Need a quick mood boost? Try this simple trick!✨

2024.11.26 09:40 Focusaur Need a quick mood boost? Try this simple trick!✨

Need a quick mood boost? Try this simple trick!✨ submitted by Focusaur to Focusaur [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Vacist_24 Football threads were the best thing I discovered on Reddit

submitted by Vacist_24 to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Appropriate_Ad204 WTB Supreme waistbag

Kúpim supreme waistbag, pis pm📩
submitted by Appropriate_Ad204 to cz_sk_reps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 TelevisionConstant70 PlayStation is preparing a portable PS6

submitted by TelevisionConstant70 to GEARRICE [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 threetrappedtigers Realisation of self and trauma

Hi, my name is TTT and I am an adult child. I want to share my experiences with being in the fellowship now for 3 months. I came to the fellowship after another failed relationship were the same patterns and behaviors occurred that had happened with others. My life was unmanageable, I was angry, disconnected and had a victim mindset. Through the programme and therapy, I have had profound insights into my self and who I am. I believe I have had a spiritual awakening. I have come to realise that the trauma I experienced from childhood has impacted who I thought I was and how I viewed the world. For example, the self that I identified as shameful/guilty and unworthy was absorbed through childhood and not my true essence. I identified as that which fueled and created further feelings of shame, guilt, unloveable and worthlessness. I thought I was the "persona" that I identified as. This liberating insights has helped me to create the space to hold my feelings, journal and attend meetings to explore feelings and release these burdens which were never mine to carry. There have been innumerable awakenings and revelations that have been happening on and almost daily basis as I discover myself. The most recent being around codependency “my” codependent thinking/ obsessiveness is not my real self and was developed as a child through trauma as a response to try and control my reality because reality was so chaotic and unpredictable that I tried to control through controlling others and fantasy and being codependent. Therefore by discovering my true nature and self the codependency “I” is not actually me but a learned dysfunction from childhood. I wasn’t born codependent therefore I in my essence of self am not. It was a fucked up survival mechanism. The same with anxiety, the “I” I identified as anxious was never me. And I couldn’t integrate these parts of me because they’re not my true self nor mine to integrate - they’re my parents' dysfunctions and not mine to integrate. My integration is to actually discover who my true self is before the trauma. Today I realised that the behaviors I was powerless to control made me toxic towards my true self, the world and the romantic partners I dated. Whilst this does not excuse the hurt and pain I have caused, it is allowing me to embrace a new way of living one day at a time.
submitted by threetrappedtigers to AdultChildren [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 CherrySlooth Make all path's flat?

Hey everyone!
New to inkscape/ inkStitch. I've made something I want to stitch but it has over 220 paths. How do I simplify/flatten this so paths won't overlap while embroidery printing? CRTL+K looks good but just hides the problem and path + union just messes it up. Any fixes?
submitted by CherrySlooth to Inkscape [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 gl0ubi I'm using the elf hydrating CC in the shade fair beige but I think this is not a great fit for me. I'm finishing the bottle so I would like to try a new one but I've not been able to find what's wrong with this shade. Is it too warm ? Idk please help and if you have a cheap recommendations lmk

I'm using the elf hydrating CC in the shade fair beige but I think this is not a great fit for me. I'm finishing the bottle so I would like to try a new one but I've not been able to find what's wrong with this shade. Is it too warm ? Idk please help and if you have a cheap recommendations lmk submitted by gl0ubi to Fairolives [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Suppenreim You and a telepathic cat gain the ability to teleport, but if the cat ever catches you, it steals your power. It can sense your location at all times. What's your plan?

submitted by Suppenreim to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 No_Rice7378 Little changes 🧐

submitted by No_Rice7378 to termux [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 rolorilie At what difference does it count as an age gap?

like I've been thinking about this because some people say like 4 years difference counts as an age gap which to me is not much at all I would say at like maybe over 8 years. I would love to hear others opinions on the matter.
submitted by rolorilie to AgeGapRelationship [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Answulf 1.4 Billion Shields

Blast Door + Shield Core. First time I beat the Sparring Partner!
submitted by Answulf to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Professional-Cup3307 Create A Team

What is the (best) team set-up to start out with? I’m kinda new to this game and would like to know what you guys like to start out with.
submitted by Professional-Cup3307 to F1Manager [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 ColdVermicelli2297 Wb dialga raid 840485150902

submitted by ColdVermicelli2297 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 FlanSouth8359 Zim dividend

Paying $3.65 a share to holders which goes x-dividend 12/2. Ka-Ching.
submitted by FlanSouth8359 to zim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Competitive_Big_2899 Will this work?

Suggest better ways to keep my Zaza wet😬.
submitted by Competitive_Big_2899 to IndianEnts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Cathal212 Conor McSaville

Conor McSaville
submitted by Cathal212 to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Willing-Athlete-6756 Studenten Job

Hey all! I’m looking for a job in a cafe or restaurant & wanted to ask you all if there are any “job searching” websites you’d recommend.(for students or just in general) I know there’s a job searching groupchat for students but I can’t find anything about it online..anyone know what I’m talking about? Thanks 😊
submitted by Willing-Athlete-6756 to Munich [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 TimTheGrim55 How to get the armoury web extension running again?

I know the shop is not what it was anymore due to the U&L update but I'm still missing a couple 430 Curios on my 4 characters so anyone have an idea how to get the web extension running again (or why it doesn't work anymore in the first place)?
submitted by TimTheGrim55 to DarkTide [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 pekoe_160 Off topic but wanted to share this about my reddit recap

Thanks yall :3 (im still proud of that drawing) and sorry for inactivity
submitted by pekoe_160 to necoarc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 AffectionateAge3219 Dwarf in dungeon

Dwarf in dungeon submitted by AffectionateAge3219 to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 CriticismOver6895 I need encouragement to use my dildo. I Can send pics. Cei. M33. 0507f1ac42f5ece0b82b784f232f047f3effb68a7164d3a49d40f1fa8f36573927

submitted by CriticismOver6895 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 TabbyCat377 Here's something Cool I found. A jack pack mention

Here's something Cool I found. A jack pack mention I was watching through a video and I have found this. From SLG
submitted by TabbyCat377 to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 redbutlert [discussion]I'm curious what are all the ifs that exist counting the April fool's ifs?

[discussion]I'm curious what are all the ifs that exist counting the April fool's ifs? Cute academy if!!!!
submitted by redbutlert to Re_Zero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Peachmint561 Bussdown rolex with rainbow dials

Bussdown rolex with rainbow dials submitted by Peachmint561 to repwatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 BioTek39 Hunting sim 3 announcement trailer
submitted by BioTek39 to HuntingSimulator2 [link] [comments]