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2024.11.26 17:27 lss_web_1444 Link post title 163
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 trianglesaurus Are shows fully seated?
I was looking into tickets for the Oakland show tomorrow and saw that there is no pit or standing room. Is this how all shows in the current tour have been - fully seated? I’m not sure I want to go if I can’t more freely
submitted by trianglesaurus to KingDiamond [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 Cautious-Comfort-919 Bait and Switch Beer Bottle Caps
So I've been collecting beer bottle caps for a few years now and using magnets to stick them to the side of my beer fridge in the garage.
I don't like IPAs, don't really want domestics up there (don't drink 'em), and I'm running out of options for new caps. So I'm often on the lookout for something new.
So my wife sees this box of Shiners at the store and says perfect a bunch of new bottle caps! Not quite....every bottle has the same cap.
Even the 6 pack of the Holiday Cheer flavor she had bought separately a couple days before had the fancier cap, shown for comparison.
submitted by Cautious-Comfort-919 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 ThE_ToNy_sTaRk_ Help from Developers!! Can anyone suggest (with a reason) as a Developer should I go for Macbook Pro M4 or Macbook Air M3
submitted by ThE_ToNy_sTaRk_ to technology [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 Altruistic-Rub-9114 Should I make the trip for contraceptive pills?
I am due to renew my contraceptive pills in 4 days so I got on the platform provided by my doctor’s office website to renew my prescription and there was a 20€ charge for renewing it (this might be unnecessary information). Now, since I live in a country where there is free birth control and free consultations regarding it, I called the office and I was told all that doesn’t matter because I have to go in person to see the doctor again for the prescription as I haven’t seen her since January (had consultation then to change the pill followed by 3 months off it and then again on a different pill since July).
My issue is that my doctor is 3hrs away in the city that my parents live and I was planning to only go up in about 2/3 weeks which would mean getting off the pill. Has anyone had a one month off between the pill packs? I’m worried of the impact it’ll have on my me , ie hormones/mood.
Thank you
submitted by Altruistic-Rub-9114 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 ezjei Laptop for Video Editing, Gaming, and Coding!
hello! I've been searching for a decent laptop that would help me edit videos for work on the go.
budget is PHP60,000 to PHP65k-70k ($1k to $1.1k-1.2k)
most videos I edit are 1080p real estate videos, most are shot through DJI devices and some are shot in C-logs. i also color grade a lot so true-to-color screens would help a lot. for gaming, i mostly play AAA singleplayer games but I'm fine with just playing minecraft with mid-heavy shaders on (i'm also studying game dev but it's not much of a priority).
i've done a few research already and these are what i have in mind (I live in the Philippines!):
2024.11.26 17:27 LeoDaVinci-Baws Acum 35 de ani s-a luptat in strada pentru libertate si democratie, astazi batalia se da in online.
https://preview.redd.it/69lt8hn16a3e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=df292409702565712654926ba6bbe51eb6d6f8bb submitted by LeoDaVinci-Baws to Romania [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 Real-Shake9139 Delusional & Desperate
Clearly the people who say she never drinks, is disrespectful, or has bad language are delusional. She drinks every pearl party. She’s far from respectful that’s for sure! Keep kissing her ass minions because in a minute she will not have a pearl business! submitted by Real-Shake9139 to Funkmymonkksnarkk2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 GlasInMijnOog Printing magazine for small association
I'm planning on printing a small quarterly magazine for my association, to be distributed among its ~60 members. It does not need to look very professional, just decent. I'm thinking of A5 format, about 20-30 pages (which I think translates to 5-8 sheets of paper per magazine), normal paper (but maybe with a thicker cover), black and white. We have a printer, but I wonder how I can fold and staple the A4 sheets nicely. What equipment do you recommend? As I am planning on folding these A4 sheets into an A5 booklet, what kind of editing programme do you recommend to sort the pages? It would be nice if it'd be possible to work on the issues together in an online programme. We'd also like to produce PDF-versions of the magazine. Thanks in advance for your advice!
submitted by GlasInMijnOog to Printing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 Late_Requirement5739 Goodwill find
submitted by Late_Requirement5739 to EldenRingMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 Sure_Accountant5471 [Fluff] 90cf, and like 10min
Yes I got legend carried No I don't regret it submitted by Sure_Accountant5471 to battlecats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 DealioD What is the Comic Book You Are Currently Searching For, Which Should be Easy to Find, But You Can’t
Right now mine is Atomika #12. It should be easy to find right? I can’t. Did something happen to make it hard to find?
submitted by DealioD to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 FireDaTiger ok what is this? i was in a server with my friend and um
submitted by FireDaTiger to bloxd [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 brittalynn85 4 failed IUI, supposed to start IVF in December 9DPO, multiple brand
In July I underwent tubal recanalization as both fallopian tubes were closed. Only the right was able to be opened and then I went on to have 4 unsuccessful IUls. I took this month off before planning to start the IVF process next month. I took a test this morning and this is what shows up on the test. I used ovulation strips and I am likely 9 DPO, but cycle day 20 (inconsistent periods). Premom/easy@home/Frida submitted by brittalynn85 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 YoadIsF What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by YoadIsF to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 lss_web_1444 Image post title 318
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 unkind210 Upgrade Questions
Forgive me in advance. I tried to read as much on this as I could, but I’m still a little confused. If anyone could answer a few questions for me, I would greatly appreciate it!
2024.11.26 17:27 Deniel396 Papyrus is mad, make him laugh by giveing him some funny memes
submitted by Deniel396 to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 MauriceBishopsJewels 🇨🇴🇨🇴
submitted by MauriceBishopsJewels to PALGSS [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 YungMixtape2004 I built an app to help you get good startup ideas.
After spending 6 months building an AI chatbot that literally no one used (not even my friends who were initially super enthusiastic), I experienced firsthand why most side projects fail: it’s really easy to build solutions no one asked for. As a computer science student, I used to brainstorm ideas around exciting technologies like VR and crypto. But in the end, I was just thinking about solutions instead of solving actual problems.
Eventually, I came across this Paul Graham essay on how to get startup ideas (here) which mentions:
So instead of chasing new technologies, I started focusing on problems I face every day. To keep track of them, I built an app to log my daily annoyances. By logging your daily annoyances i can easily spot recurring patterns and start side projects that solve them. Since I also love brainstorming with ChatGPT, I added an AI integration to turn those annoyances into actionable startup ideas—with full MVP plans designed for solo founders like me.
2024.11.26 17:27 Full-Mulberry5018 This Cute Orange Tabby Cat 🐱
submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to FelinePhotographs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 Downtown_Fault_6859 Can we spam this post?
What if Binance has a weird change in listing protocol now? https://x.com/cz_binance/status/1861306581758976434?s=46 submitted by Downtown_Fault_6859 to ergonauts [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 JoeZocktGames Why does Shattered Space even exist?
My overall impression after playing through Shattered Space isn’t particularly positive. The game sends you to the planet Varuun'Kai to investigate a mysterious radio signal. Upon arrival, you're "greeted" (or rather, threatened) by a welcoming committee from House Varuun.
That’s where the issues began. After being stuck in a dialogue for several minutes, you’re asked whether you want to become the “Harbinger” because otherwise, you won’t be allowed into the city (okay...). Why they first meet me with outright hostility and then, mere seconds later, offer me one of the highest governmental positions out of nowhere is beyond me. Because I can hear the "spirit"? Alright then, I suppose it’s in line with Bethesda’s previous lapses in writing logic (Minutemen General, Arch-Mage in Skyrim, etc.). Once again, completely contrived.
Then the "story" begins. You have to help three noble families, and once again: far too quickly, and out of the blue, you’re involved in private and secret matters and have to make decisions about life and death. I’ve been here less than an hour!!! It reached peak absurdity when I had to decide whether a duel to the death should take place or whether it should be sabotaged. Why on earth is this decision up to me? And the best part: after saving both participants, I later overheard them lamenting the duel and reconciling with each other. When I approached one of them, all I got was: "Get out of my sight. You’ve robbed me of the chance to restore my honor"... Uh, okay, so go ahead and shoot him anyway? WTF??? At the very least, they could’ve changed the dialogue afterward if they’d already reconciled.
The main story is riddled with fetch quests, which is incredibly annoying. And true to Bethesda tradition, you’re required to build some massive device. Seriously, what is it with Bethesda and building something? They did this in Fallout 4 with the portal to the Institute. In Fallout 3, it was Liberty Prime. Not very original.
But what bothered me most is this: NOTHING, absolutely nothing in Shattered Space matters. At the end, you choose for or against the cause (no spoilers here), but none of it has any impact. In the Settled Systems, no one knows what happened on Varuun'Kai. Once again: Starfield feels like a theme park with countless attractions, but at the end of the day, the roller coaster doesn’t care what you did at the shooting gallery or bumper cars. This was already the case with the UC and Crimson Fleet (how on earth can a CF pirate enlist with the Vanguard?), and now it’s the same here. Life in the Settled Systems goes on as if nothing happened. No one knows I visited Varuun'Kai and became one of them. No one. Not even the Constellation comments on it afterward. Very, very weak!
On the other hand, I really liked the game world. Finally, a handcrafted open world, something Bethesda does well. Dazra and its surroundings are beautifully designed and exude atmosphere, completely unlike New Atlantis and the other environments, which feel like they were lazily slapped together. I’d love to see more of this in future expansions. The concept of a larger hub works much better than the generic stuff in the main game.
But, as I said, story, characters, and writing are absolutely terrible. Bethesda really needs to replace Emil Pagliarulo with someone who appreciates decisions and nonlinear storytelling. Emil seems to think players don’t like that sort of thing and instead prefer the simpler “Yes, Maybe-But-Yes, No-But-Yes” approach, and it shows here again. At the end, you’re asked who should rule the city. One of the dialogue options is “Me, of course.” The response? “Amusing thought, but no.” Are you kidding me? Really, Bethesda?
All in all, a major disappointment, especially for $30. The main story is extremely short, nonsensical, and trivial. You do a lot, but in the end, it amounts to nothing. In other words: a waste of time. There’s no new companion, and no new weapons either, only variations of existing ones (super lazy, to be honest).
4/10 points, I can’t recommend it at all.
submitted by JoeZocktGames to Starfield [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 17:27 DiogenesZadek Help with building a team
Hey, good afternoon, everyone. Could you guys help me out? I'm getting back into the game after a long time. What team would you recommend I build for progressing through the story/exploration using these characters? https://preview.redd.it/twbbepx96a3e1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=a718ed834131b8e2158bb1792effc2973feaa18b submitted by DiogenesZadek to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 17:27 Barch3 Russian Ruble falls four percent in one day
submitted by Barch3 to UkraineWarRoom [link] [comments] |