Kik uyt0001 to trade sluts, or if you can caption, edit, censor or collage. Drunk and about to cum

2024.11.26 08:22 Over_Concentrate1331 Kik uyt0001 to trade sluts, or if you can caption, edit, censor or collage. Drunk and about to cum

submitted by Over_Concentrate1331 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Finansdk Ny Trump-melding sender danske aktier ned

Ny Trump-melding sender danske aktier ned submitted by Finansdk to erhvervsnyt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Rent-Such Wtt trex and venom for dough and buddha if willing

Wtt trex and venom for dough and buddha if willing
submitted by Rent-Such to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 dickpiano Need advice on how to not care what others think about changing my name

I honestly don't understand what is wrong with me. I can internalize that I shouldn't care about what other people think of me, but I always end up caring if certain people were to find out and what they would think of me as a result of the name change. Is this some permanent mental hardwiring I have from my ancestors? Or can I somehow overcome feeling weird about it? There seems to be NO shift in my perspective where I can get past this mental block of caring about others opinions in this specific context. I'm apparently absolutely incapable of talking about this with anyone too as I have this weird "worst case scenario" situation in my head all the time where I'll lose emotional control and not be able to have a coherent conversation about it (even though that's never happened before). I'm wondering what a therapist or psychologist could even tell me that would be useful in shifting my perspective on this issue. I feel like my secret is the weirdest thing someone has thought about. I just want someone to be able to explain to me why I think this way and make sense of my weird brain
submitted by dickpiano to needadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Conscious_Moose783 [Searching] Th12 |#YVC088U98|th12+|cwl/active|

Th12 looking for an active clan to participate in cwl and war.
submitted by Conscious_Moose783 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Roulette-Adventures Fiona Stanley Hospital ICU staff are 10/10 all day. Thank you everyone.

I recently spent a few days in ICU at FSH in Perth as a result of a reaction to chemo. It is not a great place to be but the staff were sensational, every single one I dealt with.
I had a dedicated nurse 24 hours a day in the room with me, enjoying my farting & snoring too I guess - poor buggers.
I probably had 8 to 10 different nurses over different shits and every one of them was 10 out of 10.
A big thank you.
Once on the ward it was a different story, nurses were also great but clearly overworked. Patients calling for nurses were not being answered for a long time, and this is a result of not enough people.
Despite the overworked staff everyone was awesome at their job.
We need nurses and we need to pay them well and do everything to retain them.
Thanks again Fiona Stanely for keeping me alive.
submitted by Roulette-Adventures to WesternAustralia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 VirtualHero7 what is my curl type?

submitted by VirtualHero7 to CurlyHairCare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 New-Ad4630 Arbeitszeit Bau

Guten Tag
Mein Partner arbeitet in einer Firma die Abriss, Entfernung und Schadstoffsanierung machen Er arbeitet seit 9 Monaten dort und hat mittlerweile schon über 170 Überstunden von den letzten 6 Monaten ist sein Durchschnitt 9 Stunden tägliche Arbeitszeit Sein Vorarbeiter nimmt immer mehr Aufträge an Und mein Partner macht jeden Tag Überstunden auch 12 Stunden sind nicht selten. Davon wird die Rückfahrt von der Baustelle nachhause nicht mal bezahlt/dazugerechnet
Der Bauleiter möchte das aber nicht verstehen und findet das normal, ist das denn noch rechtens?
Seine Punkte im Vertrag:
6.1 Die Arbeitszeit beträgt wöchentlich durchschnittlich 40 Stunden. Pausen gelten nicht als Arbeitszeit.
6.2 Die Lage der Arbeitszeit richtet sich nach betrieblichen Erfordernissen und wird vom Arbeitgeber nach billigem Ermessen festgelegt.
6.3 Der Arbeitnehmer ist verpflichtet, bei betrieblichen Bedürfnissen im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Höchstgrenzen Mehrarbeit, Überstunden, Nacht,- Sonntags- und Feiertagsarbeit zu leisten.
6.4 Überstunden des Arbeitnehmers werden auf einem Überstundenkonto gesondert aufgeführt. Dieses Konto dient dem Ausgleich von Arbeitsausfall wegen schlechten Wetters oder mangels Aufträge. Soweit auf dem Überstundenkosten mehr als 150 Stunden angesammelt sind, werden diese dem Arbeitnehmer vergütet. Ein Ausgleich der auf dem Arbeitszeitkonto vorhandenen Mehrarbeitsstunden wird in der Zeit vom 01.04. bis 31.10. nicht in Freizeit gewährt. Ausnahmen sind mit der Geschäftsführung gesondert abzustimmen.
submitted by New-Ad4630 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Ill-Tale-6648 Sinner OC- Foxglove

submitted by Ill-Tale-6648 to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 AutoModerator Law of attraction quotes manifestation quotes #shorts #lawofattraction #...

submitted by AutoModerator to ARiseAboveDivision [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Extension-Phone-6379 Presale Code Wanted

Hi fellow Sam Fender fans, I ordered the album for the presale code only to be told by Universal that the website they provided was not the right one so I did not get a code. If someone has one for me, you would be a hero!🫶🏼
submitted by Extension-Phone-6379 to Samfender [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Real_Vegetable591 Redmi Pad Se 11

Redmi Pad Se 11 WTS/ LFB
Can do meet up around SM North Edsa, QC/ Pangasinan
256GB Storage 8GB RAM Color: Mint With box and original charger
Bought last September 23, 2024
submitted by Real_Vegetable591 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Asleep-Equivalent172 Appel for conclude rejection

Hi, I did my PhD in Sweden, after that I got a permanent position in a company. I submited my PR application 7 months ago. One month ago, I sent the conclude request to MV and they rejected. I chose to appeal for this rejection, and they send the appeal to Court in Malmo (which I feel strange, I am in Gothenburg).
Malmo court said their normal processing time for Migration case is 13-17 months. I called the MV to check if they will still processing my case, but they said the case is delivered to court, I should contact court. Seems my case is closed until the court make decision.
I was wondering is there anyone have same experience? If Malmö court take 17 months, after that MV will reopen my case and deal with it, seems I have to wait for two extra year...I am feeling regret to sending the appeal now. And I am not sure if I withdraw my PR application, directly apply work permit, will it take shorter time?
submitted by Asleep-Equivalent172 to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 SeaEquivalent1467 Anyone has Intermediate Microeco with J.P. Hughes Quiz??

Taking Intermediate Microeco with J.P. Hughes this semester, anyone has quiz from previous semesters? Especially the last two quizzes. Can pay for them.
submitted by SeaEquivalent1467 to rutgers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Aurora_1218 [About Anime Exhibitions in Tokyo] Are there any you would recommend that are worth visiting? (Pokemon Kogei, Demon Slayer Hashiraten, etc.)

submitted by Aurora_1218 to TokyoTravel [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Lolliboy69 Im killing it in this game

Im killing it in this game my first time playing ssx and its hella fun
submitted by Lolliboy69 to SSX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 miremi137 Do you believe in friendship with benefits?

submitted by miremi137 to wholesome_girls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Amanwithflaws Made a horrible mistake while black out drunk which ruined my life. Need urgent help.

Hey everyone,
I’m a 23-year-old guy, and my girlfriend, who’s also 23, is the love of my life. We’ve been together for almost five years, and I’ve always tried to be the best partner I can be. She has a 22-year-old sister who’s bi and three younger siblings aged 17, 18, and 20. I’ve always treated them as my own siblings, being there for them during tough times and earning their trust and respect—even financially as well. They’ve always come to me for advice and help.
A few weeks ago, everything fell apart in one night, and I’m still struggling to come to terms with it.
My girlfriend and I hosted a party with her siblings and a few others. We had two bottles of gin to start, and I’ll admit I’ve been struggling with binge drinking lately. That night, I drank far more than I should have. Within 45 minutes, I had four strong drinks from the first bottle—more than 90 ml—on an empty stomach, and by the time the second bottle was opened, I was already losing control. I drank most of the bottles myself.
From what I remember, the night started out fine. We were all talking, dancing, and having deep conversations. I tried to be supportive, comforting one sibling about a breakup, and giving advice to another about life challenges.
But things spiraled quickly. After finishing the second bottle, I suggested we get more booze. My girlfriend agreed but started feeling sick on the way. I helped her back to the apartment, tucked her into bed, kissed her forehead, and told her I loved her. At that moment, I felt like I was still trying to do the right thing, even though I was drunk.
After she fell asleep, I went with one of her siblings to get another bottle. He later told me we had a great conversation and literally the best time of his life that hurts even more because what happened afterward destroyed that bond completely.
When we returned, the third bottle was opened. This time, it was mostly me and her gay sister drinking while her girlfriend lay on her lap and two of her siblings were sitting. I finished most of the third bottle by myself. That’s when I blacked out completely, and everything after that is based on what I’ve been told.
Here’s what happened:
At some point earlier at the party, her bi sister gave me a peck on the cheek. She immediately apologized to both my girlfriend and me, saying it was a mistake and done in a brotherly way. I didn’t even register it at the time because I was already drunk. At that time, I said it’s fine, don’t worry. But now she doesn’t remember that she gave me a peck that night, though my girlfriend does.
Me and my girlfriend had sex this night as well and I didn’t even remember a bit of that.
Later, in my blackout state, I was wandering around the house looking for my girlfriend as it was dark and shouting “baby.” I mistook her sister for my girlfriend in the dark and gave her a peck on the lips, calling her “baby, come here” (which is what I only call my girlfriend). Her sister didn’t push me away or anything. She then woke up her girlfriend and told her what had happened.
The two of them then woke up my girlfriend and told her I kissed her sister, which I don’t remember. When my girlfriend woke up, her sister came to me and made me give her a peck again while her girlfriend made sure my girlfriend was watching me do it. This time as well, she didn’t stop me. Apparently, I gave her sister a peck a second time in my drunken confusion. Her sister’s girlfriend made sure my girlfriend saw it this time.
This is what bothers me. If she knew I was calling her “baby,” why didn’t she stop me the first time? I didn’t force her or anything, but instead of stopping me, she made me do it again in front of my girlfriend and her girlfriend. I mean, why do a live demonstration again? Even if she told everybody about it the next day, everybody would have still believed her.
When my girlfriend saw me kissing her the second time, she slapped me hard, and then they woke up everybody.
I was told I wandered around after that, completely incoherent, calling people by the wrong names and making no sense. I was confused with everybody’s names, calling my girlfriend by her sister’s name and even mixing up the boys’ names. Two of her brothers were so angry they physically confronted me, slapping and hitting me several times. My girlfriend had to step in to stop them. I didn’t fight back, and apparently, I didn’t even react—I was too far gone. There was a time I went out and wanted to jump off the roof. After all this drama, I kept on begging and apologizing until I eventually passed out. They wouldn’t let me sleep as my girlfriend kept telling them, “Let him sleep for a while; he’ll explain it tomorrow.”
The next morning, I woke up alone in the apartment, bruised and shattered. I had no memory of what happened after the third bottle. When I called my girlfriend, she explained everything. I was horrified.
I immediately apologized to everyone—my girlfriend and her siblings. I broke down, cried, and literally begged them because I couldn’t believe what I had done. I’ve spent years building trust and love with this family, and in one night, I destroyed it all.
What makes this harder is that my girlfriend believes her sister may have tried to frame me further, possibly to cover up her own actions or to shift blame. I don’t know what to believe because I don’t remember, but I know in my heart that I never intended to kiss her sister. I never, ever found her attractive at all and never thought of her like that. I’ve always seen her as family, and this mistake happened because I was blackout drunk. But I can’t understand why, if it happened once, she let it happen a second time just to show her girlfriend and my girlfriend that it was me and not her. I mean, she could have just told them what happened—why do a live demonstration again? She didn’t even stop me the second time in front of them! She let it happen.
It’s been almost a month since that night. I haven’t touched alcohol since and have joined AA. My girlfriend has kind of forgiven me, but I’m haunted by guilt, shame, and regret. I’ve had nightmares and moments of overwhelming self-hatred. I’ve realized how irresponsible and dangerous my drinking was, and I’ve committed to never drinking again. I’m not able to forgive myself. The fact that they beat me like that has become a trauma for me. Thank God I don’t remember them doing that, as all I have is imagination.
I feel like I’ve lost everything—my respect, my reputation, and the bond I had with her siblings. I’m trying to rebuild, but the weight of what happened is crushing me.
I’m stuck so badly. My girlfriend and her sister keep on fighting because her sister doesn’t want my girlfriend to be with me. Right after the incident, I apologized to her sister, cried, and even told her, “You’ll always be my sister.” She cried at that time, hugged me back, and forgave me. But now, out of nowhere, she is threatening my girlfriend that she’ll tell their parents about this so our relationship ends. She has blocked me from everywhere, texting me bad things. I felt so bad. I mean, I’ve spent five years with them, and they didn’t even give me the benefit of the doubt. I’ve never behaved like this before, and I’ve always helped them and their family with everything I could, be it financially or emotionally. I’ve always been there and treated them like my own siblings. And this is what I get.
Now I’ve thought of dying a couple of times. I feel so terrible. And in my country, nobody will hear the man’s side. Her sister can go to any extent just to prove herself right in front of her girlfriend, and her girlfriend is supporting her as well. She’ll lie too.
I know I made terrible mistakes that night, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I just hope people can see that I’m genuinely remorseful and trying to change. But I’ve already gone through the beating, abusing, and drama just over a mistaken peck on the lips.
If anyone has advice on how to move forward or has been through something similar, I’d really appreciate hearing from you. I really don’t know what to do. I was doing a good job and earning well, but I’ve quit now because I’m not even able to function. I don’t even think I can have any future or become successful, as I’m scared she can do anything to ruin my life at any point.
Please help me, guys!
submitted by Amanwithflaws to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 beckyzion Who's ready to go gasless? Numa Network is revolutionizing Defi with sponsor fees across multiple wallets. Ditch those gas fees and join the IamGasless movement with Numa Network. $5000 in $UFT rewards up for grabs! Campaign live till 24th of December, 11:59 UTC!

Who's ready to go gasless? Numa Network is revolutionizing Defi with sponsor fees across multiple wallets. Ditch those gas fees and join the IamGasless movement with Numa Network. $5000 in $UFT rewards up for grabs! Campaign live till 24th of December, 11:59 UTC! submitted by beckyzion to NFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 ShortDonkey9124 Newbie here from Australia

Hey everyone I’m a new follower after going down a rabbit hole today watching many different characters on live trying to help a severely ill person get to Graceland. I just have some questions I couldn’t find online on their website, is anyone qualified like medical people in this sober living to safely detox? Is it a bunch of now sober former patients with no qualifications? How does this work I know in Australia don’t have people just open up a sober living place there are laws it’s got medical drs and staff. It’s just the owner Patrick doesn’t seem sober or is he maybe bipolar? Thanks for letting me join :)
submitted by ShortDonkey9124 to gracelandranchexposed [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 Sebastian_Fasiang Snowstorm FJ

Snowstorm FJ I am loving the FJ cruiser, purchased it a month ago. Took it out to the prairies after driving through a snowstorm in the city all day, brought my camera along.
submitted by Sebastian_Fasiang to FJCruiser [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 plko1 Early Ariana Grande

Early Ariana Grande submitted by plko1 to redheadariana [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 TheoryCareless1886 Does anybody know if this is an authentic?

Does anybody know if this is an authentic? submitted by TheoryCareless1886 to MoonSwatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 blancparc Is there such a thing as a travel simulator game? Something like Microsoft Flight Simulator but you can walk around in the real world?

submitted by blancparc to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:22 -Appleaday- How Sesame Street Is Made

How Sesame Street Is Made submitted by -Appleaday- to videos [link] [comments]