Higher Highs, Lower lows

Over the years, Accra Girls Senior High School has maintained its position in the top 10 SHS in Greater Accra Region. In 2015, the school was the overall best SHS in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. HiGHS Workshop 2024. The first HiGHS workshop will take place in Edinburgh on 26-28 th June 2024: the end of the week before the EURO Operational Research conference in Copenhagen. With major industrial and academic users of HiGHS already committed to attending, this will be an opportunity to make connections with other HiGHS users and help shape the project's future. Best Girls Schools; For full information about senior high schools go to SCHOOLS; There is a total of about 43 girls’ senior high schools scattered across Ghana, and this article is based on the WASSCE 2019 performance of schools as released by WAEC through the GES.. 20 Best Girls Schools in Ghana 2020 It is the 10th oldest school in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. It is a non-denominational school. It used to be an all-boys school but recently changed into a mixed school. Find out the updated list of category A, B, C, and D Senior High Schools (SHS) in Ghana.In Ghana, the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) was introduced in 2005. Therefore, all SHS have been grouped into Category A, B, C, and D based on their infrastructure and academic performance. CATEGORY B SCHOOLS IN GREATER ACCRA REGION are some of the best learning institutions in the whole country. Here's a list of the best schools to consider. High Schools in Ghana are educational institutions that provide secondary education for students between the ages of 13 and 18. Most high schools are government-run and are divided into Junior High Schools (JHS) and Senior High Schools (SHS). St. Thomas Aquinas Senior High School is a Ghanaian public day senior high school for boys in the Osu district of Accra in the Greater Accra Region. It was established in 1952. It was established in 1952. It is an educational institution for secondary and technical education located in Madina Estate in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana. Check out the names of all senior high schools in the Greater Accra region, its location, school type, and email address or contact address

2024.11.26 12:40 Calm-Relationship-47 Higher Highs, Lower lows

If this follows the trend with doge, which it definitely looks like it other than the quick pump from it being listed on Robinhood, then I believe the earnings potential is substantially higher with this crypto than doge. The more I experience the crypto market, the more I am starting to believe higher volatility is a good thing.
submitted by Calm-Relationship-47 to dogwifhat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Miserable_Car_8160 MacBook Charger Not Charging on Reconnection

I’ve been experiencing a strange issue with my MacBook charger. When I first plug it into the wall socket and connect it to my MacBook, it charges just fine. However, if I unplug the cable from the MacBook and then reconnect it, it stops charging. To get it working again, I have to go to the wall socket, turn it off, remove the charger completely, reinsert it into the socket, turn the power back on, and then plug it into my MacBook again. Only then does it start charging. This happens every time I unplug and try to reconnect the charger, and I’m not sure what’s causing it.
submitted by Miserable_Car_8160 to macbook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 adeelimrani What's the Best Way to Calculate Ideal PPC Bids for Maximum ROAS?

submitted by adeelimrani to FulfillmentByAmazon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 EducatorDue7154 No one likes tithing declaration

I got a email from my ward basically begging people to sign up for it. Only about 8% of the ward has done it so far. As an ex-mo, I see tithing declaration for what it is, a guilt trip to shake you down for money. Apparently I’m not the only one.
submitted by EducatorDue7154 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 No-Tea8418 MX Master build quality

MX Master build quality https://preview.redd.it/utnao78nq83e1.png?width=2544&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee664c7a3fbadb848ef06e592906368aceaeeca3
Dear Logitech,
Here’s my collection of MX Master mice. Not because I'm a collector, but because I'm a survivor. Every time one breaks, I convince myself, "This time will be different." Spoiler: It wasn’t. 😅
Let’s break it down:
  • The two mice on the right? Thumb buttons broke or got stuck, had to remove the rubber piece just to keep using them.
  • The mouses on the far right? The scroll wheel is a gamble – very hard to turn, and sometimes it just gets stuck.
Seriously though, Logitech, is it too much to ask for a bit of an upgrade in build quality? We love the design but wouldn’t mind keeping one around longer than a cameo appearance in my tech setup.
Also, any chance for a loyalty discount? Seems like I should qualify for some kind of frequent buyer program by now!
Kind regards,
submitted by No-Tea8418 to LogitechG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 UpstairsBeach8575 LF Storm surge science pals and gotcha

LF Storm surge science pals and gotcha Also have
submitted by UpstairsBeach8575 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Zehuses_Fordawin Mouthwashing pixel art I made

submitted by Zehuses_Fordawin to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 olive_land I used dark box dye on my hair

I used dark box dye on my hair As the title says, I colored my hair with dark dark brown box dye. I know, I know, bad idea. It served me well for a job with strict appearance rules but now the rules are more relaxed so I'm thinking of changing it up. I have maybe an inch of natural growth, which is basically the same as the treated hair color. The dye was Ion Permanent Creme Hair Color in 3N/Dark Brown.
I found this picture and this kind of style would be allowed at work and I really like it. I've achieved the DIY blonde streak in the past with no issue, but that was on virgin hair.
Is there ANY chance of me being able to achieve the style in the picture at home? Should I leave this one to a professional? Or is there just no chance whatsoever? I want to be realistic before I get my hopes up lol. Also don't laugh at me if I'm being delusional and this is absolutely not possible 🥺
PS if the answer is yes and it can be DIY'd successfully - please recommend what products I can use to achieve this look. Thanks!
PS 2 The 2nd picture is my hair right now. I have pretty coarse hair and some breakage from those rubber hair ties. It's a little above shoulder length. I have bangs that I don't style lol.
submitted by olive_land to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Quick-Pomegranate696 Mastere sans crédits ECTS

Bonjour à tous.
Alors voilà, l’année dernière, en pleine reconversion professionnelle, j’ai fais une formation de 6 mois avec un titre de professionnalisation, équivalent à un diplôme de niveau 6, que j’ai obtenus à la suite des examens.
Je suis rentré en Mastere et en alternance dans une école de commerce privé à la rentrée, et ayant fourni les diplômes de ma formation, j’ai remarqué qu’il n’y avait pas du tout de crédits ECTS (quasiment sur que ma formation n’en donne pas).
Ils ont redemander les documents attestants, mais le problème c’est que ce que j’ai fourni n’ont aucuns justificatifs des crédits ECTS.
Est-ce qu’il est possible que je ne valide pas mon M1 (comme ils le disent) ou alors certains d’entre vous ont réussi a avoir leurs diplômes dans un cas similaire ?
Merci à vous ✌️
submitted by Quick-Pomegranate696 to etudiants [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Konradleijon I hate when people say that being a greedy shortsighted materialist is just human nature.

Look it’s not like environmental destruction started with capitalism and before it everyone lived sustainably. There’s plenty of examples of people being short sighted greedy and environmentally destructive.
But in the last hundred years capitalist consumerism has engaged in a trillion dollar propaganda campaign with Ads.
If advertising wasn’t effective then it wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry.
People are exposed to ads since the day they are born. Ads are far more effective than people think. Not to mention people are exposed to ads before they are six years old.
Entire industries like TV, Newspapers, and Social Media are reliant on advertising to stay funded. Which means the information people can afford is subject to the whim of the advertisers.
People are left exhausted by work so they can only have the instant satisfaction of consumption. Because they are to tired for hobbies.
People here smirk about old communist propaganda but advertising is capitalist propaganda put on every surface
People did want to make hard action against climate change before big oil stalled for billions of years
submitted by Konradleijon to Anticonsumption [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 MazikaTrend Level Up Your Creativity with These Top 3D Printers in Saudi Arabia - Arkaki Shop

submitted by MazikaTrend to 3DPrintServices [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Hopeful-Bicycle7963 Matching hippos

Matching hippos Got my parents hippos and myself some matching hoodies a while ago and it’s finally cold enough in Florida for them to enjoy 😋
submitted by Hopeful-Bicycle7963 to velvethippos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 New-Development-2483 Sourdough update

submitted by New-Development-2483 to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Appropriate_Sink723 AIO Am I wrong to be annoyed/upset?

I recently got engaged and was thinking of having my best friend as my maid of honour - and when I told her the engagement news, she said “I better be your maid of honour!” As she was excited for me and wanted to plan my hen do etc. I was planning to get married in summer or October next year but I feel upset and a bit annoyed as my best friend has told me she’s now pregnant with a baby due in summer. I feel upset because I had planned to have her as my MOH for years, which she knew, as always talked about it and I was so looking forward to it. Now I feel that can’t happen.
She got pregnant with a guy who she was talking to and he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby - which she’s happy with. I feel sorry for this unborn child as I know single mums rock it and can do well, but surely you would at least want to see your baby or give it a father figure in the least??? At least put the name down on the certificate?
Am I wrong to be annoyed or upset? I think it mainly stems from the idea that I had wanted to get married and have my best friend as my maid of honour for years and now I feel that can’t happen. I know it’s selfish but it’s how I feel. I just feel let down as I was so looking forward to it and we were talking about it for years.
It feels horrible thinking about asking another person.
submitted by Appropriate_Sink723 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Emilianna666 Mistakes I made watching the show

Used to watch TWD when I was a kid and it was comming out on the TV. Missed a bunch of it, and only got as far as the prison. My mistake while rewatching it again recently is googling random things about the show and clicking on reddit posts because now I know some big spoilers 😩😂 oopsie daisy
submitted by Emilianna666 to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Pierrot_83_rl Recommandations vacances été 2025 "Sud de la France" ?

Je sollicite quelques recommandations pour les vacances de l'été prochain. Durant les 15 dernières années, j'ai plutôt focalisé sur le centre-Sud. Mes enfants sont ado & jeunes adultes et on apprécie plutôt rivère, lac, spéléo, accro branche...avec aussi des belles petites villes & villages pour chill :D On est moins plage même si on le fait régulièrement pour les ponts de Mai ou du 14 Juillet.
Ci-dessous les régions que nous avons déjà visité en bleu. En rouge, des régions que j'avais en intérêt comme le Pays manosquin, Castellane porte du Verdon, le Minervois, Pays basque...
Merci par avance
submitted by Pierrot_83_rl to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 StatusGreenGaming My Passengers Trust Me

My Passengers Trust Me https://preview.redd.it/95oj4a78r83e1.png?width=2301&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dc9bbe10322ced9ecc519970a52d1f4c78b6782
submitted by StatusGreenGaming to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Montana_WhatTown Netflix knows what its doing…

Netflix knows what its doing… All of a sudden giving us Peña content and promoting Narcos at this time…they know exactly what’s up! 😌
Via @Netflix TikTok
submitted by Montana_WhatTown to Pedro_Pascal [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Important_Tie_6714 Kik Greene0009 BBC here hmu

submitted by Important_Tie_6714 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 PHYSYUS O culto de domingo foi bom

O culto de domingo foi bom submitted by PHYSYUS to loryez [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 AntiqueKale8771 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by AntiqueKale8771 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Ok-Veterinarian-4209 Flame ‘N’ King & The Bold Ones - Strange Love

submitted by Ok-Veterinarian-4209 to 4YourSoul [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Simple_Hovercraft222 Long distance relationships

My child's father got his H2A visa to work on a farm. He is planning to get married to get his papers overseas. I don't know if I should wait on him or move on with my life. He also suggested IF he make enough money after his contract as ended, he will return home. What should I do?
submitted by Simple_Hovercraft222 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Siphon5382 If I wanted to buy a laptop, not just for gaming, but also for every day tasks, which would be the best CPU

Intel celeron n5095
Intel core n95
Intel n100
submitted by Siphon5382 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Tiny_Ice_6417 What do I do help

My frien is sad and I don’t know why to make my frien feel better I already wrote them a poem sent them a virtual hug and some other stuff too help plsssss
submitted by Tiny_Ice_6417 to teenagers [link] [comments]
