a lot of mushrooms

be made of和be made from有什么区别?“be made of”和“be made from”的使用对象不同:1、“be made of”表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。 附上一则解释,有兴趣的学习一下。 The origin of the concept of "state of the art" took place in the beginning of the twentieth century. despite,despite of,in despite of用法。首先搞清几个词和短语的用法: despite 尽管;虽然(是介词,后跟名词或代词,构成介词短语)Despite the difficulties he threw himself into the research. 正在写SCI的小伙伴看到这篇回答有福了!作为一个在硕士阶段发表了4篇SCI(一区×2,二区×2)的人,本回答就好好给你唠唠究竟该如何撰写Declaration of interest利益声明部分。 as a result 与as a result of 用法。详细!!!1、as a result:作为一个最终结果的意思。 在Web of Science中生成引用格式,该如何操作?在Web of Science中生成引用格式,用户需要先搜索到所需的论文引用,然后点击页面上的“引用”按钮,在下拉菜单中选择所需的引用格式(如APA、MLA、Chicago one of 有几种用法one of 有四种用法:一、当 one of 在句首时,谓语动词用单数。例如:1、Oneof the gangsters was caught by the police. 问题解决方法:使用学校机构登录。具体操作如下: 点开web of science,在你的界面点击你的用户图标,并选择结束会话并注销,然后会转到登录界面。 前两天投了MDPI的IJMS,一周过去了还是pending review状态,都没有编辑管。请问是怎么回事? According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, "in terms of" can be used for describing either plural or singular fact or event.

2024.11.26 08:21 Herzk87 a lot of mushrooms

a lot of mushrooms submitted by Herzk87 to mushroomID [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 JustInitiative6707 ITAP of an endless Econfina cave

ITAP of an endless Econfina cave submitted by JustInitiative6707 to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Akzolam47 PONCHO

submitted by Akzolam47 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 VerySillyG00se He was foreshadowing his fate

He was foreshadowing his fate https://edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/imesh-ratnayake-sex-abuse-snapchat-sentence-14-years
submitted by VerySillyG00se to Irony [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Any_Truck4455 I’m Not Gullible, I’ve Just Been Fed Lies My Entire Life

The older i get, the more i realize that my Nparent lies about…everything. Big or small, related or unrelated to our relationship, I can’t believe anything anymore. Being told endless lies from an early age has led to a lot of issues in my adult life. On a more surface level, i honestly believe my friends whenever they joke around and make stuff up for fun, where i am then perceived as gullible, or sometimes plain stupid. But on a deeper level, every time i enter a serious relationship, i truly and wholeheartedly believe the things they’re telling me, even when all signs point to the opposite. When all of my friends have warned me or told me to call it off. When my partners actions completely contradict their words. When i get physically ill because my intuition is trying to steer me in the right direction. I never listen. I always fall for the lies, every, single, time. Have you guys ever felt similarly? And how do you navigate the world moving forward? Is there a way to end this cycle?
submitted by Any_Truck4455 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Chaar_lelarose Grief

Waking up with that feeling that hits the chest in such a deep way (I can’t describe it) it’s almost like a hollow feeling that aches through and echoes through the body but you feel it more at the core of the chest,
My heart feels like it’s literally crying…
submitted by Chaar_lelarose to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Typical_Day_9210 Doing tr1butes on discord: henselsk or snapchat: kristian248802

submitted by Typical_Day_9210 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 lecoeur-com Le procureur Jack Smith a demandé l'abandon des poursuites contre #Trump

 Le procureur Jack Smith a demandé l'abandon des poursuites contre #Trump submitted by lecoeur-com to Infos_de_France [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 DreamPirates Isha Keskar Marathi Actress #ishakeskar

Isha Keskar Marathi Actress #ishakeskar submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 LehmanNation Lady of the Underground

Lady of the Underground submitted by LehmanNation to Transmogrification [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 GeekyTidbits Historical Myths People Still Believe

Historical Myths People Still Believe submitted by GeekyTidbits to YoutubeVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Ok-Perspective8112 Anyone with a bug where loadout drop takes ages to open

submitted by Ok-Perspective8112 to Warzone [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Kal176 Gal Gadot being a girls girl 👀

Gal Gadot being a girls girl 👀 submitted by Kal176 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 4ezakm1 Sprunki

submitted by 4ezakm1 to Simon_Sprunki [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Jeff_Boldglum look, look, I cropped not someone's pics but rather their FORESIGHT!

look, look, I cropped not someone's pics but rather their FORESIGHT! submitted by Jeff_Boldglum to ShitpostXIV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 jdmdnb28373 Sexy MILF & her daughters

Sexy MILF & her daughters submitted by jdmdnb28373 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Special-Sugar-3631 Too good to be true?

I work as a server for a restaurant and she is my customer. That day she came with a toddler, and I took really good care of them, she said she liked my service and mentioned that she doing facials, so she wanted to offer me a free facial treatment for appreciation. I gave her my number as she asked, and then she texted me how great I did and that I made her day. She mentioned again about the free facial but still, there was no address of the place, just some customer’s photos she showed me as she said she doing a facial. She first wanted to go to my place since it was a holiday, she said that was her tradition, going to customer’s place for their facial trial but I said no. I thought that would make her know I did not feel comfortable for her to come. Then she again offered to do it at her place if I’m down. She sent me an address and told me to come at 11 am. This whole situation seems weird to me, even though she seems sweet at first but since she wants to come to my place, it makes me feel off about this. Does anyone know anything similar to this situation, is it a scam?
submitted by Special-Sugar-3631 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Wilinator carving more boba coins this week :)

submitted by Wilinator to bobafett [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Status-Strategy-6982 What's the most over powered car in the Forza Franchise?

What's the most over powered car in the Forza Franchise? submitted by Status-Strategy-6982 to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 SkiroRM Qué FP me recomendáis

Hola! Para el próximo curso quiero retomar los estudios con 28 añazos ya, y tengo varias dudas sobre éstos ciclos, me gustaría que me echéis una mano para elegir, sobre todo a nivel de salida y que tenga futuro.

Si tenéis alguna otra sugerencia buena podéis ponerla, aunque los que más me llaman la atención son estos 3.
submitted by SkiroRM to esConversacion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Outrageous-Crew-8838 Anyone go to Calvary in Shreveport, Louisiana?

submitted by Outrageous-Crew-8838 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 Ivanper_ Funny Labs #3 Funny bedtime. [OC]

Funny Labs #3 Funny bedtime. [OC] submitted by Ivanper_ to comics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 SoullessCollecter26 Bree & Lucy

Alright. I have been reading people posts about not understaning that both bree & Lucy are victims of manipulative abusive men & this is my own post about the topic.
This post is about Lucy. Second post will be about Bree.
So here goes ...
Lucy is 100% a victim of Stephen and his abuse & manipulation. Not being willing to agree with that fact hurts real victims of abuse.
The believe that a victim has to be perfect to be considered a victim is extremely damaging. And stops an important real conversation to take place.
Lucy is a victim. The relationship started with Stephen love bombing her and manipulating her before it turning into full blown abuse from him.
The high & lows of a toxic relationship creates a chemical reaction in the brain of the abused. Which is why we see Lucy go back to Stephen multiple times. It's not Lucy being stupid, it's the show wanting to be raw & realistic about the topic.
Also, Stephen is not abusive all the time, he also knows when to be sweet which is also a part of why it is so hard for Lucy to leave him.
That type of hot & cold behavior creates a thing called a trauma bound between the Abused & the abuser. And it also makes the abused, in this case Lucy, question herself.
It makes a person question if the abuse is as bad it feels of if they are imaginating things or being dramatic. It is intense delibrate crazy - making designed to fuck with the person being abused & their sense of self. To confuse them so much that they cant't recognize themselves in the mirror anymore and loses themselves completely in the toxic relationship.
So summarized; no Lucy doesnt like the freaking abuse. That way of thinking is more harmful then I can put into words. She is addicted to the high and lows of the relationship with Stephen which is something else ENTIRELY.
Lastly Her being abusive back to Stephen is called reactive abuse and is something that happens when a victim of an abuser cant't take the abuse anymore and ends up fighting back in ways that makes the abused seem like the abuser.
But! My point with this post is to draw a fat Line under that misunderstanding. The abused is not suddenly a abuser for fighting back, even if it involves using strategies that the narc does!
That is horrible victim Blaming and again - it hurts real victims of abuse. The Abused is a Survivor doing the best him/hethey can to survive in a horrible situation.
And being with a abuser truly brings out the worst in you - the abuse can literally result in brain damage which i urge everyone who calls Lucy stupid to look up.
Lucy is not stupid. Or " just as bad as Stephen " Reducing her to those terms is ignoring the point of the whole damn show.
She is acting like someone with a lot of trauma and deserves empathy bc of the victims of abuse she represent.
And yes - she also ends up hurting other people, while going through this stuff (Which is ofc stil not okay!)
But not freaking intentionally. Which a lot people are saying about Lucy.
When Lucy does something bad, she clearly feels real remorse after. So no, she is most definitely not a Narcissist with sociopathtic traits like Stephen. That claim could not be further from the truth.
Stephen is the opposite. Stephen is a full blown Narcissist with sociopathtic traits as I wrote earlier, which is confirmed by the Showrunner, so just calling him a Narcissist is factually wrong.
There is distinct differences from being a Narcissist and being a Narcissist with sociopathtic traits. The behavior from a person with sociopathtic traits will be way more calculated & on purpose.
Stephen hurt people with intent. And no he does not feel bad. He is highly manipulative. A good example is Episode 6 - The Friendsgiving.
I urge everyone to watch that episode again. But especially watch Stephen. Listen to what he says and watch his facial expressions closely. See how he smirks every time he says something to upset Lucy ?
That type of smile is called Dupers delight and is commen with people like Stephen. It's a type of joy that comes directly form hurting people & getting an reaction.
But! Its important for me to say that sociopathy is a spectrum and not every sociopath is like Stephen.
Stephen is just one narc w/ sociopathtic traits in a tv show but portrayed very realistically, so a lot people see their own abusers in him.
I hope this post reaches the people that it needs to reach. People who relate to Lucy's experiences & people who want to understand abusive relationships better.
-Sincerely Someone who knows.
submitted by SoullessCollecter26 to TellMeLiesHulu [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 krts23 The most loyal cat breeds have been named: no worse than dogs

The most loyal cat breeds have been named: no worse than dogs submitted by krts23 to AdviceNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:21 FrequentAnything6591 What creature sucks blood like this

Recently I’ve been getting these and im not sure if it’s a sign that treatment is working or if this is a thing other than scabies. Seems to be targeting fingertips and feet… idk what to make of it Any idea what it is and how to get rid of it
submitted by FrequentAnything6591 to scabies [link] [comments]
