Il Garante privacy ha commissionato a Foodinho srl, società del gruppo Glovo, una sanzione di €5 milioni per aver venduto al altre società i dati geolocalizzati dei suoi rider, anche fuori dall’orario di lavoro e con l’app chiusa, oltre ad altre violazioni

2024.11.26 16:30 giuliomagnifico Il Garante privacy ha commissionato a Foodinho srl, società del gruppo Glovo, una sanzione di €5 milioni per aver venduto al altre società i dati geolocalizzati dei suoi rider, anche fuori dall’orario di lavoro e con l’app chiusa, oltre ad altre violazioni

Il Garante privacy ha commissionato a Foodinho srl, società del gruppo Glovo, una sanzione di €5 milioni per aver venduto al altre società i dati geolocalizzati dei suoi rider, anche fuori dall’orario di lavoro e con l’app chiusa, oltre ad altre violazioni È un disastro, sta Foodinho praticamente ha commesso ogni violazione possibile dei diritti dei suoi dipendenti:
sono emerse numerose e gravi violazioni del Regolamento (Gdpr), nonostante la società fosse già stata sanzionata dal Garante nel 2021:
la piattaforma utilizzata dalla società, quando disattiva o blocca l’account, invia automaticamente un unico messaggio standard, che però non informa della possibilità di contestare la decisione e chiedere il ripristino dell’account.
la società effettua anche altri trattamenti automatizzati dei dati dei rider, ad es., attraverso il c.d. sistema di eccellenza (punteggio che consente di prenotare con priorità il turno di lavoro) e il sistema di assegnazione degli ordini all’interno del turno. Tutto ciò senza aver adottato le misure previste dal Gdpr per l’utilizzo di sistemi automatizzati, in particolare il diritto dei rider di ottenere l’intervento umano, di esprimere la propria opinione e contestare la decisione assunta attraverso il sistema.
la società effettua anche altri trattamenti automatizzati dei dati dei rider, ad es., attraverso il c.d. sistema di eccellenza (punteggio che consente di prenotare con priorità il turno di lavoro) e il sistema di assegnazione degli ordini all’interno del turno. Tutto ciò senza aver adottato le misure previste dal Gdpr per l’utilizzo di sistemi automatizzati, in particolare il diritto dei rider di ottenere l’intervento umano, di esprimere la propria opinione e contestare la decisione assunta attraverso il sistema.
submitted by giuliomagnifico to italy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 FemboyLoopz Instavault myers, Goalkeeper freddy, and the all seeing nurse.

Instavault myers, Goalkeeper freddy, and the all seeing nurse. submitted by FemboyLoopz to DeadByDaylightKillers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 MyCatIsAFknIdiot What do Americans call this?

What do Americans call this?
In the UK we call it a 3 bone forerib
It is just that I am going to be SVin the Christmas joint and the MIL always buys one of these from the local butcher.
I want to research what to do with it, to prevent ruining what looks like a divine piece of beef TIA
submitted by MyCatIsAFknIdiot to sousvide [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 velt398 Fuwatti or uncle Samsonite?

idk I just want to know tbh
submitted by velt398 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 boldogbob Milyen bogár lehet ez valaki tudja?

Milyen bogár lehet ez valaki tudja? Sziasztok! Ezekkel a cukikkal van tele a konyhám (legalább is csak ott láttam eddig😭) valaki segítsen légyszi
submitted by boldogbob to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Fencer-Darkwind SpreadCheat excelling on Steam next year

SpreadCheat excelling on Steam next year submitted by Fencer-Darkwind to RetroNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 yzhou2004 Magic mouse smart zoom (single finger double taps) does not work as intended in Preview app

I have not been using Mac for years and just bought a M4 mini last week to try it out. One thing is bothering heck out of me is I am not able to make magic mouse smart zoom (single finger double tap zoom in and out) properly in Preview app where I'd like to browse large number of JPEG files one after another in a folder to check if the photos are indeed in focus.
When I first double tap with one figure in Preview app, the picture indeed zooms in (but not sure exactly % which is fine for this purpose). However, when I double tap the second time, instead of zooming out the image zooms in slightly more again (though much smaller % than the first double tap). Then, the following double taps will only toggle between first zoom in and the second zoom in. But it'll never zoom out to the original size.
I know I can use keyboard ctr+9 to go back to original. However, it is a huge pain because I had to constantly move back and forth between mouse and keyboard for each image.
I searched the internet. Some people say zoom never worked well in Preview app and suggested some third party apps. I have tried a few, but none of them work seamless and ctrl + mouse scroll as in windows.
Like to know if I am missing something obvious or if you have better ideas for this case.
Thanks very much.
submitted by yzhou2004 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Mr-Java- Pokemon Trade? Or Card Shop Advice!

Pokemon Trade? Or Card Shop Advice! Hello Pokemon Enthusiast's. I will be in Kyoto from Dec. 7th-11th with a friend and we are looking to deep dive in some JP cards. Here in America we have "trade nights" at Local Card Shops. That you can go and trade with other fellow TCG collectors. I was wondering if this sort of thing took place here as well (I figured it was pretty ubiquitous), and if anyone knew of any particular events during this timeframe.
We have mostly ENG Japanese cards and also some Unique Wrenny Moo Cards (will post pics for reference). If you are looking for specific product, feel free to reach out in DM. We don't mind meeting in a safe public spot to do private trades/transactions as well. This will be my 4th time in Kyoto, so I am fairly familiar with the area, but my Japanese is terrible so I apologize in advance. I promise I am working my hardest to get better.
We would also appreciate any specific card shop advice, if anyone has any particular favorites. We don't mind traveling for some good deals too so if you know something in the outer Kyoto Area, or surrounding towns/cities I think we will be exploring a bit in Otsu and 1 day in Osaka. Thanks for your help in advance.
submitted by Mr-Java- to Kyoto [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Smooth-Extension-184 Will people get called husbando incels over this phone call event too or?

Will people get called husbando incels over this phone call event too or? submitted by Smooth-Extension-184 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Defiant-Chain-4120 [s2 act 3 spoilers] The most accurate alignement chart

submitted by Defiant-Chain-4120 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 damienchapus Biolevate’s raises €6M to helps medical writers keep up with the pace of new drugs

🚀 Did you hear the latest? Writing drug documentation is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the instructions—it's labor-intensive and can drive anyone mad! Paris-based Biolevate just raised €6 million to help medical writers speed up the process with their nifty NLP platform. Imagine if freelancers had a super-tool for every project! Time to upgrade our toolkit, folks. Who knew the future of pharma could also save our sanity?
Source: TechCrunch
Technews #freelancer #businessonline submitted by damienchapus to FreelancerUMCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 QuirkyAd591 Asiet

submitted by QuirkyAd591 to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 User56019 Trenger hjelp

Hei, jeg vil starte med aksjer siden jeg ser mange rundt meg driver med det. Er det noen som vil hjelpe meg, og prøve å forklare litt hvordan det funker? Og hvor skal man starte, må man lage en konto? Og hvor?
submitted by User56019 to aksjer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 506Steve hmmm

submitted by 506Steve to hmmm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Jakyoda Tom Defalco's Spider-Man

I want to get into the Black Suit saga but I'm not sure if Amazing Spider-Man #252, Spectacular Spider-Man #90 and Marvel Team-Up #141 are a good starting point for Spider-Man I've read Roger Stern Asm and Mantlo Spectacular runs are a better start but am i missing anything important with just starting with Secret Wars then heading into The Tom Defalco and Al Milgrom runs of Amazing and Spectacular? Thanks 🙂
submitted by Jakyoda to MarvelUnlimited [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Sriracha11235 Mom keeps accusing me of posting pornography on the internet

It's very confusing. She does it at family gatherings- weddings, funerals, holidays etc. and acts like she is concerned. This leads to me being alienated and isolated. I have never made any such content let alone posted it on the internet. I have no idea why she thinks it is happening. I asked her why she think this is happening and she says "a mother just knows"
In the meantime my sister is posting topless photos on the internet which have ended up on the family photo cloud. Never once has mom said a word about her.
submitted by Sriracha11235 to family [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Foxx64 F2P friendly NC

F2P friendly NC any advice is welcome!
submitted by Foxx64 to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Nervous_Green_1025 Any F in London UK? Yng M here for ANY AGE F. 05f8168a4dc0558258141363f21b94390a558970136c423f354a2ea632b38bea53

submitted by Nervous_Green_1025 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 PhraseWrong3036 Farmers auto insurance

Keep Farmers Auto Insurance out of the stockings this year. I cannot believe the hassle this company goes through to not pay a claim. I was rear ended in an accident on Sept 10th, 2024 and still attempting just to be compensated for the quoted repairs and medical bills without dipping into my pocket. Farmers has now avoided answering my correspondence for over a week and continues to be a burden to myself and the family. Stay far away from this company.
submitted by PhraseWrong3036 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 N4meless24- What's The Worst Isaac Enemy?

What's The Worst Isaac Enemy? submitted by N4meless24- to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 LintStalker Why did my brass turn pink?

Why did my brass turn pink? I washed some brass in my tumbler and about 1/4 of it came pink or dark like this. I’ve cleaned a lot of brass before and never had this happen. Is it safe to load?
submitted by LintStalker to reloading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 scatman454 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by scatman454 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 p_LoKi Offense is the best defense

Offense is the best defense here i didn't find the main idea, caring too much about the b pawn.
submitted by p_LoKi to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 Nearby-Oil246 Has anyone sent demand letters to Telnyx, Sinch, Charter/Spectrum, or Verizon?

Looking for individual experiences with each common carrier
I have been getting spam calls from VOIP users using these carriers, looking to sue..
submitted by Nearby-Oil246 to TCPA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:30 c_harry What capabilities do you think AI already possesses but are hidden from the public because society isn’t ready to accept them?

submitted by c_harry to AskReddit [link] [comments]