2024.11.26 13:30 Dyno-miiiteslapya What did the IRS agent say to you today?
submitted by Dyno-miiiteslapya to taxrefundhelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 AutoModerator Remember to Do:
Things to Do:
- Get New Mer and Spring Halo (For Yourself)
- Do Missing HW (most are half done so at least try)
- Trading for Robux (50k ATM)
- Get Commissioned (get 3 slots for non-sketches, try no chibis)
- Take All Sketch Commissions
- Experiment with New Stuff (Poses, Male and Female Body, Hands and MAYBE Feet)
submitted by AutoModerator to someonesthoughts_ye [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Any-Government-3077 Belushi's Farm Gelato #41 28% THC 2.16% Total Terps
submitted by Any-Government-3077 to PaMedicalFlower [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Trick-Treat9689 What’s the biggest goal you want to achieve this year?
submitted by Trick-Treat9689 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 BeautifulAd6345 Pregnancy announcement on Thanksgiving
My wife and I were going to announce our pregnancy on Thanksgiving. However, my sister told me she is going to do her gender reveal on Thanksgiving. I don't believe she has any idea we are pregnant. Is it rude to still do our pregnancy announcement the same day? A little backstory this will be our third child. It will be her second after having a difficult time getting pregnant. She also is the type who likes the spotlight and doesn't share it well.
submitted by BeautifulAd6345 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Life_Game_Project Lifegame Buch #leben #lebensrat #lebensratgeber #ratgeber #sachbuch #gam...
submitted by Life_Game_Project to Life_Game_Project [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Zestyclose5527 Albedo & Sucrose (@expuella)
Source Original post was deleted submitted by Zestyclose5527 to Genshin_Romance [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 lokishadowcat1982 Just fine ☠️
submitted by lokishadowcat1982 to MyOOwnDarkness [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 maysch Does 'Glicked' Meet The Hype? 'Gladiator II' And 'Wicked' Reviews
submitted by maysch to LightsCameraPodcast [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 MarcelJesse The more I look into the statements, the weirder this whole thing gets. This guy shoveled around the Montego to get by. When you look at the photos there doesn't seem to be any extra room, and did he also shovel under the car?
submitted by MarcelJesse to yubacountyfive1978 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 CommunicationFit1640 NAR Rule litigation update..
submitted by CommunicationFit1640 to classactions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Busy_Builders_ [Recruiting] Indian Prestige | #PQJUJCPL | TH13/TH14/TH15/TH16 | Clan Level 25 | War Farming/ Farming Wars | 💎 FWA | 🥷 BLITZKRIEG FAMILY
📢 Looking for 💎FWA💎 Clan? Join Indian Prestige!
About Us:
2024.11.26 13:30 EntrepreneurLife9883 Bitcoin auf Konsolidierungskurs
Keine Panik BTC-Anhänger. Es war klar, dass BTC einen Rücksetzer in der Nähe von 100k wird gaben. Die Frage ist nur, ob es bei diesem kleinen ~10% oder 30-40% hinuntergeht. Was denkst du?
submitted by EntrepreneurLife9883 to Kryptogeld [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 First-Reindeer-3736 Warning don’t change your about me if you have life changes!
I did and they banned me. I heard from other people they did the same to them. I loved Prolific and honestly it was the only way my family was getting by but they don’t care about participants.
submitted by First-Reindeer-3736 to ProlificAc [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Voiceovermandy There go my New Jersey gigs 🚨🇮🇹🤣 | Gianmarco Soresi | Stand Up Comedy #italian
submitted by Voiceovermandy to forbrody [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 STIRI_APIX O companie româno-chineză a achiziționat acțiuni la Antibiotice
Tranzacția s-a ridicat la 2,65 milioane de lei. Romcarbon are ca acționari cetățeni români și chinezi, societatea fiind specializată în fabricarea plăcilor, foliilor, tuburilor și profilelor din material plastic. submitted by STIRI_APIX to iasi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Lopexico Ein Plädoyer für moderne Eigentumswohnungen
Wenn ich mir die gängigen Probleme der hier anwesenden User anschaue, erinnere ich mich voller Kummer an meine Zeit als Mieter mangelhafter Wohnungen.
Seit nunmehr 2 Jahren wohne ich in einem KfW 55 Neubau auf Luxusniveau mit besonders schallisolierendem Mauerwerk. Obwohl über und unter mir Eigentümer wohnen höre ich, egal zu welcher Uhrzeit, nichts, absolut nichts.
Beide Nachbarn haben junge Kinder, die nach eigener Aussage oft wild herumtoben. Es ist mir egal, ich höre sie nicht. Kein Geschrei, kein Getrampel, einfach nur Stille.
Ich kann auf hoher Lautstärke mein Musikinstrument spielen, bis spät in die Nacht. Niemand beschwert sich, weil niemand etwas hört; es ist einfach zu geil.
Dann: die Wohnung hat ein Lüftungskonzept. Ich muss nicht selbst lüften. Ich kann die Wohnung über Wochen mit geschlossenen Fenstern verlassen und es riecht trotzdem frisch wenn ich wiederkomme. Es gibt nicht wie in meinen früheren Wohnungen Schimmel, weil ich nicht alle 30 Minuten das Fenster im tiefsten Winter stoßgelüftet habe. Kein Schimmel, kein dauerndes Lüften, keine dummen Vermieter, die dir die Schuld für die miese Bausubstanz geben wollen.
Ich fahre von meiner Tiefgarage ebenerdig mit dem Aufzug quasi direkt in meinen Hausflur.
Wenn die abgefuckten Zeugen Jehovas bei mir klingeln, erteile ich für das gesamte Haus Hausverbot, die wäre als Mieter nie gegangen. Die Penner kamen seitdem nie wieder. Wenn jemand meine Einfahrten versperrt, lasse ich ihn anschleppen und bezahle dafür keinen Cent, die Abschleppunternehmen bieten das für Eigentümer inzwischen als Dienstleistung an.
Das alles ist Lebensqualität, die man eigentlich mit Geld nicht bezahlen kann.
Wenn ihr die Chance habt: verlasst diese dreckigen Altbaubaracken, verlasst eure nervenden, schreienden und stöhnendem Nachbarn.
Lebensqualität ist nicht bezahlbar!
submitted by Lopexico to wohnen [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 lojlny Half sword page
submitted by lojlny to HalfSword [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 LizzeB86 Ellie Goulding
submitted by LizzeB86 to AFemaleGaze [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Lady_Ada_Blackhorn What's your favourite case title? What do you like about it?
Did I make this topic partly to gush about "Turnabout Trump"? Maybe. //4-1 Obviously this title ties into the excellent poker theme of the case. But I like to think there's a few other interpretations as well. Maybe it's talking about Phoenix's midway takeover of Apollo's case, literally "turnabout trumping" him. But my favourite option is that it's referring to the heel turn (arguable how much of a turn it is but it looks that way in 4-1) of Phoenix Wright, who is pretty much the trump card of the legal world up to this point. I know that's not usually how the series uses "turnabout" but I think it's fun! Plus the one-syllable second word just makes it real fun to say 😄
Shoutouts also to: - "Turnabout for Tomorrow", which has //5-5 the one-day time limit to save Simon, and also the futuristic spacey themes of the case - "Turnabout Time Traveller", which I think is so much cooler than the actual case (6-DLC) that I almost wonder whether they thought of the title first and then built a case to justify it 😆 - "Turnabout Legacy", which is literally about //I2-3 Miles' inherited legacy of turnabout thinking from his father, and also causing a turnabout in the case through clever use of what happened years before, and is also one of only like two cases across the entire franchise whose second word is three syllables with the same emphasis as "turnabout" (points to you if you can find the other one! Or any I forgot!)
submitted by Lady_Ada_Blackhorn to AceAttorney [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 ihaveninjastoblame Any Issues with Upper West Side Neighborhood? for school project!
Hello! For a school project my government teacher is making us make an essay about problems in our own neighborhoods and any ways/solutions to fix them. I live in the UWS however I never really know what problems there are. If anyone could tell me any problems that are occurring in the upper west side or even just general issues you have with the neighborhood that need to be fixed, please feel free to drop a comment!! Im thinking about homelessness but Id like to know any other problems that people have an issue with or problems that affects others.
submitted by ihaveninjastoblame to Upperwestside [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Killaninja12 x670e Steel Legend Step Up/Step Down
Does this motherboard just not have the step up/step down feature for fans? Tried looking all over for it but I can't find it. Also I've seen it mentioned on a few posts, but I'm already familiar with some of the 3rd party programs for modifying fan curves, I'd just really prefer to do it in the BIOS if possible.
submitted by Killaninja12 to ASRock [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Smilefriend La Danimarca ha annunciato il piano per rendere permanente il programma pilota sulla cannabis terapeutica [Traduzione Google]
submitted by Smilefriend to oknotizie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 LVLUP4Life88 “My 1990’s - 2000’s comic book childhood collection”
Testing the waters checking to see if there’s any comic book, gurus and comic book, fanatics and comic book collectors help me help you create a historic find. I’m a gentleman that lives in Anchorage, Alaska and my goal is to and content preservation of historic vines of my childhood collection from comic books to baseball cards, basketball cards football cards to the infamous cards from my elementary school, mentor and magician teacher, Mr. Brooks back in California Elk Grove elementary school. From the Philippines migrated to America in 1986 and became a childhood prodigy phenomenon of the 90s collected everything and saved everything from Nintendo to my first encyclopedia to the first to the Reebok pumps, etc. etc. my journey welcome to Jean Paul “JP” Baquiran’s Historic preservation and cataloging. Let’s go.!! submitted by LVLUP4Life88 to comicbooks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 GrundusMcFlurgus Help please! 2nd time this happens to me :/
Growing outdoors, I had this seedling outside getting indirect and light for the first 3 days (since planting. It germinated for a few days before that), and then started giving it afternoon sunlight for 1 hour on day 4, 2 hours on day 5, and added an hour of morning sunlight on day 6. But it started getting leggy quickly, and even though it was covered by a dome last night (cause it can get windy) I found it this morning like this, fell over, and has a very weak/thin part of the stem.
Should I have giving it more direct light from day 1? Is there a way to still rescue this one or is it done?
I can’t seem to find good sources for this seedling stage when growing outdoors. Lots of sources start them indoors (kind of as I did for the first 3 days). But if the sun is too strong during the day, and I don’t have grow lights, what’s my best course of action for my next seedlings?
Thanks for your replies, I’m enjoying learning here!
submitted by GrundusMcFlurgus to outdoorgrowing [link] [comments]