With my Panthers jersey, I’m finally at 32/32 🥳

2024.11.26 16:37 _botswana With my Panthers jersey, I’m finally at 32/32 🥳

With my Panthers jersey, I’m finally at 32/32 🥳 I’m still counting the Coyotes for now.
submitted by _botswana to hockeyjerseys [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 No-Championship5353 Resistance never stops growing after taking New Reno as Purists

I recently started a purist game after a while of not playing the mod, and after taking New Reno as usual and taking their industry I noticed the resistance never stopped growing even after setting the occupation laws that are supposed to lower resistance the most. I remember when I played it before it usually stopped at around 10% resistance with most laws, but somehow it never stops growing when I try now, so I end up having my entire industry destroyed and the lawless wasteland eventually, and even when I annex it again it continues growing. I have the manpower and equipment so I'm curious if it does that for anyone else.
I didn't make a mistake when chosing the occupation method by taking the national spirit by the way. And the only other submods I'm using are some radio ones and Better Ideologies.
So yeah if anyone got an idea what could be causing that, I'm taking them.
submitted by No-Championship5353 to OWBEnclave [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Best_Star6627 Anyone wants to stroke together to Georgina Rodriguez? You could feed her or we both send pics 05b2f7681a9f66252989b3c70379d6576cb6f36d5323d82907171ac5edee30035f

submitted by Best_Star6627 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 AdDense1672 Looking for impossible! set 11

Looking for impossible! set 11 submitted by AdDense1672 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 CazOnReddit [Schuster] Chicago Bulls Are Now “Open-Minded” to Trading Patrick Williams

The Chicago Bulls sound like they may have buyer’s remorse.
Mere months after signing Patrick Williams to a five-year, $90.0 million contract, the organization’s former No. 4 overall pick has found himself in trade rumors. NBA Insider Jake Fischer recently shared that the Bulls’ front office no longer views the youngster as untouchable. More specifically, Fischer brought up Williams’ name while discussing the Golden State Warriors, who recently lost wing De’Athony Melton for the season.
Source: https://www.bleachernation.com/bulls/2024/11/25/open-mind-patrick-wiliams/
It's honestly a surprised to hear the Bulls ever considered Patrick Williams untouchable post-rookie seasoon given his lack of progression. And at an AAV of 18 million over the next 5 seasons, what serious team would want to take him on?
submitted by CazOnReddit to nba [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 ninjacowpuncher [WTB] Dawson Precision Cover Plate for Staccato DPO System

Hello all, I'm looking for a DPO cover plate from an optic-ready Staccato 2011 C2, part # 401-006
Here's a picture of what it looks like: https://flic.kp/2qwtp2C
Hoping someone has one laying around with no intention of using it.
Looking to get one for ~$50, but I'm open to any offers.
submitted by ninjacowpuncher to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Syseru Looking for and offering giveaway. One RoT Dialga and one SR Palkia.

Looking for and offering giveaway. One RoT Dialga and one SR Palkia. -Must have the one you want registered.
-I can’t fly.
-Comment the one you want, and what your favorite shiny you own is.
-Winners will be picked in twenty-four hours.
submitted by Syseru to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Flimsy_Ambassador_41 Depressionen in der Beziehung: Kann das funktionieren?

Hallo, ich habe eine generelle Frage an alle, die eine Beziehung führen oder geführt haben, in der Depressionen ein Thema waren. Hat das funktioniert oder waren die Hürden durch die Depression zu hoch?
Ich (m, 35) hatte eine 9-monatige Beziehung und vermute stark, dass meine damalige Partnerin (w, 33) in einer chronischen Depression gefangen war. Leider war mir das während der Beziehung nicht ganz klar, da meine Partnerin das nie kommuniziert hat. Dennoch zeigte sie sehr starke Symptome, wie zum Beispiel:

Sie war dadurch auch emotional nicht verfügbar, was mein Bindungsmuster aktiviert hat. Dadurch habe ich es ebenfalls vermieden, Konflikte anzusprechen. Ich fühlte mich damals etwas fremdgesteuert. Da es auch eine Fernbeziehung war, hat es eine Weile gedauert, bis ich Beziehungsthemen angesprochen habe. Dabei wurde mir klar, dass sie emotional einfach nicht in der Lage war, eine Beziehung zu führen. Gleichzeitig war ich selbst in meinen Mustern gefangen und konnte daher keine authentische Beziehung führen.
Letztendlich haben wir uns getrennt, weil es nicht funktioniert hat – obwohl wir uns gegenseitig sehr mochten. Es war keine schöne Trennung, da sie aus Vernunft geschah.
5 Monate später habe ich einen Nervenzusammenbruch erlitten, und seitdem kämpfe ich selbst mit Depressionen. Ich habe ein starkes soziales Netzwerk und bin in Therapie, weshalb ich dennoch positiv in die Zukunft schaue. Mittlerweile habe ich ein besseres Verständnis davon, wie sich Depressionen anfühlen – und es ist echt beschissen. Trotzdem habe ich Lust, irgendwann wieder zu daten.
Habt ihr Beziehungen geführt, in denen ihr selbst depressiv wart oder euer Partneeure Partnerin? Hat das funktioniert? Habt ihr Tipps, wie man eine solche Beziehung am besten führen kann – also wertschätzend und unterstützend? Ich würde mich sehr über eure Erfahrungsberichte freuen. :)
submitted by Flimsy_Ambassador_41 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 MorningLightMount Second Tier Scheme Guru

Anyone know if there is something I am missing about unlocking the second tier for coaching upgrades? There is nothing listed under unlock requirements.
submitted by MorningLightMount to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Sudden-Struggle3812 Selling dua lipa tickets

Selling 2 dua lipa concert tickets for really cheap as i wont be able to attend myself Will sell at lower than bookmyshow price rn
submitted by Sudden-Struggle3812 to mumbaimeetups [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Shino005 Daredevil: Born Again sera bel et bien une suite à la série Netflix

Daredevil: Born Again sera bel et bien une suite à la série Netflix submitted by Shino005 to JournalduGeek [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Lil-Nell Artists, how many of you send out your design before the appointment?

To my knowledge, this is a bit of a divided practice. A lot can go wrong when sending out a design. I, personally, haven't been burned yet doing it, so I send them out- but not the final product. I'll usually have rapport with my client, send them the first draft to make sure we're on the same page and they're happy with the direction its headed, and then the rough, but mostly finished version. To me that just takes the stress off of rescheduling or feeling like I have a time crunch to make any possible major changes before the appointment.
How about everyone else? Yay or nay?
submitted by Lil-Nell to tattooing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 ThatOmegaMale Report: 13 Weeks of NoPorn/No reddit/NoDiscord - The MEF did me in.

submitted by ThatOmegaMale to AutoMEF [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 CareerAcrobatic2518 Earn Real Cash Rewards with Scrambly - Get Instant Withdrawals

submitted by CareerAcrobatic2518 to gaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 chumbbucketman101 has the people CAI responded to what’s currently going on or are they just gonna keep their mouths shut?

submitted by chumbbucketman101 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Consistent-Farm-481 Did Anyone Else Not Buy Wolfquest AE on Steam?

im not able to play the Saga until its released cuz i didnt buy on Steam... just wondering if anyone else is in my situation
submitted by Consistent-Farm-481 to WolfQuestGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Alphaque82 W! “Str8 up”

W! “Str8 up” submitted by Alphaque82 to travisscott [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 RavensShadow117 Duelist rogue started teleporting while dodging?

Duelist rogue started teleporting while dodging? I am probably just being really stupid by my level 32 dualist rogue started teleporting while I was dodging enemies and I'm just curious as to why that's started happening. Was it a skill I unlocked with skill points or just something that happens when you hit a certain level.
I've added a picture of my skill tree just in case it was a skill I picked and just didn't read it and my Rook Zea cause why not.
submitted by RavensShadow117 to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Potential_Job_7297 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Potential_Job_7297 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Wilki_FTW Twins in Manchester :)

Twins in Manchester :) me n my buddy are at Manchester this weekend n we took our Z’s :))
submitted by Wilki_FTW to 350z [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Rough_Homework6913 Looking to buy UV Gel nail polishes

Looking to buy UV Gel nail polishes I’m definitely not talking about the shitty ones at the pharmacies. But is there anywhere in this city a specialty store for something like that? Because I cannot find anything. Google is fucking useless altogether. I punched in “ UV gel polish for sale St. John’s Newfoundland” And the first one gave me a link to a website from the Netherlands that’s not even selling polish, but has polish on there for some reason I don’t know what the fuck is up with that page. Two different links for two different German websites. And then the same old American websites. But I do know that we have Canadian websites to do this. But I’m having trouble finding those as well.
So if anybody could see if they can figure out or if they know of a place that sells UV gel polishes and all that stuff I would be greatly appreciated.
Like I would prefer a store, but even just a good Canadian website. So frustrated.
submitted by Rough_Homework6913 to StJohnsNL [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Character-Paper-2347 My Kunemon Line Full Version

This is the full version of my Kunemon partner and I tried to cover as much as possible with it
submitted by Character-Paper-2347 to DigivolutionTrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 Leading_Ad_7760 Rappers before the age of 34

Kanye : TCD, LR, GRAD, 808s, MBDTF & WTT Travis : DBR, rodeo, BITTSM, astro, HJ, utopia Denzel : imperial, taboo, zuu, unlocked, MMESYF, KOTMS 2
And this mf has TNS, D2 & TFS Like what r u doing bro
submitted by Leading_Ad_7760 to JIDSV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 ImportantEar1045 Waiting on your wallet 😇

Waiting on your wallet 😇 submitted by ImportantEar1045 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:37 reddit_lss_1 Link Post Title 26-November-2024 16:37:07

submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
