2024.11.26 12:47 MERIEGG Părerea mea fiind un elev de 16 ani.
Salutare! De când a intrat Georgescu în turul 2 am inceput sa devin din ce in ce mai speriat de acest personaj, but let's start from the beggining.
In ziua votului nu știam cine este Calin Georgescu, nu auzisem de el fiindcă nu folosesc tik tok și nu știam ce ideologie are. Am auzit că multi din familia mea votează Georgescu, și neștiind cine este, i am încurajat zicând că oricine e mai bun decât ciolacu - I was wrong.
Pe la 10 seara când am ajuns și eu în casă m am uitat pe RoAEP sa vad situația voturilor și sincer am rămas plăcut surprins sa vad că Georgescu, un om educat, cu școala și care își iubește tara (ce am auzit de la părinți) are șanse să intre în turul 2 și chiar sa bată PSD. In acel moment am simțit un sentiment de fericire, dar în același timp mă întrebam "Ba, dar cine naiba e asta până la urmă, și de ce mă bucur că intră în turul 2?".
Am inceput sa fac puțin research and it hit me, e exact ce nu speram sa fie. Un rusofil care sa folosit de manipulare propagandistă tip China și Rusia să atragă oameni ușor manipulabili fara educație de pe... Tik Tok.
Revenind, eu nu sunt speriat de puterea legislativă pe care o poate avea Georgescu, și extrem de multi oameni se focusează pe acest aspect, ceea ce mi se pare greșit. Mie îmi este frica de nivelul de manipulare pe care îl poate exercita pe Tik Tok-erimea noastră deodată ce a dobândit titlul de președinte.
Degeaba o sa avem un parlament contra acestui gunoi daca o sa aibă toate resursele pentru manipulare in masă eficientă. Tot felul de idei extremiste promovate nu doar pe Tik Tok, ci și pe alte canale de comunicare fara niciun fel de filtru. O țară care o să iasă în stradă nu împotriva lui, ci pentru a-l sprijinii când parlamentul i se va opune.
Și nu mă gândesc că chestia asta se va întâmpla în prima lună a mandatului, aceste chestii vor fi implementate gradual in mintea populației și nici nu își vor da seama de asta. Deja incepe să isi exprime voalat intentia lui adevărata față de UE și NATO.
In fine, nu am apucat să scriu tot ce am pe cap că iese un post de o ora, these are my 2 cents scrise Intr o ora de geografie și as vrea sa vad ce credeți și voi despre acestea :)) îmi cer scuze pentru greșelile gramaticale. have a good day și votați cu cap!
submitted by MERIEGG to GenZRo [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Hanayamakaoru_ Baki Spinoffs animated
Do you guys think once the Baki manga series is completed and also animated, the spinoffs will get an adaption too?
View Poll
submitted by Hanayamakaoru_ to Grapplerbaki [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Special_Honeydew1155 Up if you would smash my gf (26) Kik shibashab91 to jerk to/chat about or degrade her
submitted by Special_Honeydew1155 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 pew--pew-- [OC] Adventurers Wanted - A DnD Student Short Film
submitted by pew--pew-- to DnD [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 dreambringer6 Phillyda Murphy - Let's Go Below the Rainbow 2023
submitted by dreambringer6 to celebsNcigs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Clepity Ps4 need help wit rykard
Hep please😭
submitted by Clepity to EldenRingHelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 imthaaatguy Market for live, custom smutt?
Male here. I'd set up a desk cam, maybe shirtless, but no distinct nudity, have a chat comment or send messages for topics they want, write smut on the spot. Possibly get teaser erotic or specific camera angles if requested, but no porn. Have the ability to send info and get completely personalized stories. Priced by length or something.
Would there be a market for that with the current smut craze? Obviously, I'd have to be good, I think I am. Would the live aspect and a mysterious, anonymous view of the author as he creates and the ability to chime in/ get custom smut be attractive.
I'd also react in chats in character.
submitted by imthaaatguy to onlyfansadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Rickkins1 Russian deserter reveals war secrets of guarding nuclear base - BBC News
submitted by Rickkins1 to FluffyBunnies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Trick-Morning4315 jerk & trade our gfs on tele clyde_piper119
submitted by Trick-Morning4315 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Own-Quote-1708 Would Islam be better or worse if Muhammad was creative ?
Say Muhammad wasnt an uncreative fuck and didnt copy from every religion that was in a 5 mile radius. How much worse or better would Islam be ? Would it be as harsh, worse or better ?
submitted by Own-Quote-1708 to exmuslim [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 TyrionLannister557 Does anybody remember the name of this fan series?
It was this old fan series of the games back when Brawl came out, using the same character models and all. The animation was basically a PowerPoint or something, and they often brought in characters from other video games who were not in Brawl yet or have never been in Brawl. If someone could find me the name, I'd really appreciate it.
submitted by TyrionLannister557 to smashbros [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Apprehensive_Mix4658 The most reliable way to solve conflicts!
submitted by Apprehensive_Mix4658 to outofcontextcomics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 petitetbh How is this palm tree taking a selfie?
submitted by petitetbh to Justfuckmyshitup [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Frustex Duda sobre cuenta principal en ps5
Hola amigos, como están? Acabo de adquirir el playstation plus mediante otra cuenta que ahora está como principal para poder acceder a esos beneficios y todo ok, el tema es que acabo de comprar el fc 25 y estoy por instalarlo ( estoy esperando a que me envíen un código ) y tengo que descargar el juego mediante otra cuenta, el problema es que debo bajar el juego mediante un usuario más (tendria MI usuario personal, el usuario de ps network y el del FIFA) mi duda es, debo activar como principal la del FIFA para poder jugarlo?
submitted by Frustex to playstation [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Playful_Shirt_1896 CREATE THE TEXTURES YOU LOVE AND DOMINATE SUBSTANCE DESIGNER (Link in the comments)
https://preview.redd.it/yil6l8vbs83e1.png?width=3334&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce516744951d36b81579f1f69b912196bde598ef submitted by Playful_Shirt_1896 to SubstanceDesigner [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 an_oxymoron20 How to get rid of a crush
So I liked this girl when she was already in a relationship, we met on a gc and there was occasional playful flirting. I was never gonna go for this girl since she's already committed but damn she's so beautiful and cute and whatnot. We met this June for pride, along with all of the gc...the thing is before pride her girlfriend broke up with her. So she's in a pretty bad mood. I got drunk on pride night and blurted out that, "I'm weirldy attracted to her." I got sobered up in the morning and we talked about this. She told me that she wants some time to process this. She sent me a long message after going to her hometown, saying that she doesn't have any kind of feelings for me and she doesn't want to have any romantic relationships within the gc members. I somehow managed to get out of the crush phase for the next two months. We met again in August and I could say that I have no such feelings for her then. (or maybe I thought so). Since August we kinda started talking more and more like we would send each other good morning or good night messages and we have this poop time thing like whenever we poop we send eachother 'dump o clock.' We exchanged a lot of interests, day by day my crush grew larger. We would talk about cuddles, movies and songs and maybe all these things didn't mean much to her but it did for me. Whenever she sends me anything..even the most banal things I would get excited so much. I sent this letter to her and she sang me my favorite song. Again, totally a normal thing in friendship but demn I have fallen for it. We met again a week back and the minute she came to my home I immediately cuddled her and she took me in..like like like how to explain this... that's the best cuddle session I have had with anyone. It was just us and our breaths, I was listening to her heart beat and she was carresing my hair...it was perfect, way too perfect and I could do it all day. She would plant these little kisses for no reason like very randomly she would come and kiss my shoulder or knees or hands. I would get lost in those eyes and the laugh and her teeth ohmygaawwddd her voiceeee. Long story short, she has had feelings for another person within the gc but she didn't pursue it cause there's a huge age difference and the other person is also committed. I got hurt for this, I don't know why but I got super upset over this. and I started comparing myself with that person..I mean they are more attractive than me (physically). And maybe they have a very intimate relationship I do not know. (Now they do not talk to each other cuz she started seeing their red flags ig). This time my crush is not feeling like a crush anymore. I want to talk to her everyday, I want to know every bit of her. I have stopped my spotify in the middle and went for the song that she sang for me. And I played it in loop. (my therapist thought it's cute hehe). Anyways, I know that she would never give me a chance not in a million years so I came clean to her again. Said that I still have feelings for you and I cannot do friendship with you and I have cut off communication with her. She's okay with it and said take your time. But fuck I miss her, I miss our random conversations, I miss her hugs, her cuddles, her random kisses, her smile, her voice, her fucking smell and it's driving me crazy. I would listen to her fav songs and cry. I would always cry whenever she leaves my city because I want her with me. I want to travel with her, I want to listen to her, I WANT HER!!!! I know it's never gonna happen but idky I still hold on to this hope. I do not want to miss her anymore, I want these feelings to go away. I want to move on.
submitted by an_oxymoron20 to LGBTindia [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 ZERO_PORTRAIT British 55th (West Lancashire) Division troops blinded by tear gas await treatment at an Advanced Dressing Station near Bethune during the Battle of Estaires on April 10th, 1918, part of the German offensive in Flanders.
submitted by ZERO_PORTRAIT to ww1 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 LoveIceLove What is it about 18 yo Latinas that turns you on daddy?
submitted by LoveIceLove to Daddys_Broken_toys [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 EstablishmentNew7203 Dark sea experience
Request come from one of my clan mates :3 submitted by EstablishmentNew7203 to ArcaneOdyssey [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 steinbecks100 Horrible Ranked Lobbies
submitted by steinbecks100 to apexlegends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 normiewannabe test
I am a vile Slytherin
submitted by normiewannabe to fountainpens [link] [comments]
https://preview.redd.it/yneftxj2s83e1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7f6fef9c9eb47c8d2153b1b140a61f39fe3365b REPRESENTATIVES OF THE TWO COMPETING "INTRUDER" VISITOR GROUPS Presently interacting with Earth through Illuminati covert operations, physical abduction, "channeled" and telepathic subtle contact methods. GROUP-1 BLACK SUNAGENDA Digressive Reptilian Drakonian & Hybrid races controlled via Density-4/ Dimension-10 Fallen Seraphim. GROUP-2 BELIL SUN AGENDA Digressive Anunnaki & Hybrid races controlled via Density-4/Dimension-11 Fallen Annu-Elohim. Both presently work with competing factions of human Illuminati governments. Both seek dominion of the Halls of Amenti Star Gates and human subjugation. Not shown: BELIL SUN: human-looking Pleiadian-Human-Nibiruian-Anunnaki hybrid "Blondes"; Nibiruian-Sirian Nephilim Anunnaki-humans; Andromie and Arcturian "Dolphin People" and from Inner Earth, Necromiton "Men in Black" Dracos-Anunnaki -human hybrids, Annu-Melchizedek Human-Anunnaki hybrids and digressive Rama Mixed Human Cloister Races running "space brother" covert OneWorld-Order manipulations. BLACK SUN: Kurendara Nibiruian Orange-skinned "Grays" DracosZeta-Anunnaki hybrids; Drakon Orion bipedal "Dragons"; Omicron "Dragon-Moth-people" Orion Drakonian-fallen Seraphim hybrids; Odedicron "Beetle insectoid" Andromeda Drakonian-fallen Annu-Elohim hybrids. submitted by QFSJDEISO20022 to CourtofAges [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 VegetasLoinCloth Woke up, what I miss?
When I went to bed P and N were still on live. P had been awake 24+ hours. And 7:46a N is still live. I know I missed some stuff
submitted by VegetasLoinCloth to nickfromthegymsnarkk [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 LFTwho Dafne Keen
submitted by LFTwho to CelebrityHAVEN [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Fivespits Heated Seats
I currently drive a bolt with heated seats and steering wheel, both of which I enjoy as I live in New England.
I have an option to reserve one of two cars both are LT's - one is the base with FWD but no heated seats (msrp with dealer incentive 33.5k) - the other has the AWD package as well as the comfort package (msrp 38.5k with incentives)
I drive a lot so I'm inclined to go with the base model as I will get more range. How necessary do we think heated seats in a EV in New England is. Does the equinox draw a lot of power to heat the car in the winter?
submitted by Fivespits to EquinoxEv [link] [comments]