Fehler/Unfall auf der Arbeit - Verantwortung?!

2024.11.26 16:50 jvvle Fehler/Unfall auf der Arbeit - Verantwortung?!

Hallo zusammen.
Ich habe so ein schlechtes Gewissen, weil mir heute auf der Arbeit (bzw. meiner Einsatzstelle, ich bin seit 9 Monaten FSJlerin) ein Fehler passiert ist, mit dem ich wirklich nicht gerechnet hätte. Ich bin mir gerade nicht sicher, ob ich der Verantwortung meiner Arbeit wirklich gerecht werden kann.
Ich arbeite in einer Werkstatt für Menschen mit (Schwerst-/Mehrfach-)Behinderung. Kurz vor Feierabend habe ich gemeinsam mit einer Kollegin (Fachkraft) einige Beschäftigte von der Werkstatt in das benachbarte Wohnhaus begleitet. Ich schob eine Beschäftigte in ihrem Rollstuhl den Weg entlang, unterhielt mich mit ihr und achtete nicht zu 100% auf die Gegebenheiten des Bodens. Ich weiß nicht genau, wie es passiert ist, aber plötzlich kippte der Rollstuhl nach vorne und sie fiel auf den Boden. Sie hat sich nicht ernsthaft verletzt, sich aber sehr erschreckt. Ich habe Hilfe dazu geholt und wir haben sie gemeinsam wieder in den Rollstuhl gehoben.
Ich habe danach natürlich mit meinen Arbeitskolleg:innen darüber gesprochen und mir wurde immer wieder eindringlich gesagt, dass es nicht meine Schuld war, ich mir keine Gedanken machen soll und das nichts über meine Fähigkeiten etc aussagt.
Das kommt in meinem Kopf aber irgendwie nicht an. Es hätte so viel schlimmeres passieren können durch den Sturz. Die sitzende Person hat sich in diesem Moment voll und ganz auf mich verlassen und ich hatte die Aufgabe sie sicher zu schieben. Dafür muss man ja wirklich keine Fachkraft sein, sondern konzentriert und verantwortungsbewusst. Dass ich das bin, stelle ich nun voll und ganz in Frage.
In den letzten 9 Monaten konnte ich (ohne vorher jemals Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich gesammelt zu haben) so viel dazu lernen, dass ich mich mittlerweile im Arbeitsalltag ziemlich sicher fühle. Ich zweifle grundsätzlich immer an meinen eigenen Kompetenzen und habe auch in irrelevanteren Situationen das Gefühl, ich bin ein grauenhafter Mensch, weil ich etwas nicht ganz perfekt hinkriege. Aber diese Situation heute hätte wirklich so böse enden können und auch so war es vermutlich ein riesiger Schreck, den ich der Person eingejagt habe.
Ich beginne voraussichtlich im August 2025 die Ausbildung als HEP und habe bis jetzt nicht angezweifelt, dass ich dafür geeignet bin. Jetzt sieht das alles irgendwie anders aus.
Steigere ich mich da hinein? Sollte ich aufhören, mir Gedanken zu machen? Oder macht mich das dann erst Recht zu einem Menschen, der nicht mit Verantwortung umgehen kann?
submitted by jvvle to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 iBloodWorks Yearly insurance cost

Hello everyone,
I want to buy a 86 soon :)
What is your yearly insurance cost for the gr 86?
Espacially all the German Guys..
I looked it Up for me:
About 4,5k per year -_-
Rather young driver here + I want a fully comprehensive insurance
Kinda insane thb
submitted by iBloodWorks to GR86 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 ComandanteMuto120 Help. N-400 Test approved, No oath, I haven't heard from them again. Do you know the timeframes?

Help please, I am losing my peace. I submitted my N-400 application on August 20, but I could only take the oath starting October 29 (as that’s when I reach the required 5 years of residency). I had my interview on October 17, and I passed. However, the officer informed me that I couldn’t take the oath until October 29 due to the time requirement. They mentioned adding a reminder and told me to expect the oath ceremony letter in early November.
As of today, November 26, I haven’t received the letter, and the status of my application still says "Interview Scheduled" on the USCIS website. Does anyone know if there’s anything I can do? Could the officer have forgotten to approve my case? Is there a specific place I can call?
Note: The estimated processing time at the top still says 3 months. Do I need to wait until this time "3 months" to do a follow up? or what can I do?
submitted by ComandanteMuto120 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 PotentialAlly_12 Rank Data4Amazon

For those who’ve partnered with Data4Amazon, how would you honestly rate their services? Did they meet your expectations, or was it a letdown? Let’s get a discussion going!
Link: https://www.data4amazon.com/
submitted by PotentialAlly_12 to RankMyAgency [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 lethal_ketchup mic doesnt work after buying new keyboard

i bought a apex pro mini yesterday and went to download steelseries gg to adjust settings etc.. whilst there i opened sonar and did absolutely nothing but now my mic doesnt work at all but windows says the apps are using my microphone, any fix to this?
submitted by lethal_ketchup to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 CloggedPooper2 My Fiance's First Model

My fiance is wanting to paint a model because she has seen me painting my Drukhari and thinks it would be fun. I showed her all factions in 40k and AoS and she said Tyranids look the coolest. She then chose the Parasite of Mortrex as her first model to paint. Now im trying to help her get a paint scheme, show me your alls' Parasites so she can have ideas!
submitted by CloggedPooper2 to Tyranids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 seikiro_knight Trump won about 2.5M more votes than in 2020, some in unexpected places

Trump won about 2.5M more votes than in 2020, some in unexpected places submitted by seikiro_knight to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Taranath_Tantrik Calling for Suggestions: Help Shape r/Howrah!

Hello everyone! We're always working to make Howrah more inclusive and engaging, and we have exciting news—custom user flairs are now live! Showcase your identity or interests by personalizing your flair.
To get a custom flair, simply modmail the mods with your request, and we’ll set it up for you.
Additionally, we’d love to hear your thoughts on how to make this community better. New features, event ideas, or anything else—drop your suggestions in the comments. Let’s make Howrah the best it can be! 🌉
submitted by Taranath_Tantrik to Howrah [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Designer-Strategy701 yo guys im new player any help?😭 and its arabic language.

submitted by Designer-Strategy701 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 xtub8u 308 Ammo

Sold my AR 10 due to a bunch of QC issues. I now have 60 rounds of hunting ammo and about 40 rounds of Range ammo. Everyone that I know who has guns wasn’t interested/didn’t need. Wondering where the best place to sell it is? Just want to get a little bit of money back not looking to make a ton. Pawnshops were weird about it because the ammo is isn’t in original boxes. Green Bay Area
submitted by xtub8u to WIguns [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 victoriachan365 There's no hate like AP love.

I think I'm gonna start 2 separate coin collections. The penny jar will be for relatives and family friends who tell me how lucky I am to have such loving and self-sacrificing parents. The nickel jar will be for every time my AP love-bomb me. I could still rescue America out of trillions of dollars of debt with just 1 of those jars. AP do not love us. They love-bomb by making "sacrifices" for self-serving purposes. For example, I did not ask them to throw away 10s of thousands of dollars on stupid music lessons. They chose that for me, and I had no say. I also didn't ask for a lavish privileged life. They chose a lifestyle that they could flaunt to their friends. It's sick AF.
submitted by victoriachan365 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 netocrat Продолжат ли отключать свет в Одессе 27 ноября – актуальные графики

Продолжат ли отключать свет в Одессе 27 ноября – актуальные графики submitted by netocrat to OdesaUkraine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 cliff_out Starscream

Starscream submitted by cliff_out to TransformersArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 CaptainJackDaniels7 Ethernet downlink to Sonos from U6-IW with mesh uplink l

I have a TV that I’d like to add a Sonos sound bar to, but every other Sonos device I have is hard wired. Mixing WiFi and Ethernet connected Sonos devices caused issues for me in the past.
Can I put a PoE injector behind the TV, connect a U6-IW to the network via Mesh, then use its switch ports to connect the Sonos via Ethernet?
submitted by CaptainJackDaniels7 to UNIFI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 sillydillydingdong Watch for Geologist (any advice appreciated)

My partner is a field geologist and I'd like to get him a good field watch for christmas. I feel like he probably likes the aesthetic of an analog watch more, but I keep seeing good things about a digital garmin. As someone who has no idea what he needs, I'd appreciate any advice on a good watch to get him. Thanks!
submitted by sillydillydingdong to geology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 JayHayve Its Veilgaurdian Levio-Suhh dude! Dragon Age: The Veilguard (part 10) #gaming #DragonAge

submitted by JayHayve to findayoutube [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Hey_its_ok Say hi

Say hi submitted by Hey_its_ok to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 QueezyCrunch Which Wonderpick do you choose - Top middle gang forever!

Which Wonderpick do you choose - Top middle gang forever! Would have been 10 but I broke my own rule once
submitted by QueezyCrunch to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Chatham37 Another golden shrimp from Waffle

Another golden shrimp from Waffle Shrimpy boy
submitted by Chatham37 to shrimpcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Conscious-Tangelo159 Κάποιος από Θεσσαλονίκη ή Κατερίνη κοντά για συνάντηση

submitted by Conscious-Tangelo159 to greekdicks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Thordire For Black Lover 🖤

For Black Lover 🖤 submitted by Thordire to Ferrari [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 7sdv Is ivpn planning to force phase out old account ID's?

A friend of mine recently told me that old account id type users (ivpn******), no longer get new features like wireguard management, device management and new features released recently. Is this really true? Do you plan to force phase out old account ID's?
submitted by 7sdv to IVPN [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Kingrubygoose New kitten introduction

My new kitten goes after my boy Clover without hesitation and attempts to immediately grab him on the neck, pounces on him, etc. Clover doesn't issue clear boundaries, but my other cat Goose is very expressive about her boundaries so the kitten stays clear of her. Clover is getting stressed about this, so I've taken them back to square 1 of slowly introducing. Does anyone have advice on how to properly introduce a kitten and make sure this doesn't become a bullying situation where he targets 1 cat that doesn't express boundaries?
submitted by Kingrubygoose to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 bellaxxlove I'm trying to look gorgeous

submitted by bellaxxlove to reallygorgeous [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 NerdDexter How important is it to run LVP planks perpendicular to the floor joists?

I'm about to DIY install lvp in my first floor and have read a ton of differing opinions on this topic.
I have a basement, so the subfloor is OSB over joists.
I've seen many people say that it's crucial to run them perpendicular because over time, if ran parallel, too much of the plank is over OSB only with no support from joists which can cause sagging over time.
I've also seen many people say that because it's a floating floor it doesn't really matter the direction you run the planks, and running them parallel to the joists should be totally fine.
I prefer to run them parallel due to how my house is oriented, but I don't want to screw myself or get into a bad situation down the line.
I'm using Shaws Floorte line which is 8mm thick with a 20 MIL wear layer and attached under pad, boards are 7"x48" (if it makes a difference.
What are your experiences?
submitted by NerdDexter to Flooring [link] [comments]
