The "double take" my Corgi gave me when I picked her up from the groomer 🥹

2024.11.26 16:50 Brief_Notice_4231 The "double take" my Corgi gave me when I picked her up from the groomer 🥹

The submitted by Brief_Notice_4231 to Cutedogsreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 New-Order-8051 G545 akimbo

Hi guys so yesterday I made it to round 32 with the gs45 triple packed not akimbo. Does akimbo make it better or the same? I was destroying zombies
submitted by New-Order-8051 to BlackOps6Zombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 OrganicVeals Is this a counterfeit 100?

I was paid with this and it looks and feels like any other hundred. I usually collect coins and don't know anything about collecting paper money so any help would be appreciated.
submitted by OrganicVeals to papermoney [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 bunger2655 B.R.O.S episode 16: it's November now, huh

Why would you think it was canceled
submitted by bunger2655 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Odd_Beach_1193 Where can I find good historic content (cars and/or tracks)?

I'm currently searching for some older historic racing mods, any good places to look?
submitted by Odd_Beach_1193 to assettocorsa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 drpug1 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by drpug1 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 DoctorHousesCane HSC team is the real MVP for these intros

HSC team is the real MVP for these intros submitted by DoctorHousesCane to starcraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 PAPAhirs Is my clutch ok?

Is my clutch ok? Not sure if this is normal or not
submitted by PAPAhirs to snowmobiling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Certain_Wallaby2621 What do you think?

What do you think? Hello, I'm new to Reddit. I have been climbing for 10 years but I would like to try to take up triathlon. Until now I was riding a mountain bike. I would like to have just one bike that can go on the trails and also on the road. Do you know this model? THANKS
submitted by Certain_Wallaby2621 to triathlon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Monkey250810 Multiplayer having errors

Me and a friend could join each others worlds without any issues yesterday. now it always comes up with "failed to connect". we have tried everything but it always doesn't work.
submitted by Monkey250810 to eaglercraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 BhreXtreme Anybody else experiencing infinite loading screens on PS5? (Online)

Like the title says, when exiting events (Lockdown, Playlist lobbies, PVP racss) game enters into a infinite loading screen state. This happened like 5 with no exceptions. Any temporary solutions?
submitted by BhreXtreme to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 ToughCheetah7617 Mon employeur peut-il m'imposer de travailler alors que la législation encadrant mon travail n'est pas respectée ? (PNJ)

Une de mes connaissance rencontre un problème au travail. Elle travaille dans une unité de production en restauration. Elle a été victime d'une agression verbale assez violente qui avait pour cause la diffusion de musique avec une enceinte portable. La législation est claire, les téléphones et les enceintes ne sont pas autorisés là où elle travaille car proximité de produits alimentaires susceptibles d'être contaminés. L'employeur tolère néanmoins ces irrégularités. Suite à cette agression, il y a eu déclaration d'accident de travail et arrêt de travail par un médecin suite à épisode dépressif. L'employeur souhaite qu'elle reprenne son poste sans pouvoir lui garantir qu'elle pourra exercer non seulement dans le respect de la législation mais aussi sans craindre d'être de nouveau prise à partie. Quels sont les éventuels recours pouvant amener à un changement de poste ? Cette personne refuse de reprendre son poste car elle sait que les conditions d'exercice n'ont pas changé.
submitted by ToughCheetah7617 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 SpacePickle99 Help with monsters adonsonii ?

Help with monsters adonsonii ? submitted by SpacePickle99 to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 christinesixteen16 Best advice you have to someone who is thinking about breakup?

submitted by christinesixteen16 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Ok_Outcome1188 Pin-Pon toutes les saisons et epsiodes

Bonjour, je suis a la recherche de toutes les episodes de Pin-Pon qui passait a canal-famille. c'est pour un projet... j'ai trouvé ceux qui sont sur youtube mais il me les faudrait tous
submitted by Ok_Outcome1188 to lostmediaQC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 plugindeals Soundtoys Black Friday Sale - up to 75% Off 🚀

Soundtoys Black Friday Sale - up to 75% Off 🚀 submitted by plugindeals to plugindeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Joshie_mclovin Home made tritium lamp/betalight

Home made tritium lamp/betalight Picture 1:the home made lamp Picture 2: Bella Geiger counter Picture 3: screen of the Bella Picture 4: beta shield from Pripyat RKS Picture 5: back plate from GMC 300e+ Picture 6:manual from Bella Geiger Picture 7:radium compass on fiestaware Picture8:another picture of the lamp
submitted by Joshie_mclovin to Radiation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 KiandasBrot1 Help

Does anyone have a deck with Towers, Treasures, Heros, Leaders and Skill Tree with which you can best farm Coins?
submitted by KiandasBrot1 to GrowCastle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 SrNeko1378 AYUDA - Pc funciona mal, puede ser por el SSD? O es que quedo vieja la pc....

Hola gente buen dia, antes que nada gracias por leer.
TLDR: Me anda mal la compu, tengo el windows y los juegos en un SSD WD Green 500gb, no se si es eso o que mi pc es una gaver. Necesito recomendaciones sobre SSD o mothers y ssd m2
No entiendo mucho de compus pero me gusta jugar con la PC y ultimamente me pasa que siento que todo lo que instalo o quiero correr funciona mal. Claramente no tengo la mejor PC del mundo pero no se si es taaaan mala como para a veces no poder jugar juegos viejos a 60 fps.
Primero les paso lo que tengo.
Mother Gigabyte GA-AB350M GAMING 3 AM4
Procesador AMD RYZEN 7 2700X 4.35GHz Pinnacle AM4 105W
Ram Corsair DDR4 16GB (2x8GB) 2666MHz
Placa RTX 3060 12GB EVGA
Vengo notando que juegos que por ahi son medio demandantes tipo AAA me consumen mucho el disco, a veces me pasa que (viendo el monitor de recursos) todo esta en 60% pero el disco en 100%.
Hace no mucho cambie windows de un SSD de 120 GB (Kingston) a uno de WD Green de 500 gb que estoy usando como disco principal y ahi trato de instalar estos juegos que menciono como para que corran mejor.
Aparte de eso tengo el otro SSD el kingston de 120gb como secundario y aparte un HDD de 1TB donde pongo la porqueria.
Siento que ultimamente toda la PC en general esta funcionando mal, responde lento, todo tarda mucho en abrir (a ver tpoco es que estoy 5 minutos para abrir el guguel pero se entiende) y todos los juegos me van mal de FPS (exepto cosas muy basicas tipo indies o el lol).
Estuve leyendo otros post en el sub sobre que el SSD que compre (el WD Green) es una poronga basicamente y pienso si no puede ser eso lo que me esta cagando toda la PC pq sino no se. Estoy pensando en comprar un SSD nuevo quisiera algo mas piola y no se que comprar la verdad. No se como fijarme si mi mother soporta PCIE 4, estuve mirando y creo que no tiene ranura para M2.
Tpoco se si es que capaz mi PC quedo re vieja y yo pienso que no.... pero bueno.
Pense en cambiar el mother tambien, por uno que soporte M2 y tratar de comprarme algo asi pero no se estoy muy desconcertado. Si alguien me puede dar una mano, agradezco de todo corazao.
submitted by SrNeko1378 to ArgamingConsultas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 KwaNazo Where can I find good stores for jewelry, clothes, and perfumes in central Paris?

I'll visit Paris for the first time next month, and I want to take advantage of my trip to buy some good items while I'm there, especially perfumes. Any recommendations?
submitted by KwaNazo to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Awkward-Shoe5375 Ótica vai abrir agora com uma vaga linda dessa.

Ótica vai abrir agora com uma vaga linda dessa. submitted by Awkward-Shoe5375 to VagasArrombadas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 wtfamidoing248 Don't let others tell you how to live your life

Don't let others tell you how to live your life submitted by wtfamidoing248 to MotivationalPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Lana_craft Princess Celestia plush by Lanacraft

Princess Celestia plush by Lanacraft submitted by Lana_craft to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 Mammoth_Relative9317 tongue

28F here! For the past few days, I’ve been having these small, random twitches on the sides of my tongue, and it’s honestly freaking me out a bit. What’s weird is that I also feel a burning sensation on the tip of my tongue (I’ve seen others mention this here before), and sometimes, right after the twitching, I get this sharp, stabbing pain in the exact same spot.
Has anyone else dealt with something like this? Any tips or ideas on what could be going on? Feeling a little nervous about it. 😟
submitted by Mammoth_Relative9317 to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:50 GlamorouusJoy curly curly how do you like them? 💕🙈

curly curly how do you like them? 💕🙈 submitted by GlamorouusJoy to SelfieDump [link] [comments]