You won’t scam me and post her nn pics on here will you? 👀

2024.11.26 10:43 Express_Object8642 You won’t scam me and post her nn pics on here will you? 👀

submitted by Express_Object8642 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 AltairAquilaAlpha Seeking Companions

Playstation player here seeking people who either need help or don't mind co-operation in elden ring, I started playing again recently in preparation for the dlc and I'd like to be able to play with a group of friends to keep me interested in the game longer and give me a reason to stick around on it for fun, username is the same as my account.
submitted by AltairAquilaAlpha to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 Xetws Hey everyone! I just found this in my Hamorii enclosure. What is it?

Hey everyone! I just found this in my Hamorii enclosure. What is it? submitted by Xetws to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 NeedleworkerBig1835 Do we still need reservation?

We have reached 30K so let's discuss something serious rather than relationships. Reservation was only supposed to be for 10-15 years after independence but it's still going on, so what's your take on this??? Do we still need it in today's world or not?
P.S- Please be respectful towards each other.
View Poll
submitted by NeedleworkerBig1835 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 MasterOfHereafter Onduidelijke uitbetaling???

Hooi, ik ben sinds 2 weken in dienst bij een nieuw bedrijf, deze week is me 3e week. Ik dacht, en is verteld door collega’s dat de 24e a 25e mijn salaris zou worden uitbetaald maar tot heden niet ontvangen..
Er staat geen datum in mijn contract, alleen dat ik per maand uitbetaald krijg. Toen ik mijn laatste sollicitatiegesprek had gehad werd er tegen mij verteld dat ik voor 3 weken werken dan salaris zou krijgen. Ik dacht er is een foutje gemaakt. Eindstand is er totaal geen duidelijkheid wanneer ik dus uitbetaald krijg, ik heb gelezen dat ze uiterlijk voor de laatste datum van de maand het moeten storten. Ik heb Error. Help!
Communicatie is er al bijna niet, iedereen neemt zijn eigen pauze, inwerken moet je elke keer zelf min stop naar vragen. Ik heb ook gehoord dat de bedrijven hiervoor ook al failliet zijn gegaan, ik vertrouw het niet. Ik kreeg ook pas mijn contract op de eerste werkdag, terwijl ze me had verteld dat ik het uiterlijk donderdag, week voor me eerste werkdag het via de mail zou moeten ontvangen. Ik heb ook zelf mijn ID en bankpas moeten sturen naar haar, plus heb totaal geen horen gekregen over loonheffing tekenen….
submitted by MasterOfHereafter to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 abjinternational Former Chelsea outcast shares his thoughts on his savage Blues snub - after ex-manager Mauricio Pochettino forgot who he was in a press conference amid Stamford Bridge exile

Former Chelsea outcast shares his thoughts on his savage Blues snub - after ex-manager Mauricio Pochettino forgot who he was in a press conference amid Stamford Bridge exile submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 mel-ine J'ai besoin de vos conseils ! (Panne d'inspiration)

Hello tout le monde, Je suis actuellement en train d'écrire un roman. Je ne sais pas encore si je le publierai un jour, mais pour l'instant, j'aime écrire pour moi. Cela me permet de vider un peu ma tête et mon cœur.
Cependant, bien que je n'en sois qu'au début, je rencontre déjà des problèmes d'inspiration. Étant donné que je veux écrire une véritable histoire, je ne peux pas simplement écrire tout ce qui me passe par la tête, il me faut un contexte. Malheureusement, j’ai du mal à décrire certaines scènes. Je ne vais pas assez dans le détail.
Auriez-vous des conseils pour mieux maîtriser la description de moments ou de situations ?
submitted by mel-ine to ecriture [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 Jiifm Are you allowed to use the Wild Card in the Bonus Round puzzle to get an extra vowel instead of an extra consonant?

Hello Wheelers,
I know that contestants with the Wild Card are (almost) always prompted to select a consonant during their Bonus Round letter selection, after they have selected the normal 3 consonants and one vowel.
However, is it the actual rule that you must select a consonant and a consonant only as your extra letter?
Or can you actually select an additional vowel, so that you have 3 vowels in play (the free E, your normal vowel selection, and your Wild Card vowel selection) during the Bonus Round puzzle?
I feel like I have seen a contestant (somewhat recently) use their Wild Card during the Bonus Round puzzle and select an additional vowel and be granted the extra vowel.
Does anyone know if there are actual official current (or past?) rules published somewhere?
submitted by Jiifm to WheelOfFortune [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 DK-ButterflyOwner Ape holds a great speech, claims to be in the SS since 2020

Ape holds a great speech, claims to be in the SS since 2020 submitted by DK-ButterflyOwner to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 Merisal I can't get BepInEx running

I'm playing Valheim on Linux and it's working fine. But as soon as I add the parameter to start BepInEx

./ %command% 
the game won't start anymore.
I have downloaded it from the official website and followed the instructions more than one time. But it doesn't change anything. I even tried different proton versions but that change nothing.
Does anybody else play on Linux and has the same issue or a solution for this?
submitted by Merisal to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 y_oake23 NATSUKI SEBA ANIME REVEAL!!??

NATSUKI SEBA ANIME REVEAL!!?? submitted by y_oake23 to SakamotoDays [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 OkDot3605 verify account ownership for roblox support

does anyone know how to verify account ownership for roblox support i have never bought robux before but i still have access to the account and my account is email verified
submitted by OkDot3605 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 Grouchy_Ear_3936 0849 7874 4624 Please add, friend for XP

submitted by Grouchy_Ear_3936 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 jlamores Marcianitos | I have just posted my first game

Marcianitos | I have just posted my first game submitted by jlamores to pico8 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 Rethy11 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Rethy11 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 bennyt1981 Screen protector that don’t cover part of screen

With Smaller bezels on the new iphone 16 pro max .. any recommendation on screen protectors that won’t cover any part of the screen.. mostly this problems comes on screen protectors that come with black borders.
submitted by bennyt1981 to iPhone16ProMax [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 dkread Indonesia - Sekolah Buin Batu

Has anyone worked at this school? Thank you for your response in advanced.
submitted by dkread to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 CPMarkets If you bought enough bitcoin back in 2010, your name might be on this list 🫡🤐

If you bought enough bitcoin back in 2010, your name might be on this list 🫡🤐 submitted by CPMarkets to BitcoinIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 canopassoftware Open-Source Flutter Library for Animated Lists and Grids with Drag-and-Drop Support

Hello Flutter devs! 👋
We’ve released an open-source Flutter library that makes working with animated lists and grids easier and more fun than ever!
If you’ve ever needed smooth transitions when adding/removing items or wanted to implement drag-and-drop functionality in your Flutter apps, this library is for you!
Key Features

Why Use It? Give it a try and Share your thoughts! If you’re looking to add smooth animations and drag-and-drop support to your Flutter lists or grids, give it a shot and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear your feedback or any contributions you want to make.
submitted by canopassoftware to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 SolipsismCrisis One Man Ramble : Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road

One Man Ramble : Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road submitted by SolipsismCrisis to OneManRamble [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 BritMan18 Chandni Parekh

Chandni Parekh submitted by BritMan18 to IndianActressHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 Independent_Task7137 Looking to cum to any girl right now nl please help me out message me 05b286d1922df6f624b433cc64039ceca7259dcdaeead2695bcc1025cc932b5152

submitted by Independent_Task7137 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 Docproc2018 Changing default camera in Open Camera command

I discovered the Open Camera command via this thread. It's very useful for previewing my camera before meetings.
However I have 2 cameras and it always defaults to the "wrong" one - is there a way to configure it to use a particular camera, or even the one I selected last time?
submitted by Docproc2018 to raycastapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 DramaticProgress508 Can you stop complaining about the bots not being toxic enough for your liking?

I'm really tired, everything was great until people here kept saying bots aren't argumentative and violent enough and now he isn't kissing and sweet-talking me like he used to. You're all happy now ruining it for others because you wanted to live out your toxic fantasies? All I wanted was a safe space now I have to swipe a million times to get there.
submitted by DramaticProgress508 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:43 JobsinQ8 Anushka Shetty Traditional Elegance Look | Best Indian Actress

Anushka Shetty Traditional Elegance Look | Best Indian Actress
Anushka Shetty Traditional Elegance Look | Best Indian Actress
submitted by JobsinQ8 to indianinQ8 [link] [comments]