Ground-based Transmitters Cause Radiation Belt Electron Loss

2024.11.26 17:19 Galileos_grandson Ground-based Transmitters Cause Radiation Belt Electron Loss

Ground-based Transmitters Cause Radiation Belt Electron Loss submitted by Galileos_grandson to Physics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 SPAMTON_A Spamton if he was in another object based indie game

submitted by SPAMTON_A to Deltarune [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Plus-Court-9057 Disclosing CMA with listing?

Hello --- it seems that the CMA is widely used in an attempt to provide some objective basis for a listing's market or "fair" rate, and that a CMA maybe "back of napkin" process just looking at a few rough comps on zillow or it may be more thorough, perhaps using specialized software. Also my understanding is that a buyer agent may provide a CMA to buyer to help set list price and a seller agent may provide one to seller to evaluate list price and determine offer amount. My question is whether you have seen cases where the seller commissions a "throrough" written CMA report that then is disclosed with the listing to provide support for the list price? I would think this might be a good way in neutral or soft markets to make sure buyers understand why the listing objectively is a fair price.
submitted by Plus-Court-9057 to realtors [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Xayton Random, infinately spawning weapons

Can someone please explain to me what in God's name is happening here?
I was headed to the Chemical Plant and the first time a random sniper spawned into my secondary slot. I went back and put it in my stash, came back, and in the same area near the bridge an EBR spawned in my secondary slot. I dropped it and started testing and I am able to reproduce this fairly easily.
At first, it was spawning snipers, then shotguns. Here is a video.
Please excuse the audio my friends were having a conversation and it captured it as well.
submitted by Xayton to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 wunderlily This is my chihuahua Bagel looking at a bagel

This is my chihuahua Bagel looking at a bagel submitted by wunderlily to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 zach5632 SFP28 Transceiver Red Laser Flashing - No Link on Cisco

Hey all,
Wondering if anyone has seen a transceiver flashing laser before. I've always seen them solid red. Synology is trying to figure it out... but thought I'd throw a shout here to see if anyone has had success on this forum with the 25G Synology Cards.
Tried multiple PCIe slots. Control panel sees the card model number, so it has (some) sort of communication with the card...
Thought I'd be the transceiver...
Tried two:
- Supported: S28-10G-25G-SR-85C (supported on compatibility list)
- Unsupported: Cisco SFP-25G-SR-S Compatible SFP28 25GBASE-SR
The issue occurs before even plugging in the switch. Switch is a Cisco 9300 series with 6 100G ports.
On the Cisco end, im using Cisco QSFP-100G-SR4-S Compatible 100GBASE-SR4 QSFP28 850nm 100m DOM MPO-12/UPC MMF Optical Transceiver Module, Breakout to 4 x 25G-SR.
The NAS Unit is a RS3621RPxs
Thank you fellow networking wizards.
submitted by zach5632 to synology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 xzitony Discontinuation of the VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX)

Dear VCDX professional,
As part of our new go-to-market strategy that focuses on VMware Cloud Foundation, we have been reworking our certification framework behind the scenes.
After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue the VCDX program on December 31, 2024, and as a result, new candidates will not be eligible to earn any VCDX credentials.. We did not make this decision lightly, as we recognize the significant dedication, expertise, and passion that VCDX candidates bring to the VMware community.
submitted by xzitony to vmware [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Sensitive_Shirt6391 Mensa

Mensa Hilfe!? Kostet 5,25€
submitted by Sensitive_Shirt6391 to SchnitzelVerbrechen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Literally_NoBot Never again in my fucking life am I doing a cracked run in Slowroast Sewer.

Never again in my fucking life am I doing a cracked run in Slowroast Sewer. this took way too long bruh. i need a nap.
submitted by Literally_NoBot to ANTONBLAST [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 melonhead951 Dialga raid 505728697627 level 44 with top counters! We have two any extra welcome!

Dialga raid 505728697627 level 44 with top counters! We have two any extra welcome!
submitted by melonhead951 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Greg503 Update on tool i’m building to help sellers create product images with human models (no tech skills required) - you can now store your assets on the platform to come back and edit in the future! Would love any thoughts/feedback -

Update on tool i’m building to help sellers create product images with human models (no tech skills required) - you can now store your assets on the platform to come back and edit in the future! Would love any thoughts/feedback - submitted by Greg503 to ShopifySEO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Both-River-9455 "আমি বাংলাদেশের হিন্দুদের চিনি৷ আমাদের অনেক সীমাবদ্ধতা আছে। তাই বলে আমরা খুনাখুনি আর সন্ত্রাস করে বেড়াই না।" - মেঘমল্লার বসু

মাতাল জগাই-মাধাই ঔদ্ধত্যে কলসী দিয়ে নিত্যানন্দের মাথা ফাটিয়ে দিয়েছিল। শ্রী চৈতন্য রাগে-ক্রোধে অন্ধ হয়ে গিয়েছিলেন, প্রিয় নিতাইয়ের হাল দেখে। নিত্যানন্দ তাঁকে থামিয়ে জগাই-মাধাইকে একটা কথাই বলেছিলেন, "মেরেছিস কলসির কানা, তাই বলে কি প্রেম দিব না"।
যারা এই গল্প শুনে বড় হয়েছে, যারা সত্যিই শ্রী চৈতন্যের শিষ্য তারা কোনো দিন এই সব কাজ করতে পারে না। আমি বাংলাদেশের হিন্দুদের চিনি৷ আমাদের অনেক সীমাবদ্ধতা আছে। তাই বলে আমরা খুনাখুনি আর সন্ত্রাস করে বেড়াই না। কারা আমাদের দুর্দশাকে কাজে লাগিয়ে আমাদের এই হাল করছে, সেই মারীচদের চিনতে হবে। আমাদের রক্ষক সেজে কারা আমাদের দাঙ্গার দিকে ঠেলে দিচ্ছে তাদের মুখোশ খুলতে হবে।
হিন্দুত্ববাদীদের চেয়ে বড় শত্রু বাংলাদেশের হিন্দুদের আর কেউ নাই। এমনকি মুসলমানদের সাম্প্রদায়িক অংশও নয়। ধিক্কার আর লজ্জা।
submitted by Both-River-9455 to chekulars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 xLau93 Can you have POTS without fainting?

Hi all
I am 31, awaiting my first cardiology appointment (which isn't till June 2025 unfortunately..)
I have quite a few symptoms ever since my endometriosis, nerve damage of endometriosis surgery and adenomyosis gotten bad beginning this year. The pain of that deconditioned my body so much I started to develop posts symptoms. I have been off work since end February this year due to endo, adeno, nerve damage and the dizziness synptoms symptoms. My GP has been trying super hard for 3 months to get cardiology to accept their referral about me to get an 24-48 hour ECG tape and a tilt table test. Cardiology finally accepted the referral last Friday. My GP is almost certain I have POTS, I just need to get the official tests done for the diagnostic criteria. I have been following this subreddit and the UK page about POTS for a while for tips with my temperature control and fluid/salt intake etc.
I was actually wondering, is fainting a definite criteria for pots or can you have it without the actual fainting? This as I have only fainted twice back at work in 2021 while I was on Zoladex for my endo and just had my covid jab as well. It was at work, in full PPE (I am a nurse in intensive care) Other than that I have not fainted. I get very dizzy and lightheaded, my color drains from my face and hands and feel very hot with sometimes blurred vision with/or ringing in my ears. I always sit down on time, drink water and take a dextrose tablet or eat something if i have something near me.
I am just worried I suppose that nothing will show up on the TTT or ecg tape as my 12 lead one off ECG came back fine and I am not fainting. I am almost questioning if one of the other doctors I saw is right and it's all due to my anxiety and not POTS (even though I had one of those almost fainting episodes in front of her at the gp practice as month ago) I mean, I do have general anxiety disorder but it has been well controlled for more than a year thanks to therapy and medication.
Also, what is blood-pooling exactly? As in how does it show/feel? This below is my list of symptoms I showed my gp at my last check up when she send an expedite letter to cardiology, hence I now finally got an consultation appointment even though it is still a long wait..

Any answers/tips/advice etc is welcome
submitted by xLau93 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 RadarRacecar Question about price mechanics

I understand that there is a chart for how markup/sales chance works.
Since there is no formula listed anywhere I have seen, does this chart work like a greater than or equal kinda deal or differently.
My question really is, does selling at 9% markup still have a %90 chance to sell or is that the ceiling?
Just wondering if rounding down from %10 is worth while or not.
submitted by RadarRacecar to TCGCardShopSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 drisbro widgetsmith is making my ipad get stuck.

so i saw a video on Pinterest, about using widgetsmith to make my ipad more cutesy and pink and stuff, but it just made it stuck and slow☹️. i liked the app but unfortunately i had to delete it. did anyone else get this kind of issue? any other alternatives for widgets?
submitted by drisbro to ipad [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 IndustryHistorical29 Hakodate Port

Hakodate Port Motomachi. Surprised to see structures here do not look like your typical Japanese neighborhood.
submitted by IndustryHistorical29 to japanpics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Dryrathwallpapers Animated Arcane S2 Artwork, Free looped Phone Live Wallpaper

Animated Arcane S2 Artwork, Free looped Phone Live Wallpaper submitted by Dryrathwallpapers to wallpaperengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Ily_nokia Can someone slide a hog

submitted by Ily_nokia to PeroxideRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Hyth17 [WTS] Rare Vintage Omega Constellation Chronometer 1418 Stainless Steel $500

[WTS] Rare Vintage Omega Constellation Chronometer 1418 Stainless Steel $500 submitted by Hyth17 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Regular_Essay3641 Today Marks 28 Days of NoFap for Me

Same as the title says. Been feeling fantastic, and have had no thoughts of relapsing.
submitted by Regular_Essay3641 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Relevant-Sympathy So far, I am extremely into: Avowed (Hands-On Impressions)

So far, I am extremely into: Avowed (Hands-On Impressions) submitted by Relevant-Sympathy to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 HeRetiKMD Chosen

Chosen submitted by HeRetiKMD to DigitalPainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 lss_web_1444 Link post title 262

submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Portal-Gun-Bot Boat.

submitted by Portal-Gun-Bot to AnarchyAnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:19 Kyokomatic Are weapon rarities too impactful? You won't be replacing an epic piece for even a purple for a long while.

Are weapon rarities too impactful? You won't be replacing an epic piece for even a purple for a long while.
I know about Lost and Found, haven't completed it yet myself but purples are very easy to craft so at that point it seems easy to make epic weapons.
submitted by Kyokomatic to brightershores [link] [comments]