Bangkok kick it

2024.11.26 11:39 Revolutionary-Big851 Bangkok kick it

In Bangkok til Friday and looking for some folks to grab a drink with. 39m married Texan and not looking to party too hard but seeing if others out there want to grab a drink while my wife attends her work events this week. Enjoy soccer, good food, and tech / science - work in energy supply chains
submitted by Revolutionary-Big851 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Shuaiouke Has anyone tried Zig for ROS(2)? How was it?

Hello, Im planning on getting into some ROS and was wondering if there’s a way to use something other than C++ or Python. I remembered that Zig was meant as a replacement for C++, but couldn’t find much info about it.
For anyone who have tried, how was the experience? Does it work well? I have zero experience in Zig so maybe this is a chance to learn two things at once.
submitted by Shuaiouke to Zig [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Motor_Sail_6921 Favorite episode/s in the series?

My personal favorites are s2 ep 3 (hunting) and s2 ep 9 (DC). Those 2 episodes somehow made me live vicariously through them and during their corporate retreat, we see how they “boost” morale and enjoy the company dollar. I also like the way they portray roman as someone who isn’t the best technically (business wise) but has a great nose for bs and is good with people. Would like to hear other thoughts as I’m rewatching the series. Cheers
submitted by Motor_Sail_6921 to SuccessionTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 _denese_ what is wrong with my eyebrow piercing?

is it infected, irritated or rejecting? i clean it everyday and i try to not to sleep on that side and i have it 5 months.
submitted by _denese_ to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 SpiritualMedicine7 I know this is going to be a very long haitus

But we are at the point, I feel , where fans will either like characters, or not. This is about the anti buck post. I just find views like that frustrating because Buck Begins clearly explains why he is the way he is. And he's had loads of character development. These characters all have flaws. Remember that when going on rants. They are flawed, because they are human. But each begin story shows why each character is the way they are.
submitted by SpiritualMedicine7 to 911FOX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 iamhereunderprotest Is the Unifi Intercom a reliable piece of hardware?

Is the Unifi Intercom a reliable piece of hardware? submitted by iamhereunderprotest to UNIFI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Anyub_ Muchachos necesito de su ayuda no puedo consiliar el sueño por los mosquitos

Probablemente parezca una pendejada pero en serio siento que me afecta mi calidad de vida, afecta tanto como para hacer este post, siempre estoy cansado y con sueño, si suelo dormir tarde pero siento que en parte es por culpa de tanto mosquitos que tengo en mi cuarto, he probado con raquetas y el raid ese que se prende y va quemándose de a poco pero eso solo es temporal y costoso y creo que hasta tóxico para mi. Actualmente lo que hago es usar un ventilador pegando al lado mio pero eso me da mucho frío y me hace enfermar…
Me pueden decir una manera de deshacerme de los mosquitos? He visto por instagram unos bombillos que tienen luz ultravioleta, ayuda porfavor qué le ha funcionado a ustedes???
submitted by Anyub_ to vzla [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 SuperCaqui Need help adding a button to Fluidd or Mainsail

Hello, everyone. I am working on a project and I need to add a button to the Fluidd or Mainsail's sidebar with a hyperlink to another address, is there a way to add this kind of thing through configuration files or a plugin or do I need to fork Fluidd entirely? If so how can I do it? I can't go into much detail, but I only need another service running on the same Raspberry Pi and a button that links to that service's address and port. Thank you.
submitted by SuperCaqui to klippers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Relative_Molasses203 Is this stuck in a loop or what??

submitted by Relative_Molasses203 to UPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Malqom Thanksgiving Friday Night Camping

Does any one have any past experience or idea of how the campgrounds will be after the Thanksgiving Friday day? I've heard the bonfire and the liveliest night is always Saturday night, but I'm only able to attend Friday - Saturday morning this year and this is my first time camping. What can I expect?
submitted by Malqom to texasrenfest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 SequentialNation HEAVY METAL unveils first wave of creators for magazine relaunch

HEAVY METAL unveils first wave of creators for magazine relaunch submitted by SequentialNation to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 SwimmingLetterhead98 3rd week 10mg. Thought I'd struggle this week as I'd readjusted my eating once I got rid of the lurgy. Got down to 161 but today 162.2. (not had a 💩 in days so holding that responsible). Zero unpleasant effects. Quite hungry again though. Everyone had a good one? 🤗

submitted by SwimmingLetterhead98 to MounjaroUKBuddyUp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 intime2022 What makes people play victim with they get SA?

submitted by intime2022 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 TheMasterPC [M4F] Massage/Nuru/Yoni/Sensual for girls.

Massage/Nuru/Yoni for female. Loc.: Manila
Male Massuer here
Available today Book your slot now. 9pm to 11pm 11pm to 1am
Service offered: Swedish Massage Sports Massage (Thai) Stretching
Open for: Sensual Massage Nuru Massage Yoni Massage
If you're interested hit me up let's talk about it.
submitted by TheMasterPC to r4rquezoncity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Slow-Pilot1802 What is this?

What is this? This shows 1 message but all my messages on watch and phone are opened and read? Do I have a hidden messsge?
submitted by Slow-Pilot1802 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Ouwerucker Knoblauch ist gesund, aber auch schnell..

Knoblauch ist gesund, aber auch schnell.. submitted by Ouwerucker to Ludolf [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 BashQu I feel people are sleeping on Dooly's scarf in the current meta

I feel people are sleeping on Dooly's scarf in the current meta submitted by BashQu to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 The_whailing_robot What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by The_whailing_robot to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 FullCollapse2001 $100 Amazon Gift card (12-04-2024) {??}

$100 Amazon Gift card (12-04-2024) {??} submitted by FullCollapse2001 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Lru024 Peter’s threats, feelings about viewers & response to question if he changed
This was mentioned this week, not sure which thread, and I was trying to paraphrase his answer to whether he changed after head injury.
submitted by Lru024 to PeterMonntheConnsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Sad-Consequence-5459 Tranylcypromine and insulin

Is it true that tranylcypromine interacts with insulin? Will it make the insulin more potent and more likely cause hyperglycemia? Anyone cares to explain this to me?
submitted by Sad-Consequence-5459 to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Particular-Pound9417 Come confess who you’ve seen nude that you shouldn’t 0 judgement

submitted by Particular-Pound9417 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Altruistic-Remote-95 Urlaub zurückzahlen?

Hey ihr, ich halte mich mal kurz. Ich bin Erzieher und hab im Juli bei einer neuen Stelle angefangen. Habe dann September gekündigt und bis 31. September dort noch gearbeitet (Einrichtung war scheiße und hab ein besser3s Angebot bekommen) Hatten im August Zwangsurlaub, da die Einrichtung im Sommer 3 Wochen geschlossen hat, konnte mir diesen Urlaub also nicht selbst aussuchen. Nach meiner Kündigung musste ich 600€ zurückzahlen, da ich mir wohl zu viel Urlaub genommen habe. Diese Urlaub habe ich mir ja nicht ausgesucht und ich hatte keine Wahl, genug urlaubstage hatte ich auch noch von der vorigen Stelle übrig. Ist das rechtens, kann ich das anfechten?
submitted by Altruistic-Remote-95 to arbeitsunrecht [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 orgazoid_handy No sympathy for this simp

No sympathy for this simp I do think he should be looked into and his hard drives checked. ✔️
submitted by orgazoid_handy to GRBsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:39 Free_Composer_2601 Nugget couch Black Friday deals?

So happy of our nugget couch. Bought it when my boys were still 3 and 4 and it's the best decision ever. But now that they're bigger and more creative, I'd like to add another set and liners too. Can anyone share nugget couch Black Friday deals that I can check please? Thank you!
submitted by Free_Composer_2601 to NuggetCouches [link] [comments]