someone else on the hours/days i worked. 🤷‍♂️
Despite the company clearly not treating their staff particularly well, I don’t actually want to leave the job, but I’m obviously having to consider it realistically now.
Is it worth speaking to Citizens Advice and/or ACAS?
Thanks for reading!
submitted by mumm-ra3000 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 Mental-Banana-5019 gay_irl

gay_irl submitted by Mental-Banana-5019 to gay_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 UnitedClue6787 Price prediction for this bull run ?

submitted by UnitedClue6787 to BadgerDAO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 PenScribble Well, those fireworks was to celebrate the purchase of the new car!

Well, those fireworks was to celebrate the purchase of the new car! submitted by PenScribble to AbruptChaos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 nosoynadieeeeeeee ID this spider?

ID this spider? submitted by nosoynadieeeeeeee to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:40 jackmaxs20 Well at least it wasn't

Well at least it wasn't submitted by jackmaxs20 to DanMachi [link] [comments]