2024.11.26 12:29 CriticismNo1150 Reddit knows of the relation beetween the subs.
submitted by CriticismNo1150 to ChurchOfFaputa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 MobileNewsBot HMD Fusion launched in India with Smart Outfits
submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 Purpleandyellowcalx So I’m starting Adalimumab. Is this literally the same as Humira?
What are all your experiences with it?
I’m really hoping it will get rid of the last of my lingering inflammation
submitted by Purpleandyellowcalx to rheumatoid [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 Educational-Step4561 Fuses and relay testing
Here's my fuses for my 2000 ford expedition. I've heard for some fuses the car needs to turn on. If so which are they out of the pictures? I heard i could check for continuity if I take out the fuses. Sorry if this was a dumb question just trying to learn submitted by Educational-Step4561 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 SpecialistAd5122 o2 Gigs
Hey my name is Joseph and I’m a photographer currently creating a project on music fans and going to concerts. I’m looking for fans to photograph both before and after the Sam gigs in London coming up next month. So if you’re a die hard stan who is going to be camping out at the front of the queue or you’re going to be going all out for attending, I want to photograph you. I also might want to do a short questionnaire on why you support Sam and what makes you such a big fan.
Can’t wait to hear back from you guys if you want to send me a direct message you can also DM me here or on insta @josephphotography__
submitted by SpecialistAd5122 to Samfender [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 rlmqx how do i socialise
I’m 19 and i have no friends, i have no job and i barely do anything except see my boyfriend on the weekends. My parents are worried how im going to basically survive without them in the future and im worried as well, i dont know how to make friends or talk to people, i can barely answer the door because of my anxiety.
I feel very lonely and useless and im so self conscious, i try to talk to my boyfriends friends but i automatically feel like i dont fit in, i dont know if its just me overthinking but its always awkward to the point where i wont see my boyfriend if his friends are there
what do i do? where do i start? i feel like im just waisting my life away at this point
submitted by rlmqx to autism [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 diamondhanded_ape_ Herrenfriseur gesucht
Hey liebe Mainzer*innen, ich suche einen guten Herrenfriseur, der auch mit längeren Haaren nicht überfordert ist. Gerne auch inklusive Stilberatung. Wer hat eine Empfehlung? Danke 😊
submitted by diamondhanded_ape_ to Mainz [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 CommanderKobe With the Burmese scouts finished, it's time for a family photo of sporadically collected British!
submitted by CommanderKobe to boltaction [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 Shot-Basil-1425 Got my solar inverter with my new battery these weekend. Mounted and installed
submitted by Shot-Basil-1425 to solarenergy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 RandomNodeWalker At least the game is in good state and we have an amazing new game mode
submitted by RandomNodeWalker to MarvelSnap [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 Deagle426 Beginner : Fender CD-60S vs Veelah V1 DM vs Eastman PCH1D
A complete beginner here. Confused between these three €200, €270 & €390 (with bag) are the prices respectively. Confused on below: a) As am a beginner thus maybe will cause more wear and tear - don't wish to buy too good a guitar and wreck it.
b) Are there any differences between the material or their design which makes one better than the other?
c) wish to learn more in line to Fingerstyle/Tapping- any one of them better than the other? d) just don't find a lot of information about Veelah online, why so?
What do y'all think?
submitted by Deagle426 to guitars [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 GalaktikDunya a question about my height growth
I am 15 year old boy. I was born on may 7th, 2009. I am concerned about my height. i am quite short like 162 cm (5'4). i was like 158 cm when i turned 15, and i have not noticed any height growth for 2 months now. my weight is around 43 kilograms, but that was long time ago i checked it.
My dad is like 180 cm whereas my mom is like 147 cm. could i be short because of her? also i think my 11 yo sister has gotten more of my dads genes than i have as she is like 158 cm. I am also quite skinny, so i thought maybe i am skinny not because of eating habbits but because my growth is late (i hope so)
also i have another question. i masturbate aswel. does that stunt my growth. i heard it does because sperm has testosterone in it. i want to become tall so i can also get like tall children, also for my own personal things. My like dream height is like 175-185 cm. everyone says that i will be 175 cm, but i am starting to have doubts.
sorry for rushed writing. did this in a rush.
submitted by GalaktikDunya to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 CobaltBlue18 F27
submitted by CobaltBlue18 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 internet_fiend91 Are they as good for skating as b-balling?
submitted by internet_fiend91 to skateboarding [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 -starbeanie- why not have two more fact sheets about my ocs?
submitted by -starbeanie- to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:29 Financial_Beach_9152 schüchternes Kind und die Folgen
Hallo, ich bin noch neu mit dem Thema Therapie und Behandlung. Ich hatte mich die letzten Jahre eigentlich nur mit Selbsthilfebücher beschäftigt.
Beim letzten Termin mit dem Psychiater, wo er mir auch eine Therapie empfahl, kam ein Thema auf, dass mir nun irgendwie öfter begegnet. Kommt mir langsam vor wie eine Leuchtreklame, dass ich das beachte.
Ich erzählte dem Psychiater, dass ich als Kind mich teils nicht traute die Leute zu grüßen, die sich wiederum bei meiner Mutter beschwerten. War keine schöne Erfahrung, aber da ich das Problem heute nicht mehr habe, habe ich das als "Kleinigkeit" eingestuft. Der Psychiater erklärte mir u. a. dass das gar nicht so klein ist, sondern mich ja jahrelang begleitet hat. So hatte ich das nie betrachtet.
Nun taucht dieses Thema auf einmal immer wieder in meinem Leben auf.
Könnte mir jemand erklären, was dass mit einem Menschen macht? Was sind die Folgen, was kann sich daraus entwickeln, warum ist das so ein Problem im weiteren Leben?
Da es sicherlich noch ein Weilchen dauert bis ich mit einer Therapie beginnen kann und mir das Thema aber jetzt so oft begegnet, würde ich mich freuen, wenn man mir das erklären könnte.
submitted by Financial_Beach_9152 to Psychologie [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:29 Ambitious-Pin-1914 Sprigatito Trade
I want a sprigatito, already traded my starter but willing g to trade for anything else?
submitted by Ambitious-Pin-1914 to PokemonScarletTrade [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:28 Otherwise_Bed_9545 Zöldfényes dysonos sorstársak, mizu a pár óra alatt lerakódott pormennyiséggel?
Basically the title, csak ventillálni akarok :D Reggeli porszivozas alatt nem sikerült az egész lakással végezni, este folytattam, de azt kellett látnom, hogy újra csomó mikroporocska van a reggel porszivozott területeken. Nyilvan nem ez fog a sírba tenni, de mégis hogy lehetséges ez? Gondolom ez függ attól is, hol lakik az ember (én Budapest dzsumbujában a harmadik emeleten). Más lehet a helyzet, ha valaki nyugis kertvarosi idillben él? Vagy a port kurvára nem érdekli, hol laksz, így is úgy is gyorsan visszatér?
submitted by Otherwise_Bed_9545 to csakcsajok [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:28 TacticusThrowaway Temple Exit by Patrik Hjelm
submitted by TacticusThrowaway to ImaginaryPathways [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:28 Front_Beat_8322 Ill rate degrade and tell you how id fuck your IRLsandFam and Milf Mom 05427fcfd2b51fbc6df47036e1da95718df9f1b5d870f07a32055a45521dc66b1b
submitted by Front_Beat_8322 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:28 Pandas909 Egypt: 3 rescued and 4 bodies recovered from tourist boat incident
submitted by Pandas909 to Egypt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:28 Objective-East-6827 Payal Gaming in flight ✈️
submitted by Objective-East-6827 to IGCSLUTSF [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:28 Intrepid_Insect7300 After this week don’t know if I even want to start Jonathan Taylor.
I could put Tony Pollard, Raachaad White, or Rhamndre Stevenson in instead, or do you think I should just keep Jonathan Taylor in? I would’ve won this week if I started anyone else, and now I’m last in the league (3-9)...
submitted by Intrepid_Insect7300 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:28 Mommabear02061205 Have doctor strange and windfall. LF oh my cloak and Mr cerebro.
submitted by Mommabear02061205 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:28 SilentLocation2210 DIALGA W PARTY POWER 740476865149
submitted by SilentLocation2210 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]