Which of the 2 is the "original"?

2024.11.26 12:50 Key-Concentrate-7434 Which of the 2 is the "original"?

Which of the 2 is the Help
submitted by Key-Concentrate-7434 to revancedapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 JAFPL_17 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by JAFPL_17 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Confident_Access6253 Multiple Dirigera hubs in one app instance on Android

I wanted to bring this up again. On apple devices it already seems to be possible to connect multiple dirigera hubs to a single app instance. In my specific case, I would ike to connect two dirigera hubs to my android app instance. They are both in completely different networks and have both 'control anywhere' enabled.
When will this be possible? As this is already a feature on apple devices for quite some time, it would be amazing, if we could also use it no android.
submitted by Confident_Access6253 to tradfri [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 r3808040 Unsupported Files - How to extract/identify them?

Unsupported Files - How to extract/identify them? Hi all,
I've just imported successfuly all of my Google Photos takeout and the ImmichGo code is very well written so s/o to the devs.
The only thing I'm trying to figure out now is how to either access, extract or at least know the list of the discarded and unsupported files. Since I have a total of 485.
What could be a solution?
Immich-Go Log
submitted by r3808040 to immich [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 unitedstatesrei Why Real Estate Investing Joint Ventures Might Not Be Right for You (And What to Do Instead)\ \ Ponder the pitfalls of real estate joint ventures and discover alternative strategies that could better align with your investment goals.

Why Real Estate Investing Joint Ventures Might Not Be Right for You (And What to Do Instead)\ \ Ponder the pitfalls of real estate joint ventures and discover alternative strategies that could better align with your investment goals. submitted by unitedstatesrei to UnitedStatesREI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Usernameinusealready Bmw F30 Xenon projector too high

So I got a F30 with the standard Xenon lights where the last owner hit a deer with it. I noticed the driver side Xenon to be too high and unable to adjust it with the 2 screws. So I took the Xenon bulb out and reached inside with my hand. The whole thing was loose and holding itself with thoughts and prayers. I have no idea how the adjusting works but just by feeling the inside I saw that the projector itself had like 2 holes and 2 corresponding places on the headlight where I could pop them back on. So that's what I did. I pulled the projector back to me till it popped back in. Now when I turn the car on it does that animation where the projectors go up and down. But it still stays too far up. Even if I screw the adjustment all the way down. The adjustors work, meaning the projector does move up and down and left to right. But it's too high. When I try to push it all the way down it does the same thing like a metal lid on a jar when you over tighten it and it pops back up and you can try to tighten it again.
I'm not in the mood to take the whole front off or too take the headlight apart. Is there something I'm missing here? I can't find any videos on YouTube where people explain the mechanism. I only found one video of a guy taking one apart and that's it. There is no zooming in or explaining the functions.
Anyone here took one apart or had this issue ?
submitted by Usernameinusealready to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Edward_981 Where from

Hi everyone just wondering if anyone has any recommendations of the bbeat place to get test ans maybe even the gel? Thanks
Based near Birmingham uk
submitted by Edward_981 to SteroidsUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Ok-Comment-6141 Ieteikums par VAD

Sveiki visiem! Rakstu par savu draugu kurš gan nesēž Reddita.
Šodien ir notikusi izloze uz obligāto dienestu, un viņš man jautā, ko lai dara. Sanāk tā ka čalis ir baigi nopietns, šobrīd strāda attālināti anglijas IT uzņēmumā, bet pats atrodas Latvijā, viņi tur veido dizainus un saites priekš Forbes un Fortune 500 biznesiem. Pats dzīvo un īrē dzīvokli ar savu meiteni, ir mašīnas kredīts utt.
Bet pats ir tikai 2005. gada dzimis, līdz ar to arī izsaukšanas grupā. Viņš arī saprot, ka tagad ja atnāk pavēste, tad nekādigi nevar iet vienkārši prom uz 11 mēnešiem. Darbā arī ar tiešu tekstu ir teikuši, ka diemžēl 11 mēneši ir par daudz un viņiem būtu viņu jāatlaiž. Kā lai maksā par dzīvokli, mašīnu, ko darīt ar darbu?
Viss interesantākais ir, ka viņš grib atdot savu parādu valstij, un ir gatavs stiprināt Latviju.
Līdz ar to jautājums ir: gadījumā, ja pavēste atnāk, vai ir iespēja, ka uzrakstot vēstuli aizsardzības ministrijai tie varētu viņu pārnest to 11-mēnešu dienēšanas uz piemēram 5-gadu zemessardzi? Ar to zemessardzi arī ir tā, ka viņš beidza skolu tikai šovasar, un mēnesi atpakaļ zvanija uzzināt vai var pieteikties, kur viņam teica, ka šobrīd viss pilns un tiekās nākamgad.
Ko domājat? Ļoti interesanti uzzināt!
submitted by Ok-Comment-6141 to latvia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 trailer8k Bohemian Rhapsody Edit - Elephant - cinema edits

Bohemian Rhapsody Edit - Elephant - cinema edits submitted by trailer8k to Trailerclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 happy__bird Ви знаєте якісь гарненькі програмки де можна написати список "що я хочу зробити за наступний рік"

Якусь таку гарненьку. Бо список від "перестати гризти нігті на нервах" до "не каюкнутись від ядерки" на листочку я і сама можу, але хочеться чогось такого fancy
submitted by happy__bird to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Agreeable-Many7054 Fitting in mats

How do y’all 6ft niggas fit in matatus? I’m not a 6 footer and even I feel like I’m being folded(no diddy) in these mats. How do you 6ft guys manage? I have a cousin who’s 6’5 and he was travelling to Mombasa in a mini van on a 10 hr trip last week, rip to his knees….
submitted by Agreeable-Many7054 to nairobi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 HistoricalForever306 Where do you keep your normal clothes at work place when nature of your job require you to change into a uniform?Inside a locker at work place or on a public garment rack which is shared by coworkers?

submitted by HistoricalForever306 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Xakire Which laptop is best to buy?

Hi guys, I have had a Dell G3 15 laptop for nearly five years now but its clearly reached the end of its life as its struggling to play games it used to be able to do (most notably and the thing that has made me give up and get a new laptop is its struggling with Crusader Kings III now).
I have no idea what to look for or how to compare different laptops so I was hoping someone could help.
From some Googling I've found a few Black Friday deals that seem good but I have no clue how to compare them.
The one's I'm looking at are:
Yoga Pro 7i (14", Gen 9) for $1500AUD
Legion 5i (16", Gen 9) for $1900AUD (this one is probably a bit outside the price range I want to spend, so I'd like to know if its substantially better and worth the extra $400-900)
Asus TUF A15 15.6" Ryzen 5 16GB 512GB RTX2050 4GB Gaming Laptop for $1000
Gigabyte G6X 16" 165Hz Gaming Laptop i7-13650HX 16GB 1TB RTX4050 W11H for $1500
Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by Xakire to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 EmbarrassedStation49 Guys I suffer from fetishes while I am aroused..

I often engage in lustful toughts that I shouldn't have as a man, for example, making it simple, I desire to be womanly and being against my genetics that have made a me a man.
I am very masculine looking from the outside, but I like to pretend to be a weak feminine guy, if not a female all together.
I see this thing is very common or at least common enough. Some guys just stick with it and at the end they can even go into transgenderism.
I often fantasise in the subreddit of femboys or transexual stuff. It turns me on, on both ways, both as a man and both as a woman (meaning if i find a hot feminine femboy or trans i may also have sexual fantasies to be the man (basically f§ck them manly), and sometimes I may just have fantasies to be a woman)
Why Am I telling you this?
Well since I think this problem is for sure sex related and related to masturbation and probably porn too, I am curious if some of you have had the same problem and going long enough without touching your dick and fantasising your sexual desires would normalize again and you start to fantasise (if u fantasise in general) just with straight stuff.
I don't judge the people the problem is that this can ruin my life as I have stuff to do and i want to spend much time in these topics and wasting my time, and my goals. Because when I am into aroused state (where i often edge on reddit or other platforms) I desire to be a woman or feminine guy, but for my life I desire to be a man, and have a family, and I can't imagine being a weak man for my children and my wife.
submitted by EmbarrassedStation49 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Miserable-Area2381 Gta v be hack

I almost lost everything in GTA V. My crew got hacked, and they messed with all my cars and changed their customization. Can someone invite me to a trustworthy crew? How can I do that from here?
submitted by Miserable-Area2381 to GTAV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 HotffCupcake When the physics teacher brings in the Trojan horse of math problems

When the physics teacher brings in the Trojan horse of math problems submitted by HotffCupcake to sciencememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 tablinum Checkmate, parcel hook skeptics

Checkmate, parcel hook skeptics submitted by tablinum to victorinox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Basic_Bunch_8513 Wanna know how I got these scars?

Yes he said as he went to the optometrist, then I was all like, do you have like 8 dollars so I can get a Wendy's four for four.
submitted by Basic_Bunch_8513 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Mountain_Lettuce3582 Stripchat payment delayed?

submitted by Mountain_Lettuce3582 to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 MoviesR4Ever [Amazon eBook Deals] 100 Things We've Lost to the Internet; Pamela Paul; (Kindle, $1.99)

submitted by MoviesR4Ever to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Tony-Montana4u Holy smokes he scared me

Holy smokes he scared me Working on the moose grind and this guy was hidden in the reeds. Not the biggest bull but another great rare to add to the list.
submitted by Tony-Montana4u to Huntercallofthewild [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 AdRepresentative6232 Why not catch an Uber driver there and back? I don’t understand.

Why not catch an Uber driver there and back? I don’t understand. Have yall or anyone yall know been in one of these situations? How does this play out? What do they tell yall about how it happened other than they don’t remember? Cuz like. You have millions. Why not rent a limo For the night? Why didn’t he have someone with him to be his drunk driver aka chaperone? Did ppl see him get into the car drunk? I’m confused
submitted by AdRepresentative6232 to PhillyWiki [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Over_Issue_5846 I finished!

I hate it. It’s bad. I loved the last battle. These last few books were truly a blessing upon the series. Why does Rand leave though?
He leaves his pregnant girlfriends, dad, and others who love him to grieve at a funeral pyre and just dips? It makes no sense. Yeah being the chosen one is hard but abandoning those you love is bullshit. This ending is bad, the main character was liberated of his “responsibility”. Which means he’s just gonna, idk, roam? It’s left to interpretation but that’s dumb also. Why spend so long making us love a character and then leave the interpretation he becomes a deadbeat dad because the pressure was too much. It’s OVER. He should be with the people grieving him.
TLDR: great last battle, stupid ending for a character we loved.
submitted by Over_Issue_5846 to wheeloftime [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 MoviesR4Ever [Amazon eBook Deals] The Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure; William Goldman; (Kindle; $1.99)

submitted by MoviesR4Ever to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Medium_Collection_52 hoi4 moment

hoi4 moment submitted by Medium_Collection_52 to HOI4memes [link] [comments]
