Guyanese Culture as a Grad Student – Looking for Advice

2024.11.26 13:37 duck_theorm Guyanese Culture as a Grad Student – Looking for Advice

Hey everyone,
I’m a Guyanese-American grad student living in the Midwest, and I’m hoping to get some advice from anyone who’s been in a similar situation. I’m the only Guyanese person in my program, and I’ve been feeling pretty disconnected from my culture lately. While I was raised in the U.S., my family has always kept our Guyanese traditions alive, but being so far from home and surrounded by people who don’t share my background makes it harder to stay connected.
I wanted to ask:

  1. Guyanese Communities: I know Guyana is super diverse with Afro-Guyanese, Indo-Guyanese, Indigenous, and other groups. How do these communities come together in Guyana? How do you stay connected to your culture when you're away from home?
  2. Staying Connected to My Culture: As a grad student, it’s hard to keep up with things like food, language, and holidays. Does anyone have tips for staying in touch with your Guyanese roots while living far from home? Are there any online groups or events that have helped you stay connected?
  3. Cultural Isolation: Being the only Guyanese person in my program can be isolating at times. I’m wondering if anyone else has dealt with that feeling and how you’ve found ways to stay connected to your culture, even if no one around you gets it.
I’d really appreciate any advice or stories you all have to share! Just trying to figure out how to keep that connection to my roots while balancing grad school life here.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by duck_theorm to Guyana [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 Adventurous-Gap-9486 Did they Randomly Reduce Image Quality?

While checking my active listings on the eBay app, I noticed that every picture looks bad, super pixelated and low-quality. It’s not just my listings; all listings on eBay look the same.
Even on the browser, images seem downgraded, though not as bad as on the app.
Did they really reduce the image quality?
submitted by Adventurous-Gap-9486 to Ebay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 kontemplativtype Back in the pool

Kære brevkasse
Jeg står i den situation, at jeg er klar til at date igen efter en længere pause fra den verden. Lidt baggrundsinfo.. jeg en 32-årig mand med et aktivt fritidsliv og en del interesser af varierende art (dem vil jeg ikke kede JER med), fast job og uden børn. Jeg vil dog vældig gerne have børn, når jeg en dag møder den rigtige. Nysgerrighed, engagement og optimisme vil jeg nævne som mine menneskelige kvaliteter.
Dating-apps er ikke noget, jeg har erfaring med, og de forhold, jeg har haft, er alle startet i den virkelige verden. Så den vej er fuldstændig tabula rasa. Som udgangspunkt er jeg dog ikke lukket for ideen om at bruge dating-apps. Jeg er blot usikker på (eller nok nærmere overtænker), hvordan jeg præsenterer mig selv bedst muligt mht. billeder, tekst osv. Det er vigtigt for mig at vise autenticitet.
Hookups eller lignende har ingen interesse, hvilket jeg selvfølgelig vil gøre klart, men hvordan præsenterer jeg mig selv bedst muligt online? Hvad er jeres erfaringer?
Er det overhovedet en god ide at vælge den digitale vej i det her?
submitted by kontemplativtype to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 Jahrek_filipino Justice and Freedom!

Justice and Freedom! submitted by Jahrek_filipino to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 BlackFridayNews Google Pixel Watch 2 with Heart Rate Tracking, Safety Features in Black - $145.00

Google Pixel Watch 2 with Heart Rate Tracking, Safety Features in Black - $145.00 submitted by BlackFridayNews to BlackFridayUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 Smacaroosindahouse Arbeitskollege ist ständig Passiv aggressiv. Was tun?

Der Titel sagt schon einen Teil. Das hier wird etwas längeres, also sorry im vorraus.
Ich fang mal mit der Story an. Ich bin M20, zu dem Zeitpunkt noch 19 wo das angefangen hat.
Also: ich hab mai 2023 in einer Firma (Stahlindustrie) im LageIn der Montage angefangen. Zu dem Zeitpunkt gab es da been mit einem anderen Kollegen, M23. Wir nennen ihn mal Dennis. Der andere mit dem ich Probleme hab nennen wir Hans. Und ich bin Olaf. Dennis und Hans hatten zuvor, weit before ich kam im Versand gearbeitet. Die sind nie miteinander ausgekommen, warum weiß ich nicht.
Jedenfalls, beide wurden wegen "gründen" in die Montage gesteckt. Da hat halt jeder von beiden sein Ding gemacht.
Dann kam ich eben Mai 2023 dazu, und hab mich erst mit Hans (vermutlich irgendwo in seinen 50ern) angefreundet, und so weit alles gut. Mit Dennis und den anderen kam ich auch super aus, also ich hatte keine Feinde.
So gegen Ende des Jahren (Oktober) hab ich mich dann mal mehr mit Dennis unterhalten, und hing mehr mit ihm rum, weil er auch jünger is und ich mich mit ihm wirklich klasse verstanden hab.
Dann komm ich an einem Montag in die Firma, und Hans is auf einmal eiskalt zu mir. Ich sag morgen, und er guck mich nur verbittert an.
Seitdem, wenn mir mal nur eine Kleinigkeit runterfällt, ich kurz rumsteh um was zu trinken, oder ich mit meinem Vorarbeiter bespreche, wie weiter gearbeitet wird, kommt von seinem Arbeitsplatz passiv-agressives gegrummel, kopfgeschüttel, und Sprüche wie "war ja klar" und "sau sau sau" seit neuestem imitiert er auch manche sachen die ich mach "Kopfhörer ins Ohr stecken, usw. Slle bekommen es mit, aber keiner kann was sagen, weil der den anderen (fertigungsleiter + komplette Chefetage) schon lange in den arsch gekrochen ist. Die machen Nichts. Mein Vorarbeiter kann auch nicht viel machen, wenn ich das alles aber schreib wird es zu lang.
Meine Frage ist jetzt, wie bekomme ich in mal dazu mich in Ruhe zu lassen? Ideen sind sehr erwünscht.
submitted by Smacaroosindahouse to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 _TCTK_ 82XJ0000US OR 15a-nb0013dx - BestBuy Chromebooks

My wife is looking at purchasing a laptop and I'd like to surpise her with one, now that there are some decent to great sales on laptops for Black Friday. She is a personal chef and would just need a "basic" laptop (at least in my opinion) for typing out menus, using the internet, sending emails, creating menu templates / party templates for guests, etc... Pretty "minimal" work for a laptop. She's not a gamer, won't be downloading any software or programs, etc...
I've narrowed the choices down to these 2 from BestBuy for $159 (Lenovo - IdeaPad Slim 3 Chromebook Laptop - 82XJ0000US) and $179 (HP - 15.6" Chromebook Laptop - 15a-nb0013dx). I was using Rtings, however, it doesn't seem like these specific versions are reviewed and I'm more on the side of "tech-noob" and figured I'd get some advice.
Any advice on these 2 or recommendations on something similar in price that might be much better? Thanks for your help!
submitted by _TCTK_ to chromeos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 LazySpin81 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by LazySpin81 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 proud_bean Hobby: landscape screeshots to use them as desktop wallpaper

Hobby: landscape screeshots to use them as desktop wallpaper submitted by proud_bean to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 test_android_feed_2 2024-11-26

This is the post's body
submitted by test_android_feed_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 kotobaWa5ivestar Bluesky kirby accounts?

I made myself a bluesky account and I wanna know some kirby-related accounts I can follow over there. Do you recommend any?
submitted by kotobaWa5ivestar to Kirby [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 KMark4312 1000 SPM (shells per minute) factory

1000 SPM (shells per minute) factory submitted by KMark4312 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 justin_quinnn Meat has a distinct taste, texture and aroma − how do plant-based alternatives mimic the real thing?

Meat has a distinct taste, texture and aroma − how do plant-based alternatives mimic the real thing? submitted by justin_quinnn to FoodNewsHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 lmemore Shan

Shan submitted by lmemore to PinayBeauties [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 Anonnimux México debería de pedir visa a los países vecinos.

Al vivir
submitted by Anonnimux to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 jedzeniegwiazd Merry Christmasu .ᐟ

Merry Christmasu .ᐟ submitted by jedzeniegwiazd to Fumofumo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 Muslim_m2 Do not be obsessed with something you cannot control

According to what I saw. Men are far more obsessed with their height than women with their partner. I do not even understand this obsession. You can grow a few inch/cm but you cannot do much other than that. Why even be obsessed of something you cannot control and something ALLĀH gave you? Like even a 180cm/5'9" guy can cry about how "short" he is. Like you have a healthy height you do not have a condition or a disorder why cry like a baby? 180cm/5'9" is not even short. It is average and in some countries tall. The women who say "If you are under 190cm/6'2" you are not even a man" are women who wear crops and short shorts and may be even feminists. It is like a man saying "lipstick on a pig" and women obsessing and crying about it. Do not be obsessed with cms/inches where women may not even be aware of. Get a grateful woman who would appreciate you. Everyone is imperfect here.
submitted by Muslim_m2 to MuslimNikah [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 TestyRodent Quick, someone is stuck in the door, let 'em have it!

Quick, someone is stuck in the door, let 'em have it! submitted by TestyRodent to threestooges [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 heavenlylily2000 Is it normal to get depressed after 6 months working in telemarketing?

I got this job while I was still finishing my master’s degree in marketing. It was my first job and my goal was to get work experience and save some money until I got my degree and started looking for an internship in my field.
I resigned my contract after 6 months and I have to give 30 days notice, now it’s 4 days left. I never liked this job but I could handle it pretty well in the last 5 months but now after the 6 months mark, I’m suffering a lot. Going to work is a sacrifice and I’m feeling very depressed. I’m struggling to have energy to do basic stuff like taking shower and getting up from bed. I just count the hours to finally leave the job forever. I’m feeling awful, I’m feeling so unmotivated of life in general and I don’t have patience to deal with those rude customers anymore.
Everything that used to make me happy is meaningless now. I just feel a constant sadness everyday. I think the fact that all my work friends left the job already contributes to it, I was the only one from my training who stayed so everyone I was close with at work left because they hated the job. I’m just so tired of cold calling people to sell energy contracts and get insulted, yelled at or humiliated by the clients. I have to go work in a few hours and I just feel so sad… I know that going to work is never great but this feeling is very prominent these last days.
Does anyone feel like this?
submitted by heavenlylily2000 to callcentres [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:37 Chao5Child87 Wands, Rods and Staffs as Black Powder weapons?

So I'm trying to noodle my way through turning wands, rods, and staffs into my worlds equivalent of black powder weapons. So wands = pistols, rods = blunderbuss, and staff = muskets is how I'm thinking, but there is something I'm struggling to figure out the next bit; reloading.
My current idea is to have gems/medallions/amulets that stores an amount of magic, and that when the weapon is "spent" you transfer the stored energy from it to the weapon, but I'm not sure this is the best idea.
So I'm hoping I could get some outside eyes on the idea and see if someone has any other ideas that are interesting or add a different angle to my idea.
Would love to get some feedback on what you might do with this element of worldbuilding.
submitted by Chao5Child87 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]


Soo again an International student, and messed up on the time difference, I had an apointment at 6-6:30 and in my head it was at 6:30.
Unfotunately this is because of a glitch in the internet in the country (PK). Whall Shall i do nowwww
This would be a second session, and I am still trying to understand what to do
Please give me some advice, I emailed her saying that I am unable to access it after which i realized it was becasue of the stupid internet glitch which had saved the appointment 30 mins late.
Shall I reply to that email saying its because of a glitch in the internet or whatttt
submitted by No_Apricot3176 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

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2024.11.26 13:37 itsmagic__ So empty…

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2024.11.26 13:37 Hardworkinggoat45343 MEGA AMPHAROS. 2 LOCALS. 940013474816

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2024.11.26 13:37 AspiringOccultist4 The Dream, Oil on Canvas, Salvador Dali, 1930.

The Dream, Oil on Canvas, Salvador Dali, 1930. submitted by AspiringOccultist4 to TraditionalArt [link] [comments]