2024.11.26 11:30 Mountain_Swim_4318 Ryoshu acronym
Yo what does S.I.C mean
submitted by Mountain_Swim_4318 to limbuscompany [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 PuddingComplete3081 As a 30+, What’s the Worst Piece of Advice You’ve Heard About Adulthood?
As someone in their 30s, the worst advice I’ve heard is: “You should have everything figured out by now.”
In my 20s, I thought by 30, I’d have my career, relationships, and life all neatly figured out. But that’s just not how life works. Adulthood is a journey, not a destination. I’m still navigating career changes, personal growth, and balancing responsibilities.
The pressure to have it all together is unrealistic. If you’re still figuring things out, that’s totally okay!
What’s the worst advice you’ve gotten about adulthood?
submitted by PuddingComplete3081 to Adulting [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Much_Valuable_5578 Why is the traffic so bad everywhere all the time? (Wrong answers only)
I think it's because since Helene, all the trees that fell effected the barometric pressure and our tires are under inflated now.
submitted by Much_Valuable_5578 to asheville [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Secret_Seesaw_6403 Do you have this on your obd2 port
I have found this on my obd2 port and don't know what to do with this. Do you guys have this on your taigun or is it just me . Geeks can u guys please explain about this
submitted by Secret_Seesaw_6403 to TaigunClub [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Soft-Detective-9751 launch price of s25u? should I buy s24u or wait for s25u?
I have 700$ coupon and can pay 500$ more.. should I wait for the s25u prelaunch or buy s24u after the s25u launch (where price might come down on s24u)? can we expect the prelaunch of s25u @ around 1500$? please update.
submitted by Soft-Detective-9751 to S24Ultra [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Pannox There might be more to the crab "Whac-A-Mole" Easter Egg
For context:
2024.11.26 11:30 PersianBe Mahlagha Jaberi at Riyadh Fashion Week
submitted by PersianBe to Mahlagha [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 Ok-Bag931 How to prepare for ox law interview
Help out pleasie
submitted by Ok-Bag931 to 6thForm [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 bubbles-sempai Briar top is actually viable right now with eclipse rush
PTA eclipse rush Briar is actually somehow pretty good this patch, you can look at the stats. The reason this build works is because Briar’s trading pattern in lane synergizes perfectly with eclipse. In matchups where the opponent doesn’t have a dash to get out of E reliably after Q, Briar can just activate W, Q onto the enemy, proc pta with W2 and then E them away. With eclipse this does around 40% of most champs max health and there’s not much counter play if they’re an immobile champ.
PS: You can get Sundered sky second to make the short trading pattern even more cancer.
I suggest you guys try it out for at least a couple matches. Eclipse first is even at a 61% wr Diamond+ right now and thats with a decent ~60 matches, Emerald+ it’s not bad either with a ~54%. Even though it’s sort of degenerate it’s not like this is going to get nerfed anytime soon since no one plays Briar top lol.
submitted by bubbles-sempai to BriarMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Adept-Site-415 Spørgeskema om bank!
Hej alle sammen
Jeg har i forbindelse med et eksamensprojekt på finanbachelor-uddannelsen, udarbejdet et spørgskema med min gruppe omhandlende banker! Alle kan svare, uanset bank og alder. Det tager max 5 min at svare på. Når du har besvaret det, så send evt et link til dit spørgskema, så svarer vi også på dit/jeres! 😊 https://www.survey-xact.dk/LinkCollector?key=RPU3X124LN9N
submitted by Adept-Site-415 to dkspoergeskema [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 alphaguru2023 [Experimental hip-hop, industrial hip-hop/noise rap, atmospheric drone] The Blade Between Shadows
submitted by alphaguru2023 to Best_Ai_Music [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Cmess1 Prophet of doom has power crept past every shotgun in the game
With the combination of threat detector, closing time and then just crafting, this shotgun surpassed the golden TD/OS which we didn’t think was possible by having 2 HUGE handling perks with scalars WITH range and accuracy cone help. It literally has faster handling than dragons shadow. Go check D2foundry it’s literally true and insane lmao
submitted by Cmess1 to CrucibleGuidebook [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 LelutooDS An Strv m/31 popping a wheelie
submitted by LelutooDS to TankPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 VFrosty3 They moved stuff in Lidl.
submitted by VFrosty3 to SlowNewsDay [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 flosupa Best Air Rifle for Rat Control Around My Chicken Coop (10-30m Range)?
I want to buy an air rifle to kill rats around my chicken coop. I'm not very familiar with spring piston, PCP, and CO2 capsule systems, but I was wondering which system would be best for a DIYer like me. I won’t use it actively, but just occasionally when I see rats around. The system that really interests me are the PCP sniper rifles that you can manually pump up, allowing several shots before needing to pump it again. Could you help me make the right choice?
I also found some packages, but I have no idea if they are good for shooting rats at a distance of 10-30 meters. My budget is around 400 euros.
The types I came across are: Hatsan Flash QE, Diana Stormrider, Umarex Origin, and the PR900W.
I look forward to your feedback.
submitted by flosupa to airgunhunting [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 username13278 How is Base Reward calculated?
I searched this forum but found only talk about the Bonus. But how Base is calculated? Trying to figure out WHEN is best time to prestige/double prestige to spend those rewards on badges. submitted by username13278 to IdleBrickBreaker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 MugShots Photo: Celina police investigate ongoing situation in Mustang Lakes subdivision
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 RipleY1138 Ed’s Breakdown of The Babadook on The Brighterside Monster Ep
Made me finally watch this movie. Really liked his breakdown of the movie.
submitted by RipleY1138 to LPOTL [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Plane-Experience-820 Sou babaca por eacolher presente caro de natal?
Vamos lá, namoro há 3 anos e meu namorado é um tanto pão duro, não compra presente, só compra mesmo no Natal (esse ano me deu kit de perfume de aniversário + dia dos namorados + aniversário de namoro, kit foi de R$300,00). Normalmente ele não escolhe meu presente, eu que escolho e sou razoável tipo presentes de R$100 até. Esse kit eu pedi achando que não ia ganhar. A questão que não é dinheiro, ele não é rico, trabalha e ganha bom salário (12k). Quando ele quer comprar algo para ele, compra sem dó, no pix. Ex: Lente de fotografia por 8k, fone de ouvido de R$600,00, monitor para jogar R$3k...eu acho caro mas não falo nada.
Enfim pedi uma corrente de ouro, vi que o custo é R$800,00 reais e toda vez que ele pergunta, digo que quero uma corrente de ouro ou ele pode escolher meu presente. Estou sendo muito babaca em insistir nisso? Dou outra sugestão? Até qual valor?
Sinto que sou uma mimada do kct, mas esse é o presente que quero hahaha já que ele não quer ter o trabalho de escolher.
Obrigada de
submitted by Plane-Experience-820 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 ObscuredString Pokemon animanga cover, scanned by @pokescans, on Tumblr
Link submitted by ObscuredString to aaml [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 lss_web_1444 Video post title 405
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 GapRevolutionary1055 W: EPR Aligned flamer. H: 50 leaders
submitted by GapRevolutionary1055 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 SPOScripts Create SharePoint List Items wtih MS Graph API
Hey folks!
I recently wrote a guide on creating SharePoint list items using Microsoft Graph API and PowerShell. If you’re working with SharePoint or just starting to explore automation, I think this might help!
Here’s what I cover:
2024.11.26 11:30 AncientGreekHistory If you want to avoid rising API prices, look for bots described as a "server bot".
API costs are only going to keep going up, so if you want cheaper prompting, go to the model search and type (with the quotes included):
"server bot"Some are even free, presumably because they'll use your prompting for testing and training, but the pricing of these is controlled by whoever is running that off-site server, not big frontier models Poe has to pay, on top of their own internal costs.
2024.11.26 11:30 WeAreThough God condemning the devil to eternity in hell is unjust and hypocritical
Because if God sent Jesus to teach us to love our enemies, then how could God not love the devil?
It would be hypocritical of God to expect us to love our enemies if God cannot forgive the devil.
Also, if Jesus is God according to doctrine, then how could God not abide by what Jesus preaches?
If God can act opposite to what Jesus teaches, then either Jesus is not God, or God is not God.
submitted by WeAreThough to Christianity [link] [comments]