2024.11.26 10:20 Michka-Macha Je ne sais pas comment accéder au travail que je veux et quelles études faire. Besoin de conseils.
Bonjour à tous ! Petit résumé de mon parcours :
Après mon bac ES j’ai fais une L1 en LEA l’année dernière. Je n’ai pas poursuivi étant donné que je n’avais pas confiance en ses débouchées. De plus, je ne me voyais pas travailler dans ce domaine toute ma vie. Je suis donc actuellement en année sabbatique, m’étant réorientée trop tard, je n'avais pas beaucoup de choix sur parcoursup. Je suis actuellement en CDI dans une petite enseigne de fast food et bien que mon équipe soit géniale je ne compte pas y faire carrière.
Depuis mai dernier, je suis donc en train d’évaluer des poursuites d’études possibles.
Toute petite je me suis découverte une passion pour le montage vidéo, je peux y passer aisément des journées entières sans m’en lasser (quelque chose de rare chez moi). En fouillant parcoursup les formations les plus cohérentes avec cette passion serait: Un BTS audiovisuelle (mais malheureusement mal noté et difficile d’accès ce qui me fait un peu peur). Une licence de cinéma (encore une fois difficile d’accès et pas forcément professionnalisante). Les écoles payantes sont hors de la question pour moi.
Actuellement si j’ai accès à l’une des formations citées plus haut je la rejoins sans hésiter. Mais dans le cas où on me refuse je n’ai pas vraiment envie de faire une formation courte style BTS dans un domaine que je n’aime pas vraiment “juste” pour avoir un diplôme.
Mon copain est d’avis que je n’ai qu’une vie et que je dois essayer de poursuivre ce qui me permettrait d’être comblée même sans passer par la voie classique. Et quitte à prendre des risques (pas au point de me retrouver à la rue on s’entend), je devrais monter en compétence par moi même (le montage étant une discipline fortement présente sur internet cela paraît réalisable c’est actuellement ce que je fais).
J’ai relancé une chaîne sur YouTube par passion récemment. D’abord pour me donner des projets à bosser puis pour me permettre de progresser. De plus pour que cela me serve de portfolio pour montrer mes compétences une fois que je serais assez qualifié. Je ne sais pas ce que l’avenir me réserve mais ce serait mon outil pour essayer de rivaliser avec les diplômés des autres CV. J’ai déjà entendu parler du fait que certains se lancent en freelance mais du peu que j’en sais cela reste au mieux une voix compliquée au début mais je ne suis pas encore très renseignée puisque cela me semble encore un peu lointain.
Je suis donc un peu perdu dans ma vie et c’est pour cela que je viens demander conseils.
Merci d’avoir pris le temps de me lire et encore merci si vous avez la possibilité de m’aider en commentaire !
(Ma chaîne si jamais vous voulez y faire un tour: https://www.youtube.com/@michkamgr)
submitted by Michka-Macha to emploi [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 Strong-Antelope1603 How is my render?
It's a real train station in Switzerland, post by u/biwook on LiminalSpace 😭 just wanted to see what happens.. submitted by Strong-Antelope1603 to blender [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 sentientbeingsart new drawings
submitted by sentientbeingsart to DigitalArt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Sony PS Playstation Vita Console PCH-2000 Silver ZA25 with Box Set Tested
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 Recoveredaddict024 I have a 0/14/14 machop, and a 5/7/13 shadow machop
Which one should I build for great league?
submitted by Recoveredaddict024 to PokemonGOBattleLeague [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional |Sony PS Playstation Vita Console PCH-2000 Silver ZA25 with Box Set Tested
submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 New-Lifeguard-5926 What’s happening with my case?
My ex partner was arrested on Friday, on Saturday they said he would be remanded in custody until Monday, denied bail until then, where it would be decided if he is given bail conditions or remanded until the court date.
The detectives dealing with the case are away but I’ve been given no update, I have contacted 101 and they said they’d ask the team to contact me and they haven’t but the 101 operator said they could see no updates on their side.
Does anyone have any idea why this could be? I just want to be able to protect myself.
submitted by New-Lifeguard-5926 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 Plant_butcher Plant butcher around the multiverse part 9
submitted by Plant_butcher to CTAvsAEBattlefield [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Sony PS Playstation Vita Console PCH-2000 Silver ZA25 with Box Set Tested
submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Sony PS Playstation Vita Console PCH-2000 Silver ZA25 with Box Set Tested
submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 riturajsharma19 Brand new Dell U4025QW (2nd replacement) has flickering issues
I recently received a Dell U4025QW, and it’s randomly blinking for a split second, accompanied by a white horizontal line. The issue seems to occur more frequently with prolonged usage.
This is already my second replacement — the previous two were returned due to clusters of dead pixels.
To rule out system or driver issues, I tested the monitor on both my PC and a 2020 MacBook Pro. Unfortunately, the problem persists on both devices. I also tried swapping the cables, but it made no difference.
I’ve attached two video clips demonstrating the issue on both systems.
Has anyone else experienced this? Could this be another hardware defect, or is there something I’m missing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Has anyone else experienced such flickering/blinking issues? I can't seem to find a issue-free unit of this monitor.
submitted by riturajsharma19 to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Sony PS Playstation Vita Console PCH-2000 Silver ZA25 with Box Set Tested | Seller: electricaljapan (98.1% positive feedback)Location: JPCondition: UsedPrice: 300.00 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now
submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 InterestOld4419 25M/UK Any of you fine human beings fancy a voice call?
I’ve been staring at my screen too much recently but i still have a huge urge to talk to people and potentially make new friends so i was thinking the best solution is to just hop on a call, close my eyes and talk to people 😂
I’m kind of awkward because i’m so anxious when it comes to calls but i promise i won’t let it get TOO awkward 😂
I’d tell you stuff about me but i feel like it’d be cool to go into a call blind and get to know one another that way instead!
Anyone is welcome 😎
submitted by InterestOld4419 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 Prestigious_Spring47 This nigga ain't gonna Drop
submitted by Prestigious_Spring47 to MachineGunKelly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Sony PS Playstation Vita Console PCH-2000 Silver ZA25 with Box Set Tested
submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 kingnicky9 From Where I Can I Buy Items From Wholesale Without a Business License
I want to start buying Pokemon stuff at Wholesale, as I endup wasting so much money buying in bulk from online market places or card shop.
Only place I know about is Asmodee but it looks like you need a you need a license, I'm from main land Europe.
Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by kingnicky9 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 ReturnToJesusPls Why is the word 'invite' suddenly a noun when 'invitation' is the noun?
makes no sense at all. like 'discord invite'. the right word is 'invitation'. invite is a verb and has always been. it's like the language is becoming on purpose complicated for no reason at all.
submitted by ReturnToJesusPls to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 ThyBlueSlipper CPU upgrade help
Hi there! I need help chosing an CPU for my build, used mainly for gaming. My current specs are these:
Ryzen 5 2600 16GB DDR4 3200Mhz RTX 4060 ASUS Prime B450
At the beginning I had a 1060, but it died a few months ago and I bought a 4060. The thing is, the CPU now is always on high usage and It gets really hot, and the computers shuts down, even with new thermal paste (using the stock cooler). I know that this CPU is to weak for my GPU and I wanted an upgrade, and since I'm upgrading the CPU, I'm getting a AIO or a good air cooler, still haven't decided. The thing is:
Is a Ryzen 7 5700X3D to overkill for this specs? Or a 5600X/5700X is good enough and I won't see much difference? I wanted the 5700X3D but Im afraid it's too much for the current build and I'm just wasting money when a regular 5700X or a 5600X might be enough. Thoughs?
submitted by ThyBlueSlipper to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 ATOJAR What are your go to mods so far for Stalker 2? I am just trying to make the game feels more balanced without modding to heavily.
submitted by ATOJAR to stalker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 MugShots State Police Arrests Man for DUI, Gun, and Drug Offenses Following Traffic Stop in Seaford
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 Judah-theSane How does epomaker delivery work?
I just ordered an ak820 pro from epomaker, i got a paypal receipt but how to know when will it reach here? Ty
submitted by Judah-theSane to mkindia [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 eb6069 Golden throne
So I understand the Emperor has to sit on the throne so the galaxy doesn't unravel and humanity turns into dark king feed... but what im curious about is what kind of torment does Big E go through whilst he sits on it and what are the pros and cons of the Golden Throne or if there's any stories that delve into the details of the decive.
Thanks in advance brothers.
submitted by eb6069 to 40kLore [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 Jealous-Chocolate275 I Guess I’m A Techie This Year
submitted by Jealous-Chocolate275 to recap [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:20 LouisWatches Rare item Seiko 0843-5050 from September - 1976
submitted by LouisWatches to JapaneseWatches [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:20 NetworkLittle9912 Cambly gonna be around for long?
I just heard Cambly fired 50% of their staff. What is next for tutors?
submitted by NetworkLittle9912 to Cambly [link] [comments]