Do you think Cindy could last for longer on the show or could she leave alive or dead on 40th anniversary or in the future like they did to Den Watts who came back from the dead in 2003 and got killed in 2005 on 20th anniversary.

2024.11.26 14:40 JazzlikeTea7432 Do you think Cindy could last for longer on the show or could she leave alive or dead on 40th anniversary or in the future like they did to Den Watts who came back from the dead in 2003 and got killed in 2005 on 20th anniversary.

Well any suggestions about this and also remember when Mel Owen came back in January 2018 and she got killed by the lorry in September 2019. Could this happened to Cindy that way or they did this kind of mystery way of Cindy exit in a different way. What is your theories about her future in the square.
submitted by JazzlikeTea7432 to eastenders [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Thinktank19842002 Search boosters

In Shopify, there is an app called search and discovery. It allows you to put search boosters. Is that any good? Has anyone used it?
submitted by Thinktank19842002 to SEO_Digital_Marketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 knorxo Who are the most reputable partners for staking in your opinion?

So I want to stake my eth holdings but I'm short of the 32 required for solo staking. I know I can use many platforms but people also often warn about using third party platforms as your holdings are technically not yours anymore. I know decentralized staking pools exist but I'm lacking the overview. So can some of you share your knowledge or experience?
submitted by knorxo to ethereum [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 VintageAviationNews CAF Airbase Georgia Continues Making Progress on P-47N Thunderbolt Restoration.

submitted by VintageAviationNews to VintageAviationNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 nigpeter What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by nigpeter to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 theMarlonski Rental contract - extended maintenance

Hey all,
Quick question about a rental contract about to be signed by me. The property is managed by a large well known company for a property investment company who owns the place. In Paragraph 11 the maintenance obligations of the apartment are extended to include a lot of the interior, it states that "electrical switches and gas taps need to be maintained. Also the toilets bowls, cisterns, washbasins, shower, fridge, stove, washing machine and similar must be maintained."
It seemed a lot to me so I asked for clarification of responsibility if something breaks of the mentioned things. The answer was: "You are required to maintain them. If they break due to improper maintenance, we carry the cost of repair. If it breaks due to normal use and/or age, we do not have to carry costs or repair."
How common is this extension in the rental contract and what do you think?
submitted by theMarlonski to copenhagen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 omergelirtarihh Birinci Kanal Seferi'nde ingiliz kuvvetlerine esir düşen Türk askerleri ve bir askerin o bakışı 1915 Mısır..

submitted by omergelirtarihh to tarih [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 -ak48-1 Tomatoesss🍅

Tomatoesss🍅 submitted by -ak48-1 to BancaDelMeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Delahorney Combined Powers Premium Collection - DoubleSleeved - £24.99
Packs are S&V base, Obsidian Flames, and Paradox Rift
submitted by Delahorney to PokemonDealsUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Levi-san Kinda funny I originally named my saurian companion Coconut in 5.0 and here we are tending to the needs of King Coconut in 5.2 haha (small world quest)

Kinda funny I originally named my saurian companion Coconut in 5.0 and here we are tending to the needs of King Coconut in 5.2 haha (small world quest) submitted by Levi-san to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Reasonable_Ad4172 What’s the most counterintuitive thing you learned while programming?

When I started programming, I couldn’t wrap my head around recursion—it felt like magic that somehow works. Now it’s one of my favorite tools! What’s something you initially struggled with but later found incredibly useful or even fun? Share your stories, so beginners (like me) know we’re not alone!
submitted by Reasonable_Ad4172 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 FairFreedom3260 I (26 M) want to quit porn, but I keep going back. Help?

Hey everyone,
I've been trying to quit watching porn, but the struggle is real. I'll have days where I feel strong and convinced I've got the upper hand, and then something triggers me, and I'm back at square one. It's frustrating because I know it's not good for me, but it feels like a cycle I can't break. I've read about different methods to stop, but none seem to stick. It's like a part of me is addicted to the chase, not even the content itself. If anyone has gone through this and come out the other side, I'd really appreciate some insight.
submitted by FairFreedom3260 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Few-Regret4579 ISO: Need a laptop for work under $400, 8GB RAM, 200GB storage minimum

Hey everyone,
I'm in the market for a new work laptop and could use some recommendations. Here's what I'm looking for:

I’ll be using the laptop for general work tasks (email, spreadsheets, research, video calls, etc.), so nothing too demanding. Battery life and build quality would be nice bonuses.
Would really appreciate any suggestions or advice! Thanks in advance!
submitted by Few-Regret4579 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Far_Raspberry7427 Vidéo stop-motion supprimée de Natoo

Bonjour, je suis à la recherche d'une musique introuvable car je ne connais ni le nom de l'artiste, ni le titre, ni les paroles.
Cette musique a été utilisée par Natoo dans une de ses anciennes vidéos aujourd'hui supprimée, et on la voit se préparer dans sa salle de bain, appliquer de fard à paupière rose, se coiffer et faires des formes en zigzag avec ses barrettes dans les cheveux. C'était à l'époque où sa chaîne Youtube s'appelait encore "Les chroniques d'une fille ludique" et la vidéo date de +10 ans.
Si mes souvenirs sont bons, on y entend des paroles en français du style "elle sait pas que [...]" ou alors mes oreilles d'enfant les avaient interprétées à leur façon. C'est une musique dans la même style que "Acceptable in the 80s" de Calvin Harris.
Ca fait des lustres que je cherche cette musique, pitié aidez moi
submitted by Far_Raspberry7427 to SurLeBoutDeLaLangue [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 cumiswhite9 i love my psp

i love my psp submitted by cumiswhite9 to PSP [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 arviliscool Drew the chromakopia album

Drew the chromakopia album Bonus: Colored by me (hand picked colors!)
submitted by arviliscool to tylerthecreator [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 drogonius Forever | @NierKrim

Forever | @NierKrim submitted by drogonius to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 B797 30€/30$ Store Credit Quest 3/3S Device Referral, 15% on Batman, Virtual Desktop, Eleven Table Tennis, I Am Cat & I Expect You To Die 2

30€/30$ Store Credit Device Referral Link
15% Game Referral Links
Add me @Syrential and I'll add you back ASAP so you can redeem the following links:
Virtual Desktop
Eleven Table Tennis
I Am Cat
I Expect You To Die 2
submitted by B797 to MetaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Own_Power_3142 Mermaid Piper

Mermaid Piper submitted by Own_Power_3142 to piperrockelle16 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Ok_Pomegranate9798 Car for sale Buick Lacrosse $4500 obo

Calll 9179419038 any questions serious inquiries only I’m uptown
submitted by Ok_Pomegranate9798 to PhillyWiki [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Salt-Lingonberry-966 Gay Queens

I watched Derek Jarman’s Jubilee recently. It’s very much a queer film and it’s very much a film obsessed with royalty and the absolute power that a Royal can wield.
Anyway it got me thinking about this connection to between the Queer and the Royal. Of course there are “Drag Queens”. The glamour and high dress of royals can be easily made camp. There’s “Prince”. Theres the Smiths record Queen is Dead. There’s Lorde’s song Royals and Sophia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette both of which have been cultural references held in vogue by queer communities of late.
Any good books or essays on this connection? I have read hardly any gender or queer theory, apologies if the connection is obvious.
submitted by Salt-Lingonberry-966 to CriticalTheory [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 slowfashconnoisseur Ultimate Dad Sling: Briefing Master Pod MW Gen II

Ultimate Dad Sling: Briefing Master Pod MW Gen II submitted by slowfashconnoisseur to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Future-Plan-485 Am I screwed?

I applied through a Best Egg Loan years ago and I was looking at the details today and it said only U.S. Citizen's or Legal permanent residents can apply. Am I screwed when I apply for my green card?
submitted by Future-Plan-485 to DACA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Spare_Juggernaut_307 Help i ran out of ports on my mob

so i buildt my pc a year ago when i did build it i ran out of ports to plug the top of my case into and now i need em and idk how to plug em in and was wondering if there was a way to. like an extension board or something
submitted by Spare_Juggernaut_307 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 SweetComplex6599 Ancestry percentages map vs my distances heatmap as a Syrian

Ancestry percentages map vs my distances heatmap as a Syrian Found the similarities interesting in my case
submitted by SweetComplex6599 to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]