2024.11.26 13:30 Spirited_Craft_288 Looking for a feed will cam 058ef251b07a0ba9978f24b619ad3b05ca2c09dc427e661c9e26b03c995003a961
submitted by Spirited_Craft_288 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Margotli Dialysis: A Tough Choice for Older AdultsâWhat Are the Real Costs?
submitted by Margotli to RegenerateEverything [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 dreamsunwind_love Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
submitted by dreamsunwind_love to GayChristians [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 yeli415 Smartbulb for outdoor use
I am looking for smart bulbs to go in my existing light fixtures. I currently have Wyze bulbs outside. They are not reliable.
I want to be able to program the bulbs to turn on/off automatically. I also want to be able to change the colors of the bulbs.
Any recommendations for the best bulbs to get?
submitted by yeli415 to smarthome [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 DepressedTreeman How were the federal states of Germany decided post-WW2? Were there calls to restore some of the historical kingdoms and dutchies as republican federal states?
Germany post-WW2 merged most of the smaller historical states into larger states like Lower Saxony, Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia, while large ones like Bavaria, Baden, Wurtenberg (later merged) were kept with minor adjustments to make them more contiguous. How was this decided?
Also why were some given free city status, especially a relatively smaller city like Bremen?
submitted by DepressedTreeman to AskHistorians [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 No_Sale1452 insomniac and constipated
man i'm about to lose my shit i've been reading about how others are shitting their brains out while i've been constipated for 8 days and shat the hardest rock i've ever had in years tore me fr and on top of that i can barely sleep even though i take my pills at night and i cant even stop yawning my jaws are about to break from how much i've been yawning i get hot feet at night which also pisses me off it makes me uncomfortable while trying to sleep. I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYONE TALK ABOUT HOW YOU CAN GET ACNE FROM ZOLOFT???? my backne is coming back after years of hard work maintaining it clear i will sob but i can't even do that.
submitted by No_Sale1452 to zoloft [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 LearnEntry Colors Vocabulary Words in Irish and English
submitted by LearnEntry to learnentry [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 dreamsunwind_love Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
submitted by dreamsunwind_love to GayChristians [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 SadAndHappyBear Some pictures from Kadlekai Parishe
Actually was hoping there would be a lot more peanut stuff, it was quite general. Couldnt find chikki - but overall a nice experience as always. The avrekaal one that happens is actually quite interesting btw. submitted by SadAndHappyBear to Bengaluru [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Talos-Valcoran What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Talos-Valcoran to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 RawDoggoChan Cant find this beautiful song
Me and my Girlfreind were watching moomin 90s episode 5 and theres this scene were a big washed up woman ship figure is laying on the beach and moomin is falling in love with it and there is this dreamy and heavenly music in the backround does anyone know if theres a longer version or something? Please be a life saver out there to help đ
submitted by RawDoggoChan to Moomins [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Own_Lavishness8960 0528a8875962d10a2a623a51b7caf8b886a11a5e4376831849ed2f8932600a7a31
submitted by Own_Lavishness8960 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 BwittieCwittie Poem vs journal
I wrote a hybrid book. It has a poem on one page with an empty journal page for the reader to reflect. I'm trying to help people in grief. I think a journal is a low content book. So I've listed it a book of poems. I want to make sure I'm reaching my target market. What key words should I be using? I did recently make changes in key words trying to increase my search results.
submitted by BwittieCwittie to selfpublish [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Pleasant-Brother-544 Should I purify?
Hi just wondering if I should purify this guy. Been using them a lot and wondering if itâs worth it.
submitted by Pleasant-Brother-544 to pokemongo [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 seakHak Fortnite crashing at loading screen
When i try to open fortnite after loading screan or while its loading fortnite just crashes and gives crash report or get stuck on loading screan, but sometimes it gives a message from easy anti-cheat with game security violation detected #00000022, some times it open and lets me chose a game mode, when i tried playing fortnite Ranked Reload Zero Build it crashes. I tried reinstaling fortnite and epic games launcher also reinstaled latest gpu driver and installed latest windows update and still nothing helps. I don't know if it could be caused by my CPU but here are my pc spec: i7-13700k , rtx 3060 12gb , 32gb ddr4, Gigabyte B760 GAMING X DDR4 https://preview.redd.it/s0a301jhr83e1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=efee56f38f45a9a55a5e78a8116906839c753162 https://preview.redd.it/up6ulikmr83e1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a7d2161283ad267ea4202906ff93c892581c98d submitted by seakHak to FortNiteBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Crowe410 Boeing XB-47D on runway [1800Ă1181]
submitted by Crowe410 to WarplanePorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Roaming_GyPSy Grundschule verweigert Unterrichtsbefreiung wegen Arztbesuch & fragt Kind nach Art/Inhalt des Arztbesuches aus
Hallo zusammen, leider hat sich aus einem einfachen Arzttermin ein Konflikt mit der Schule entwickelt und ich wĂ€re sehr dankbar, fĂŒr Hinweise, ob und ggf wieweit die Schule hier ihre Kompetenzen ĂŒberschreitet. Vielen Dank vorab!
Zur Situation: Wir haben fĂŒr unseren Sohn (9) aufgrund eines Zahnarzttermins eine Befreiung fĂŒr 2 Unterrichtsstunden beantragt. Meine Frau hat diesen Antrag schriftlich im Hausaufgabenheft unseres Sohnes gestellt (das auch fĂŒr sonstige Eltern/Lehrer Kommunikation genutzt wird). In den letzten beiden Schuljahren hat dies immer auf diesem Wege funktioniert. Die neue Klassenlehrerin möchte aber, dass dafĂŒr ein von der Schule vorgesehenes Formular genutzt wird (u.a. auf Schulhomepage verfĂŒgbar) und hat unser Kind mit dem Eintrag im Heft ins Sekretariat geschickt. Die SekretĂ€rin hat unser Kind dann nach Art des Arztbesuches ausgefragt. Danach hat sie meine Frau angerufen und ihr mitgeteilt, dass eine Befreiung nicht möglich sei, da es sich ja nur um einen Kontrolltermin handelt der wohl auch auĂerhalb der Schulzeiten machbar sein muss. AnschlieĂend hat sie unseren Sohn belehrt, dass er ja nur alle 6 Monate zur Kontrolle muss und dementsprechend die Termine planbar seien. Im Telefonat hat meine Frau darauf bestanden den Arzttermin wahrzunehmen, sich dafĂŒr jedoch gerechtfertig (schwierige zahnmedizinische Historie, kein anderer Termin vor Weihnachten möglich etc) - die SekretĂ€rin hat allerdings kein Entgegenkommen signalisiert. Im Anschluss hat meine Frau die Zahnarztpraxis angerufen um zu sehen, ob es hier eine Lösung geben kann. Die Praxismitarbeiterin hat das Vorgehen der Schule Ă€uĂerst kritisch gesehen und gesagt: "es gibt nur die StandardbestĂ€tigung von ihnen. Ob ein Termin notwendig ist entscheiden einzig und allein die behandelnden Ărzte und nicht die Schule."
Daraufhin hat meine Frau der SekretĂ€rin eine Email geschrieben, dass sie das Befragen unseres Sohnes zu seinen Arztterminen datenschutzrechtlich bedenklich findet und darum gebeten, sich bei solchen Themen in Zukunft ausschlieĂlich direkt an die Erziehungsberechtigten zu wenden.
Ungeachtet dessen hat die SekretĂ€rin am Tag des Termins unseren Sohn nochmal gefragt, um was fĂŒr einen Arzttermin es sich den genau handelt. Und dann die Direktorin verstĂ€ndigt, anscheinend mit dem Hinweis, es handele sich ja nur um einen Kontrolltermin.
Die Schuldirektorin hat meine Frau dann nochmal belehrt, dass eine Befreiung nur unter Verwendung des Formulars möglich sei und auch nur bei Einreichung von mindestens einer Woche im Voraus. Dieses Vorgehen ist auch auf der Schulhomepage angegeben.
Letztendlich hat meine Frau unseren Sohn mitgenommen und den Arzttermin wahrgenommen.
Soweit zur Situation.
Insgesamt bleibt hier ein sehr negatives GefĂŒhl zurĂŒck und ich wĂŒrde ggf gerne nochmal ein klĂ€rendes GesprĂ€ch mit der Direktorin suchen. Da die bisherige Kommunikation der Schule eher kalt und abweisend war, wĂŒrde ich gerne nicht nur mit einem GefĂŒhl in das GesprĂ€ch gehen, sondern mit einer konkreten EinschĂ€tzung, inwieweit hier juristische Grenzen ĂŒberschritten wurden und welche Konsequenzen daraus entstehenden könnten.
Meine Ăberlegungen/Vermutungen:
1) Datenschutz: Ich halte das Ausfragen eines Grundschulkindes bzgl seiner Arzttermine fĂŒr sehr fraglich. Sogar wiederholt und nach entsprechendem Hinweis dies zu unterlassen. Offensichtlich möchte die Schule anhand der gewonnenen Informationen beurteilen, ob der Termin notwendig ist. Da aus meiner Sicht aber die Schule weder die Kompetenz noch die ZustĂ€ndigkeit fĂŒr diese Beurteilung hat, ist auch das Erfragen dieser Daten unnötig. Aber gegen was wurde hier ggf konkret verstoĂen und was können die Konsequenzen sein?
2) Belehrung unseres Sohnes, wann und wie oft er Arzttermine wahrzunehmen hat. Aus meiner Sicht eine klare KompetenzĂŒberschreitung, aber vermutlich ohne juristische Relevanz, oder?
3) Vorgehen bzgl einer Unterrichtsbefreiung § 20 der Bayerischen Schulordnung regelt das Vorgehen zur Befreiung (wir sind in MĂŒnchen). Hier ist weder ein spezielles Formular vorgesehen, es ist vielmehr sogar die Möglichkeit der FernmĂŒndlichen Benachrichtigung erwĂ€hnt, noch eine Frist vorgesehen. https://www.gesetze-bayern.de/Content/Document/BaySchO2016-20 Inwieweit kann die Schule hiervon abweichen und eigene, verschĂ€rfende Regeln erlassen?
Vielen lieben Dank fĂŒr Eure EinschĂ€tzung und Hilfe vorab!
PS: Wir haben den Termin auch nicht leichtfertig oder aus Bequemlichkeit in die betreffende Zeit gelegt. Unser Sohn hat leider eine sehr unschöne zahnmedizinische Historie. Ziehen eines Backenzahnes als NotfallmaĂnahme bei nur sehr eingeschrĂ€nkt wirksamer BetĂ€ubung (aufgrund starker lokaler EntzĂŒndung) zur Vermeidung einer Sepsis und dadurch hervorgerufen AngstzustĂ€nde vor allen weiteren Zahnarztbesuchen. Der Kontrolltermin ist Teil der sehr engmaschigen Nachsorge dieses Eingriffs. Ich möchte aber eigentlich solche Themen nicht mit der SchulsekretĂ€rin besprechen mĂŒssen.
submitted by Roaming_GyPSy to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 martinmilanov Transfer tip
I will go to Sofia on February 3rd. I have already booked my flight ticket. My aim is to go to Kircaali.
But I couldn't find a transfer between the Sofia Airport and Kircaali.
I'll stay for about 5-6 days.
Anyone have any advice for me?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by martinmilanov to Sofia [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 human_bean04 I feel so unimportant
I'm too tired to type up the backstory of what happened. I'm about to cry myself to sleep.
Long story short, I realised that my parents take my brother's mental health seriously but mine is just hysteria. I've almost convinced myself that my health problems are way less prominent than what I thought. E.g. head doesn't hurt that much, sadness is normal, etc.
Maybe if I deluded myself enough I'll believe it someday.
submitted by human_bean04 to Vent [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 konaabyss Is that a bean?
submitted by konaabyss to poop [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Odd_craving Your Dog Walker Has Had Enough Already
submitted by Odd_craving to onionheadlines [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Twisted_Fish I think I found something I'd be interested in doing, but want to hear opinions on validity.
Hi all,
I've dreamt of starting my own business now for about 7 years. It's to the point where I can't stand the thought of working for a w-2 paycheck anymore.
I've always had a passion for helping other people find the right "thing" for them. Whether it's a friend telling me they're looking for houses, or a car, or the best laptop, I'd immediately hyper-focus on researching the "market" for that item, take their requested specifications into mind, and try my absolute best to return to them with a few of the best things that fit their "vision".
For a very long time, I've always thought that this would always be a hobby, and that realistically, it seems there's no way to monetize this in a business format.
I currently drive a very far distance for my commute to work, through some of the richer areas of the state I live in, and I got to thinking-- the people that own these homes are likely very wealthy, and have more money than time, I assume. What if they would pay me for helping them find products/services they desire, as opposed to having to sink time into researching it themselves?
It's a very rough idea, and I don't have any real thoughts on payment worked out (besides maybe a retainer plan?), but would this even remotely sound like something that could work?
My first thought would be to drive to those areas, get out of my car, and knock on the doors of some of those houses-- just to pose the idea, and see what sort of feedback I get.
It might also be a great way to build connections with individuals who might be considered "wealthy", which can never hurt, I imagine.
Regardless, what are your all's thoughts on something like this? It's the only thing so far I could truly say I'd have a passion for.
Eager to hear back, thanks in advance!
submitted by Twisted_Fish to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Mr-Goteboi Malakai Makaisson (Masters of innovation) might've been too strong on release, but it was VERY fun to play. Imo one of the best DLCs made in the series.
submitted by Mr-Goteboi to totalwar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 BrattE44 40 weeks pregnant
He left me while I was pregnant.. maybe a month ago. Found out he had a girl over to the apartment we shared 3 days after I left, while I was still helping him out with the bills. Iâve been an emotional wreck and trying to be strong for my 2 year old son. I lost all pride and begged and pleaded and he made it clear that he didnât want to be with me anymore and he wasnât interested in fixing things. Iâve cut contact besides about our son or our unborn daughter. He keeps trying to text me and call me just to âtalk.â I asked him if he feels guilty and he said no. He said he wants to talk to me so I donât think Iâm alone. I havenât been responding unless itâs about the kids. Why is he doing this? Itâs just hurting me more. I canât be his friend, I canât just chat about day to day stuff while my world is falling apart. Why wonât he just stop?
submitted by BrattE44 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Similar_Pop9472 Just a questions about legends mode
Can any of the masks from legends mode be used in the main game? Just wondering before I try it, if not that's fine :(
submitted by Similar_Pop9472 to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]