Why does O'Brien Not Drink Guinness?

2024.11.26 13:18 AmbassadorWorf Why does O'Brien Not Drink Guinness?

submitted by AmbassadorWorf to UnitedFederation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 infonew A Bíblia manda a mulher ser submissa ao homem? - BBC News Brasil

submitted by infonew to ateismo_br [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 AmbassadorWorf Was it worth it?

Was it worth it? submitted by AmbassadorWorf to UnitedFederation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 jedbass Ring Devices

This latest update really blows. Put the devices back up in the shortcuts bar.
submitted by jedbass to Ring [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Gladiator53 Clickey McClicker. I like big clicks and I cannot lie

You know what to do. I’m good at returning favors!!
submitted by Gladiator53 to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Kitchen-Beginning-47 Is it possible to have an algorithm to generate a game where guessing wouldn't be needed and everything can be worked out?

I liked Minesweeper but reaching a position where a 50/50 guess was mandatory was what put me off.
submitted by Kitchen-Beginning-47 to Minesweeper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 AssultedKiwi Now a proud owner of a 1985 elite 150 deluxe

Now a proud owner of a 1985 elite 150 deluxe Paid $1000 for it (fair price for my area). Only thinthing it needs is the rear tire put on (came with the tire), and a new battery (he jump started it while we were there and it ran great!!).
submitted by AssultedKiwi to scooters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Dependent-Cow7823 Walmart rolls back DEI policies, becoming latest US firm to join growing trend

Walmart rolls back DEI policies, becoming latest US firm to join growing trend submitted by Dependent-Cow7823 to onlineretail [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Generalaverage89 Converting 794 To Boulevard Could Yield 3,000 Housing Units, $1.1 Billion in Development

Converting 794 To Boulevard Could Yield 3,000 Housing Units, $1.1 Billion in Development submitted by Generalaverage89 to milwaukee [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 mybighardthrowaway How do you guys handle orders for caramel macchiatos?

At my shop our policy is to not argue with the customer and just agree and make them a caramel latte. Our store calls them by another fancy name so sometimes when customers see it on the order screen they say it's not what they want, and then I'll explain. But 90% of the time it's not worth the effort and the customer is happy with the drink they get. Though to be fair, our store has a similar building design to a Starbucks, so for whatever reason we have at least 3-4 people a day walk in and think we're a Starbucks till I explain to them they won't be able to pick up their mobile order here bc they actually placed it for the Starbucks down the street.... Not our not Starbucks coffee shop...
submitted by mybighardthrowaway to barista [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 MrNotSmartEinstein MSI laptop poor battery life due to charging too long?

My brother got an MSI Cyborg 15 (at a slight discount) to replace his old intel productivity laptop he used for school. I realized he was using it until the battery drained to near zero then he plugs it in. I told him to not do that since that's killing the battery. However apparently the battery life worsened and the mechanic says that the laptop should've be left plugged in. Which is true?
submitted by MrNotSmartEinstein to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 euxine SRT trains not available?

Trying to book for Busan to Seoul Dec 23 but I only see up to Dec 19 being available. Are they released closer to the date? I thought it was one month in advance. Thanks!
submitted by euxine to KoreaTravelHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Taialt97 Can I burn a different character if I delete a burning character? (Ride or Die)

I recently burned an Aran, but I already have a Shade, and I really want to burn my main so he can reach 260 faster. If I delete the Aran, will I be able to burn my main, or will this not be possible?
submitted by Taialt97 to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 AbrahamFig Estoy bajón

Estoy bajón Hoy me dejó mi amiga. Estaba en la oficina pero no pude caretearla más. Me vine a llorar al baño. Sé que es una estupidez y no tiene nada que ver con el subsidio, pero estoy triste. Nada más... solo eso... gracias por leerme... Un pequeño homenaje para vos, Diana. Voy a extrañar que me muerdas y me árabes cuando me muevo dormido. Te voy a recordar siempre amiga.
submitted by AbrahamFig to ArgentinaBenderStyle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Asura_Inky_0 Can I fix this?

Can I fix this? One of my cacti 🌵 as gotten skinner on top; is there a way I can fix this and it make the same diameter all the way around? Should I cut it?
submitted by Asura_Inky_0 to sanpedrocactus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Patient-ssi This is one of those days. (More details in comments)

19M 6'2" 215lbs
I'm having a really bad pain day and I'm having a really bad anxiety day as well. I've had anxiety and panic attacks a few times before but never on the same day. I've had all the symptoms listed above but I'm getting more and more frustrated that nothing has changed. Today I woke up and the pain was gone. The anxiety was gone too, but the pain was still there.
I have a PT appointment tomorrow and I want to know what it's going to like. I am really looking forward to working with him on my anxiety because I'm scared to have a panic attack again. I can't even take a picture of it because it hurts. What can I expect from him?
submitted by Patient-ssi to SubSimGPT2Interactive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 NeatFail8466 Request: Heart’s Missing Piece

Request: Heart’s Missing Piece submitted by NeatFail8466 to dramabox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Natural-Nectarine811 All I see when I hear "What the fuck you wearin'? Bro, it's tacky"

All I see when I hear submitted by Natural-Nectarine811 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 DamnDaddy264 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by DamnDaddy264 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Green-Jupiter04 Bisexual mug guys

submitted by Green-Jupiter04 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 SnooPeppers1332 one of the type c ports stopped working and after filing a customer care request they said the serial number is not registered with them

one of the type c ports stopped working and after filing a customer care request they said the serial number is not registered with them https://preview.redd.it/u12d8jyzx83e1.png?width=303&format=png&auto=webp&s=5111b2088b0996492ace15d089e72c68a8874131
bought this is in oct and it arrived with damaged box and scratches on the adapter. couldnt return it back cause no one was at the house. so now a week back, one of the type c ports stopped working.. filled a customer care request and they said the product is not registered with them and i should contact amazon. i looked up the serial number myself and it showed me the same charger but in red colour. how do i solve this?
submitted by SnooPeppers1332 to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 O-O-U-S Hello, fellow adventurers!

Hello, fellow adventurers! submitted by O-O-U-S to puzzlevideogames [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 SensodyneToothpaste Would bringing in a small kitten with my almost 3 year old cat be a good idea?

I have a cat I adopted a couple of years ago while he was an adult (around 8 months). He is neutered and has never had any behavioral issues, he's a very curious kitty around people he recognizes but hasn't been the friendliest with other cats even though he adopted him from a house where he lived with his other siblings and two parents. He is a very playful cat who is shy with other humans he doesn't know that well, but he has gotten better as the years went by, at the beginning he wouldn't come out unless there was food or play involved, now it takes him about an hour to show up and start acting as normal as he usually does. He is very well cared for and is given tons of attention, but he never runs out of energy and would play for the entire day if we could so it makes me think that another kitten would be good for him. Here are some interactions he had with other cats which can hopefully help.
The first interaction he had with another cat was when I brought him to a friend's house for a couple of minutes because I was waiting for them to get ready to take me to their vet because I had problems with my previous one. Their cat immediately started meowing and tried to go see who it was and was super happy, but my cat hissed at him two times from inside the box.
The second interaction was when I took him with me to another city, and I was staying for a couple of weeks in another house that was on the first floor. Another cat (smaller in size, but also an adult) climbed up to see him, and they started staring at each other from behind the window, then the other cat hissed at him so he hissed back and when it was apparent the other cat was intimidated he kept hissing more until she went away, he didn't seem scared.
Another notable "interaction" was when a small orange kitten would come up to my floor in the apartment building and stand behind the door, my cat would also stand behind the door (from inside obviously), but they never met each other face to face, but aside from just standing there, he would do nothing else.
Now, all of that indicates that he probably wouldn't be friendly with another cat, but this cat I want to bring in is a small kitten stray on my street that looks to be about a month old, I haven't been able to tell what sex it is. Our street has many strays that are cared for, but this one is at the very beginning of the street, away from the rest of the strays and most of the people that feed the other strays. It just appeared yesterday, which makes me think she is either a runaway or someone dumped it on the street, most likely the latter. Yesterday afternoon as I was going home, I noticed that someone put some pieces of a nutella sandwich for it to eat, so it's quite apparent that whoever is trying to care for it doesn't quite know what they're doing.
I know he would have a lot more fun with another cat in the house, but I don't know if he is able to accept another cat or not. He has (to my knowledge) never interacted with a kitten while he was an adult, would this make any difference?
Bringing the other kitten in for a test run is an absolute no. I won't bring it in just to put it back in the streets, especially since there is a very large chance someone dumped it in the first place. A shelter is also something I wouldn't like to do, as shelters here are not good, and I don't want to subject it to the abuse that most of those shelters cause.
I have a lot of experience with cats, as this isn't my first one, so if I do bring it in I will know and afford how to care for it. This also isn't my first experience with introducing a new cat to one I had about 10 years ago, and it was a relatively easy experience and there weren't many hiccups aside from some small feeding and litter problems.
I tried to make this as detailed as I can so I can get advice from anyone with a similiar experience. Any and all advice is accepted and I'll add any other information I find out about the kitten to an edit to this post.
submitted by SensodyneToothpaste to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - The Giants keep getting painful reminders of all the ways they miss Saquon Barkley | NY Post

[Sports] - The Giants keep getting painful reminders of all the ways they miss Saquon Barkley | NY Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:18 Terrible-Ad7523 Can somebody tell me everything in need to know to obsess over this band? their lore perhaps?

I'm new to em and have heard most of their albums, love them obviously. but beyond that what should I know to join the cult?
submitted by Terrible-Ad7523 to KGATLW [link] [comments]
