BBQ + Java Rice

2 如果是转行入java,或者培训班毕业后入java,或者是刚毕业缺乏项目经历,可以考虑外包,或者是遇到换城市发展等急切需要入职的情况,也可以考虑外包,但外包的工作别干久,最长别过2年。 而java设计者则不同,他们的关注点在于java应用系统本身,更好的降低耦合,保持OOP是其始终坚持的。同时也应该不难发现,社区对java应用架构师提出的各类尖锐问题反馈总是较为及时,而对java应用开发者则相对冷淡些。 欢迎加入【跟着小郑学java】社区,大家可以在社区中提出自己的问题,我会给与解答~ 同学们可以将自己创作的博客同步到社区,获取更多的推广流量,每周TOP 3 附送一份 自选付费资源 ! IntelliJ IDEA是JetBrains公司开发的一款卓越的Java集成开发环境(IDE)之一,它有两个版本可供选择,分别是免费的社区版和付费的专业版。 了解这两个版本之间的区别可以帮助开发人员和企业做出明智的决策。本文旨在对社区版和专业版进行全面比较。 1、核心功能 读者对象 有Java基础,想进一步学习SSH框架整合开发的人员 了解SSH整合开发,想进一步提高开发技术的人员 正在使用SSH整合技术开发项目,想查阅资料的人员 大中专院校的学生和老师,以及Java培训班的学员和讲师 需要一本案头必备查询手册的程序员 光盘内容 6 ... 我第一次刷到他是19年,那时候他的个人简介是 "97年,Java架构师,精通Java,以及各种Java中间件,有实际开发并且落地超5个中大型项目" 然后我就关注他了,但是我关注他了很长一段时间,他视频也会说一些技术,但是这些技术都好老好老了,都是说一些中间件的技术,而且中间件就是说一些网上很 ... java是编程语言,当年创建的目的为了消除c++指针的复杂性,使用jvm虚拟机来自动管理内存, 可以运行在jvm上,jvm官方的有oracle的jvm,另外有GraalVM(新的编译虚拟技术,可运行js、Python,响应时间短),OpenJDK(开源,代码可以改),Zing(收费,使用的内存最少,每个java可分配8TB的堆内存),阿里Dragonwell(OpenJDK改 ... Shiro、SpringSecurity、Sa-Token都属于Java的权限框架。 Apache Shiro是Java的一个安全框架。目前,使用Apache Shiro的人越来越多,因为它相当简单,对比Spring Security,可能没有Spring Security做的功能强大,但应对中小型项目完全足 Java虚拟机的类加载器会在你指定的路径中,查找你的程序所依赖的类文件(依赖的类文件 在import语句中指定) 3, 可能出错情况三 :存在依赖外部jar包时,命令行运行java命令,classpath参数中只是添加了外部jar包路径,没有添加当前目录“.”,导致要运行的类 ... 四、蓝桥杯历届真题解析(Java 大学 A 组) 五、蓝桥杯历届真题解析(Java 大学 B 组) 六、蓝桥杯历届真题解析(Java 大学 C 组) 每门课程都包含 100 个左右的真题讲解视频,并由蓝桥杯官方出品: 专业度:★★★★★. 视频质量:★★★★★. 老师讲解:★★★ ...

2024.11.26 15:19 Visible-Awareness167 BBQ + Java Rice

Alam na pag tinamad magluto ng hapunan - bumili na lang ng BBQ sa kanto tapos extra effort na lang sa kanin. 🍚
submitted by Visible-Awareness167 to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Savings_Leather_7304 Opened my first packs

Opened my first packs Hello, i’m from portugal, i fell into the pokémon rabbit hole and decided to start buying cards just for the sake of collecting/trading/selling them, i bought 2 surging sparks packs and 2 lost origin packs, are any of those any good?
submitted by Savings_Leather_7304 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 alliemayne20 goodmorning! <3

submitted by alliemayne20 to TrapCuties [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Quick_Daikon6988 Skiing in Norway

So im going skiing i norway this january with a group of my friends and im considering buying an arcteryx midlayer for this trip. It gets pretty cold, sometimes below -10C on the mountain and i am planning on wearing my Beta AR as the outer layer but i need something to keep me warm as well. I have been looking at both the atom and the proton aswell as different fleeces but im not sure whats best. I would like it to be something i can wear in my everyday life as well without overheating (im from Denmark so also pretty cold). Do you have any suggestions?
submitted by Quick_Daikon6988 to arcteryx [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Zerousan H: Arms Keeper's Mod ------ W: 3xQuad Mod

Just like the title, I have 1xArms Keeper Mod for your 3x Quad mod
submitted by Zerousan to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 DankbiznatchVD Guidance needed

Guidance needed I had an axis myzone credit card which I got in March this year. The limit was only 20k at that time. I was using around 50% of the credit limit. It was not enough for me and I wanted to keep the usage to less than 30%. So the axis bank app suggested me to get axis ioc cc as I use cc for fuel. I got axis ioc 2 months back and I didn't know that the limit would be aggregated. Now my aggregated limit from both cards is 30k. Reason I didn't apply for a cc with a different bank is I seriously didn't know we can get a cc from different bank even if we don't have a savings account.
Should I continue with these cards or should I handover any one of them after a while?
Should I apply for any new card hoping for a higher limit or just wait out for a couple of years? Both the cards are not ltf and have an annual fee of 500 + gst.
P.S I have a salaried account with Axis and salary is around 50k.
submitted by DankbiznatchVD to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 AR_MR_XR This Lollipop brings a new flavor to virtual and augmented reality — Lickable devices could make for flavorful extended reality environments

This Lollipop brings a new flavor to virtual and augmented reality — Lickable devices could make for flavorful extended reality environments submitted by AR_MR_XR to augmentedreality [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 YoungCz Even Kendrick knew what was up LOL

Yep…I think he watches from as well 😂
submitted by YoungCz to FromTVEpix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Denders-NL [PC Version FC 25] Remove virtual controller anti cheat.

Can someone explain why ow why EA sees a virtual controller as a cheat?
I run Ds4windows on my computer so that I can use my PS5 controller as a Xbox controller on my desktop, this is needed so I can use my controller as a mouse in windows. Why ow why is this not allowed?
I bought FC25 on PC but immediately refunded it on Steam. Is it ever going to be allowed again? I am not changing my whole system because this non-cheat is seen as one.
submitted by Denders-NL to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 a_world_alone_ My boyfriend is almost never romantic and I'm getting tired

So I've been with him for almost 7 months now he's 20 and I'm 21 and we have a very spiritual connection, he's also my best friend and honestly what we have feels like a once in a lifetime thing to me and I'm completely obsessed with him not only physically cause he's handsome as hell but also mentally I love everything about him, I love the person he is even his issues are beautiful to me and I always try to let him know how much i love him and how obsessed i am with him, I dedicate him love songs all the time, I post him on my stories often, i try to give him constant attention, I compliment him all the time, I've even gone late to work and lost money once just so I could listen to him vent about his trauma and he's just almost never romantic, barely tells me he loves me, he's never ever ever sexual, he doesn't make me feel desired, and it's really getting to me cause when he was romantic in the past it was absolutely everything to me sometimes i remember the times when he was sexual and romantic with me and my heart lights up with joy, sometimes what we have feels more like just a friendship and it's really frustrating because I really want his affection and romance and i just don't know what to do because I really don't want to be in a relationship with someone who is not all over me being romantic and flirty and freaky and he just has such a hard time doing all that because he has some trauma and mental health issues and we have talked about this before and he says he's gonna work on it and ive been trying to give him time to see if something good happens and I can tell that he loves me and that he's trying to work on this but idk being in a relationship with someone who has to work on being romantic to me and is never sexual which is very important to me is just not what I prefer so I'm really debating what I should do about this cause I'm dying of the lack of affection and idk i can take it any more longer
submitted by a_world_alone_ to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Raven_434 2024 (Only!) Countdown Movie Ratings?

I can't sit through all 47 new movies, as much as I might want to.
Are we keeping a running score of "Don't Miss Movies" for only the 2024 crop?
submitted by Raven_434 to HallmarkMovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 VanillaImpossible_17 looking for long term friendship, idk if I’ll succeed, too much perverts

hello, looking for some friends.
Scandinavians, Latino, doesn’t matter, just wanna chat and have a good time together.
submitted by VanillaImpossible_17 to lookingforfriendship [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 wicked_pinko Braucht Werder im Winter noch offensive Verstärkung?

Noch vier Spiele, dann beginnt die Winterpause und damit am 1. Januar auch die Winter-Transferperiode. Werder steht grundsätzlich sehr ordentlich da, nur zwei Punkte trennen uns von den europäischen Rängen. Das größte, oder zumindest am meisten besprochene, Manko dieser Saison ist bisher ja die fehlende offensive Gefahr. Immer wieder habe ich dazu nun aus dem Werder-Umfeld, aber auch von externen Analysten gehört, es fehle ein "Unterschiedsspieler", der nochmal das letzte bisschen Kreativität und Torgefahr mitbringt. Unklar scheint mir, ob ein solcher Spieler ein ZM/OM sein sollte, oder ein torgefährlicher Stürmer.
Ich wollte nun mal abfragen wie hier so die Stimmung ist: Hieltet ihr es für eine gute Idee, finanziell wie sportlich, wenn Werder im Winter einen solchen "Unterschiedsspieler" verpflichten würde? Wenn ja, auf welcher Position sollte man sich genau verstärken? Stürmer sind sicher die klassische Lösung bei mangelnder Offensivgefahr, gleichzeitig gibt es im Sturm natürlich jetzt schon mehr Optionen als im Mittelfeld. Was haltet ihr für eine zu verantwortende Summe, die man für so einen Spieler ausgeben könnte - vielleicht auch nur als Leihgebühr? Oder seid ihr eigentlich ganz zufrieden mit dem jetzigen Kurs und würdet gerne sehen was das Team in dieser Konstellation so hinkriegt?
submitted by wicked_pinko to svw [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 DoofyWolfy Centurion and Squire during the Black Crusades and Plague War: "We are getting too old for this..."

Centurion and Squire during the Black Crusades and Plague War: submitted by DoofyWolfy to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Wooden_Site_1645 Missing Ansbach/Leda summons

I was attempting to complete Ansbach's storyline, but also wanted to complete Hornsent's. I followed the fextralife wiki and the IGN guide, and seem to have done everything right. But, the summon signs by the burning boats aren't there.
I delivered to letter to Freyja etc, and the Secret Rite Scroll, and the mutual messages. Ansbach and Freyja left. I summoned Hornsent for Messmer, as per: >if you help Leda or skip the fight against Hornsent but summon him for Messmer, Leda will start to target Ansbach. When this happens, you'll want to visit the Storehouse, First Floor. Here you'll find two summoning stones, one red for Leda, and one gold for Ansbach.
I spoke to Leda, who is targeting Ansbach. But there is no summon sign! Are the wiki and guide wrong? Do you actually have to kill Hornsent in the invasion to complete Ansbach? Or is there a way of skipping it without killing Messmer? Thanks.
submitted by Wooden_Site_1645 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 LostieDMBSurvivorGal Volunteer/ Sign Ups ALWAYS taken

Please, advise me what to do here. I am so frustrated! I became a member of the PTO so I would be notified of volunteer opportunities. I want my son to see me involved. I own a small business, I have my 5 year old son and a 7 month old baby. I try to be present with my children in the evenings and NOT on my phone. Every.Single. Time. a volunteer opportunity has come up they have sent the email 6 pm or later. So by the time I see it in the AM, all the slots for my sons class are filled. Most times, with the same people! It is so frustrating!! Should I contact the home room mom? Head of PTO? Or how do I set an alert on Gmail so that I get an alert from PTO when it comes over??
submitted by LostieDMBSurvivorGal to kindergarten [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 GoddessPattis Me after taking every single dollar out of your pocket

Me after taking every single dollar out of your pocket submitted by GoddessPattis to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 befree01 Phone stuck on SOS

I was on a trip last week in the states. I used an eSIM during that time. When I returned, my phone refused to switch to my normal Bell sim and is stuck on SOS. I yroubleshooted with customer service and they told me to go in store. I went in store and they couldn’t get a physical sim or eSIM to work. I now have a ticket in with back office but it’s been with them for 4 days now and I’m getting ancy. Anyone have experience with this and how to fix it? The phone is brand new. I took it to Apple and they ran diagnostics with no issues
submitted by befree01 to bell [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Consistent-ComicCon The Question TV Series Fan Cast

The Question TV Series Fan Cast submitted by Consistent-ComicCon to Fancast [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 maggieyw Any good virtual therapy option?

I tried BetterHelp but I feel it’s not as good as I hope it to be. Thinking about trying another.
I have borderline traits and experienced traumatic childhood from a parent and had some PTSD from relationships with narcissists if it matters.
I’m new to the therapy world. BetterHelp is my first one.
Thanks for sharing!
submitted by maggieyw to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 WhaleStep 3 for 3! Third time in Sayulita. Third time getting sick in Sayulita.

I've been traveling constantly for the past ~15 years. I've lived in both remote and busier parts of Thailand for years and eaten every questionable thing you can think of. In all that time I've gotten food poisoning 5 times total.
3 of them are in Sayulita. Last year all 4 of my friends became sick, and this year 3 of the 4 of us are sick.
Somethin' ain't right in Sayulita; the sewage or the hygiene or the water. Sure, people come here and escape unscathed, but the liklihood of getting sick while visiting Sayulita has got to be considerably higher than it is in other vacation destinations. I'd been warned about it before coming for the first time and I get it now. It doesn't seem "blown out of proportion" or exaggerated.
Stay safe y'all
submitted by WhaleStep to sayulita [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Powerful_Twist_6771 What's your best answer to what life is?

submitted by Powerful_Twist_6771 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 Available_Share_7244 Woodbridge /Fords bars

What are the best bars In Woodbridge/Fords where locals hang out ? Will be in the area for the holidays . Used to live in the area and would love to reconnect with some people.
submitted by Available_Share_7244 to centraljersey [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 P3ncilKn1ght Faceoff Moshpit conspiracy!

Is it me, or does Stakeout only appear once every ten matches? It's like the Devs are trying to force you to play their dumpster fire maps everytime, and when you vote for 'Classifed', it's never Stakeout.
I swear, I feel like a man not wearing a condom the amount of times I've backed out of matches!!
submitted by P3ncilKn1ght to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:19 NeosFlatReflection What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by NeosFlatReflection to Pixelary [link] [comments]