[Amazon] Gerber Gear Jukebox 2.7" Straight Edge Flipper EDC Knife - $24.50 (was $49.00)

2024.11.26 17:30 NewEnglandPrepper3 [Amazon] Gerber Gear Jukebox 2.7" Straight Edge Flipper EDC Knife - $24.50 (was $49.00)

submitted by NewEnglandPrepper3 to preppersales [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Icy_Appointment_6293 Riva Quenery

Riva Quenery Idk if kilala niyo siya, but I’m a silent fan of Riva and I think nga di sila okay ni Vern or wala na talaga.. ano kaya reason? Ka sad. Pero di ko naman din talaga feel si Vern nung una pa prang sobrang opposite nila ni Riva pero di deserve ni Riva kung ano mang reason :( ang bait bait ni Riva kaya!
submitted by Icy_Appointment_6293 to CelebsPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 SplitOk9720 Late update: I had my surgery.

It went.... Well for the most part. See my previous posts here for more background.
But basically after suffering since May with almost constant diverticulitis infection.. and c diff and all sorts of other complications... I finally had my surgery (sigmoid colectomy) on November 12. It took about 3 1/2 hours, almost 4.. a few complications like my colon and diverticula had fused to my uterus! Insanity, I had never heard of that, but the same thing apparently happened to my older sister and they discovered it during her hysterectomy last month.
Anyway... The post op pain was pretty intense. The hospital was giving me plenty of morphine via IV afterwards but I was still pretty sore. Sent me home with a post op drain tube that I had to empty and measure output every few hours. (NOT an ostomy)
I ended up getting sent home after 4 days, was having bowel movements and eating soft foods... But I told the docs I did not feel ready to head home yet.. insurance disagreed and I was sent home.
I landed back in a few days later with severe excruciating pain at my drain tube site... They ended up having to yank the drain out in the ED and admitted me again for two days.
Overall, I'm still not able to eat solids without pain, but I'm hoping that will eventually subside. Doing lots of ensure shakes and jello and broth.
I guess I just wanted to share my experience, if anyone is having doubts about the surgery... Just have it done. Even with the pain and complications I had personally, it's nothing compared to the pain of diverticulitis flare ups.
I'd do it again if I had to. I do not regret the surgery one bit. I am still healing and hopeful that things will be easing up for me soon.
Hoping the best for all of you here as well.
submitted by SplitOk9720 to Diverticulitis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 unmistakablyvague Referral link for those that need it. Thanks

Referral link for those that need it. Thanks submitted by unmistakablyvague to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Cinn4monSynonym People who leave the toilet seat/lid up, why?

submitted by Cinn4monSynonym to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 HarryBale31 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by HarryBale31 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 International-Ad3090 Fraværssamtale med HR. Hvad kan jeg forvente?

Funktionæransat ved kommune. Jeg er i dag af min leder inviteret til sygesamtale hvor HR inviteres. De siger det er for at nedbringe mit sygefravær. Jeg har haft flere endags-fravær ifm med et indgreb jeg har fået foretaget, samt noget medicin der har givet mig diarre. Derudover har jeg haft længerevarende fravær 5-ish dage, med influenza af 3 omgange i år. Det er meget. I know. Var til standard samtalen med “er du ok? Dit fravær ser sådan ud, hvad kan arbejdspladsen gøre?” For en måned siden. Jeg har så haft to enkelt-dages fravær, igen med diarre.
Der står jeg må tage en bisidder med til mødet.
Nogle HR-medarbejdere der kan fortælle mig, hvad kan jeg forvente af denne samtale? Hvad skal jeg evt forberede?
Min leder siger at det ikke er en tjenestelig samtale.
submitted by International-Ad3090 to dkkarriere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 TheSilentCheese I died.

I guess this is something of a memorial.
I got cocky. I had just landed on a chill dissonant planet. Weather was good, no predators. It seemed like a good spot for a home base to gather fuel for my A-class interceptor I had just found on a dissonant planet with the worst blizzard conditions I've experienced in this game. I figured if I could manage that, I could handle anything this seemingly relaxed planet could throw at me. I was just starting to get momentum on my 1st permadeath attempt, about 6hrs in. I found an echo locator drill I was about to grab to find a camp on this planet to farm sentinel ships. I thought I was prepared, I even pre dug a tunnel to dash into to hide from the sentinels. I started shooting the drill and in seconds the nearby sentinels demolished my sheilds. I dove underground. I thought I was safe, I would be okay. right? Nope, black screen and quote. I don't even remember what it said. I was too stunned to read it. RIP.
submitted by TheSilentCheese to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 imMadasaHatter In Canada, you have a charter right against self incrimination. A confession can never be used against you

submitted by imMadasaHatter to badlegaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Top_Experience6991 Price check? And if anyone interested throw some offers

Price check? And if anyone interested throw some offers submitted by Top_Experience6991 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Jazzlike_Ad_5033 I confirmed that this was NOT a typo.

I confirmed that this was NOT a typo. submitted by Jazzlike_Ad_5033 to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 ComradeAB Decided to clear out my desk drawer 📏✂️✏️

submitted by ComradeAB to knolling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Athletica_ai Contradictory warnings

submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 HopeTrick2928 "Arcane" S1 and S2 review [No spoilers]

I had a free weekend and the second season of arcane came out, but didn't remember the first season at all, so it was a no-brainer, 2 days, 2 seasons, simple and easy. The first season is a masterpiece, it's the usual first season of a show that gets people into the world, into the story, into the characters and cuts off right before everything is about to go wild and MY GOD Arcane does all the above so goddamn well, after the first season you know what each character is after, how fucked up they are, what are their ambitions and all of that accompanied by stunning visuals, great music and heart-ripping drama. The second season starts off right where the first one left off, the Act 1 and Act 2 (Ep.1-6) just keep pounding you with head-blowing action, neck-breaking music and berries you under your own teers, at the same fucking time! Honestly wasn't expecting this amount of drama mid season, though it kinda makes sense, because the ending isn't as... now, idk what adjective to pick to not downgrade the ending, I mean it's a great ending, it finishes all the character arcs nicely and very satisfyingly. but it's not something epic and world changing, would call it a peaceful ending. Also the story overall is great, but I'm not sure why people keep dying, just so in the next episode they're back on their feet, but it doesn't feel like they're out of their place, I just can't trust the show to actually kill someone, forever. The music is another thing I would like to mention, it's always nice to see when creators aren't afraid to put music over action and basically everything else, but when they've spent a gazillion bucks on the amazing tracks, made by great musicians, WHY THE HELL NOT!? I mean anybody that says the music distracts the viewer, more than "fills the glass of emotions to the top", just hasnt seen how a monsterous beast chasesa character while heavy guitars are playing in the background or how the music gets in that crack of your heart after a lovely character dies and just rips your heart half in two. Arcane is an amazing show that left me speechless for the rest of the day and recommend it to everyone, no matter what style of animation you like, no matter what music you enjoy, it has everything for everybody and it matters not wether you like LoL or not, Arcane works as well as any other show as a stand alone piece of art.
submitted by HopeTrick2928 to netflix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 CustomWritingsCoLTD UIC STAT 101 Class

Hi! I’m Jaime, I graduated with a masters in statistics, I’m based out of the Bay Area (CA)
Get your STAT 101 assignments, Pearson MyMathLab labs, tests & exams completed from as low as $20 per task!
My discord is CWCO#8243 Email: [email protected] | Reviews: Check pinned statisticsHomework post!
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Fickle-Ability6279 What price will you sell your smartphone for?

submitted by Fickle-Ability6279 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 ShowerNo1367 Kada se snima potjera?

U današnjoj epizodi je Morana izjavila da je danas svjetski dan maslina, koji se odrzava 26.11..
Snima li se emisija isti dan kad se emitira ili par dana unaprijed pa znaju datum kad ce emitirati? Iako malo mi je glupo da se svi ponasaju kao da je stvarno 26.11 iako nije.
submitted by ShowerNo1367 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 neurocentricx Are women more judgemental than men?

Sorry if this isn't the place to post this, I just don't know where else to go.
I'm new to the world of trying to date women. I'm plus size, but I think I'm pretty enough. When I looked for men, I'd have a bunch of likes, whether I'd actually like them notwithstanding. I'd get matches. Most of them went nowhere, but some of them did.
But now, only pursuing women... I'm getting nowhere. I've had three matches in the month I've tried women only. One dipped after she realized she didn't have time to date, and the other two never responded to my message. Most of those who like me or either bots or those in ENM relationships. I don't want to share or be a third.
Is it the apps, is it women, or is it me? Maybe all three, or a secret 4th thing? I'm just at a loss; I didn't think it would be this hard to find someone.
submitted by neurocentricx to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 soreperir bikini

submitted by soreperir to evalunna_nsfw [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Fit-Bluejay-7657 be ready with ____ boook

the book is refered is java script for kids
submitted by Fit-Bluejay-7657 to indiantechteen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Athletica_ai Choosing days and hours (time constraints)

Choosing days and hours (time constraints) submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 keshu_1239 Selling Horizon Forbidden West Free PS5 Upgrade (1450 + 50/50 Shipping)

Selling Horizon Forbidden West Free PS5 Upgrade (1450 + 50/50 Shipping) As per my previous post, sharing the images of the disk as well. Do let me know if you want it. Sorry but no negotiation will be entertained.
submitted by keshu_1239 to ps5india [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Jo-March_istheboss Feeling guilty for getting a pass on chores while family members struggle

Due to my chronic pain and its unpredictable nature, I often get a pass on household chores. While my family continues to handle most of the work, there are times when I can rest and avoid doing anything. But when I see them doing the chores, even when they're in pain or stressed, I feel guilty that they don’t get the same rest I do. They might be hurting, but they have no choice but to push through, while I get to step back. It’s hard to share my pain sometimes because I feel like I have it easier, even though I know they don’t have that luxury. I feel so much guilt, especially on days when I’m feeling better and can help. I worry that they might think I’m always capable of doing the chores, which isn’t true—it’s just that my pain is unpredictable, and I fear they’ll expect me to do more when I’m not able to. I’m torn between wanting compassion and being afraid I’ll fall into a pattern of learned helplessness, or worse, that I’m just making excuses.
submitted by Jo-March_istheboss to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Cokezerowh0re Random assortment of food

Random assortment of food Half a bagel (almost burnt it😭), cucumber, broccoli, and lobster soup with egg whites
Unappetising as it may seem, it was actually delicious!
And 270 calories (could’ve been lower but using a higher calorie bagel as I get them free from work lol)
submitted by Cokezerowh0re to goodrestrictionfood [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 AutoModerator Multilevel Models, Random Intercept & Slope for items ? | Stats & Data Analysis

Reach out on | Discord or email [email protected] to read Reviews & send Project / Task details and Get Started.

Statistics in Psychology | R Studio | Jamovi | STATA | SPSS | Excel |
submitted by AutoModerator to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]
