2024.11.26 14:45 Adventurous_Ad6105 Baby items
I have a 4 moms mama roo bassinet & swing for sale both together for $400
Original price for bassinet $450 Original price for swing $250
PM to set up meet. My baby never really liked them so they just sit there.
submitted by Adventurous_Ad6105 to lehighvalley [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Wrong-Scallion8459 My iphone xs screen has screen error and ghost touch I’ve been trying to fix it in different ways from yt but it still doesn’t work anyone can help?
submitted by Wrong-Scallion8459 to iphone [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 dollswhokill_ IGCSE EXAMS
With the exam coming up soon, I have about 1 1/2 years to study. What should I focus on? And should I be focusing on finding a plan that works Because I used to be sharp on studying and homework done before I even got home but recently I've felt burned out.
submitted by dollswhokill_ to studying [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Christina-Jewel Caught boyfriend cheating.
submitted by Christina-Jewel to funnycats [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Serdarkn1935 An event for my mod “Vigilance and Injustice”
Clock is Ticking
It is the night of September 26, 1983, and the world unknowingly stands on the brink of annihilation. Inside a Soviet early-warning command center, Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov monitors the systems designed to detect a U.S. nuclear attack. Suddenly, the alarms begin to scream—indicating the launch of a missile from the United States. As the seconds pass, more missiles are detected on the system. The protocol is clear: report the threat to high command immediately, prompting a retaliatory strike to ensure the Soviet Union’s survival. However, Petrov notices inconsistencies in the data. The number of missiles is small for a first strike, and the trajectory readings seem strangely simplistic. Could this be a technical malfunction, or is it the beginning of World War III?
Petrov’s training and the weight of Soviet military doctrine tell him to follow procedure. Yet, he also knows the cost of a mistake: reporting a false alarm would unleash the full power of the USSR’s nuclear arsenal, dooming the planet to an unthinkable fate. In a room buzzing with panic and uncertainty, the responsibility of deciding the truth falls entirely on his shoulders. He has no time to consult others, no room for error. The choice before him is staggering: act cautiously and risk the destruction of his country if the attack is real, or respond aggressively and risk the annihilation of humanity if it isn’t.
The minutes drag on as Petrov wrestles with his decision. Around the world, life continues unknowingly—people dine, sleep, and laugh, blissfully unaware that their future depends on one man's instincts. The tension in the command center is suffocating. Everyone looks to Petrov, waiting for the call that could change history forever. What will he decide?
He dismisses the warning. OR He presses it…
submitted by Serdarkn1935 to hoi4modding [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Ozmik2020 Where to watch champions league? (Bayern vs. PSG)
Wondering if anyone knows any nice, preferably cheaper places to watch champions league and football matches in general...
Would also be cool if anyone wanted to watch Bayern vs PSG today.
submitted by Ozmik2020 to dubai [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 DryFaithlessness9639 What is the opposite of no? (correct answers only)
submitted by DryFaithlessness9639 to no [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Professional_Ad5059 Checkmate, lesbians
submitted by Professional_Ad5059 to OkBuddyCatra [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 No-Energy-9117 [WTS] Sig P320/P250 new grip modules multiple colors and sizes
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/B2e9FNG
Photos: https://imgur.com/a/tg4lKzF
I hope I'm doing this right. I've got 3 P320/250 grip modules for sale. All are a medium size. I believe all are new, though the two FDE are not in box.
Black Compact Medium - $45 shipped
FDE Compact Medium - $40 shipped
FDE Full Size Grip Medium - $40 shipped
Or you can take all 3 for $100 shipped
submitted by No-Energy-9117 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Rayvon17 Here is some Ororon C0 Gameplay on Trio Team (4* Only 9* Spiral Abyss)
submitted by Rayvon17 to OroronMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 Eddie_The_White_Bear Bouquet of sunflowers
submitted by Eddie_The_White_Bear to danganronpa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 newzee1 Donald Trump Gets Away With It
submitted by newzee1 to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 Ok_Maintenance297 So I decided to buy my kids the BB pc, need help with monitor
So I'll be purchasing my 8-9 year old the BB gaming computer. I know it may be a little much for them, but I'd rather spend the money now then buy them a new pc every few years. With that being said, what type (how many htz, size) monitor would be a good fit. So dar I'm leaning toward the Samsung Odyssey G55t 34 inch. Any recommendations?
submitted by Ok_Maintenance297 to Prebuilts [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Mr_AK_drewdy Please Help. Looking for foster home for my dog
I’m currently experiencing homelessness and looking for loving home to foster my dog until I can get back on my feet. It’s been really rough 2 weeks for my dog Max and myself. I hate to do this, but I thinkit’s what’s best for him. Max is a perfect golden. Doesn’t bark, very good with kids and other dogs. I’m in north NJ area, near Bergen County. Please help. submitted by Mr_AK_drewdy to goldenretrievers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 OkDefinition1239 Send chubby thiickk Asians latinas nn irls with fatasses kik yozohx 058a42c2909d28eab42e004eeb5230f908529fefad115eb7a2cfcde8bb71c14e13
submitted by OkDefinition1239 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Natural_Invite6539 Prix serveur HCI Nutanix
Salut à tous, pour une étude de couts, je cherche à trouver le prix des serveurs nutanix dans un système hyperconvergé pour différentes configurations. Je n'ai pas trouver ces éléments sur leur site si quelqu'un sait ou chercher ou à l'info je suis preneur.
submitted by Natural_Invite6539 to nutanix [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 noodledreaming890 Best way to patch this?
I had a hose bib repaired on the other side of the wall under my master sink. Plumber left a whole in this board under the sink and cold air is pouring in. What is the best method for patching this?
submitted by noodledreaming890 to Plumbing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Jump_in_Jack This is actually....
Holding up well honestly. Usually when btc drops 2% shib drops like 8%. We seem to be a bit decoupled from btc atm. But if alt season comes once btc dominance begins to fall. Maybe it's a sign of the beginning of alt season.
Shib daily chart is still in oversold zone... retracing down a bit. Making an attempt to tap 0 on the stochastic rsi and deepen the round the bottom a bit more on the MACD.
submitted by Jump_in_Jack to SHIBArmy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 IronicWeea I fucking love Palm Blast. Insane hyper armor during charge up, insane damage, surprising range, easy poise break… legit got me feeling like Gojo charging up a hollow purple when I have spiked and stonebarb tears
submitted by IronicWeea to Eldenring [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 HerietteVonStadtl How are the precursors for MS2 in DDA selected?
Hi, this is a really stupid question, but how exactly are the precursors selected for the second MS run, when running a DDA analysis? Are they first detected without fragmentation? Doesn't this mean that there is a bit of sample lost during this scan?
I'm really new to this and have some trouble with my imagination.
submitted by HerietteVonStadtl to massspectrometry [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 Roevsved Er der noget jeg skal være opmærksom på - inden jeg bygger et lille indbygget hylde-/reolsystem i forlængelse med sofahøjden?
Hey alle mine Gør-Det-Selv'ere Jeg forsøger at overbevise kæresten- & kaptajnen herhjemme, om at ville være pænt fedt med et indbygget 'møbel/hyldesystem' i sofahøjden, som skal gå indtil væggen, da jeg syntes det åbne rum er lidt irriterende. hehe. Jeg forestiller mig en simpel konstruktion af MDF plader på venstre/højre side af møblet: 2 hylder + én overplade, som kan bruges til kaffekoppen, fjerneren eller lign. (evt. en midtervæg for styrke, og 6 opdelte hylder, i stedet for 3 store?) Folks erfaringer herinde plejer som regel at være hjælpsomme og gode - derfor lufter jeg lige ideen og tegningen, og tjekker lige om jeg overser noget, eller om der kan komme tips og tricks at hente, inden jeg begynder :D For at illustrerer for hende, plus jer - har jeg lavet en SketchUp model, for første gang i dag, som forsøg på at illustrerer min ide. Mine spørgsmål: -Skal der sokkel på sådan en? Ville det gøre det pænere? Eller ville det være fedt/fint med 'åbent til gulvet?' Alternativt kan der også komme en bundplade på? -Jeg tænker kun konstruktionen skal have sider + top. Alternativt en bagplade hvor jeg skærer ud til stikkontakten og internet udtag? -Mdf var det jeg forestillede mig at lave det i + maling. -Hylderne tænkte jeg at forblive åbne, så chefen kan vælge om hun vil have kasser, kurve eller sådan, til ekstra organiseringsplads. -Jeg tænker ikke at fastmonterer den til væg/gulv, da jeg tænker den kommer til at stå fint uden skruer. I værste fald kan jeg fuge rundt i toppen, ind mod væggen, hvis revnerne bliver grimme? **Den blå farve på Sketchen skal være sofaen og træfarverne skal være MDF-pladerne** Kom med jeres konstruktive kritik mine arbejdsfolk, inden jeg starter. :)) Takker mange gange på forhånd! https://preview.redd.it/625zlbqac93e1.jpg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4369d7bfec39bcad3d9cd3c1e4cd5bb4c4744392 https://preview.redd.it/aph1lcqac93e1.jpg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88ba64f1d416d2e0ec12120c2a16f9095f1a109 https://preview.redd.it/gk7evbqac93e1.jpg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfde55868234c06fe78f03769f0b8260e5fc5969 https://preview.redd.it/u7245dqac93e1.jpg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4922ef91aad604de863aa1c1fc43df3138a5fe01 https://preview.redd.it/w7vsndqac93e1.jpg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799255f7e2ae4ce98d2da1862576a9f26443586d submitted by Roevsved to selvgjortvelgjort [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 LazyBinger Booking Continental Classic with the blocks as announced with AEW
So with AEW announcing the contestants and blocks for this year's Continental Classic, I went ahead and booked the whole tournament, assuming that we will have the finals on Wrestle Dynasty at Tokyo Dome. So, here it goes -
Okada - 5 wins, 0 losses
Okada just maintains his unbeaten streak and maybe produce a few bangers along the way probably with Fletcher & Shelton Benjamin
He puts down Fletcher again in Semis but looses to Ospreay at Tokyo
Hopefully, he takes a short break after the loss and returns back to AEW as RainMaker, story being his loss against Ospreay in a legendary match, reminded him what he used to be.
Fletcher - 3 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie
Fletcher coming from a teriffic win over Ospreay, starts with 2 successive wins, first one where he completely annhilates Mark Briscoe and second over Shelton Benjamin, before coming just short against Okada
Continuing with a tie against Mortos, which leaves him all to do on the last league night, where he qualifies by beating Daniel Garcia.
He again comes up short against Okada in Semis, establishing Okada as one guy Fletcher cant overcome yet.
Post tournament, he can defeat Beast Mortos in a rematch to avenge the tie and then follow that up by challenging Daniel Garcia for the TNT Championship at the Australian show & winning it.
Garcia - 2 wins, 3 losses
Garcia gets a rude awakening as he comes into the tournament loosing back to back to Benjamin & then Okada in a champion v champion match
However he defeats Beast Mortos & Mark Briscoe to keep himself in contention on the final league night
After coming up short against Fletcher in the qualifying match, MVP comes out and Shelton Benjamin challenges him for TNT Championship at Worlds end
He should overcome Shelton Benjamin but end up coming short against Fletcher in Australia
Shelton Benjamin - 2 wins, 3 losses
Benjamin makes a splash in his first match securing a win and a future championship shot over Daniel Garcia
However, he goes down to Fletcher and Mortos before securing his second win over Mark Briscoe
On the final night despite coming up short against Okada, he gets himself a championship match on the next PPV
Beast Mortos - 1 win, 3 losses, 1 tie
Beast Mortos suffers 2 losses at the beginning against the two champions before coming trumps against Benjamin and taking Fletcher to time limit draw
On the last night, he falls to a quick pin against Mark Briscoe
From here he can avenge his loss against Briscoe before dropping a match against Fletcher
Mark Briscoe - 1 win, 4 losses
After loosing all 4 matches, the underdog Mark Briscoe scores his only points against Beast Mortos on the final night
Claudio - 4 wins, 1 losses
Mox's second Claudio wants his hands on Okada again, he wins first 4 matches and qualifies for Semis even before last night.
However, he falters on the last league night against Juice Robinson (Jay White's second, who would be challenging for Mox's World Championship at World End, furthering the World title picture as well)
He comes up short against Ospreay in the Semis on Worlds end after defeating him in the league round
Ospreay - 3 wins, 2 losses
Suffering from aftereffects of his war against Fletcher, Ospreay drops his first two matches against Ricochet & Claudio respectively.
However, a longer gap in schedule gives him some wind back and he wins next two against Juice & Darby
On the final league night he needs to win against Brody King, which he does barely.
At worlds end he avenges his defeat against Claudio from league stage
Finals at Wrestle Dynasty he finally defeats Okada at the Dome.
His first defense can be against Ricochet as Ricochet holds a win over him in league Stage
Post that hopefully he can go on a short to medium length Championship reign defending against likes of Kingston, Adam Cole etc. before maybe dropping it to Fletcher
Brody - 3 wins, 2 losses
Brody King goes 3-0 scoring big wins against Juice, Ricochet & Darby
He then comes short against Claudio but still could qualify with a win on last night
However on last night he comes short against Ospreay
Darby - 2 wins, 3 losses
Darby gets destroyed on the first night against Claudio
He sneaks a win against Juice in next match only to run into Brody and drop points again picking up further damage to his already battered body
Last match he has Ricochet where he defeats Ricochet in a close match.
After the match he finds the Hurt Syndicate in the ring who leave him lying
This should take him out for a short period before he returns to the Main event scene to dethrone Mox and then defend against Hurt Syndicate(Ricochet, Lashley)
Him going for Mox before Ricochet could easily be explained away by saying the fight for AEW is bigger than his personal vendetta
Ricochet - 2 wins, 3 losses
Ricochet scores big on the first night defeating an Ospreay still suffering from his defeat to Fletcher
He falls short against Brody & Claudio before defeating Juice
On last night he can still qualify if he wins and then Ospreay defeats Brody, but he comes short against Darby
Post match he snaps to join Hurt Syndicate and lay out Darby
Juice - 1 wins, 4 losses
Juice keeps coming up short, going 4 down before scoring a monumental win on the last night against Claudio
The win not only gives him his first win, but also lends credibility to White & Bang Bang Gang as credible challengers to Mox & Death Riders
The Whole schedule could be as follows -
Show/Match | Winner | Points Table | |||
Dynamite | |||||
Darby vs Claudio | Claudio | Darby | 0 | Ricochet | 3 |
Ospreay vs Ricochet | Ricochet | Claudio | 3 | Brody | 3 |
Brody vs Juice | Brody | Ospreay | 0 | Juice | 0 |
Collision | |||||
Fletcher vs Briscoe | Fletcher | Okada | 3 | Briscoe | 0 |
Garcia vs Benjamin | Benjamin | Fletcher | 3 | Benjamin | 3 |
Okada vs Mortos | Okada | Garcia | 0 | Mortos | 0 |
Dynamite | |||||
Claudio vs Ospreay | Claudio | Darby | 3 | Ricochet | 3 |
Darby vs Juice | Darby | Claudio | 6 | Brody | 6 |
Ricochet vs Brody | Brody | Ospreay | 0 | Juice | 0 |
Rampage | |||||
Okada vs Garcia | Okada | Okada | 6 | Briscoe | 0 |
Fletcher | 3 | Benjamin | 3 | ||
Garcia | 0 | Mortos | 0 | ||
Collision | |||||
Fletcher vs Benjamin | Fletcher | Okada | 9 | Briscoe | 0 |
Garcia vs Mortos | Garcia | Fletcher | 6 | Benjamin | 3 |
Okada vs Briscoe | Okada | Garcia | 3 | Mortos | 0 |
Dynamite | |||||
Okada vs Fletcher | Okada | Okada | 12 | Briscoe | 0 |
Mortos vs Benjamin | Mortos | Fletcher | 6 | Benjamin | 3 |
Garcia vs Briscoe | Garcia | Garcia | 6 | Mortos | 3 |
2024.11.26 14:45 ThrowRA284739 Any extra boosts?
Im out of boosts but still desperately need one :( does anyone have an extra?
Can anyone in the EarnIn Community help me boost my Max? 🙂 https://boost.earnin.link/AEXa
submitted by ThrowRA284739 to EarninB4B [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:45 EMMAzingly- “Lonerbox is a great moderate leftist voice”
submitted by EMMAzingly- to h3h3_productions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:45 intrusier irish pipi 🧱
submitted by intrusier to AnarchyChess [link] [comments] |