Watching the show again(3rd time). Anyone else wish Chuck would’ve kicked over his lantern much sooner?

2024.11.26 11:30 Bman19419 Watching the show again(3rd time). Anyone else wish Chuck would’ve kicked over his lantern much sooner?

After watching the show a few times & knowing how everything plays out I can’t help but hate Chuck more and more. All the instances when Jimmy goes out of his way to be a caring brother stick out that much more. Likewise, it makes me catch every attempt Chuck makes to bring Jimmy down. Not just Jimmy either. You get to see just how horrible Chuck is in his dealings with Ernesto. He talks to Ernesto like he’s stupid all the while Ernesto is stuck in an incredibly uncomfortable situation & asked to do all sorts of weird stuff because Chuck is a wacko and believes he has this condition. Even the tone of voice he sometimes uses when calling Ernesto irritates the shit out of me. Specifically the one I remember is when he’s in the hospital in the room with Jimmy and he start yelling “Ernesto, Ernesto!!” in the whiniest, most helpless tone. Then you also nhave him intentionally setting Ernesto up to hear the tape of Jimmy knowing he’s gonna tell what he heard. The scumbag fakes concern for what mightn happen to Ernesto if he told anyone what he heard on the tape. Chucks hate runs deep for Jimmy & you constantly see examples of how little Chuck thinks of him. Think of when Howard tells Chuck that Davis & Main hired Jimmy & Chuck asks “Doing what?” Jimmy passed the BAR, attempted to be a lawyer for HHM(which Chuck sabotages), starts his own practice yet somehow Chuck can’t comprehend that a respected law firm would bring Jimmy on as a lawyer. No matter what Chuck can’t acknowledge anything positive Jimmy does or accomplishes. All the times Jimmy races to be at his side to aid him dealing with his “condition” yet Chuck is always looking for a flaw in Jim Fox my or way to stop him from making a step forward.
Good riddance Chuck
submitted by Bman19419 to betterCallSaul [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 PrestigiousBet2436 HELP! Move in date

Hi everyone!
I recently brought my first home in Melbourne and have organized to move into next week.
The property is occupied by tenants, I have emails from the agent saying that they will be moving out of the property on 02/12/2024, and I have organized to move in 05/12/2024.
I emailed the PM to organize key collection and they have advised me that the tenants lease doesn’t expire until 26/01/2025!!
I have multiple emails from PM and the real estate agency confirming the tenants move out date on several emails and PM forwarded this info to the conveyancer as well.
What do I do?! I’m renting and have already gave my 28 days of notice and have no where to go!
What are some legal options I can pursue or legally can I ask the tenant to move out next week?
Any suggestions would be great
submitted by PrestigiousBet2436 to AusPropertyChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Totally_Not_Firni Hala Madrid....

Hala Madrid.... submitted by Totally_Not_Firni to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Own-Cartographer1550 need someone to do tribs kik steshoter / 05fb6e81bb99bba30aea0d46a0a399d9fed4ed846d7d62a0d41b0aeec3441ab557

submitted by Own-Cartographer1550 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 BigPlayJohnJ Another 100 new members in here. The growth is impressive

Welcome to all the new members. We have really been growing. This is a great place to be to discuss turbo. To share all the good news, to discuss potential support and resistance lines, and we even welcome the people who bought the top and are feeling very worried. This group will talk you through it, ans remind you why Turbo is so amazing. Amazing collection of Turbo fans in here 💪
submitted by BigPlayJohnJ to TurboToadX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Longjumping-Stop8497 Damlgramm arkadaşıyla azdirici yayını 🔥

İzlemeyen bin pişman
submitted by Longjumping-Stop8497 to turkish_celeb [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Lapatadegardel "La técnica del "lechugazo" | Un verdulero evitó el robo de su comercio porque le tiró un cajón del lechuga al ladrón y los vecinos lo ayudaron a atraparlo. La policía llegó minutos después y el delincuente fue detenido."

submitted by Lapatadegardel to RepublicaArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Sigoy Risacher minutes

If we are bad, we need to give more minutes to Risacher. He played 16 minutes against Dallas and was benched the whole 4th quarter. This is not how you develop a first overall pick.
I get that his shooting has been bad so far, but it’s not like we have been winning games anyways.
We need to trade either Bogi or Hunter at the deadline because they are eating a lot of Risacher’s minutes and aren’t part of our future.
Thoughts ?
submitted by Sigoy to AtlantaHawks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Baal_Redditor Am I misremembering a "card version preference order list" feature?

Not sure what it would be called exactly, but I swear I remember there being a setting that let you order sets above and below each other so you could prioritize which printings were used for cards. I remember sending all the arena remastered sets to the bottom so cards would never have those versions.
I've looked through all of the settings/preferences and have looked online to see if people have talked about it, but I can't find anything related to this feature anywhere.
submitted by Baal_Redditor to forgeMTG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Regular_Speech_2974 My fellow chandoliers

This isnt about chandol or BWU but i dont know where to ask.
i cant see my reddit banner and i was wondering if someone could take a screenshot and comment it.
submitted by Regular_Speech_2974 to Chandol [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Signal-Dare8016 Saying goodbye to your first platform

My first platform not only become my official ship but I spend a lot of time tweaking with combinators logics that late would be implemented in the other ships
But I needed to scale up and build another platform (better, faster, stronger) to reach Aquilo
The old and first one Nigerian Punch will ways be remembered was the my first interplanetary platform. *sadness and sorrow.mp3*
Do you guys build newer platform versions or just keep upgrading the old ones?
submitted by Signal-Dare8016 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 TemporaryOffice619 Help!

im 16 and want to learn icm since a long time, now that my exams are over, i want to start learning it.Please Provide some tips and resources from where i can learn from.
submitted by TemporaryOffice619 to icm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 webbs3 How a 8,000 Bitcoin Wallet Ended Up in the Trash

How a 8,000 Bitcoin Wallet Ended Up in the Trash submitted by webbs3 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 chillinberlin Barbara Apotheke verschickt falsche Sorten

Ja ich weiß, ich war vorher gewarnt vor dieser Apo. Da es meine Sorte (Titanimal) sonst aber nirgens gab hab ich es trotzdem dort versucht. Die Tatsache, das es bis vor kurzem überall, auch bei Barbara, als ausverkauft angezeigt wurde und plötzlich war es einige Tage später bei Barbara doch wieder als verfügbar gelistet war eigentlich schon ein deutliches Indiz das da irgendwas nicht stimmen kann.
Naja nach ca 10 Tagen Wartezeit seit Zahlungseingang hat sich gerade die erwatete Enttäuschung leider bestätigt. Habe irgend eine Random Sorte bekommen die nach meiner ersten Inspizierung so rein garnichts mit dem Titanimal zutun hat welches ich vor einigen Wochen von der Cannabisapo24 bekommen hatte. Weiß jetzt leider nicht was ich stattdessen bekommen habe, zumindest ist es nicht der letzte Rotz aber halt auch längst net so gut wie das Titanimal. Kommt mir grad sogar eher wie ne Sativa vor.
submitted by chillinberlin to Cannabis_Apotheken [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Illustrious_Risk2198 CMP bill 776 - why is it so high?

Last month was 300 and this month 776? We have had the heat on a little but not THAT much. Has anyone had a mistake on there bill or what is causing it to be so high?
We just moved back to Maine so I am new to this and confused. Thank you for any insight
submitted by Illustrious_Risk2198 to Maine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 jvc72 Buy Signal Cosmos USD - 26 Nov 2024 @ 06:27 -> USD7.57

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 26 Nov 2024 @ 06:27
Price: USD7.57
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Medium-Account-2003 quick risk of @emilywong__ 05d4137fd7a729577aedaf8f10f1577aedd3b883bdbc4c77e71d9f1b07dd6ff022 tell me how you use her.

quick risk of @emilywong__ 05d4137fd7a729577aedaf8f10f1577aedd3b883bdbc4c77e71d9f1b07dd6ff022 tell me how you use her. submitted by Medium-Account-2003 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 FriendlyFlag It's sunset and the lights are on! Beautiful view at Marathwada station!

It's sunset and the lights are on! Beautiful view at Marathwada station! submitted by FriendlyFlag to indianrailways [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Quirky_Ad_5420 "You want to be my hero, Shirou?" (@DARKKin09)

submitted by Quirky_Ad_5420 to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 RamblingCountryDr A Mexican standoff in an Edinburgh garden

submitted by RamblingCountryDr to Edinburgh [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Additional-Chip2319 She thinks they are sitting on a gold mine 😂😂

She thinks they are sitting on a gold mine 😂😂 Hate to break it to you but none of that is worth thousands like you think 😂
submitted by Additional-Chip2319 to WhitneysDelusions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 subsvixen Does anyone relate?🤍

Hello, my agoraphobia started with wrong medication sadly I had a traumatic experience outside so, the thing is I am able to go anywhere (parties, cafes, hospitals) I dont even mind travelling with car long hours etc. my problem is walking alone outside like big areas because I have constant dizziness and my muscles are weak so I always catastrophize and I mostly think I will collapse or faint? Does anyone relate? Whats your symptoms
submitted by subsvixen to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 maylovesosweet apple authorized seller

guys unsa inyo trusted shop for apple products that is authorized para sure legit, im planning to buy a new ipad for studies, i currently have 9th gen, suggest mo what to upgrade
submitted by maylovesosweet to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 Background-Pie9504 Create your own kdrama!!!!!

I bet you, yes you, might like kdrama. It's really just a guess though. And if you like kdramas you might have a favourite actor or a favourite trope.
Well here I ask of you if you could create a kdrama what would be about what are the characters and who which actor would play
So basically the long and short of it is tell me your fanfic
submitted by Background-Pie9504 to kdramas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:30 SerJoe777 Third run and platinum on the way :)

Third run and platinum on the way :) submitted by SerJoe777 to stellarblade [link] [comments]