2024.11.26 09:40 MoonInTheDaySky Eye Twitching & Temporal Pain
Hello, first time poster here. May I just say this sub is incredible! I’m at a loss & wondering if anyone else is experiencing or knows of someone experiencing sudden onset eye lid twitching and head pain / tenderness in the temple area that lasts for days and even weeks. (Coming up to 3 months) In my case (F46 and in Peri), GP was unhelpful, CT & MRI scan came back clear, blood OK, heart OK. Meds of various kinds not helping. All stress eliminated (where possible).
Is this something that belongs in the “peri symptoms basket”?
submitted by MoonInTheDaySky to Perimenopause [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 Ill_Conference6536 Pitanje u vezi mogu cih internet opcija.
S obzirom na to da optika na mojoj lokaciji nije dostupna, a vrlo vjerojatno nikada neće ni biti, malo istražujem moguće opcije boljeg interneta. Trenutačno sam na iskon parici(30download 5 upload) koja je prespora za potrebe mene i još 3 osobe u stanu (gaming, konstantno skidanje igrica i slično) Pitam se postoje li bolje opcije za internet. Istraživao sam malo a1 5g i kada napravim test na mobitelu generalno mi bude bolji nego parica, ono cca 150+ download 40+ upload no problem je u tome sta a1 a i sve druge firme nude samo u stilu 1tb, 2tb prometa a to je za 3 osobe koje su konstantno na kompu premalo. Ne razumijem se dovoljno ali sam čitao i postoji opcija 4g internet preko neke neograničene mobilne tarife pa sim karticu u ruter i onda povezati uređaje žicom s njim te me zanima bi li ping u igricama (tipa lol valorant itd) bio previsok u toj varijanti? kada napravim speedtest 4g a1 interneta preko bonova na mobu bude mi nekih 130 download 15-30 upload i ping '30 etak' sta je puno bolje nego sada ali koliko čitam po redditu i generalno svi seru po 4g internetu pa me zanima bi li stvarno bilo toliko lose? Parica je jebeno spora ali 'generalno' stabilna i ping u average igricama je 30-40, bi li 4g mogao postići sličan ping sa boljim brzinama?
submitted by Ill_Conference6536 to CroIT [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 Rollakud Seara Ko-jo - 君となら絶好調
submitted by Rollakud to japanesemusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 Chlovesma Christmas gift
My father bought a lake house, and is spending time there. I know he really wants a telescope, so great Christmas gift. I would like to buy him one that is powerful, but keep in mind he/we have ever owned one. I would love to get him something that is powerful and easy to use, without breaking the bank…… would love your thoughts.
submitted by Chlovesma to telescopes [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 EconomySoltani China’s Crude Oil Imports Drop 3.4% in the First 10 Months of 2024
submitted by EconomySoltani to Infographics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 Unfair_Tomatillo1 23/M, really bored at work, could need someone to Chat!
Hey! I’m 23, from Europe, and looking for someone to chat with. I‘ll try it once again haha.
I’m into working out, riding my motorcycle, cooking (friends say I’m pretty good!), and photography, mostly cars and bikes. I also play games on Xbox and PS5, and music is a big part of my day, I’ll listen to almost anything that fits the vibe. Maybe send me your favourite song?
You don’t have to be into the same things, but it’s always easier to chat if we share some interests. Either way, I’d love to hear from you!
Here’s a question for you: Since we’re just strangers on the internet and might never talk again, tell me something, a confession or maybe a “sin” you’ve been holding onto!
Let’s talk!
submitted by Unfair_Tomatillo1 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 MCM_Filme14 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MCM_Filme14 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 GSicKz Hole in bike tire - needs replacement?
Hey bike-specialists, I noticed that there is a small hole in my front bike tire (image attached). Must have happened when I recently got a flat tire. Does this tire need to be replaced or can I just cycle on like this? submitted by GSicKz to Netherlands [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 Huge_Opposite3552 Prins Oranje or Hoffman?
I want to add one of them to my collection. Which one is usefull enough in battles to grab it with doscount coupon?
submitted by Huge_Opposite3552 to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 adrianberki Bizalmas céges adat vagyok, amit eltulajdonítottak
Bizalmas céges adat vagyok (excel fájl), és egy céges laptopon élem pörgős kis életem. Tudomásomra jutott, hogy az állandó lakóhelyemül szolgáló eszköz jogtalanul más tulajdonába vándorolt. Mi lesz velem ezután?
Köszönöm szépen a segítséget!
submitted by adrianberki to jobshungary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 unholydoctor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKcsE5_vNwk
submitted by unholydoctor to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Politics] - Blinken set to testify on Afghanistan withdrawal in House amid looming contempt vote | FOX
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 GoddessSawyerr1 Submit
submitted by GoddessSawyerr1 to findommes [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 Ok_Potential4601 What’s your Reddit Persona?
الي طلعت لكم في ال recap
submitted by Ok_Potential4601 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 Flat-Board6204 Palkia 823325581208
submitted by Flat-Board6204 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 azuchii Besoin de vos conseils
Bonjour tous le monde, je compte investir pour une tour gaming aux alentours de 1000€! Mais je suis assez perdu avec tout les choix présents.
J’ai fouillé un peu sur le reddit FR et beaucoup de fois on a mentionné votre groupe.
Je compte jouer principalement en 1080p, cela me suffit amplement a l’heure d’aujourd’hui. Je voulais surtout savoir si il est possible avec ce budget to pouvoir travailler avec la suite adobe.
Je ne joue que a LoL, Genshin et Kingdom Hearts sur steam récemment.
Le prix comprend uniquement la tour et un ecran. J’ai déjà le reste 😄
Merci d’avance
submitted by azuchii to pcmasterraceFR [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Politics] - Dem attorneys general prepare for legal battle with Trump after filing hundreds of challenges last term | FOX
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 Few_Passion4487 Mayroon ba kayong idea kung sino?
Sa totoo lang may ganito din akong hinuha before kasi sobrang mura , ok naman yung color, yung bottle legit na legit pero yung juice ang bilis mawala even if EDP siya, pero inisip ko na lang na baka sa skin chemistry lang. Bago madelete din yung Group na fraghead din may ganitong discussion ang huling issue na nabasa ko is yung tester na item is binibenta as not tester, tapos nakita yung post na binibenta yung item as tester kasi same serial tapos after a day deleted na yung group kasi 'reported' daw. submitted by Few_Passion4487 to fragheadph [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 Silent_Garden_4010 Why im different on both sides how to fix this pls help and what to improve and how dm
submitted by Silent_Garden_4010 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 CareNew8816 Studie "Belastung und Konflikte in der stationären Altenpflege" (Teilnehmer/Innen und Multiplikatoren dringend gesucht 😅)
Vielleicht gibt es hier ja Azubis in der stationären Altenpflege, oder ihr kennt jemanden, der in diesem Bereich tätig ist... Bild bzw. Link darf gerne mit Kolleginnen/Kollegen, in der Berufsschule oder mit Bekannten in dem Bereich geteilt werden. Link : https://sosci.fau.de/belastungundkonflikte Zielgruppe: Volljährige Beschäftigte/Auszubildende/Studierende, die aktuell in der stationären Altenpflege tätig sind. Danke im Voraus, für eure Hilfe😀 submitted by CareNew8816 to Azubis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Trump, Congress looking to put suffocating sanctions on 'kangaroo' ICC over Netanyahu arrest warrant | FOX
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 plushietoons Can’t stop feeling anxious
Just as title says, I can’t stop the all consuming feeling of anxiety i’m having. It’s been about 24 hours now, I’ve barely slept because the physical symptoms keep me awake, and I can’t stop crying, and even when I do fall asleep I wake up every 20 minutes or so feeling on the verge of a panic attack. I know why the anxiety came on but as of right now there’s nothing I can do to fix that problem, and my only brief relief was calling a friend earlier to play some games, but once we hung up it was right back to the debilitating anxiety. I’ll take anything, how you guys ease your own anxiety, words of encouragement, literally anything. I’m terrified i’m going to have to feel like this for days on end and I just can’t handle it.
submitted by plushietoons to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 Focusaur Need a quick mood boost? Try this simple trick!✨
submitted by Focusaur to Focusaur [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:40 Vacist_24 Football threads were the best thing I discovered on Reddit
submitted by Vacist_24 to recap [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:40 Appropriate_Ad204 WTB Supreme waistbag
Kúpim supreme waistbag, pis pm📩
submitted by Appropriate_Ad204 to cz_sk_reps [link] [comments]