d/dx是对X求导吗?那dy/dx是对什么求导? 如果只是说"√4"这个值的话,是2。同样√x²也是x。 所有的正实数开根号结果都是正数,被开根号的数也只能是正数。 我们平常说的"√4=±2"意思是说"2"和"-2"两个数的平方都是4。如果做题的时候碰到结果是"√4",最后的答案肯定是2而不是±2。 怎样电脑打一个数的平方?比如X平方怎么打?在电脑中打字写出x的平方有两种办法:一种是简单的、大家都认可的写法---x^2,即先写出“x”,然后点击“Caps Lock”,按住“Shift”,在按"^",写出“^”,最后 注意,在指数函数的定义表达式中,在a^x前的系数必须是数1,自变量x必须在指数的位置上,且不能是x的其他表达式,否则,就不是指数函数。例如y=3·2^x,指数函数前系数为3,故不是指数函数。 2、指数函数运算法则 . 参考资料:百度百科-指数函数 i,iv ,iii,ii,iiv是什么数字.i,iv ,iii,ii,iiv是罗马数字。对应阿拉伯数字,也就是现在国际通用的数字为:Ⅰ是1,Ⅱ是2,Ⅲ是3,Ⅳ是4,Ⅴ是5,Ⅵ是6,Ⅶ是7,Ⅷ是8,Ⅸ是9,Ⅹ是10。 2018-08-25 c语言编程题:输入3个数,按从大到小的顺序输出 13 2018-05-11 C语言编程题,输入三个整数,按从大到小的顺序输出 37 2011-07-30 求C语言编程,要求输入任意三个数,按从小到大的顺序输出。 如果我们对x求导,那么无论x怎么变,这个恒等式必须一直成立,此时求导后的式子如果存在,也依然是x的恒等式。原因如下: 比如说 x^3-y^3=1 是关于x的恒等式,我们把等式左边和右边均视为x的函数,即. f(x)=x^3-(y(x))^3,\quad g(x)=1. 这两个函数关于x恒等,即 f(x ... 如图:首先,y=e^x就是一个普通的指数函数,经过(0,1)点。 y=e^-x就是将y=e^x的图像关于y轴做轴对称后的图像,因为f(x)=e^x的图像与f(-x)=e^-x关于y轴对称。 百度首页 因非阳极材料x射线所激发出的光电子谱线被称为“鬼峰”。 (2)xps全谱分析与eds异同. eds与xps的相同点:两者均可以用于元素的定性和定量检测。 eds与xps的不同点: 基本原理不同: xps是用x射线打出电子,检测的是电子;eds则是用电子打出x射线,检测的是x射线。 为什么有时sinx/x(x趋向于0)的极限是1,而xsin(1/x),x也是趋向于0,为什么它的极限是0?还有,那个sinx/x…
2024.11.26 15:40 ConcealedCatalyst 3.x Banner release predictions
3.x banner path prediction: - 3.0: erudition & remembrance (+remembrance) - 3.1: harmony & destruction - 3.2: remembrance & nihility - 3.3: remembrance & nihility (+abundance) - 3.4: destruction & hunt - 3.5: nihility & abundance (+nihility) - 3.6: erudition & preservation - 3.7: destruction & abundance
3.x banner character prediction: - 3.0: herta & aglaea (+remembrance) - 3.1: tribbie & mydei - 3.2: castorice & anaxa - 3.3: phainon & cipher (+abundance) - 3.4: stoneheart & emiya <- [fate collab] - 3.5: hysilens & hyacine (+nihility) - 3.6: cyrene & unknown - 3.7: unknown & stoneheart
Theres one more destruction 4 star i think but i don't know where they'll fit
submitted by ConcealedCatalyst to HonkaiHusbandos [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 yourmanzstan 🎵🎶 Music to my ears 🎶🎵
There were days when I thought this would never happen .. 🙌🏾 submitted by yourmanzstan to OPBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 Affectionate_Board32 Look Out 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' Fans, Kandi Burruss Has a New Show
Y'all, I didn't immediately catch Mama Joyce nor Riley. Mama Joyce is looking good. Is Riley graduating college soon because she has dated/aged me? submitted by Affectionate_Board32 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 ziffelkid2 S9E4 "The Blood" - Unaired Version
submitted by ziffelkid2 to seinfeld [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 DJFDragon Double Kunai Vanessa/Deadly Crow's Nest
2024.11.26 15:40 lovelychubbydoll Best day ever confirmed by her face 🥹
submitted by lovelychubbydoll to dogmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 Expensive-Phone-2415 Feeling of blown speakers
So i have WH-1000XM4, new from September, was a replacement for my previous xm4 that I'm pretty sure amazon repair center broke, and when returned I felt like speakers were blown.
So I return n°1, order new one, same feeling.
I just can't unhear it, when there are specific basses that I don't know the name of (rammstein uses it a lot, I sometimes hear it on slipknot also), it's just like the headset is saturating even at very low volume, and sometimes it's more like a wobbly sound that blown off speakers with dead membrane in an old car would make.
Am I just doomed? Do I refund again and say fuck to Sony? Try a 3rd time the same model? But the ANC is nice and sound overall is pretty good so..
Am I the only one who hears this?
submitted by Expensive-Phone-2415 to SonyHeadphones [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 SweetValleyHayabusa Asking the Big Questions
submitted by SweetValleyHayabusa to ThreeBeanSalad [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 Ill_Swimming_5035 H1B/B2 Visa
If I exit US on H1b visa and enter US on B2 or TD visa, will I be able to recapture H1b days spent outside US?
submitted by Ill_Swimming_5035 to immigration [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 Cool_Object410 Need lighting advice
I am a mobile DJ with a DDJ flx4 and I am looking to get into lighting. I have been doing some research and there are so many options that I am confused. I like the Chauvet gigbar 2 and gigbar move but not sure which one to get. If I get the gigbar 2, I will buy additional movers (like a beetopper) but if I buy the move, I feel that I could be restricted to one bar and may end up buying the movers either way.
My party size will be a maximum of 50 people and I don't do weddings.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
submitted by Cool_Object410 to Beatmatch [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 Beautiful-Height3103 Dangerously close to 50 training update
Hey everyone I posted my training and stuff a few months ago and wanted to give an update if anyone cares lol. Been really concentrating on strength endurance and conditioning and really enjoy it. Dropped 13lbs as well. Absolutely no spine compression movements and my back is thanking me! On a cc of test weekly Happy lifting everyone! submitted by Beautiful-Height3103 to fitness30plus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 SimilarSolution4342 bakit sa tingin ko mas better sinigang kapag manok?
submitted by SimilarSolution4342 to filipinofood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 Daddymx87 Arantxa Garza
submitted by Daddymx87 to PeriodistasMexicanas [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 y-asb Advent calendar - Chrismas ttrpg for 2 ?
Hi, I'd like to propose to my wife in our advent calendar a ttrpg evening for 2 on the theme of Christmas / winter. She's not into fantasy, dnd and all that. I think she'd be more attracted to non-combat, narrative, poetic or slightly absurd and humorous storytelling games (Freeform but guided since she's a beginner who needs convincing...) Do you have any titles to suggest? Thank you!
submitted by y-asb to TTRPG [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 Sleepy__Kiwi Social Hostels for Solo Travelers
Hi! I am a 30(F) solo traveler coming to CR end of Jan for 10 days. I am very social and hoping to find recs for hostels that make it easy to meet like-minded people. Looking to get hostel recs for La Fortuna, Monteverde, and Santa Teresa. For Santa Teresa I’m having a hard time choosing between Somos vs. Surf Paradise. Thoughts?
I’d like to avoid hostels that have a primarily work-focused vibe since that may make it more difficult to connect with others. (For example, I heard Selina hostels are more work focused than social)
Grateful for any recs! Thank you :)
submitted by Sleepy__Kiwi to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 Beachbarefoot80 This is me joining the selfie train.... 44
submitted by Beachbarefoot80 to 40something [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 WabiKababi Considering seizing an opportunity to completely move to PC
I will start by admitting I have owned every Playstation since it's release, but I do believe that with the constant price increases to the PS plus, me having to settle for a digital version of the PS5 due to shortages and so on, I believe it might be my time to move solely to a PC.
While I do use my PC for work, none of the programs I use are too heavy and my focus in on a potential PC build that can run games at 2k @ 240Hz. I will be going to the US in a few months and was considering getting a new monitor that can support that, especially now with Black Friday. Generally, I thought of maybe ordering a few items to a relative who lives there, picking it up when I eventually visit and save A LOT of money. (I'd also consider a 4k 240Hz but I believe those might be overpriced, also they all seem to be 32' at a minimum, which is large imo).
The thing is, I have a mid-tier PC right now, and am also thinking this might all be a waste of money. I'm hoping people here who understand better can help me.
My current builld is:
AMD Ryzen 5 5500 12CPUs, ~3.6Hz
AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT
AOC Q27G2SG4 Display (2K, 155Hz)
This build cost me 600-700$ (display not included) and was bought in Europe.
I use 2 displays, with the other being an old 1080p that runs on 60Hz (I need 2 for work). Could be good for my eyesight and as a tool to avoid headaches to demote my current main display to a secondary, and get rid of the old monitor (my brother will be happy).
Anyway, I hope someone here has been in a somewhat similar predicament or just knows enough to help me decide whether or not this idea is worth pursuing. I will mention I have a source of income that is slightly below average, while I'm trying to finish my MD. Gaming is a passion of mine though, so I don't mind spending on it as long as I am not unnecessarily splurging money.
submitted by WabiKababi to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 Livid-Low-4555 ændring af navn
Jeg har ændret mit navn i cpr-registret, og har modtaget bekræftelse på det.
Bliver mit navn så automatisk regisreret alle mulige steder eller skal jeg selv kontakt fx bank, læge, bibliotek eller hvor nu det er relevant og bede dem opdatere deres systemer?
submitted by Livid-Low-4555 to Denmark [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 grdokkan7 Have been in church since 3yrs old but yet
I grew up listening to everything about God. About how powerful he is and how wonderful. As of late my mind has made me fear and feel guilty for my mistakes, for my sins. I feel like I'm a horrible human being and that I let everyone down and that I'm not worthy of God's time and love. It's the enemy talking to me and I'm listening unfortunately. God doesn't want me to live in fear but in love with him and I repented on Sunday but it's been a battle. Pray for me because I haven't eaten well because of this and I have improved but I always feel like even the law is gonna look for me because of my mistakes when in reality nothing has happened.
submitted by grdokkan7 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 friendlyaxolotl19 What do you see in these OCT scans?
submitted by friendlyaxolotl19 to maculardegeneration [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 Babaganoosh__ Would You...
``` "Would You..." If you lost me how would you feel? Would you have a hole in your heart that you would quickly fill? Or would you remember me and any of the many the things we were together and get quick glimpses of them when passing places we had both been?
Would you see the foggy images of our past memories in your dreams?
Would you randomly feel the loss while in the shower and close your eyes to reminisce on those moments at the happiness we once had?
Would you look at the blue sky from beneath the trees like we used to and listen to the leaves sway? Would you allow the hurt to touch your soul briefly in that moment just so you could cry a few more tears so then you could move on with your day? Like I would?
If you lost me would there be anything left in your memories of the happiness we once had or would it all just be hurt for you to forget?
Would it be just misery you would disguise as lessons learned? Or would you lament? Would my memory be anything of worth?
submitted by Babaganoosh__ to Informal_Effect [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 ZikleTo Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days Full Game Gameplay Walkthrough | PC 4K Ultra | N...
submitted by ZikleTo to Smallyoutubechannels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 casualstateofmind Bruno 🤍
Our Sheltie, Bruno :) 1.5 years old and crazy as ever. People usually assume he is a rough Collie because of his size, but he was the biggest of his litter. Loves paper towel rolls, hates guitars. submitted by casualstateofmind to sheltie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:40 Life_Wolverine_6830 Murder is bad, but INCEST? That’s fucked up!
I apologize if this violates any rules
submitted by Life_Wolverine_6830 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:40 Sanchezel420 Jazzmaster Pick Up recommendations!
As the title states, I’m looking to replace the pups in my USA Performer Series Jazzmaster. I’m a versatile player who uses Strats mostly with genres ranging from hardcore to emo and everywhere in between. So I’m looking for some replacements that are good for high gain/tightness. I love playing breakdowns and chugging and I just can’t tighten it up and would love some pups that can handle high OD and chugging but also sound pretty! What y’all be using? :) submitted by Sanchezel420 to offset [link] [comments] |