2024.11.26 09:38 yeetboiii52 What is this?
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submitted by yeetboiii52 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Far_Caterpillar8077 Rag for economic data
Hi guys,
I work in the finance industry. Mu background is on ML applied to economic forecasting, so I am not an AI expert.
I was asked to create an AI chatbot that has access to a vast amount of economic data (internal and external research, central bank’s press conferences, a proprietary structured database with actual economic data, etc). At first, I was thinking on building it from scratch, but in the end we chose to go with a Rag-as-a-Service option. (Nuclia)
I am still in the process of gathering all this data and haven't uploaded it to the service yet. However, after some testing, I keep thinking that the system might not be able to answer this type of question: "What was the decision of the Central Bank of Brazil in the last five meetings? Or, for example, in the last two years?" Is there any process to try to optimize the accuracy of document retrieval when using a date range in the prompt?
Beyond the issue of date ranges, I’m also concerned about whether the system will be able to answer questions like: “What was the decision of the Central Bank when inflation was below 5%?” In this case, the system would first need to identify the periods when inflation was below that value by analyzing the structured database, and only then attempt to retrieve the documents associated with those dates. Anyone has “solved” this problem before?
Thanks a lot in advance!
submitted by Far_Caterpillar8077 to Rag [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Papa_percocet_ Have you been turned down by a group/collective?
Heave you been turned down by a group or collective project on here? Want to make music without all the rigidity? I'm looking for anyone at all who wants to make music but hasn't found the people to do it with. Doesn't matter what stage you're in on your music journey. Just want people enthusiastic and open to different styles and sounds, and most importantly people looking to have fun making good music. Comment here and I'll hit you up or dm me 😊
submitted by Papa_percocet_ to HYPERPOP [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 ripinchaos So to all the Katar haters out there.
https://preview.redd.it/nf2yl5ccu73e1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5b27a72b87bcdb766b6e7c3285b5bd7a4d2b7cd I've been singing the praises of the Katar for a while now, and I just now checked my stats on them. I am a Katar god and I will not have them be slandered anymore. submitted by ripinchaos to Chivalry2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:38 GuineaPigs_23 Has anyone tried haptotherapy?
I just got an autism diagnosis and the assessor recommended that I look into haptotherapy to get better in touch with my body and emotions. Can anybody please tell me more about this? Has anyone done this? What's it like? Did it help? Would you recommend it?
submitted by GuineaPigs_23 to AskAutism [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Independent-Emu3170 I don’t like making decisions
submitted by Independent-Emu3170 to TrollCoping [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:38 cupcakethroat Alyssa
Alyssa claims she's been done with the drama. Then what is this? I'm willing to answer questions in dms. This needs to stop. submitted by cupcakethroat to heronotzero [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:38 Individual_Coyote_41 Hentai trade
submitted by Individual_Coyote_41 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 stalcupojoy Naturally Speeding Up the Game
We’re often a little tight on time to squeeze in a game so I’ve been wondering: what setup factors tend to make a game of Root go a bit more quickly?
For example, I would assume using the Tower landmark and/or playing on the Mountain map (because of opening paths) should speed things up slightly because of the extra points.
Whereas I’d assume adding hirelings would tend to slow things down because of the extra rules overhead. (But maybe certain ones tend to provide enough buffs to counteract this?)
So… asking y’all who have way more experience at Root: what other setup factors would tend to speed the game up on average?
submitted by stalcupojoy to rootgame [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Boring_Volume_5211 Anyone else love thongs? I have a pair of my ex's that make me so horny... 37/m teleguard UCY72FRY9
submitted by Boring_Volume_5211 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Pilotakeksz77 Help
How do I acces the german civil war? I tried all three paths and it just seems to lead me to stability and not a cool civil war. Maybe im just stupid but any help is appreciated.
submitted by Pilotakeksz77 to Fuhrerredux [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 xAspiro Lenovo Precision Pen 2 or Digital Pen 3
I am looking for a new stylus for my Lenovo Yoga 7 14ARB7 (Ryzen 6800U). I can confirm that the laptop support AES 2.0 but not MPP 2.0.
Can anyone tell me please the differences and their experience with the Lenovo Precision Pen 2 or Lenovo Digital Pen 3. It will be only used for taking notes in college.
submitted by xAspiro to stylus [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 ProfessionalScene408 Access to HE - University of Manchester
I’m looking to study Business on an Access to Higher Education course next September into 2026.
An Access to higher education diploma is definitely said to be equivalent and will certainly get you into a university, but I have to wonder how equivalent they are treated in practice with higher competition and entry requirements - especially when it’s a Red brick/Russell Group Uni.
I’m looking to achieve 45 distinctions on the course in order to meet the listed requirements for a course at the University of Manchester. I’ll also have to complete GCSE maths to a higher standard, since I was awarded Grade 4 by default during Covid and they require a 6. I’m interested mainly in their BAEcon Accounting and Finance, though I wouldn’t mind taking one of their BSc courses on A&F with industry experience.
Now, 45 distinctions is equivalent to AAA, at 144 UCAS points, but A-Levels are the first standard for entry and there’s this idea that I can’t shake with competitive Universities like UoM that this could sully my application. The diploma gives a maximum of those 144 UCAS points, whereas A-Levels reaches to around 168, if I’m remembering correctly, so the requirement certainly seem tighter.
Would it be necessary to stand out in a personal statement and reference? Should I commit to supercurriculars before and during the access course?
If there’s a better place to ask about all of this, do let me know. Maybe I could ask admissions for UoM about previous applicants and talk with my tutors about this eventually.
submitted by ProfessionalScene408 to UniUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Better_Courage7104 Please save me, anyone have a save file?
Hello, I've recently made a critical error. Moved my horizon zero dawn and entire steam library to a different SSD, and reset my boot SSD. I have just discovered that the save files are not saved in the game file but elsewhere. I am depressed.
I'm not terribly far in, but I know I probably won't pick it up for a while just because I don't want to repeat the first 5 or 6 hours.
Anyone have a save from around when they cleared the corruptions just before they got to meridian? or even anything around that. I would be eternally grateful!
submitted by Better_Courage7104 to horizon [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Imi_plac_gainile_Edy Ganditi-va cu capul vostru.
Dragii mei,
Eu unu ma simt foarte tulburat si speriat pentru familia mea, pentru sotia si fiica mea ce inca nu s-a nascut.
Mai oameni buni, combinatie mai fatala ca asta nu s-a vazut niciodata: un Legionar cu admiratii Naziste si inclinatii pro Rusia.
O trifecta vicleana si extrem de nociva. Mai trebuia sa spuna ca o stimeaza pe Ana Pauker si pe Dej...
Vrei sa ne intoarcem inapoi la 1947? Cu securitate? Sa va bage comunistu asta in lagare?
Si voi astia care v-ati rupt oasele prin afara, sau care aveti prieteni si rude care si-au frant oasele pe afara la munca. Vorbiti cu ei, facetii sa inteleaga pericolul ce il reprezinta comunistul asta. Explicatile ca exact acelasi lucru s-a intamplat si la inceputurile comunismului in Romania. Aia de n-au muncit o zi in viata lor s-au ridicat si le-au luat TOT ce aveau oamenii ce au muncit! TOT!
STUDENTI! TINERI! MERGETI LA PARLAMENTARE LA VOT, CA SUNT MAI IMPORTANTE DECAT PRESEDINTIA. Presedintele fara Parlament nu are nici o putere! Si nenorocitu asta vrea sa schimbe Constitutia!
Apoi mergeti la vot si pe 8 Dec sa il dam afara pe Psihopatu asta!
submitted by Imi_plac_gainile_Edy to GenZRo [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Few_Significance3538 Do you think he'll go away?
This mouse was trying to get into my mouse and tried several doors, i stopped him everytime and almost capture him a few, after running from me all morning he finally climbed the garden wall and went back to the street, did i scared him away for good or will he be back?
submitted by Few_Significance3538 to pestcontrol [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 Lucky_Spend_4631 ios 16.7.10 problems, anyone?
Ako lang ba or kayo din? Eto kasi mga naexperience ko sa iPhone X ko. • Bluetooth pairing may problema na. Akala ko sa airpods pro lang cya (kasi nabasa ko compatible daw ang pro2 sa ios17 onwards), pero sa realmi earbuds ko kusang nagdi-disconnect mag isa. Sa airpods naman, pahirapan. Kelangan iclick pa talaga ang bluetooth button, sa music naman kelangan malapit sa mukha kasi minsan pag malayo nagdi-disconnect
• Hotspot. Minsan nagdidisconnect sa laptop ko yung hotspot. Either kusang nagdisconnect or biglang nagturn off sa hotspot button
• Cell Service. Eto yung pinaka malala. Nagsimula lang cya kahapon. Dios mio walang signal! Kung may signal pwede lang pang text. Kung itu-turn on ang mobile data biglang no service. Haup.
submitted by Lucky_Spend_4631 to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 soulstealer2610 Ranked matches
I’m currently silver 4 (was silver 1 earlier today) I have been getting matched with the worst teammates one’s who run off the map who don’t heal any bit then the match ranges are from silver 2 to bronze 3 like how am I constantly on the teams with the players who shouldn’t even be placed in the same lobbies how do I get out of this because I don’t want to go all the way back to bronze but the matchmaking doesn’t like me
submitted by soulstealer2610 to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 flaiyah Witchers 3 frm fitgirl . No dialogue audio.
Got witchers 3 frm fitgirl, all other audios are working fine. Just the charectar dialogues are not working. Not during cutscenes and not even normal interactions. Any fix?
submitted by flaiyah to CrackSupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 kissingthecurb What is this?
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submitted by kissingthecurb to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 reddit_lss_1 Link Post Title 26-November-2024 09:37:57
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 bom8838 Qual o seu propósito na vida?
submitted by bom8838 to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 NagiGOAT r/turd has been banned
submitted by NagiGOAT to BannedSubs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:38 ra11c3 ust cdc ticket selling
hellooo, ask ko lang po if merong ticket selling ng cdc tix sa ust tomorrow? saw kasi sa adu na tom ticket selling nila
submitted by ra11c3 to Tomasino [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:38 WillGilPhil My class PPT: An Overview of Silhak (實學)
submitted by WillGilPhil to KoreanPhilosophy [link] [comments] |