Unsubscribed from Jazwares…

2024.11.26 17:31 Michigan-Fish Unsubscribed from Jazwares…

Anyone else get multiple emails a day regarding The Vault and Squishpillows or whatever they are called? I couldn’t take it anymore…
submitted by Michigan-Fish to microgalaxysquadron [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 ThatKingz all cargo traffic goes to one small company

Hi, so after the update to 1.1.12f1 I noticed that 80% of my cargo traffic (trucks and delivery vehicles) from the cargo port, cargo rail terminal and about 40% of all "buying" cargo traffic only goes to one small industry company (storing food).
Its not the only company importing food, in fact I have a relatively big industry area but all are only interested in this one small company and it fucks up my traffic big time.
Anybody else have those issues now?
submitted by ThatKingz to CitiesSkylines2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 test_block_4 To report 2024-11-26 17:30:09

submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Iam_today I'm 32 years old and I live with my parents!!! 😭😭🤤🤪🤤🤤🤭🥴🥴🥴🥳🎉🤠😻🥰✨🦄😂😍💋💋👄👄💦💦💦💦💦 they're out of town. So I wanna mic with someone. I'm in Springfield Missouri. I've got lots of cringey and humiliating porn to trade!! Session and telegaurd are in the comments

submitted by Iam_today to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Remarkable_Guard_674 Shortcomings of Psychology: Medical science will never bring us happiness.

submitted by Remarkable_Guard_674 to theravada [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 In_My_SoT_Phase Common Infected Model Guide - Help

I have a blender model that I want to add to the workshop as a common infected.
I've got L4D2 authoring tools but I have no clue where to start on how to get this in the game. I assume it needs rigging etc, but again I have no clue.
Has anybody got a useful guide that walks someone with 0 experience into putting a custom model into the game?
submitted by In_My_SoT_Phase to l4d2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 44faced L Crock – Know Your Worth [Hip Hop, Rap]

submitted by 44faced to independentmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 International_Rich54 Mostly Sports Episode 300 starting lineups intro

submitted by International_Rich54 to barstoolsports [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 b_gone_thot [S2 act 1 spoilers] Silco called it in S1. Nobody understood the pre Isha Jinx better than Silco.

submitted by b_gone_thot to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 1hrm De ce nu pune nimeni conferinta de presesa a lui Georgescu?

Ma miram ca nu e inca postata, si am zis sa o pun eu.
Automat s-a sters postul. De ce?
submitted by 1hrm to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 BeansMcBeansy 23 [M4F] UK. Looking for my other half.

In terms of looks I have ginger hair, I'm skinny and I'm 6 ft 1. I work full time so if things went well you wouldn't have to worry about me sponging off you lol. In my spare time I like to spend it with my family and my dog. I'm also currently taking my driving lessons so hopefully I get my license soon. I love music and watching movies/TV shows. I used to love gaming too but I haven't for the past few years. So I couldn't talk about any new games with you. But I've still played a lot of games so could probably talk about some with you. I'm definitely a homebody so I wouldn't match well with someone who loves partying and stuff. I don't drink or smoke or take any drugs. I enjoy going out but only for walks with the dog or if it's for something family related. I'm quiet and introverted. But once I'm comfortable around someone you get to see my personality come out more. I've never been in a relationship or anything before so it'd be nice if I could make that happen. Tinder has been a complete waste of time so hopefully I can find something on here. I have a good heart and I think I'd do well in a relationship. And I think I'd be a good provider. If you like anything you've read then give me a DM and we can chat :)
submitted by BeansMcBeansy to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Aliencik Chris Wall Flutes & Whistles

So do we know when his Sweetbrass whistles will become available again?
submitted by Aliencik to tinwhistle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 ms_dux When is going to be live on actual game?

When can we actually play Viktor? How long does it stay on PBE?
submitted by ms_dux to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Jordan_reddit_ Join nodepay

submitted by Jordan_reddit_ to nodepay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 nerddling The last six months..

I wanna say thank you to the people on this forum. You guys honestly taught me how to survive these past six months while my husband and I were living in a tent. And ya'll provided a safe place to vent if need be.
My husband and I actually managed to purchase our first home on wheels. We now have a working shelter and it's thanks to you guys helping keep us alive and going.
submitted by nerddling to homeless [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 RegularCelestePlayer Can people just be happy for each other?

Can people just be happy for each other? Every time I see people posting about good things happening in their life the most upvoted comments are always people talking about how jealous and lonely they are. Thats a completely valid emotional response, like you can’t control how you feel, but why u gotta comment abt it and make op feel bad for being happy?
Also I just don’t really understand jealousy in general. Like I get wanting to have what someone else has, but why does that mean they shouldn’t have it too. I don’t understand why people can’t just want what someone has and be genuinely happy for them as well. If u wanna vent abt being lonely do it in your own posts where u aren’t making anyone feel bad
Also I guarantee that every person posting abt getting a date has also felt lonely and hopeless so y’all can do it too. Y’all are not unlovable, u just might not be putting urself out there enough
submitted by RegularCelestePlayer to boykisser [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 smoulderstoat Twelve Angry Men. No wait, Eleven Angry Men.

submitted by smoulderstoat to bestoflegaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 YoungBrief4126 Flagged for Turner’s syndrome

At 10 weeks I got my NIPT this is my 4th baby I got the results around 14 weeks I don’t know why it was so late but my doctor called and told me about ts and she really didn’t know much about it but said I would need to see a genetic doctor and she said she seen many stories where it was the mom who actually had it so I am nervous and I’ve been reading stories about the positive positives especially with turners because NIPT focuses on the other things like down syndrome I got my ultrasound at 12 weeks and five days and she looked good I spoke to the doctor and she has no fluid behind her neck! I’m just really scared and I have a genetic doctor appointment December 6th and I could proceed with the Amniocentesis same day if I want . I’m communication with a mother who went to the same thing and she has a beautiful baby girl she just had last month I’m just so anxious that I’m making myself sick over it I’m not even sure if I’m going to do the Amniocentesis? If the ultrasound that day looks good ?
submitted by YoungBrief4126 to NIPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Struxxy WB Dialga - 6234 2704 7556

submitted by Struxxy to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Specialist-Loquat521 One card

One card Add me in Monopoly GO! My Friend Code is MGO646YDB83V
submitted by Specialist-Loquat521 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 junger128 This Is Ohio

This Is Ohio submitted by junger128 to Ohio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Important-Abrocoma-3 Picture control presets

Anyone have any picture control recipes you would like to share? On a trip to Italy without my laptop and would love to have some better recipes so I can easily send to my phone while traveling .
submitted by Important-Abrocoma-3 to NikonZf [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 SebastianC2000 Two questions about the series

Hello! I began playing Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMIX on my Steam Deck OLED 2 weeks ago and I’m having a blast with Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. However, I have two questions:

  1. Which version of Chain of Memories should I play? The GBA version on my Retroid Pocket 4 Pro or Re:Chain of Memories in 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMIX on my Steam Deck OLED?
  1. Should I play 358/2 Days and Re:Coded on my modded New Nintendo 3DS XL, or should I just watch the cutscene movies for both games in 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMIX on my Steam Deck OLED?
I would really like to get some advice on what to do. Please let me know which route to take on these games, and thanks!
submitted by SebastianC2000 to KingdomHearts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 MokshitVasistta Whats wrong with c2c

I have applied C2c HNI category from 3 different accounts , and some news is going on that something is wrong with the company . Whats going on on ? Can anyone tell will the money be credited if i dont get allotment? I am serious with this guys , pls no funny comments 🙏😢
submitted by MokshitVasistta to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Patient_Course_7577 Let’s talk hockey coaching youth

Hey everyone,
I’m coaching mini mites and u11 house league.
I’m interested in continuing to develop myself. I’m very interested to learn what resources you have found valuable.
I’m in Canada and have taken the mandatory training but am interested in more in depth skating and hockey training.
I’m comfortable with drills and practice planning but am curious if you have come across any great courses on coaching. I’d love to see something that works through fundamentals and has advanced modules. Basically starts with techniques to teach mites skating, and continues to build from there.
I’m also curious if you recommend any leadership and/or general coaching books.
submitted by Patient_Course_7577 to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]
