2024.11.26 11:40 TwinFinNomad Anyone who's on the Discord, update today?
As posted above, if you are on the Discord where the devil's answer the Q&A are we getting an update today at all? Please let them give us any hotfix.
submitted by TwinFinNomad to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 Mental-Suspect5787 Welcome to part 9 everyone. Eliminated today are Rei and Rokka. So vote to save on HPW and Bake P.A.C.T.
submitted by Mental-Suspect5787 to BanGDream [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 jacoscar How can I access HA from work laptop using Zscaler?
I am normally able to access HA from my work pc if I’m at home, using the internal ip address. I am also able to access HA from my personal laptop from everywhere using duckdns or just my current ISP public dynamic ip (until the modem is restarted). From the work pc, I cannot connect even if I use the correct public ip; it’s obviously something our IT has set up. I have ZScaler installed if that helps.
submitted by jacoscar to homeassistant [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 AzukiTaiyaki5 Spiral and Fae hatchlings!
Can negotiate and do mix payment! Link: submitted by AzukiTaiyaki5 to flightrising [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 SuccessfulOwl5168 法国外籍军团还收中国人吗
submitted by SuccessfulOwl5168 to iwanttorun [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 RedFeathersGuy San Juan Mountains in B&W
submitted by RedFeathersGuy to LandscapePhotography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 boxxy26 Stars.. sample
looking at the Spotify credits they've credited the following writers: Jon Green, Charles Kelley, Dave Heywood, Deshane Anderson, Eric Paslay, Laura Veltz and Margo Vevaud
from what I could find Jon Green and Laura Veltz wrote a song together called Lights Out and there's a similar melody in the chorus ('I can see you with the lights out / I can hear you with the sound down') but the lyrics aren't quite right.
there's another song called called What If I Never Get Over You by Lady Antebellum written by Jon Green and Laura Veltz, and Dave Heywood is in the band too.
the Stars.. sample is definitely country-ish / country-adjacent, you can get a feel of it in both of those songs but can't really find an exact sample
as for the French singing part, it's definitely Margo Vevaud's voice (you can google her and she's a a French singer), I haven't found the sample though
maybe other folks are better at googling than me and can pitch in
submitted by boxxy26 to twoshell [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 SolipsismCrisis One Man Ramble : Popeye
submitted by SolipsismCrisis to OneManRamble [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 ItsSArCaZm Wonyoung
submitted by ItsSArCaZm to kpics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 West-Needleworker236 Gotta save the best for last...
submitted by West-Needleworker236 to ironscape [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 Internal-Brain1055 Looking for see below, offering see below
G bird for g bird submitted by Internal-Brain1055 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 MysticalZelda What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MysticalZelda to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 SouthernGlenfidditch Will be using this guy as a proxy for a Khorne Slaughterpriest. Thoughts on my attempt to make him a little more priest/shaman-y?
submitted by SouthernGlenfidditch to OrrukWarclans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 Coffeeandskramz Sightblinder - (demo)
submitted by Coffeeandskramz to EmoScreamo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 AajTak 150-Year-Old Bridge Collapses: Kanpur में 150 साल पुराना पुल गंगा नदी में गिरा. इतिहास का एक और हिस्सा हुआ धराशायी. जानिए इस पुल का अतीत और इसके गिरने के कारण.
submitted by AajTak to AajTakHindiNews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 throw_rambles Desabafo sobre as operadoras
Eu e o meu namorado comprámos casa agora, e estamos a aderir a uma operadora de internet pela primeira vez. Queríamos ir para a digi mas visto que não temos cobertura optámos temporariamente pelos serviços da amigo (só net e 1 móvel, os 20€ e 3 meses de fidelização).
É a nossa primeira vez a aderir a uma operadora, mas fogo agora é que estamos a ver que são mesmo todas treta, um pouco pelas experiências dos nossos pais e agora a nossa. Mas que raio porque é que tenho que estar 30+ minutos à espera que alguém atenda para depois não me resolverem nada?
Quando aderi, no site, deram-me um horário para "pré-agendamento" e eu optei por uma data, para depois me dizerem que não serve de nada? lol e depois de estar montes de tempo à espera a telefonar a ver se era pra vir mesmo nesse dia, porque no mail dizia que enviavam uma sms de confirmação (e depois enviam uma que diz que está confirmada a adesão que é super confuso), me dizerem para esperar por outro sms.
Disseram que me enviavam um sms com um link para escolher a data de agendamento "verdadeira", e enviaram um sms a dizer para ligar para um numero que não funcionava, e dias depois telefonam a perguntar que data quero agendar. A falta de organização é avassaladora, para quê dizer uma coisa e depois fazer outra?? Não compreendo.
Enviaram ainda depois um sms a dizer que faltava documentos (certamente da portabilidade) e para telefonar a outro numero onde depois de 1h à espera porque me desligaram na cara a primeira tentativa, me dizem que tenho que ligar a OUTRO numero para pedir os documentos que nem um mendigo.
Veio o técnico instalar a net fixa ontem, e a meio deu-me o relatório de intervenção, que eu burramente assinei sem ver primeiro, porque ele disse que era apenas o relatório de intervenção, e no fim tinha um questionário de cliente que ele fez de propósito para eu não ver, que tinha perguntas que eram para ser respondidas no fim do serviço dele, e que ele respondeu erradamente por mim. Um exemplo sendo que deixou tudo limpo quando é mentira, deixou-me os cabos velhos e lixo de ter desmontado as tomadas da parede, tudo no chão.
Ao mesmo tempo, misteriosamente, uma vizinha nossa deixou de ter a tv no mesmo dia, que só tem por antena, e agora a fazer reclamação dizem que o técnico "só mexe na fibra por isso não mexeu em nada dela", então não podem fazer nada? Ridículo. Para quê isto tudo?
Tudo bem, eu não devia ter assinado sem ler, mas o facto de me mostrar apenas o sítio de assinar e dizer que era apenas o relatório de intervenção, a meio do serviço, e convenientemente deixar de parte o facto de ter o questionário que devia ser preenchido no fim, por mim, é só má fé. Tentei reclamar, pelo menos que me alterassem as respostas para refletirem o que realmente aconteceu, mas nada. Depois de me dizerem em chamada que iam escalar a situação enviam um sms a dizer que a situação está ultrapassada.
Isto é mesmo gozar com as pessoas. Quando tiver cobertura da digi vou passar para a digi, mesmo que o serviço seja pior, nem quero saber.
submitted by throw_rambles to digipt [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 Crafty_Analyst_1562 Skiathos with prescription
Hey, I’m going to skiathos next year but not sure if my prescription will be allowed in skiathos. I take lamotrigine for my epilepsy, haven’t had a seizure in over a decade since taking them. But I’m not sure as skiathos is a small island if they will allow me to bring in my prescription medication. Never traveled or been in I another country so as it’s my first time I’m a bit stressed about it
submitted by Crafty_Analyst_1562 to uktravel [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 Reinbowpokefan Is it weird for me to like my own oc…………
chat is it just me or has this happened to anybody else 😭 submitted by Reinbowpokefan to GachaLife2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 Svenskhl Best way to get Horizon call of the mountain
I bought the psvr2 a few days ago as cheap base pack. I dont thought that horizon is so expensive in the store. Is the a way to get the game cheaper? I'm based in Germany
Thx for help.
submitted by Svenskhl to psvr2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 Young_mle MLE - You Different
submitted by Young_mle to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 JeffffffSokol Why am I getting this message despite having plenty of free space? I should note that I'm using many folders that are full, but still have plenty of room. All my games are showing up properly, but I still get this every time. This is a modded Wii U.
submitted by JeffffffSokol to wiiu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:40 ButterTop5 eBay auction pictures missing serial #... Fraud? Bad Picture? Something else?
I was going to bid on this last night but then reconsidered after I cross referenced the PSA certification lookup. Compared to the PSA scan, the eBay pics look like a different card, and I don't see the serial number. Maybe it's just a bad pic from the eBay seller? But it seems odd. I'm curious what others think.
submitted by ButterTop5 to sportscards [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 Delicious-Warning-75 Sigmus
Me e alle sigmaer
submitted by Delicious-Warning-75 to IMstordvgs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 Icy-G3425 [s2 spoilers] Where are the songs that play in ep 7 (from the first and second scenes)?
submitted by Icy-G3425 to arcane [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:40 ThrowRA64827 Do men tell every woman that they are tight?
As in, during sex, do you tell each woman you are with that she is tight, or is it reserved for certain times? Maybe it is just an 'in the moment' kind of thing.
submitted by ThrowRA64827 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]