2024.11.26 10:40 JetFalls5000 HALF A DAY WITHOUT SOL'S
submitted by JetFalls5000 to SolsRNG [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 AleksiB1 The possible Polynesian voyage to the Americas
submitted by AleksiB1 to NativeAmerican [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 JavierAlexanderLDN How To Remove Fences In Farming Simulator 25
submitted by JavierAlexanderLDN to VideoGamingGuides [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 ginstreet Value of Zard and is the Latias fake ?
submitted by ginstreet to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 Sad-Pickle-8765 The longer you look, the worst it gets…
Found this on insta. Not sure if it’s a ‘style’ but the line work is horrendous ☠️ submitted by Sad-Pickle-8765 to shittytattoos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 Medical_Spread5435 what are the cons of dost undergrad scholarship
submitted by Medical_Spread5435 to dostscholars [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 Shakku_XO [Blog del Desarrollador] Cambios en las actividades del clan. Nuestra visión actual
https://preview.redd.it/0j5dknb7583e1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd6d8f9bc954658d4be03db8c34fb6bab6fbf84 ¡Hola, supervivientes! Este blog no trata sobre la próxima actualización de diciembre. En cambio, os queremos hablar del posible futuro para los modos de juego de los clanes. Los cambios que tenemos en mente tienen como objetivo resolver algunos problemas con las actividades de los clanes. Os recordamos que todas las novedades descritas en este artículo no son definitivas y pueden recibir cambios antes de que sean introducidas en el juego o incluso pueden no llegar a integrarse en el juego. Nos gustaría enfatizar que toda la información incluida en este blog no es la decisión final. En el evento “Batalla por el uranio”, probamos diferentes configuraciones para aumentar el interés de los jugadores en las actividades de los clanes. Queríamos minimizar las experiencias negativas de los jugadores, entre ellas:
Los enfrentamientos de la “Batalla por el uranio” se decidirán a una victoria. El evento se puede jugar en solitario o en grupo. Queremos poder personalizar algunos modificadores para las temporadas de “Batalla por el uranio”, como:
Con la ayude de la “Batalla por el uranio” queremos diversificar las actividades de los clanes en Crossout. Sin embargo, también estamos trabajando para mejorar la experiencia de juego en las “Guerras de clanes”. Cómo vemos el desarrollo de las “Guerras de clanes” Queremos añadir una tabla de clasificación en el modo con una clasificación de ELO individual en lugar de una clasificación del clan única para mejorar la experiencia de los jugadores en las actividades del clan y el equilibrio. La clasificación general del clan se formará a partir de los puntos de clasificación personales de los jugadores activos. La nueva tabla de clasificación funcionará de forma similar a la tabla de clasificación de la “Batalla por el uranio”. Nos gustaría señalar que las ganancias de mineral de uranio para los jugadores que obtengan una buena posición en el evento y jueguen mucho no se verán reducidas. Prestamos especial atención a esto. La jugabilidad del modo, así como el calendario de las batallas, no cambiarán. Necesitamos vuestra opinión Para seguir trabajando, nos gustaría saber vuestra opinión sobre los siguientes temas:
Esto es todo por hoy. ¡Nos vemos en próximos blogs y otras noticias! submitted by Shakku_XO to crossout_es [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 Gbaby199310 (M31). From (F28-35) what does it mean if a woman calls me tremendously handsome?
I’ve been having a back and forth for a little while online with a woman online that lives somewhat close to me. It started by her commenting on a video I posted say verbatim "you're tremendously handsome." Is this someone I should pursue? I find her extremely attractive and seems like someone I would love to possibly date. I've never met anyone online and if it is someone I should try to pursue, how should I present the next step?
submitted by Gbaby199310 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 Acrobatic_Bit_8207 Aussie woman v Israeli backpacker
submitted by Acrobatic_Bit_8207 to PoliticsDownUnder [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 The_Weekend_Baker Ministers helped ‘stage manage’ Shell’s relocation to UK, emails show. The cache reveals a disturbingly “cosy” relationship between polluters and politicians, campaigners say.
submitted by The_Weekend_Baker to climate [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 namiyaaa2025 This outfit was fire this year
submitted by namiyaaa2025 to SexyChicksInPics [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 True-Future2699 Hi, I have given the written assessment for X.ai tutor role on Nov 16th. Still waiting for the results. Did anyone get the results, if yes how many days after written test?
submitted by True-Future2699 to xAI_community [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 StreamTimm Hi ask ko lang po. Paano pamunta sm fairview to mandaluyong. thank you po.
Paano pamunta sm fairview to mandaluyong. thank you po.
submitted by StreamTimm to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 Humans_fking_suck ......Should I pull the trigger?
submitted by Humans_fking_suck to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 FoodlDuud [EU] Cross server / Cross faction
We are a Casual/Social raiding guild looking to fill our last raid slots. Our goal is achieving AOTC every raid tier, enjoying the progression and content together without the toll of min/maxing. Our guild was created in 2011, having done our share of Semi-HC raiding, achieving CE in Legion and more than a dozen AOTC's through the expansions since MoP, we have plenty of experience under our belt to lead succesful and stable progression raids.
As much time has passed and most of us got families or full time jobs, it is no longer possible for us to commit as much time as needed to go for higher end raiding or min/maxing and we are just looking for more people to enjoy spending our time with, enjoying fun nights full of banter and going through the various content in TWW together with while maintaining a steady progression. Our guild consists of multiple nationalities, so English is the spoken language by everyone.
Currently we prefer the following classes:
-Demon Hunter
Our raiding days are Wednesday/Sunday 20:00-22:30 server time.
As mentioned we are currently looking for specific classes for our raids, but anyone who is interested to join is of course welcome as our doors are open to anyone who wants to have a good time playing TWW with us!
DM me if you are interested or for any lingering questions you might have.
submitted by FoodlDuud to wowguilds [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 TensionSame3568 I'm amazed!...🙄
submitted by TensionSame3568 to Picard [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 JuvenalCole I don’t know Wisconsin geography, but this hotel might be an easier place for the boys to investigate
submitted by JuvenalCole to RedLetterMedia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 jess-the-messs Trouble sleeping during the night during OB?
I’m experiencing my first outbreak and have woken up at 3 AM for the past three nights in so much pain. First, I thought it was the fevers, but tonight I woke up hurting so bad down below and uncomfortable cramping.
ChatGPT told me to take a warm bath, so I’m doing that as I type but man, it really isn’t helping much.
I read that Preparation H cream can be used to help soothe the pain. Are there any other tricks? I’m so tired.
Also: how long after starting the Valtrex should I expect any sort of relief? It’s just getting worse.
submitted by jess-the-messs to HSVpositive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 Hairy-Palpitation278 ps4 w: mule h: ask/karma
submitted by Hairy-Palpitation278 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 OrdinaryPractical407 anso
tto submitted by OrdinaryPractical407 to Bombing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 Common_Idea_367 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Common_Idea_367 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 Rethy11 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Rethy11 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 blueroses200 Another song in the Phoenician language: Adoon - Iqna
submitted by blueroses200 to PhoenicianLanguage [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:40 copterdoc415 [USA-HI][H] PayPal [W] Trimui model s / powkiddy a66
Looking to buy this bad boy hopefully wanna get this tiny gem
submitted by copterdoc415 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:40 toolbox_007 Hilfe bei PC Konfiguration
ich möchte mir schon länger meinen ersten PC bauen habe aber noch keine Erfahrung auf was man da achten muss. Könnte mir jemand vielleicht einen Konfiguration vorschlagen für einen Gaming PC in all-white in einem Preis Segment von 1000 Euro bis 3000 Euro mit dem ich die nächsten Jahre alle neuen Spiele problemlos spielen kann.
submitted by toolbox_007 to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]